Reasons to Rely on SEO for the Success of Your Online Business

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Reasons to Rely on SEO for the Success of Your Online Business

A few days back, I was having a conversation with one of my new clients, Mr Luca Brown, an information technology assignment help provider in the United States. We were discussing updated marketing opportunities for his new online venture when he said something that bothered the marketer inside me. “I would rather opt for social media campaigns and offline promotions. SEO is dead these days and I want to ignore that part for my business promotions.� And this is precisely what has egged me to write this post.

SEO is far from being dead. Yes, the strategies and tactics may have changed due to the updated Google SEO algorithm. But, the impact of SEO is intact. Let us have a look at some recent statistics of 2019 related to SEO to understand the indispensability of SEO better. • 59% of small businesses follow a strict SEO strategy • 63% of businesses opt for social media marketing, which is a part of SEO. • Businesses that have a proper SEO plan have a conversion rate of 14.6% • 44% of traffic occurs due to organic search on Google All in all, the magic of SEO still prevails and holds the power to determine the future of your business in the online world. Like my client, if you too have doubts regarding the impact of SEO, here are top 5 reasons to abide by SEO for your business.

1.SEO bridges the gap between you and your customers Are you completely aware of the services or products that your customers are looking for? Say you own a clothing website for women’s fashion. You focus on the sale of cocktail dresses since that’s what your customers have been buying all this while. Your customers may want the dress because it was a part of the fashion trend. But what would happen when the trend changes? What if your customers try searching for sheath dresses instead of cocktail dresses? How do you plan to know the needs, demands and expectations of your potential customers? SEO unpacks customer behaviour data to you. All you need to do is sign in to the Google Analytics account and keep a tab on the needs and requirements of your potential buyers. Keywords are an integral part of SEO as they let you know about what your customers are searching for. Once you know what your target clients are looking for, it will be easier for you to drive in more leads to your business.

2.SEO helps a business stand out of the rest Imagine that you have planned to take your family out for dinner at a restaurant in your locality. Would you just go to any random restaurant that you come across on your way? Most probably, no. You would search online for the good restaurants in your locality and choose the best one among the lot. Your target customers do the same thing when they look for your nature of business. They analyse different companies and choose the best one among them. How do you intend to beat your competitors in this competitive digital world? SEO lets you beat your competitors efficiently. SEO lets you set your business apart from the rest. From content creation to monitoring your competitor’s backlink profiles, SEO opens up thousands of windows for business owners to make their online venture stand apart from the rest. Most importantly, you can monitor your competitor’s strategies through SEO and come up with even better strategies.

3.SEO builds trust and credibility among your target clients Let us go back to restaurants again. Would you like to visit a restaurant that has zero credibility among people? No matter what your nature of the business, trust is a very important factor in making it successful. The more people trust you; the more traffic your website gets. Having a beautiful website is not enough. You need to earn the goodwill of your target clients to be successful in the online world. You may have the best content for your potential customer. Your website may have the exact products and services that your target clients are looking for. But, all this goes in vain if your audience doesn’t trust you. SEO makes the process of earning your target clients’ trust way easier. You can ask your client to leave positive reviews for your services online and take care of your online reputation management. Technically, SEO encompasses tons of techniques to establish authority in your website on Google. Some of the techniques include quality backlink profiles, positive user-behaviour, optimised on-page elements and content and machine-learning signals.

4.SEO paves the way for long-term audience “I can just pay for my advertisements and attract my audience.” I have had clients who said this and ended up losing many customers. This is because paid advertisements do not lead to long-term clients. You may enjoy thousands of clients after sharing the advertisement. But, what happens when the clients find someone else in the market- someone even better than your services? You will find yourself losing valuable customers and you wouldn’t be able to hold them back no matter what you do. That is where SEO comes into the forefront. For more information visit us. 24 x7 availability with assignment writing support as well. You can reach us: Lytchett House, 13 Freeland Park Wareham Road Lytchett Matravers, Poole Dorset, BH16 6FA. Call us at +441212854112

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