Jahrbuch der DIS Doha 20/21

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German International School Doha · School Year 2020/2021 · 3

School management team Greeting

14 · Deutsche Internationale Schule Doha · Schuljahr 2020/2021

School management team


Besuch des neuen deutschen Botschafters in Katar Dirk Dillschneider, Diana Guthmann, Dr. Claudius Fischbach, Diana Wiese (v.l.n.r.) Visit of the new German ambassador to Qatar Dirk Dillschneider, Diana Guthmann, Claudius Fischbach, Diana Wiese (l.t.r.)

German International School Doha · School Year 2020/2021 · 15




You Tube-Code


German International School Doha · School Year 2019/2020 · 33




Disinfect hands before entering the school, school office, meeting rooms, kitchen or before using common equipment


Maintain a distance of 1.5 m to others



Clean workspaces and contact surfaces regularly


Ventilate rooms regularly

Maximum 1 – 2 people per elevator


Avoid forming groups, e. g. in kitchens or break rooms

Wear a mask whenever we leave our workstation, e. g. in hallways or general rooms


Do not enter the school and kindergarten with symptoms of illness

Avoid business trips or carpooling



Hände desinfizieren vor Betreten der Sch ule, von Meetingräumen, Küche und vor der Benutzu ng von gemeinsam genutztem Equipment


Arbeits- & Kontakt flächen regelmäßig reinigen


Gruppenbildung vermeiden, z. B. in Küchen ode r Pausenräumen


1,5 m Abstand halt en


Je nach Größe, max imal zwei Personen pro Fahrstuhl


Nicht mit Krankhe itssymptomen in die Schule und den Kinderga rten

Maske tragen beim Verlassen der Klas senräume, z. B. in Flur en oder Gemeinscha ftsräumen


Räume regelmä ßig lüften


Geschäftsreisen & Fahrgemeinschaften vermeiden

On the 26th of January, the students of grade 10 were tasked to make posters about very current topics midst pandemic, those topics being Covid-19 vaccines and active/passive immunization. The class was divided into two groups (Tawad, Sophia, Ainhoa, Rahma, Lina & Abdulkafi, Ibrahim, Mo) and given 4 hours to research and finally present their findings. The students worked intensively and used all the materials they had available to them to create a few very informative and entertaining posters.

● In the following poster our class 10 students (Ainhoa, Rahma, Class 10: Covid-19 Vaccines Tawad, Sophia & Lina) went into detail about the active and passive On the 26th of January, the students of grade 10 were tasked to make posters about very immunization. Our students named current topics midst pandemic, those topics being Covid-19 vaccines and active/passive the intelligent scientists that made the immunization. The class was divided into two groups (Tawad, Sophia, Ainhoa, Rahma, Lina & how long the vaccinatio vaccines, also stating saving millions Abdulkafi, Ibrahim, Mo) and given 4 hours to research and finally present their of findings. The of lives all around students worked intensively and used all the materials they had available to them to create a the globe very simple and stress free, few very informative and entertaining posters. the scientists being Edward Jenner and Emil v. Behring. They cleverly ● In the following poster our class 10 students (Ainhoa, explained all Rahma, the differences between Tawad, Sophia & Lina) went into the two methods and the exact course detail about the active and passive of how our body builds an immunity immunization. Our students named the intelligent scientists made the the vaccines are against thethat diseases saving of millions of lives all meant to fightaround against. The students the globe very simple and stress free, also listed theJenner pros and cons of set the scientists being Edward vaccines, also stating how long the vaccinations supposed to last. and Emilare v. Behring. They cleverly

explained all the differences between the two methods and the exact course of how our body builds an immunity In these thevaccines students against the posters diseases the are educated us on all the meant to fight against. The“Moderna”, students “Biontech”, “Pfizer”, “Johnson & Johnson also listed the pros and cons of set the vaccinations require two doses to work as intend vaccines, also stating how long the vaccinations are supposed to last.

You can read through their well done posters in our m

In these posters the students educated us on all the newly covid-19 vaccines, those including “Biontech”, “Pfizer”, “Moderna”, “Johnson & Johnson” and more. They mentioned that some of the vaccinations require two doses as newly intended. In these posters the students educatedto uswork on all the covid-19 vaccines, those including You

“Biontech”, “Pfizer”, “Moderna”, “Johnson & Johnson” and more. They mentioned that some of the require two well dosesdone to workposters as intended. can vaccinations read through their in our main hall. You can read through their well done posters in our main hall.

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