Will Heikkinen Massachusetts: How to Keep Children Active this Summer

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Will Heikkinen Massachusetts: How to Keep Children Active this Summer Now that summer’s here, you may be scrambling for ideas to keep your children active and occupied. There are several ways to tackle this challenge, says William Heikkinen Providence RI. William Heikkinen Brown University: Top Summer Activities for Children Some suggestions by Will Heikkinen RI include:

Hosting a Reading Contest: Research fun ways to improve mental fitness and get your children interested in reading. In other words, make it fun with prizes and surprises for completing new reading challenges. According to William Heikkinen Brown, you can try a variety of e-reading apps by searching iTunes or Google Play stores. A quick Google search online should also give you tips on how to make reading fun.

Geocaching – This activity is perfect for getting a full dose of adventure – and education – at the same time. Geocaching is an upgrade to traditional scavenger hunts, because it covers a bigger topography – and you need a smartphone with GPS to find the hidden treasures, according to Will Heikkinen Massachusetts. It’s also a very simple way to get your child interested in hands-on learning. Remember: When you do find places to geocache, be sure to follow safety protocols, such as applying sunscreen and carrying enough water and snacks to keep little ones fueled and hydrated – per Will Heikkinen Providence Rhode Island.

Outdoor Games – One way to exercise your child’s body and mind is to take playtime outdoors. Try Twister games with spray paint on grass, for example, or Scrabble with giant cardboard letters.

William Heikkinen Brown has listed three ideas to get you started on a summer full of fun – and learning. However, there are hundreds of other activities to try. Get creative by searching for inspiration on parenting blogs that have a chockful of ideas – per Will Heikkinen Brown University.

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