Heritage makes post secondary education accessible

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Heritage Makes PostSecondary Education Accessible

Child’s Educational Future  You may have often pondered over how to help your children achieve their goals and live a happy and prosperous life. When it comes to your children’s educational future, you want to find the best possible option. A good post-secondary education can equip them with the right moral principles and various skills for a successful life; while it can also offer them long-lasting and valuable experiences; it may be the key to a well-paid job and a great standard of living.

RESP for Child’s Future ď ľ The privilege of such an education is within reach for Canadian families thanks to the Registered Educational Savings Plan, which started in 1965 and has been offering remarkable assistance to them ever since. The high cost of university or college tuition fees, which could amount to over $100,000 in Canada by 2025 according to Statistics Canada, should not deprive your children of realizing their dreams and potential to the fullest. Instead of using retirement funds or mortgaging your house in order to pay for these fees, you have an attractive alternative: investing in the Heritage RESP.

Contact Resp Provider ď ľ A plan will be drawn up depending on your budget. There are three plans to choose from. The first one is the Heritage Plan, which comes with plentiful investment opportunities; all funds are pooled together and invested safely. The second one is the Impression Plan, which offers incredible convenience as you develop your own schedule and pay at a suitable time; in addition, it is available to all children, regardless of their age; if your child does not go into post-secondary education, the funds will be given back to you.

Contact Resp Provider ď ľ Finally, there is the Group/Employee Plan, which secures the educational future of your employees’ children at no cost. This helps you establish a great relationship with worthy employees. Whichever plan you choose, you can rest assured that your funds will be obtained at the appropriate time. All the details can be given by contacting a local RESP provider, who can also offer constant support and guidance on all of the documents and forms required. This facilitates the process tremendously.

Success of Heritage Education Funds ď ľ The success of the Heritage Education Funds is guaranteed by making careful investments in lower-risk securities, such as provincial and federal bonds, and providing access to various government grants, such as the Canada Learning Bond, the Alberta Centennial Education Savings Plan, the Quebec Education Savings Incentive, and the Saskatchewan Advantage Grant for Education Savings. If you increase the funds early, you can attain your education savings objective sooner; even a minimal increase can make all the difference.

Success of Heritage Education Funds ď ľ On the other hand, if you are a young family, you can start by making small contributions and your target will eventually be met.

ď ľ The plan offers you exceptional tax benefits and a steady return. Any amount up to $ 50,000 will be tax-sheltered until it is used by the student. Students normally pay very low tax and can even claim tax credits. After the maturity of the RESP, you select the most suitable institution for your child.

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