WManager 1-2021

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Issue 1 _ 2021

The new perspective of shipping and maritime

Corporate Magazine

Dry docking during a pandemic

Crew welfare remains at heart

How does the empowered workforce deliver greater performance?

Enable, Enhance, Simplify.

CONTENTS President’s message


The new perspective of shipping and maritime


Singapore shipmanager at the forefront of sustainability Crew welfare remains at heart Priority Vaccinations for Seafarers How does the empowered workforce deliver greater performance?

10 14 18

The seafarers tale

20 24 28 34

WSM appointed as ship manager of Ertuğrul Gazi


The personal presence matters Dry docking during a pandemic

WSM’s first foray into LNGBV segment; member of SGMF WSM becomes a member of SSI

40 42

Probably the only seafaring triplets in the world


EDITORIAL Amanda Loh Editor amanda.loh@wilhelmsen.com

EDITORIAL PRODUCTION & GRAPHIC DESIGN Milk Design www.theudderones.com

PUBLISHER Wilhelmsen Ship Management Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 334014-H) 19th Floor, 1 Sentral Jalan Rakyat, Kuala Lumpur Sentral 50470 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia T +603 2084 5600 © All rights reserved 2021

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello Readers, It is indeed an interesting time to be in shipping

This Code of Conduct aims to bring together

now. We have seen that the agenda for

charterers, shipowners and operators to

decarbonization has made a lot of progress

drive positive change in the industry through

(but still more to go!), and bullish market

collective action and increased transparency

sentiments for some segments. But when

to deliver on seafarers’ rights. Wilhelmsen

it comes to the humanity side of shipping –

Ship Management is part of the working

crew welfare, there has been little progress

group that developed the Code of Conduct.

since the implementation of the Maritime

We are heartened to hear liked-minded

Labour Convention (MLC).

ship owners and industry players welcome

It has been more than 1 year since COVID-19

such initiatives.

was declared a pandemic, as we take a

Operating the right way is our principle and

reflection of learnings, stumbling blocks

we are committed to integrating our business

and silver linings encountered – it is notable

with the environment and communities we

that even with the crew change crisis

operate in. Earlier this year, we published

highlighted in the international media, we

the second issue of our sustainability report

have yet to see any radical changes in the

where we entail our progress in this very

industry to increase the standards of our

important agenda. In this issue of WManager,

crew welfare.

you will read about our journey towards

We hope this inaction will end soon. On this year’s Day of the Seafarer – 25 June 2021, a working group called “Delivering on seafarers’ rights” that focuses on the human element of shipping, launched a Code of Conduct for Charterers, Shipowners and Operators.

zero-emissions with separate projects; including hydrogen-fuelled and batteryoperated vessels. Further pages will reveal how we empowered our workforce with data automation in their work processes, paving way for more value creation and new skills. I encourage you to allow yourself some timeoff and have a good read of our magazine. Thank you.

Carl Schou, CEO & President of Wilhelmsen Ship Management

Issue 1 - 2021





ESG (Environmental, social and governance) is the term that has swept through the shipping and maritime industry. This term which was once only relevant to financiers has now trickled into the heart of shipping and maritime operations.

This new perspective is driven by the

a stronger focus in the working environment

capital markets and the ability for shipping

for our crew and employees, operating

companies to access financing. There is

our client’s ships with consciousness to

a growing need for shipping companies

reduce our direct and indirect emissions

to respond to the new ESG monitoring and

and transparency about our how we run

reporting requirements – disclosure of their

our business.

ESG impact from operations and their ability to meet the changing requirements.

Wilhelmsen Ship Management is one of the few ship managers to issue a sustainability

As ship managers, the term ESG has material

report that focuses on our commitment

impact in the way we do business. It has set

in creating values to People, Environment,

the bar for operating standards even higher -

Customer and Trade in our core business.

Issue 1 - 2021


OUR COMMITMENT AND ALIGNMENT The Wilhelmsen group has committed to implementing the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) throughout our operations. The group have included requirements related directly to this commitment in our people policy and sustainability policy. The group also joined the UNGC Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During the materiality assessment process, the group identified four SDGs that we can positively impact through our work on the material topics: decent work and economic growth, climate action, life below water, and peace, justice and strong institutions. There remaining seven SDGs are identified as being material, and they will form part of our holistic strategy. We are proud that we have made a strong start in many of these topics, but we understand that we have more work to do. For us in Wilhelmsen Ship Management these goals require strong and considered focus to make a difference at both organisation and industry levels. Our overarching strategy is to find long term solutions – not short-term fixes. We understand that there are real business opportunities for us to provide sustainable solutions for our customers and stakeholders.



Together with our crew, we reduced over 32% of single-use plastic water bottle consumption in 2020 within our fleet. Restoring our Earth is a subject close to our heart and our work is far from over. We pledge to keep fighting this battle against single-use plastic.

Issue 1 - 2021


Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all







Health, Safety

We are committed to safeguard

We provide a safe working

employees and seafarers. We

and seafarers. We actively

and Wellbeing

the health and safety of our

proactively look into initiatives

to strengthen the HSEQ culture onshore and onboard. Employment Conditions

competence in health and safety behaviour.

Employees are our biggest asset

foremployees to thrive and

to create a working environment

a conducive environment

highest potential. Local Community

launch campaigns to increase

We are committed to develop

assisting them to reach their Giving Back to

environment for our employees

and we proactively look into ways that promotes equal opportunity and diversity.

Philanthropy is the cornerstone

We actively work on initiatives to

in communities

This is especially so in the seafaring

of our commitment to investing

give back to our local community. community that is the backbone of the shipping industry.



We are committed to create a

We are commited to work with

only work with suppliers that shares

compliance in our assessment

sustainable supply chain and will the same value.

suppliers that have demonstated process. We actively engage with suppliers to create a

sustainable value chain for the maritime industry.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts


We are committed to understanding,

We aim to reduce our direct

environmental footprint across

our own and customer operations.

managing and minimising our our value chain, including our

business operations, suppliers and customers. 6


and indirect emission from

We are collaborating with our clients on development of alternative fuels.

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development







Waste and

We actively monitor our waste

Stewardship is a value embedded

of our business operations and

promote responsible consumption


management practices as part

environmental conservation efforts. Innovation

in the Wilhelmsen culture. We

and recycling programs onboard and onshore.

We encourage initiatives to nurture

We innovate to bring the latest

into reality.

with meeting their goal of reducing

sustainable ideas

technology to assist ship owners carbon footprint.

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Cyber Security

We take cyber security and data

We are commited to protect the

adopted appropriate security

with. Our effort is focused on

protection seriously and have

measures to protect our data. We

are proactively strengthening our cyber security culture. Ethics and


data that we collect and work empowering employees and

crew with the right knowledge

and tools to heighten their risk mitigation behaviour.

We view any non compliance on

We are guided by our policies

seriously and we actively promote

Our efforts are focused on

business ethics and anti-corruption the positive impact of responsible business culture at the workplace and community.

on ethics and anti-corruption. strengthening responsible business culture.

Issue 1 - 2021





Issue 1 - 2021


SINGAPORE SHIPMANAGER AT THE FOREFRONT OF SUSTAINABILITY Wilhelmsen Ship Management is headquartered in Singapore and has been a leading light in the local marine community’s drive for a sustainable and emissions-free future

Carl Schou (WSM): Crew welfare and crew change is a concern and number one priority



“Singapore has the goal of being the

The Topeka project revolves around the

centrepoint of decarbonisation in shipping,”

construction of two roro vessels servicing

says Wilhelmsen Ship Management president

the shortsea segment. The vessels will,

and chief executive officer Carl Schou.

among other tasks, move goods between

“The Group is currently involved in three separate projects concerning vessels fuelled by hydrogen,” says Mr Schou. “We expect the first hydrogen-fuelled vessel will be launched in 2023/2024. Wilhelmsen will be managing the vessels.” The management of the hydrogen-fuelled vessels, including crew and technical management, will be handled by Wilhelmsen Ship Management (WSM). Managing a hydrogen-powered vessel would require a change in human behaviours and processes to address potential safety issues when

offshore supply bases along the Norwegian west coast. In addition, the Topeka vessels will transport hydrogen to different filling stations where local ferries and other vessels, as well as land transport, will have hydrogen as a ready-to-use fuel. Topeka will be built for zero emissions through a combination of 1,000-kWh battery capacity and a 3-MW proton exchange membrane hydrogen fuel cell. Hydrogen will be sourced from the LH2 production plant planned at Mongstad outside Bergen by BKK, Equinor and Air Liquide.

handling the new bunkers and/or cargo.

“The vessels will be managed partly by a

The scale of the hydrogen-fuelled projects

control centre and partly by the people on

will be relatively small given that there is

board,” says Mr Schou. Given the desire

no infrastructure currently in place.

of the Singapore authorities to drive the

An example is the Topeka project, led by the Wilhelmsen Group. The aim is to construct the world’s first zero-emissions hydrogen vessels. The Topeka project has been awarded Nkr21M (US$25M) by the Norwegian Government-owned organisation Enova. These funds will enable Wilhelmsen to further develop the technology and additional infrastructure required to support the maritime industry’s ambitions towards

decarbonisation of shipping, it is likely similar projects will emerge in Singapore, and WSM will be well placed to manage those, too. “The (Wilhelmsen) Group has said it wants Singapore to be the spearhead for decarbonisation knowledge in Asia, and Singapore will definitely capitalise on the knowledge which is gained in Norway through these development projects,” says Mr Schou.

zero-emissions fuels.

Issue 1 - 2021


Topeka transporting and fuelled by liquid hydrogen

“Simultaneously, we are building up a

During January 2021, the Maritime and Port

hydrogen consultancy team where we can

Authority of Singapore (MPA) vaccinated

pass on the knowledge we have gained,”

10,000 key workers handling ships and cargo,

says Mr Schou. Which brings in the other

and this has been extended throughout the

development undertaken by Wilhelmsen.

industry. “Very early on in the Covid crisis,

In January 2021, it became a member of

Singapore identified the maritime industry

the Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI),

as essential for the country and the economy.

which is an alliance of key organisations that is driven to bring change to a more sustainable maritime industry.

vaccinated, but a large part of the maritime cluster who is in contact with vessels here

The SSI was one of the pressure groups

has also been vaccinated already. The level

that in 2016, urged IMO to apply greenhouse

of infection in Singapore is extremely low

gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets to

compared to many other countries around

shipping. As a member of SSI, WSM will

the world ,” says Mr Schou.

participate in working groups on issues relevant to the Roadmap’s six vision areas: Oceans, Communities, People, Transparency, Finance and Energy. At the time Carl Schou said, “We look forward to deepening our sustainability priorities and making a bigger impact through the SSI platform. We hope to work collectively together with other forward-leaning members in SSI to impart values in the shipping industry.”


Not only have the port workers been


As one of the leading shipmanagement companies, WSM was impacted by the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, but its own Covid-19 protocols are actually more stringent than that of the local authorities. Like many companies, WSM has been considering the short and long-term implications of environmental, governance and social (ESG). The social element is the cornerstone of WSM operations.

“The Covid-19 crisis is possibility the

For WSM, emissions-free shipping,

toughest crisis in our generation. The

decarbonisation, ESG and sustainability

impact caught everybody by surprise and

are all part of the same theme. WSM is

is unprecedented. I would say the biggest

one of the few ship managers to issue a

impact of this to ship management is

sustainability report and has established

carrying out crew changes,” says Mr Schou.

a companywide guiding principle that aims

He adds, “If one can say that something positive has come out of this crisis, it is

to empower all employees towards UN sustainable development goals.

that crew welfare is now an international

’Performance with Care’ is the guiding

concern. However, it’s a shame that we

WSM principle with the objective of being

needed a pandemic to get the spotlight

a responsible ship manager that incorporates

on crew welfare. The pandemic has given

three pillars of focus into their operation

us the possibility to relook at how we are

– People, Environment, and Trade and

doing business.”

Customer. A dedicated team has been

“In one way this has been a jolt – shaking the very foundation of how and what we are doing. It has made the industry look again at

established to steer the programme within Performance with Care throughout the organisation.

crew welfare and has triggered a number of

In this respect, one of WSM’s sustainability

areas of improvement,” comments Mr Schou.

initiatives was to educate seafarers that safe

WSM has been in discussions with ratings

drinking water is available from the freshwater

companies regarding ESG. “It is something

dispensers located around a ship, and that

we are considering seriously. There is IMO

safe water did not only mean water in a plastic

2030, the EEDI index and now ESG,” says

bottle. By giving seafarers their own steel

Mr Schou.

bottle, WSM calculates this saves around 10,000 plastic bottles per ship per year. Reproduction from Riviera: https://www.rivieramm.com/news-content-hub/newscontent-hub/singapore-shipmanager-at-the-forefront-ofsustainability-64084

Issue 1 - 2021





The pandemic has been harsh to everyone, especially to our crew. While many of us are working from home today, the comfort of being at home with family is a far-fetched concept for our crew. The strain of being onboard for a prolonged time, away from loved ones is detrimental to our crew’s well-being. Issue 1 - 2021


When WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak

It was a race against time and changing

a pandemic, the world was put on a standstill.

regulations but we managed to turn the

Shipping continued to run, however crew

tide and reduce our overdue crew on board

change became an extremely complex task

to a minimum. This was due to the hard

particularly in mobilization planning against

work from everybody involved; from the

the backdrop of ever-changing international,

manning agencies, crew coordination

regional, and local restrictions.

centers and technical offices.

Our numbers of overdue crew were growing

On 26 January 2020, the Neptune Declaration

and their plight became everyone’s concern.

on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change was

We know that crew exposed to a prolonged

announced. Wilhelmsen Ship Management,

period at sea may experience fatigue,

along with many others, is one of the

burn-out and low morale - indicators of

signatories. We commit to take action by

a potential safety risk.

delivering on our shared responsibilities to play an active role where possible to resolve the current crew change crisis.

While it is not home, seafarers will always try their best on board to create a home away from home.



We still have a formidable task ahead – one that would need a unified effort from everyone to accomplish. Together with peers from the shipping industry, we are working to bring positive change, lifting industry standards and supporting human rights on land and at sea.

Actions recommended by Neptune Declaration: 1. Recognize seafarers as keyworkers and give them priority access to COVID-19 vaccines. 2. Establish and implement gold standard health protocols based on existing best practice. 3. Increase collaboration between ship operators and charterers to facilitate crew changes. 4. Ensure air connectivity between key maritime hubs for seafarers.

Crew change at Singapore Marina South Pier

Issue 1 - 2021





COVID-19 vaccination is now being offered to seafarers in various locations around the world, particularly in United States. Wilhelmsen Ship Management has been facilitating the vaccination to any crew that has accepted the offer to be vaccinated. Where possible, if the vaccination offer is available at our managed vessel’s next port of call, we will be coordinating with the crew to conduct vaccination on board the vessel.

As of now, close to 1000 crew on board our managed vessels have been vaccinated. We still have a long way to go but we are glad that the industry is making progress in vaccinating our seafarers. Our crew change standard operating procedures for vaccinated crew has been implemented. With the new strain of COVID-19 emerging, we have also further enforced precautionary measures to avoid signing-on any infected crew. Mass crew vaccination will be the solution to the crew change crisis we are experiencing. However, it is still early days and we have yet to experience the impact. We are now seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Crew change is still a challenge, but we take comfort that the industry is moving in the right direction. Hang on in there, we will get through this soon enough!

Our crew receiving vaccination onboard in Baltimore, United States.

Issue 1 - 2021


HOW DOES THE EMPOWERED WORKFORCE DELIVER GREATER PERFORMANCE? Delivering better and faster customer experience



We are living in times where operational efficiency is expected in every business strategy. With greater access to new technology, we can work better and deliver more value to our customers. One of the key bottlenecks hampering operational efficiency is repetitive and manual work that one has to perform. We have many applications and digitalized much of our processing and record keeping, but there is still manual work that needs to be done. In 2018, we released our “accounting bionic arm” to reduce the effort needed to move routine data between different accounting systems and business applications. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has proven to be effective for our accounting

We notice employees reaping the benefits of RPA as they have fewer manual tasks and can now focus more on higher value activities. It keeps our teams moving forward instead of being bound by manual work. We have created a workplace environment where employees have time to engage with each other and solve problems and meeting performance targets.

department as we have recorded an 8.4%

Daniel Reinsborg

increase in aggregated reporting timeliness

Vice President of Finance –

to customers in FY2020 from FY2019.

Wilhelmsen Ship Management.



The nature of RPA, explained below, allows for implementation to other operational functions in our business: Background runner

The RPA is run by a bot that requires no human intervention and can run over existing applications in the company.


RPA is a structured flow. It relies on strong governance and consistency in operations. By “teaching” the bot our workflow process, automation can be customised to assist us.


RPA has no work-hour limitations


Reduced human error due to limited human interaction


RPA can executed processes frequently and in large volumes


Installation is quick

Within a year, the number of RPA processes have doubled in our operations. Issue 1 - 2021


Procurement intelligence In procurement, manual tasks like matching supplier quotation to invoice, populating contracted price, generating reports on purchase requisitions for vessels and sending reminders to customers and on board Masters are all laborious and time-consuming jobs. RPA has helped the procurement team in many aspects. Perhaps the most liberating is releasing our employees from the tasks below:


Supply and


Order process


Reports can be

RPA eases the


generated and

purchase order

can be automated to

displayed within

and contracted

suppliers whenever

minutes – a process

price workflow.

a complete cycle

where a single report would generally take over half an hour to produce.

It encodes quotation from the supplier and auto-populates the contracted price in our Procurement System. It can also identify costing errors and inconsistencies.



of “documentation” for communication efficiency.

For example, after implementation of RPA, employees recorded time savings of up to 86% per port manifest report (listing of all cargo to customs and port authority).

Manual Process


With RPA

Active time to create a report

John Beck Vice President of Global Procurement - Wilhelmsen Ship Management, said,

RPA has taken away a lot of repetitive tasks that the procurement teams have to do. Instead of keying in the cost line-by-line and generating reports every hour, all those can be automated and done with precision. Employees can focus on identifying better suppliers, negotiating more value for customers and make decisions contributing to our supply chain process. RPA does not interpret and think. It is not artificial intelligence and is purposed for transactional processes within governance. In Wilhelmsen Ship Management, RPA releases our procurement team to pursue higher value work.

What’s next? As we use automation more and more, we have learned how much it can augment and improve our productivity and effectiveness. As ship managers, we have been challenged over and over to do more with the same resources given. RPA gives us room for value creation to both customers and employees. With our collaborative work culture, employees can voice their opinions and propose workflows that can be automated so that leaders and team members can achieve common goals. In 2021, we are looking to further automate our processes in more business areas. We plan to support our employees’ professional development by training them with new skills and provide them the opportunity to take on new roles in our company.

Issue 1 - 2021


A PANDEMIC SILVER LINING: THE PERSONAL PRESENCE MATTERS It has been more than 1 year since we grappled with realities of the pandemic. There were many learnings in this journey - stumbling blocks and silver linings encountered.



Carl having a look at the bosun store.

Issue 1 - 2021


We asked Carl Schou, the CEO & President

“Perhaps the silver lining here is the increased

of Wilhelmsen Ship Management if he learnt

time spent onboard with our crew that gave

anything from the pandemic and he gave a

me a deeper perspective on the environment

resounding, “Yes! I actually learnt a lot and

onboard - something you can’t get from

at the same time taken a few steps back to

reading reports or dashboards,” said Carl.

revisit the roots of the industry.”

There are many things to observe during his

He refers our crew and vessels as the roots

visits on board. Carl likes to visit all places

of the industry. During the pandemic, our CEO

onboard especially the bosun shop, paint

based in Singapore - used every opportunity

store and engine room. Carl shared his

available in his schedule to go onboard

rationale on this, “Just by observing the

our managed ships that calls in Singapore.

conditions such as tidiness gives me a quick

Singapore has been keeping the pandemic

understanding of how the crew structure

situation under control with tight measures

their workday. As the saying goes - you can

which made ship visits difficult but still possible

determine how a ship is run by just walking

when adhering to the additional precautions.

up the gangway.” Everything adds up to the

With travel bans enforced, this has disrupted

intangible leading indicator of a well-run ship.

Carl’s typical schedule where he spends

During Carl’s walkabout onboard, he had

140-180 travel days per year to fulfil his

many interaction exchanges with the crew.

leadership role in our global offices, business

Something that goes unconcealed is the

development, formality visits to clients,

crew’s pride and passion when Carl engages

speaking at seminars, and the list goes on.

into technical discussion with them.

A quick detour to the paint store



“This is not something to take for granted, I am very proud of the professionalism shown. Everyone is equally motivated to do their part to keep the ship running,” said Carl. Crew motivation is a crucial element that affects workplace safety. This is especially so during the pandemic where we can understand our crew’s concern about leaving their families at home. “It is too easy to sit in an office and have a perception of how crew are feeling and reacting. Go speak to them and you’ll be surprised!” Carl advised. Nothing beats the experience of personal presence; something we took for granted before the pandemic.

Casual chat with crew (Before restriction implemented about visitors consuming food on board)

Chief Engineer having a run-through with Carl in engine room

Issue 1 - 2021





We share a few reflections from our vessel managers on the turmoil faced when performing dry docking at the height of a pandemic.

Issue 1 - 2021




We spoke to several vessel managers who have managed onsite supervisions at shipyards for their notable experiences in managing dry-dock projects during the pandemic. Some vessel managers were able to secure commercial flights to fly into countries during the earlier stages of the pandemic. The sheer amount of paperwork and fluid changes in localities were strenuous for them. When a commercial flight is not an option for travel, one vessel manager took the approach to sail as a crew in order to reach the shipyard as his seagoing certifications are still valid. It was truly problem-solving taken up several notches! It is a standard procedure for WSM to prepare comprehensive specifications and planning before executing any dry-docking supervision but in situations like a pandemic, we expect the unexpected. Things may not go according to plan and what was usually a one-day notice period could be extended to a week especially when non-local service engineers need to travel to the shipyard.

Issue 1 - 2021


Managing dry-docking during a pandemic

We can continue our interaction with the

is like maneuvering through an obstacle

Class surveyor, docking team and vendors

course. When an obstacle becomes

safely with no exposure risk to COVID-19.

unyielding, we would simply have to find a way to work around it. The journey may take longer and is harder, but we do what it takes to reach the finishing line. Where travelling to the shipyard was absolutely impossible, we have embarked on remote drydocking supervision. After thorough discussion with Owners, we lay the ground work to upgrade surveillance and communication equipment onboard.

supervision was internet connectivity as signals may be compromised within vessel areas like the lowest floor of the engine room or ballast tank. Dry-docking is one of the most important activity in a vessel’s lifecycle. Technology serves as an enabler to overcome travel and social distancing restrictions, but we truly value human experience as the vessel

When it comes to remote supervision,

manager’s trained sensory for details

technology is the most important factor

cannot be replaced.

to compensate the physical presence. Besides relying on main surveillance and communication equipment onboard, crews’ and shipyard staffs’ mobile phones and digital cameras further utilized to supplement the remote supervision operations. Onshore at our management offices, the technical team stationed at the control room to teleconference with the local team at the shipyard. We gathered still and video footages from the shipyard and have them digitally documented in progress reports.


The biggest challenge with remote


In the past year, we have discovered hidden talents within our people who provided innovative problem-solving alternatives. With some creative thinking, we are confident that we can continue to deliver a full-service ship management experience to our customers.

Issue 1 - 2021




The purpose of this story is not to gain

body of water, so vast that even a radar can’t

respect from the world. We are not hungry

find a single object for miles away. They say

for popularity because our experiences

seafarers travel the world for free. Yes, indeed

are priceless in which we can only relate.

it is free, but it’s not for leisure, we are only

Seafaring is an underrated profession, yet we are the backbone of the world trading industry. When the pandemic struck, a lot

taking in glimpses of the places we pass by. For the most part we just breathe the air and then leave.

of businesses, jobs and livelihood were

Prior to the pandemic, shore leave allows us

halted but world trade never cease, yet

to disembark and experience the destination

we persevered.

first-hand. However, these opportunities

But we also need to take a breather from time to time. And you might be wondering, what does a seafarer do to relax? People tend to make the most of their free time to unwind, reset, and refresh for tomorrow especially when they get stressed or bored at work.

are only good for a few hours, costly, and exhausting as work is immediately waiting upon our return. How do seafarers unwind besides waiting for shore leave? Simply, we embrace our profession with pride. We conditioned our minds the moment we put our signature on the contract. By the time we step on the

Here comes a seafarer, where most of

gangway, we have activated the strongest

the time we are surrounded by a vast

version of ourselves.

Special thanks to 3rd Officer, Brian Zaballero for sharing his reflections with us.



From left to right: A winter wonderland to the blazing heat of the tropics

A breath-taking sunset and sunrise in the middle of the ocean is already a satisfaction. Stormy seas, howling winds, and a bumpy ride lulls us to sleep. We are astonished by the different climates that change so rapidly. Today we walk under the blazing heat of a tropical sun, and then the next few weeks we are walking on a deck filled with snow from a northern winter. We feel blessed for the food and excited for a special Saturday dinner. Our chief cooks are serving good food for us to savor, but I do believe that the best food is the one you have chosen yourself. We are contented to take some photos of Melbourne’s port from the deck, only to tell our friends back home the amazing adventures we had.

From left to right: A glimpse of Australia from the upper deck. En route to the Australian port

An “I love you too” reply in our messenger from our loved ones is already quality time. A photo received with their smiles is something we take with us to our dreams. For most of us, the sound of our relievers arriving on the gangway is simply priceless. Touching down at our hometown’s airport and seeing our family wave excitedly at the arrival gate is what we call “life”. Due to the pandemic, rules were implemented to the general public like lockdowns. They have taken a little dose of a seafarer’s life which is to be isolated. And this is the harsh reality, the sacrifices a seafarer must make in order to serve. Arguably only the people who see the seafarer’s worth are their family, real friends, colleagues and everybody working in the maritime sector. You can judge a policeman by merely watching news on your TV or if you witness them doing their job but a seafarer? In order to judge them, you need to board a ship, not as a passenger on a luxury ship, but as a seafarer. Issue 1 - 2021





Wilhelmsen Ship Management (WSM) is proud to announce the smooth and successful takeover of Ertuğrul Gazi (IMO : 9859820), the first Turkish-flagged floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU).

Issue 1 - 2021


The new-build, built at Hyundai Heavy Industries, South Korea, is owned by the Turkish state-owned crude oil and natural gas pipeline company, BOTAŞ. The newly built FSRU completed its sea trials in March 2021 and will operate in the İskenderun Bay, Hatay Dörtyol, in the southeast of Turkey. “It is an honour for us to be entrusted for the management of Turkey’s first Turkish-flagged FSRU. We would like to thank BOTAŞ for giving us this opportunity, we will strive to deliver the best ship management experience to our new client,” says Carl Schou, CEO and President of Wilhelmsen Ship Management. Ertuğrul Gazi will be connected to the LNG terminal at Hatay, Turkey. The FSRU has an LNG storage capacity of 170 thousand cubic meters, which equals to 102 million cubic meters in gas form. It has a regasification capacity of 28 million cubic meters per day. In addition to Ertuğrul Gazi, WSM manages a total of 31 gas vessels. The gas segment is one of the largest and fastest growing

About BOTAŞ Petroleum Pipeline Corporation

segment in WSM’s managed fleet. BOTAŞ Petroleum Pipeline Corporation, is a state owned entity of Republic of Turkey, operates approximately 21.000 km of crude oil & natural gas pipelines and related facilities. BOTAŞ also owns and operates an LNG terminal , underground natural gas storage facilities, provides marine services and conducts approximately 50 bcma natural gas trading activities. Also BOTAŞ is part of international projects such as TANAP and TurkStream.



Issue 1 - 2021





Wilhelmsen Ship Management enters into the niche segment of LNG bunkering vessel (LNGBV) from April 2021. According to Bureau Veritas, LNG bunkering

Wilhelmsen Ship Management is now a member of The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel

vessels only account for 1.5% of the global LNG carrier fleet. Bunkering vessels are generally tailor-made for their area of operation and intended clients, designed to meet the needs of nearby gas-fueled ships, LNG terminals and port infrastructure. Since LNGBVs are used for refueling LNG-

As a full member, we offer our full support

powered vessels at sea, they are highly

to The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel to

complex vessels that perform ship-to-ship

ensure safe and responsible operations

fuel transfers. We thank the owner and

of vessels using LNG as fuel. We pledge

charterer for entrusting the management of

to work together by efficiently managing

such a highly complex vessel to us. This win is

environmentally sustainable vessels using

a testament of our track record in operational

gas as marine fuel, contributing towards

and safety performance in the gas segment.

the global transition to cleaner energy.

Issue 1 - 2021


WILHELMSEN SHIP MANAGEMENT BECOMES A MEMBER OF THE SUSTAINABLE SHIPPING INITIATIVE On 19 January 2021, Wilhelmsen Ship Management became the newest member of The Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI).



At the time of joining, there were already

SSI Executive Director Andrew Stephens

fourteen members spanning the shipping

said: “On behalf of SSI and its members,

value chain ranging from shipowners and

I am pleased to welcome Wilhelmsen Ship

charterers, to environmental NGOs, banks,

Management to the family. The sustainability

service providers and classification societies,

challenges facing the shipping industry,

working together toward the milestones

from decarbonisation to seafarers’ rights,

laid out in SSI’s Roadmap to a sustainable

transparency and healthy oceans, must

shipping industry.

be collectively addressed across the value chain. The unique perspective

We are committed to operating responsibly

Wilhelmsen Ship Management brings as

and making a positive contribution to the

a ship management company will further

people, environment and trade. As a member,

diversify the SSI membership, helping us

we participate in working groups on issues

ensure representation of the entire shipping

relevant to the Roadmap’s six vision areas:

value chain in our work.”

Oceans, Communities, People, Transparency, Finance, and Energy. “We look forward to deepening our sustainability priorities and making a bigger impact through the SSI platform. We hope to work collectively together with other forward leaning members in SSI to impart values in the shipping industry.” says Carl Schou, CEO and President of Wilhelmsen Ship Management.

About the Sustainable Shipping Initiative The Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI) is a multi-stakeholder collective of ambitious and like-minded leaders, driving change through cross-sectoral collaboration to contribute to – and thrive in – a more sustainable maritime industry. Spanning the entire shipping value chain, SSI members are shipowners and charterers; ports; shipyards, marine product, equipment and service providers; banks, ship finance and insurance providers; classification societies; and sustainability non-profits. www.sustainableshipping.org Issue 1 - 2021






It’s a bold claim but we certainly think they hold the title! So back in December of 2020, we introduced two captains to the world in one of our social media posts. The two identical brothers (so we thought!) managing sister cruise vessels were cycling about as their respective ships were docked side-by-side. In the many years they’ve been seafaring, this is the second time this has happened. The first time they met during work was way back in 2009, in San Diego during the swine flu. Two unexpected things happened, first, the social media post blew up with much fanfare for the captains. And we were not just seeing double, but there was another brother who was in the seafaring business too. So, our twin captains were in fact, triplets! We decided to catch-up with all three of the Sövdsnes brothers to see how they were doing. Currently the brothers are spread out across the world but with the help of technology, we managed to speak to them separately.

Harald Olav

Issue 1 - 2021


The Beginning The brothers were born in the west coast of Norway, on a bright Sunday morning. Harald was the first to join the family, followed closely by Olav and, Sverre joining his two elder brothers 45 minutes later. They make up a family of seven, a number that we do not see too often in modern times but certainly a norm back then. Sverre (left) and Olav ‘bumped’ into each other back in 2009 during the Swine Flu pandemic and again after almost a decade. The brothers celebrating their first birthday with mama, Aasz´ta and papa, Peder.

The brothers got into the seafaring business as their chosen career to quench their burning desire to explore the world. One-by-one, each of the brothers set off into the world working their way up the ranks of their respective ships.

Harald Sövdsnes started his seafaring career at the tender age of 16 years old. Norway was considered a big seafaring nation and it was an obvious choice. He has not looked back since and had the opportunity to see the world through his work as a seafarer. Recounting his tales of sailing the high seas, Harald once sailed on a Wilhelmsen owned container vessel, Toyama, where he recollects fond memories as being part of the crew and how much he loved Singapore’s orderly manner and cleanliness. Harald has two sons who also worked in this industry. At the time of the interview Harald was preparing for his next adventure, this time closer to home, on the basin of the (left) The only picture of the brothers together in uniform taken way back in 1981(right) The talk of the town as they started their first day of school!

Harald and his lovely wife.

Norwegian waters.

A rare selfie taken on board with the sunrise on the horizon.



Captain Olav with his team and sailing to interesting places including Null Island located at 0°N 0°E.

Captain Sverre has met interesting people throughout his travels including Commander William or Bill Roy (group at table; third from right), a photographer during WWII.

Like his older brother, Olav Sövdsnes

Sverre Sövdsnes aka Captain

found the lure of seas too exciting to ignore.

Smashing is certainly the playful of the

He eventually joined the cruise industry upon

bunch. We quizzed him about how he

completing his navy service of 22 months.

came to be known as Captain Smashing

One day as he was visiting Oslo, he decided

and how it just stuck.

to walk into the Kloster Cruise’s HQ, and

Have a ‘smashing day’ was an expression

submitted his resume. Six months later, he

Sverre picked up throughout this journey,

was on his way to Miami.

and he would use this to greet guests.

Olav resides in Austria with his wife and two daughters, and is very active when he is not

Not long after, people started calling him Captain Smashing and the rest is history.

sailing. As he lives in the heart of the alps

Though he may be known as Captain

there are plenty of outdoor activities that

Smashing, his original name, Sverre has

he can enjoy including cross country skiing,

a much deeper meaning. He was named

biking, and mountain hiking.

after a king and it actually means “always going”, which perfectly describes Sverre who is constantly on the move as he travels the world. Sverre lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, and has one daughter.

Miles apart but joined by heart Captain Olav with his beautiful family.

Though the brothers do not meet as much, they are certainly grateful for technology that has allowed them to stay in touch with one another. Spending many years apart, the brothers have developed their own unique personality. However, it is still obvious from our brief encounter that their love for the sea remains.

Captain Sverre proudly sailing near his hometown in Norway.


Singapore (Head Office)

South Korea

Wilhelmsen Ship Management Malaysia 19th Floor, 1 Sentral Jalan Rakyat, Kuala Lumpur Sentral 50470 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Wilhelmsen Ship Management Singapore 1 Kim Seng Promenade #15-07 Great World City West Tower Singapore 237994

Wilhelmsen Ship Management South Korea 10F, Marine Center Building 52 Chungjangdaero, 9 Beongil (Jungang-Dong 4 Ga) Jung-Gu Busan, Republic of Korea 48936

T +6 03 2084 5600

T +65 6513 4670

T +82 51 711 0711


United States of America

Wilhelmsen Ship Management Norway AS Strandveien 20 PO Box 33, NO-1324 Lysaker Norway

Wilhelmsen Ship Management USA 9400 New Century Drive Pasadena, Texas 77507 USA

T +47 67 58 47 00

T +1 281 842 3826

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