Why william heikkinen has joined brown university?

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Why William Heikkinen Has Joined Brown University? A star high school football player, William-Heikkinen has a long history of success in both sport and academics. A straight A student at Andover High School in his home state of Massachusetts, they has consistently worked hard and strived to achieve the high goals he has set for himself. This all started when got his first taste of team sports participating in Little League baseball as a child. Encouraged by his very active and sport-loving family, William then went on to try his hand at American Football in eighth grade. This was what ignited his passion for American football, and although he didn’t know it at the time, it would lead to one of the major reasons why he has joined Brown University. Although only young at the time, he gained the skills and experience he needed to become a star football player. At Andover High School, William-Heikkinen became the football team’s star player in position of receiver. Winning several awards and accolades, he was lettered in football for all three years, and made the Honor Roll every term. Some of the highlights of William-Heikkinen’s high school and football career include being named Student Athlete of the Month by the Eagle Tribune and being twice-named Merrimack Valley Conference All-Star. In addition to sports and his consistent A grades, William Heikkinen has also volunteered as a mentor for children in his local community. After and impressivesenior year both on and off the football field, William-Heikkinen started to receive offers from numerous Ivy League colleges and other schools. Despite all the choicesin front of him, he decided to pursue at his education at Brown University for a number of reasons. A key factor in why has joined Brown University is the history between Andover and the Ivy League school. Several players from Andover’s Golden Warriors went on to have exceptional careers as Brown Bears at the college, and William Heikkinen hopes to follow in their footsteps. Examples of football players who have travelled this path include James Perry, Bobby, Mark, Paul and Buddy Farnham, Bill O’Brien, Brendan and Neil Finneran and Andy Coke. This Andover/Brown legacy is one of the principal reasons why William has joined the school. Brown University is also located in Providence, which is in close proximity to Andover, making one more reason why he has joined Brown University. Dedicated to serving his local community, he is able to travel back to his home town often to join family, friends and acquaintances in the area. In addition to the above reasons, another factor in why William has joined Brown University is the high standard of education that he knows he will receive. Most recently listed as number 16 in the best National Universities in 2015, Brown is an attractive option for a high-achiever such as William. Offering an exceptional standard of education, William-Heikkinen believes that in addition to the skills that football has provided him, the level of teaching at the Ivy League college will help him forge a career in any discipline he chooses. Finally, a key part in why he has joined Brown University is the opportunity to play for a renowned and elite American Football team. With a stadium hosting 20,000 spectators, he is finally able to

participate in his passion in front of huge numbers of spectators and deliver his absolute maximum to the sport that he loves. Brown University was chosen by William-Heikkinen for several reasons, including the opportunities that it offers for academic development and gaining valuable life skills. Ultimately, however, the choice provides William with the chance to live his dream of playing American Football at the elite level he never once thought was possible for him.

About Us: William Heikkinen is a star football player and Ivy League school student. William is currently a freshman at Brown University and a wide receiver for Brown Bears football team sporting number 88. A lover of all things sport, William has received many awards and recognitions including being named Student Athlete of the Month by the Eagle Tribune and First Team All-State by the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald. William Heikkinen closed his high school football career with 126 catches for 1960 yards for his team the Golden Warriors in Andover, and was lettered in football for 3 years as well as in track and field. William has numerous other achievements under his belt including making Honor Roll every term, volunteering at a local Massachusetts elementary school and being Winner of the Chemistry and Survey of Film Underclassmen awards. To find out more, please visit: http://www.williamheikkinen.com/

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