Bottle zine

Page 22

Ingredients & taste fig. A

fig. C


+ fig. B

fig. A

fig. B

fig. C

Yerba leaf -

Stevia leaf -

Botanical herbs -

The dried leaves from the Yerba tree create Maté tea that is traditionally consumed in Central/South Americas. It has the same amount of caffeine as coffee, however relaxing compounds such as theophylline and theobromine are said to counteract the jittery ‘coffee buzz’ effect.

Stevia leaf can be up to 400 times as sweet as sugar, therefore requiring much less land, water and transport to produce compared to other sugar ingredients. Stevia has seen a huge surge in popularity, partly driven by Coca Cola’s adoption for Coca Cola Life.

Botanical herbs such as dandelion, burdock root, elderflower, and chicory root add fragrance, depth of flavour and perceived health benefits. It also taps into a recent trend in foraging native herbs, so these ingredients add familiarity to what might be unknown ingredients of maté and stevia.


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