Benefits of Motorbike & Scooter MOT in Surrey

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Benefits of Motorbike & Scooter MOT in Surrey

If you are a motorbike/scooter owner, make sure it is in top condition always. The motorbike/scooter owner is accountable for their own safety as well as other road users. As per the UK government guidelines, every vehicle should be legally roadworthy and this is where Motorbike/Scooter MOT (Ministry of Transport test) comes in.

When we talk about motorbike mot, it is not required if your motorcycle is under 3 years old. However, once it crosses the 3 years duration or after the first three years of your bike's life, make sure your motorbike undergoes an annual motorcycle MOT inspection. It is a must-have test that ensures your vehicle is up to the required standards and is safe on the road. Remember that riding your motorbike/scooter without having a MOT certificate can lead to a fine and will invalidate your insurance policy. What is a Motorbike/Scooter MOT? It is just like a car MOT. This test ensures your bike is safe and legal to ride. You must know that it is different from motorcycle servicing/motorbike servicing where the bike’s general condition will be checked. The MOT test is more than motorcycle servicing/motorbike servicing like engine, clutch or gearbox. In the MOT test, the professional MOT check service provider will check various components of the motorcycle/scooter, which are deemed to affect health and safety. Apart from the main body of your motorbike/scooter, there are some other components that also need to be tested such as Brakes, Tyres, Steering, Suspension, Lights, Signalling, Mirrors, Exhaust and emissions, Corrosion checks, and General checks to body and structure. It ensures they are of the legal standard.

When it comes to the price of annual motorbike MOT tests, it is based on the size of the engine. It may also vary with different local garages. However, you should go with a professional local garage for MOT check. Steering/suspension- Make sure wheels turn freely, the forks move easily, check suspension is okay, etc. these are the basic things you can check easily. Wheels/tyres- The tyre should be the right size and type and the tread depth is the legal requirement. Make sure the wheels are aligned with each other. Brakes- The brakes of your motorbike/scooter should function well. Make sure the brake pads aren’t worn Frame- It should be free from cracks or damage Lights- check whether it is working or not as it is one of the important parts. Exhaust- Check if it is working well or not. Make sure there are no leaks in the fuel system What are the Basic Motorbike/ Scooter MOT Failures? There are many motorbike owners who fail their initial test. However, these failures can be easily fixed. All you need to do is just have a simple idea of it. Lights- It should be checked to confirm they operate correctly and are securely fitted. However, it is the common reason for initial test failures. A few motorbikes fail the test every year owing to different reasons such as the bad working condition of the indicator, a sidelight, a brake or a badly adjusted headlight. Brakes- It is also one of the contributors to failures of the initial MOT test. Badly scratched discs, worn pads, or warped discs are some of the common reasons behind them. Steering/Suspension System- If these systems are not meeting the requirements, then it can lead to MOT test failure. Some of the basic reasons are badly leaking fork seals, worn bearings, and cracked or rusty rear suspension springs. Tyres- It is one reason as well. If the tyres of your motorbike/scooter are not at the right speed rating, then it can be a problem. Some of the basic reasons are If they are not correctly fitted or rubbing on another part or they have a cut, nick, or bulge in the rubber. Number Plate- Mostly, motorbike/scooter owners overlook the number plate’s size. It should have a standard size. A non-standard size number plate leads to failing the check. It is because the number on the frame does not match the number on the logbook.

Fuel & Exhaust System- IT should not be ignored although the contribution percentage is quite low. They are the most significant parts of any motorbike and make sure these parts are in great condition. Motorbike owners should be careful about all these things.

Address: Elmwood Vehicles Ltd 278 Kingston Road, Ewell Surrey, KT190SH, UK Phone : 2083942847 Email : Web:

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