William Chiu favorite recipes

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I love baking with my mommy in the kitchen. The fragrance from the kitchen fills the entire house whenever we bake. It is so much fun because I get to eat extra whenever I bake with mom. My mom actually does not like to cook, but she loves to bake. She bakes everything from scratch because I have food allergy. She also uses organic ingredients whenever possible. All my friends love her cookies and cakes. Here is one of my favorite family recipes. It is the most delicious banana bread you have ever tasted. It is so easy to make and very healthy for breakfast and snack as well.

William’s Banana Bread

4 over ripe bananas 12/3 cup flour 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda Dash of salt 2 eggs 1 teaspoon real vanilla extract 1 /2 stick melted non-salt butter 2 /3 cup dried cranberry 1 cup walnuts Mash bananas in large bowl. Add sugar, salt, eggs, butter, vanilla into bowl. Shift flour and baking soda together. Add flour mixture into bowl. Mix gently just enough to combine the ingredients together (Tip: do not over mix, or the bread will be chewy and tough! It is ok to see some small lumps of flour). Pour ingredients into a bread loaf pan. Decorate top with walnuts (Tip: Fun to decorate with patterns!). Bake at 350 degree oven for 75 minutes. Bon Appetite!

Coming up next month…. a little scalloped shape French cake called Madeleine. It is the most yummy petite cake that you will ever taste! Whenever I find them in my snack box, my friends in school could not stop begging me for one. I hope you will try them with you mom over the holidays. It is so easy and so much fun! Don’t forget to make extra for your friends too ☺ !

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