William heikkinnen's success story began in andover

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William Heikkinnen's Success Story Began in Andover William Heikkinnen's childhood seems like the all American dream. Growing up with Mom, Dad and two siblings in Andover, Massachusetts. William loved sports from the time he could hold a bat and ball. While in grade school he seemed to excel at everything including his academic grades and football.

Growing up in Andover, Massachusetts is like any other beginning of a story and a child growing up in America. The difference with William Heikkinen is that he had a deep love for all things sports. It doesn’t just end with the love of sports because it seems that whatever challenge faces he manages to do an excellent job. With all the sports he had played he has managed to excel at them all. The story doesn’t just end with his ability to be great at sports and his love for football. William Heikkinen also managed to get perfect grades all through high school. Attending Andover High School, William Heikkinen made perfect grades and earned a multitude of awards including the Chemistry and Survey of Film Underclassmen awards, the honor roll, lettered in football all three years and lettered in track and field. William Heikkinen loved football from the time he was big enough to hold one. His love for the sport continued right through his high school days. With his academic success and his love for football is it any wonder that a top Ivy League School wanted him? Brown University, located in Providence, Rhode Island was the choice for William Heikkinen. Although Heikkinen received interest from other top-notch colleges like Harvard and Princeton his final choice and selection was to attend Brown University. There has been a longstanding history with Andover High School and Brown University. More than a few of the Andover High School football team members have chosen to attend Brown University. The academic program at Brown University is superb. With the football team at Brown University and the high academic level, William Heikkinen made his choice. William Heikkinnen's success story seems to be just beginning and all eyes are on him. Most people would squirm under this type of pressure but William seems to get better by the day. Being such a wellrounded individual has given William Heikkinen the ability to choose any Ivy League school and he knows what he wants. Not only he is academically gifted enough to attend Brown University his love for football and playing on the team with the Brown Bears proves he can handle pretty much anything thrown in his direction. About: William Heikkinen grew up in Andover Massachusetts and attended Andover High School. Living at home with his parents and two siblings William exceled both at sports and academics. He is the winner of many awards including Lettered in track and field. Lettered in football all three years and was a winner of the Chemistry and Survey of Film Underclassman awards. William Heikkinen is a freshman at Brown University and plays on the football team. For more information William Heikkinen and his achievements feel free to visit http://www.williamheikkinen.com/. There is no doubt that William Heikkinen will achieve the best in academics, sports and campus social life while attending this well-known Ivy League School.

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