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willing to try stu ff o her comfort zone ut of rs d othe e g a r encou

Debbie Walters

thoug htful

am azi ng wor dsm ith


A snapshot of Debbie’s work over the years we’ve had the pleasure of working together, and reminders of her part in weaving the fabric of our Group.


Compiled by H. Fay Wilkinson Registered Expressive Arts Practitioner the Guide for Art-Making for the Health of It! Minden, Ontario

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Footsteps Walking slowly, painfully along the path Feeling slow Plodding along the way Thinking of my destination

At each intersection There are alternate directions Some bring joy And some bring conflict

The road is endless And seemingly boundless Following the hills and valleys Of life The ups and downs

Onward I go until The heavens open up And the rains fall down Cleansing and replenishing the earth below Guiding the path ahead.

Debbie’s poem May 21 2020

Debbie's reading of The Well

Invisible Sleeping soundly I fell into a dream To my wonderment I sensed them Little creatures invisible to my eyes I feel their presence They are trapped I must free them from their imprisonment Opening each room They dash into the open Taste of freedom As each one is let go They all come together Into one eternal glow

Debbie W. June 2020

Fire Eternal energy Scorching , exploding, igniting A burning reminder Of the transformation Flames lick greedily Exposing the inner spirit Bearing the soul The fear of my vision Runs rampant in me

Flashes of electricity Frying the membrane, The essence of life The fire purifies Each thought fearing A new path In my being

Debbie W. June 2020

Sounds of Silence Silence looms over me Like a deafening wall Rising up before my eyes Encompassing all around Through the faint Ringing in my ears I hear nothing else No one sound appears Water is dripping somewhere I can hear each drop hit The plink of the rain Hitting on the window

A bird chirps in the distance To attract a mate and nest In the silence all I hear Are my thoughts whirling round Seemingly, pointlessly coming Each thought piercing the silence Externally there is no sound Just the sounds of silence

Debbie W. June 2020

Debbie's digital story

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I am so ready… To feel alive again To learn and grow To help myself To heal the pain And grieve for loved ones To be inspired to love life To hear and see nature And all the wonders therein

To hear a symphony

Almost anything will

The music of feelings

Pop up along the way

To dream big, expect challenges

Expect to fall many times

Recharge my batteries

And know that everything

Update my spirit Refresh my perspective

Expect my mind to doubt in the end will turn out.

Upgrade my soul

Debbie July 16th, 2020

I am the one who… Worries way too much

Always assumes the worst

Loves her dogs like children

Feels everything so deeply

Never feels OK

Believes her dogs love her

Wants everyone to love

Watches the world go by

Gives them the best care

And lives life to the fullest

Needs so much help

Will never give up, ever

Prays for a sick friend

Never leaves her friend

Needs to know she is loved

Wishes her the best of life

Always wishes her the best

Will never abandon family

And a long and happy life

Can’t stop the anxiety

Will keep on going no matter what.

Debbie July 2020

Cyclone Life is like a cyclone A whirling dervish of power Taking us around and around Up high off the world And down low to the deepest pit of despair

Rising and falling infinitely Daring and demanding Physical and psychic experience Leave one reeling and riding This wave of feelings Into the sunset of life – And beyond…

Days turn into weeks turn into months and years And still we fly ‘round The infinite circle of life Careening and cavorting Through life’s experiences Debbie W. June 2020

Debbie Walters A treasured member of the Art-Making for the Health of It! Group in Minden, Ontario. She will always be remembered, and deeply missed.

December 2021

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