William heikkinen’s passion for american football

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William Heikkinen’s Passion for American Football William Heikkinen, a star American Football player and Ivy League student, has always had a passion for sport. From an active family who likes to enjoy fishing, skiing, baseball, basketball and a host of other sports, it is perhaps no surprise that William embarked on a career in football. As William continues an impressive career as a wide receiver for the renowned Brown Bears team at Brown University, it is worth looking back at the history behind William Heikkinen’s passion for American Football. Born in 1994 in Andover, Massachusetts, William Heikkinen is the eldest of three and began taking part in sporting activities at a young age. He first started skiing with his family, and still enjoys the sport until this day. However, it wasn’t until William joined an Andover Little League baseball team that he got his first proper taste of team sports. It was here that William Heikkinen developed his passion for team sports, including American Football. Enjoying the fun and competitive nature of team games, William started playing football in eighth grade, where he found a new favorite pastime and began to learn the skills that still serve him today. After several years learning the game, William Heikkinen’s passion for American Football was about to receive a major boost; when he moved to Andover High School, he began playing for the school’s Golden Warriors in the position of receiver, and made a huge impact on teammates and spectators. Early on in William Heikkinen’s high school football career, he was recognized by fellow Golden Warriors as having star potential. This made William even more determined to live up to his potential, and he worked even harder to hone his skills and bring results for his team. William Heikkinen’s hard work paid off; he earned the First Team All-State recognition from the Boston Globe and Boston Herald, was two-time Merrimack Valley Conference All-Star and was named Student Athlete of the Month by local Andover newspaper the Eagle Tribune. Throughout this time, William Heikkinen’s passion for American Football only grew further. Realising that he had a potential for a future in the sport, William trained even harder to achieve on the field, and was lettered in football for all three years of his high school life. His achievements brought him a lot of attention from Ivy League schools including Brown University and Harvard, which encouraged William to work even harder to make sure that he was living up to both his academic and sporting potential.All of this paid off; William was named to the Honor Roll every term and consistently achieved top grades at school. William Heikkinen finally chose Brown University to continue his studies and to further his passion for American Football. This choice came after considering that Brown could offer him an exceptional standard of education as well as help him develop as an American Football player. Brown University was ranked number 16 in the 2015 edition of best US colleges, and has the fourth largest program for collegiate athletics. With the Brown Bears team playing home games in the 20,000 seat Brown Stadium in Providence, Rhode Island, William Heikkinen can finally display his passion for American Football to thousands of spectators.

William knows that his passion for American Football brings other benefits. With many major companies choosing to employ former college student-athletes, he stands in good stead to succeed, whatever the future has in store for him. With great leadership and teamwork skills, time management and dealing with pressure and defeat, William Heikkinen’s passion for American Football has no doubt already equipped him with valuable skills that he can apply to his college life and football career and way beyond.

About Us: William Heikkinen is a star football player and Ivy League school student. William is currently a freshman at Brown University and a wide receiver for Brown Bears football team sporting number 88. A lover of all things sport, William has received many awards and recognitions including being named Student Athlete of the Month by the Eagle Tribune and First Team All-State by the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald. William Heikkinen closed his high school football career with 126 catches for 1960 yards for his team the Golden Warriors in Andover, and was lettered in football for 3 years as well as in track and field. William has numerous other achievements under his belt including making Honor Roll every term, volunteering at a local Massachusetts elementary school and being Winner of the Chemistry and Survey of Film Underclassmen awards. To find out more, please visit: http://www.williamheikkinen.com/

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