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Graphic designer and combat sports photographer info@luucreative.com.au

For more information on the program and Relationship Rocketscience visit


The Human Side of Sport

Humanising athletes; more than just a player

The Human Side of Sport program is an unseen program being offered to high calibre sporting organisations. The program has less of a focus on team building, rather valuing the importance of the individuals that make up that team themselves. If a player is healthy and strong themselves, they will be abundantly more valuable as a team member and cohesive to team building.

Any amount of funding spent on team building retreats and exercises is wasted if an individual is not in the appropriate state to absorb and implement it. This is why a program dedicated to not only the group, but the single players within it, is vital to the proper functioning of a team. The program is able to teach players the importance of themselves, not just as a

member of a team and their public persona, but their private life as well; their status as a son, a brother, a partner and a human being and how to better understand their place in society as a whole. Whilst being a member of this team may be a very important and defining part of their life, it is not their whole life. The Human Side of Sport is not only successful due to its distinctiveness and unique nature, but the fact that the

program has been designed by specialists who have completed existing training protocols and have therefore identified the weak areas or areas in which training is lacking and have fulfilled them. Our consultants are flexible and able to customise a program to your team’s specific needs. This may mean a one off seminar, a scheduled appointment with team members or being brought in for specific trouble areas or individuals.

For more information on the program and Relationship Rocketscience visit


Human Side Of Life After Prison The Ultimate Prevention Over Cure Approach

The number of men and women behind bars is growing, but if Relationship Rocketscience has their way, once inmates are released they won’t be coming back and will establish a long, prosperous life for themselves. The Relationshipology Program The Human Side Of Life After Prison is focused on helping inmates prepare for life after prison and re-establish positive relationships with themselves, family and friends after their release. The initial adjustment period after release is a time of extreme vulnerability. It is possible that on return to the community, historical variables associated with suicide

such as hopelessness, significant loss, social isolation, lack of support, and poor coping skills are especially significant, as a considerable number are already predisposed to suicide because of mental illness and/or substance misuse. The facilitation of programs whilst inmates are still incarcerated is not only to aid them once released but to also help inmates maintain their sense of community while behind bars. We are creating opportunities for carefully screened and trained inmates to build confidence and help support fellow inmates.

The Human Side Of Life After Prison Program aims to achieve a smooth transition and ultimately prevention of further crimes. Studies show that many offenders tend to end up back in prison when they can’t find employment or if they have strained family and marital relations. Research also shows that offenders fare best on the outside when they run through some of the sticky situations they’ll encounter ahead of time, such as talking about their prison time with a potential employer, and learn some problemsolving and social skills to help them navigate their new lives

The Program helps inmates to: •

Understand how relationships work and how to create a healthy environment with supportive and compassionate relationships

Re-connect with family and loved ones

Positively re-enter the community

Improve their life skills and define their passion and purpose

Prepare for release and entering life outside prison

Create a platform to effectively find a job and resume life on track

Photography, design and art direction for Fight Night 47: Contenders Client: Nick Lundh

Photography, design and art direction for Fighters Express Promotions Client: Peter Hatton

Social media material

Photography, design and art direction for Road to Rebellion 3 Promotions Client: Sy Nadji

Photography, design and art direction for Rebellion Muay Thai 8 Client: Sy Nadji

Photography and design for W.L Fight Photography photo book advert

Photography and retouching for Scramble Stuff UK Client: Scramble Stuff UK

Design and art direction for BOA Super 8 Client: Sy Nadji

Photography and retouching for Ziggy’s Eatery and collaboration with John Kappa from Perception Design Client: Ziggy’s Eatery

Fruit wars

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