My Danish Footprint in China

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在中国三十年 上世纪80年代初,丹麦藍罐®曲奇正式踏足中国,与中国发 展同步而上,由初时只有数个销售点,发展至今天超过45 个城市的销售网,为人民带来美味而传统的丹麦曲奇,也 一同创造不少正面价值。 坚守质量是我们的核心价值,严谨的质量监控,能让顾客 品尝到金黄、松脆及充满鲜牛油香的曲奇。我们有三大坚 持,「丹麦设厂,丹麦制造,丹麦进口」,只为造出纯正 美味及符合质量监控指针的食品。 作为食品生产商,我们承诺以严格的食物安全标准去确保 顾客的健康。同时,我们会正视顾客的意见,透过听取和 响应令产品不断改进。 丹麦藍罐®曲奇,更成为节日时馈赠亲友的上佳礼物之一, 引进了外国节庆礼仪,与中国「孝敬互爱」的概念不谋而 合。

适应市场并以 社会责任为己任 JYSK居适家是欧洲最大的床上用品及家居用品的零售连锁 店之一,成立于1979年丹麦。

广告费的投放,活跃中国营销市场的发展。多年来,丹麦 藍罐®曲奇所投资的广告费,对广告业发展,绝对起积极的 刺激作用。除传统的电视及平面广告,我们勇于创新,将 媒体广及户外广告、公交车车身广告、地铁广告、甚至网 上广告。

JYSK居适家对于自己的供应商都有严格的标准,以确保这 些供应商在为JYSK居适家生产商品的过程中保护环境,履 行社会责任。

JYSK居适家与中国的渊源要追溯到上世纪90年代初。当 时,拥有者Lars Larsen先生到中国进行床上用品、毛巾及 家居用品的采购工作,彼时能与他用英语沟通的中国人并 不多。但当他2010年4月再次回到上海,为第一家中国地区 的JYSK居适家门店开业剪彩时,他发现中国已经发生了翻 天覆地的变化。 JYSK居适家在中国的计划是成为拥有至少500家店的睡眠专 家,目前已经在中国顺利开出9家商店。

罗马并非一日建成,所以任何的改变都需要通过直面问 题、解决问题的方法才会达成。这也是为什么我们愿与供 应商共同应对挑战,因为只有这样我们才能向前进步。

JYSK居适家意识到对于一个全球企业来说,任何商业决定 或行为都会对周围社会及环境带来不可忽视的影响。所以 我们致力于成为一个富有社会责任感的零售商,以契合消 费者对我们的期望。

举一个关于商品的例子:中国消费者喜欢偏硬的床 垫,JYSK居适家床垫的全球采购用 “硬得像石头”来形 容。JYSK居适家中国在2011年春推出了几款硬床垫,受到 了中国消费者的异常推崇,这在欧洲几乎是不可想象的。 或请访问主页

丹麦与中国人民,无论在文化传统还是生活习惯上都有很 大的不同。 JYSK居适家有着积极响应当地市场需求的传 统,所以我们也在逐步调整商品,让JYSK居适家更受消费 者的青睐。

SOFT OR HARD IN CHINA Founded in Denmark 1979, JYSK is one of the largest European bedding and home furnishing chain stores. The history of JYSK doing business in China can be traced back to the early 90s, when JYSK owner Lars Larsen came to China to source bed linen, towels and soft furnishings. Mr. Larsen found it was not easy to find Chinese people who understood English; but in April 2010 when he came back and opened his very first JYSK store in China, located in the YangPu District, Shanghai, he realized things have changed a great deal. JYSK now aims to open at least 500 stores in Mainland China, and already runs 9 stores in Shanghai and Wuxi. JYSK recognizes that, as an international concern, its actions have an impact on our surroundings. We want to be a socially responsible retailer handling “soft” and “hard” expectations clearly and fairly. JYSK performs both announced and unannounced inspections of our suppliers in order to ensure that our contractual agreements concerning social and environmental standards are met.


Change does not happen overnight, nor does it happen by ignoring problems when they occur. This is why we continue working with suppliers who have challenges and help them to correct their mistakes, because we will only be able to move forward if we work together.

丹麦藍罐®曲奇作为一个国际知名品牌,在中国已家传户 晓,是不可或缺的名字,是营销界的重点产品。我们示范 了一个好品牌,如何带来经济效益 ,鼓励同业建立植根于 中国的大品牌。 请浏览产品网页

THIRTY YEARS IN CHINA Kjeldsens® Butter Cookies entered the Chinese market in the early 1980s and along with the rapid development of the country, quickly flourished from a few retail locations to today’s extensive retail network covering over 45 cities. In addition to bringing the flavours of traditional Danish butter cookies to the Chinese over the years, Kjeldsens® has also created a wealth of positive values, joining hands with the Chinese community to achieve extraordinary results. Safeguarding quality is one of our top priorities, and only through strict quality control are our customers able to experience the true golden, crunchy, full of butter aroma that Kjeldsens® offers. Kjeldsens® Butter Cookies are created, produced in and imported from Denmark, an enduring promise that guarantees the quality and flavours of our product. Our commitment to food quality and safety is being highlighted both by ourselves and our customers. As such we contribute positively to public opinion and focus on the issue of healthy and safe quality food as a major selling point.

An ideal gift for any festive occasion, Kjeldsens® Butter Cookies not only introduced the Western idea of celebratory gift giving to China, it also blends seamlessly into the Chinese values of filial piety, respect and love. Investments in advertising have stimulated the development of China’s retail market. Over the years, advertising investments by Kjeldsens® Butter Cookies have also energised and revitalised the advertising industry. In addition to television and print advertising, we have also explored new and innovative channels including multimedia and outdoor advertising, public and underground transport advertising, as well as online advertising. As an internationally renowned brand, Kjeldsens® Butter Cookies have become a household name in China, and a valuable and influential product within the retail market. Through this example, we have exhibited how to bring about positive economic results, and encourage our industry counterparts to create similar largescale brands in China. Please visit us at

We also recognize that the Danes and the Chinese at times have different habits, traditions and expectations. This goes for our cooperation both on products and processes. An example from the product side: Chinese customers prefer harder mattresses than European customers – (described as “hard as stone” by JYSK Danish buyer Jakob Leth). JYSK China therefore launched several typical “Chinese Hard” mattresses, which proved to be a great success, but would never sell in Denmark. Further information:


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