Wildside Times #8

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© Si
/ https://www.instagram.com/si_wild_by_nature/

Behave your way to investmentgreat outcomes.

We all want great investment outcomes and trying to find the silver bullet that will deliver what we want can become a life’s work. The financial services industry does a brilliant job of convincing us that they have the magical formula, be it through a special new fund, a gifted stock picker or a new asset class which is going to change the investment landscape. To those in the know however, 99% of this is all nonsense and nothing more than a brilliant marketing or selfpromotion campaign.

The real truth lies in a few simple proven facts around investing and our behaviour when doing so. Let me clarify that when I refer to “investing”, I mean what some call, long term (10 years+) investing not a shorter period which I refer to as speculating.

Despite what we may be led to think, the greatest impediment to successful investing is not ignorance but fear. Unfortunately, financial journalism (newspapers, CNBC) uses a short-term time horizon which is the enemy of all truth about investing, which is long term. The closer one gets to the markets, the more “facts” you are bombarded with, and the less truth you can see. Ultimately these journalists’ job is to bring us back for more journalism, not to make people good investors. In a nutshell, many of them feed and thrive on investors fear.

While most asset managers position their fund/s as top performers, the reality is that no-one can foresee the future outcome of a fund in advance, so putting all one’s energy into this makes no sense. As one can see below, the asset classes are consistent in the returns they deliver in the long term.

“...no-one can foresee the future outcome of a fund in advance...”
Village Centre, St Francis
Shop 12,

At the end of the day, 5% of one’s total lifetime return will come from fund selection. The other 95% will come from your answer to two questions:

1. How much of your portfolio is equity and how much is debt (bonds, fixed interest)?

2. What did you do when the equity portion was down 30%?

If your answer to those two questions was:

1. 100% equity, and

2. Nothing

You will end your investing career in the top 99% of real return worldwide investors, regardless of what funds you invested in. Investing in a diversified 100% equity portfolio may sound risky (fear), however volatility (fluctuation) is not risk.

For clarity, investing in “equities” is investing in the great companies of the world, all those brands you see when you open your fridge or bathroom cabinet or on TV.

On October 19, 1987, (in 1 day!) the personal shareholdings in Berkshire Hathaway of one of the world’s greatest investors, Warren Buffet dropped by $342,000,000. The obvious question would be, how much did he lose? The answer, nothing, because he did not sell.

Buffet subscribes to the fact that the markets are characterised by temporary declines and permanent inclines. The market has always trended up. Seeing one of these declines as permanent due to fear leads to loss.

The only way to protect one’s purchasing power (inflation) over time is to invest in equities. Anything else will simply save you poorer. The irony is that we have been led to believe that investments into bonds and cash are “safe” when the reality is that after tax and costs, they underperform inflation.

Another way to look at it is, do I want to lend money to a company to build its value or would I rather own shares in that same company and benefit from the long-term growth it will enjoy.

Like most things in life how we react to things determines our success. Investing is no different, understand the basics and control one’s behaviour.

Just Another Day In St Francis Bay

Just recently, I was lucky enough to have a surprise visit from Mr Graham Hynes, a local resident in St Francis Bay. He was in Cape St Francis, looking for an address with a scooter for sale. Not everyone might know Mr Hynes, but he is perhaps the most famous person in the surfing industry in South Africa. From the owner of Safari Surfboards, the title-winning South African surfer, and South African Surfing team coach, Hynsie was the coach of the KwaZulu-Natal team for nearly 30 years and the South African national team coach several times as they competed locally and internationally.

Graham was also one of the coaches that led the 2002 South African team to victory at the ISA World Games in Durban, one of the most incredible days of his life, he said afterwards. Anyway, here he was at my house.

- I’m looking for a guy called Craig who is selling a scooter. And he showed me a map on his phone. I could work out where the house was and offered to take him there – it was just around the corner.

We jumped in the kombi and drove a block down. I saw a neighbour and asked him if he knew where a guy called Craig lived in the area.

- No. Just you. Are you not selling a scooter? How are you, Craig?

I said I was fine, thanks, but his input didn’t help me in any way find Craig, the scooter guy.

Eventually, we found the place and walked up the driveway. A gentleman came out of the house, shook hands with Graham and introduced himself as Graham. Then, a second person walked out of the same house and introduced himself to me as Craig. So there were two Grahams and two Craigs, shaking hands and introducing ourselves.

- Hi Graham, I’m Graham. Hi Craig, I’m Craig. Hi Graham, I’m Craig. Hi Craig, I’m Graham. We stood there in silence for a few minutes, blinking under the burning summer sun, thinking unusual thoughts of two Craigs and two Grahams meeting in a driveway on an early weekday morning in Cape St Francis before Craig broke the reverie.

- Are you Craig Jarvis? It’s nice to meet you. Many years ago, a family member had a bookshop in Joburg, and it closed down, and I ended up with some books. I don’t really enjoy reading, and I don’t have the time for much of it, but I found your book, The Bluffer’s Guide To Surfing, and I enjoyed it. I had to find out what happened next.

- Thanks, I appreciate it.

But things were already happening next. In the background, Graham had clambered onto the little scooter and was talking to Graham about it.

As they went through the motions of starting the scooter, parking it, talking through charging the battery and all the other nonsense that comes with riding and maintaining a scooter, I started getting a bit nervous.

The scooter was great, needed a bit of TLC, and was good to go. Hynsie was excited about getting on a scooter and whizzing off to the shops.

- This is just what I need. My car is starting to rust from parking it near the sea all the time, so this could be perfect. Still, I was becoming a bit trepidatious. I’m quite a trepidatious kind of guy, actually.

- How fast does it go?

There was definitely trepidation in my voice.

- About 30 ks an hour.

Now, that’s pretty not fast, but I still had to say something.

- Hynsie, err, ja, sorry. Guys. This is cool, but do you think it’s okay for Graham to ride a scooter around the village?

- I’m fine, Craig. I had motorbikes when I was younger. (Under my breath whisper) ‘Yes, in the 1950’s.’ No one heard me. Craig thought it would be fine.

- My daughter used to ride it when she was like 11 years old. It’s a soft ride with no real power.

I immediately turned that phrase, ‘it’s a soft ride, with no real power, into the perfect ‘that’s not what your mom said’ kind of joke, but I didn’t dare use it. These jokes no longer work well in the woke spoken or printed world.

Graham thought it would be fine as well.

- Graham will be fine; it’s a slow ride.

Another mom joke came to mind immediately. ‘Focus, Craig,’ I told myself.

- Yes, I understand, but do you know how old Graham is?

- No. How old is he?

- He’s 94 years old (and still full of kak.)

Despite me whispering the second phrase about being full of kak, Graham’s 94-year-old ears picked up my whisper and started laughing.

- Seriously?

Graham and Craig stared at Graham, at a very frisky and fit 94-year-old man on a scooter that was good for an 11-year-old, and no one said a word.

- I want to drive it down to the shops and Bruces in the morning. He did look very comfortable on the scooter. He just needed a Hell’s Angels helmet and some leathers to finish the picture.

- It feels nice.

It looked like he was trying to rev it, but it wasn’t turned on any more. I started feeling really filled with trepidation again.

After a while, we bade our farewells to Graham and Craig. Hynsie wanted to think about the scooter, and he would get back to Craig. I drove him back to his car.

One of the best surfing coaches in the world, Hynsie, then wanted to know all about my son’s surfing and his contest results. At 94, Hynsie is still as sharp as a tack and blasted off some excellent advice for my son before driving off into the distance. He had a date in the village for tea with a woman ‘friend’ and didn’t want to be late.

I have no idea if Graham bought the scooter, but if you happen to see a legendary gentleman driving towards the village on a little red and yellow scooter at his version of a break-neck speed, please give him some room.


is Creative director: Mark Campbell/ BasilWaits Creative Media Editor: Craig Jarvis

After navigating a lengthy and challenging journey with its fair share of twists and speed bumps, the realization of the “Long Term Coastal Protection Solution” in St. Francis Bay (aimed at restoring the River, Spit, and Beach) is on the verge of commencement.

The targeted funding for Phases 1 and 2 of the groyne field project stands at an ambitious R110M. As of the latest update, the funding has nearly reached the R100M mark, indicating that the muchanticipated construction is about to unfold. The additional funding for Phases 3, 4 and 5 will take the total to R160M. The momentum in fundraising suggests the possibility of seamlessly transitioning into these phases after completing the initial two.

Funding sources encompass contributions from the SRA levy, donations, and loans from local homeowners and residents. The project has garnered overwhelming support and positivity from the community.

Wayne Furphy, Chairman of the St. Francis Property Owners Association and the SFPO NPC, emphasized the community-driven nature of the initiative, stating, “Many property owners in St. Francis Bay have urged the SFPO NPC to expedite the beach restoration. This can only be achieved by securing additional funding beyond the SRA levy. Following our AGM on December 20, 2023, we

launched a fundraising drive, offering two options: donations and loans. The response thus far has been fantastic, and we sincerely thank those who have pledged contributions. However, the need persists to reach out to more property owners in the coming weeks. We implore you not to wait for our contact; instead, reach out to us. This beach belongs to all of us, and the collective desire is to reclaim it, especially for future generations!”

The surfing community has enthusiastically endorsed the Groyne Project, with Seal Point Boardriders Club Chairperson Dan Thornton expressing full support. Thornton envisions St. Francis Bay transforming into an exceptional surfing haven, ideal for the burgeoning surf community, particularly the younger enthusiasts. Anticipating a positive impact on the blue economy, surf tourism, and local businesses, he foresees the area becoming a training ground for aspiring talents akin to Jordy Smith or Bianca Buitendag. For more details on the “Long Term Coastal Protection Solution” in St. Francis Bay and updates on the fundraising efforts, visit the St. Francis Property Owners Association website: https:// stfrancispropertyowners.com.

Follow SFPO on Facebook for additional updates: https://www. facebook.com/SFPOSavingStFrancis.

St Francis Bay Groynes incoming!

SDC Golf Championships St Francis Links

St. Francis Bay hosted the much-anticipated SDC Golf Championships 2024, drawing avid golf enthusiasts and top-notch players from around the globe to the picturesque Links Golf Course. The course offered a challenging yet stunning backdrop for the pinnacle of competitive golf. The Links Golf Course, renowned for its dramatic coastal views and undulating terrain, added a nice layer of complexity to the game.

The championship featured a stellar lineup of seasoned professionals and rising stars, each vying for the coveted title and the prestigious trophy. The field included past champions, eager to defend their glory and young talents hungry to make their mark on the golfing world.

The atmosphere will filled with excitement as spectators lined the fairways, eagerly anticipating a display of skill and sportsmanship.

America’s Jordan Gumberg claimed an exciting win when he beat South Africa’s Robin Williams in a playoff.

Gumberg and Williams finished regulation play tied for the lead on 12 under par following their final rounds of 68 and 69. On a rainy final day, Williams had seemed fated to claim the victory as he held a two-shot lead over Gumberg with two holes to play.

However, the South African found the greenside bunker on the par-three 17th and made an unfortunate double bogey to slip back into a tie for the lead with Gumberg.

They both parred the 18th (par 4) as the first playoff hole. Gumberg then birded the hole on his 2nd go to claim his maiden DP World

Tour and Sunshine Tour title.

“I’m so thankful to be standing here,” said Gumberg at the end of an exciting final round.

“Coming down the last couple of holes, there is always a point where it feels like it’s slipped away from you. It felt like that for me. So I’m just thankful to be standing here.”

David Ravetto (France) took third place on 10 under par with a final round of 70.

The win meant significant changes to Gumberg’s schedules. Before this, he was a European Challenge Tour golfer struggling to plan his agenda.

“It means everything. I never really got this far in my dreams. It’s what we work so hard for every single day,” said the emotional victor.


276 - Jordan Gumberg * won in a playoff

276 - Robin Williams

278 - David Ravetto

280 - Jamie Donaldson, Marcus Armitage, Nick Bachem, Andy Sullivan, Daniel Brown, Connor Syme

281 - Thriston Lawrence, Jbe’ Kruger

282 - Gavin Green, Casey Jarvis, Tom McKibbin, James Nicholas

Talking with Paul Middleton, Owner of Calibre Security

When did you move to SFB?

I’ve been visiting St. Francis Bay since I was around 15 years old. Tracey, my wife, has had a family holiday home here since 1989, and together, we’ve spent the majority of our holidays in this beautiful town. In 2018, we decided to buy our own home here, and by late 2019, we had relocated. We have never looked back; we love living here and being part of such a wonderful, tightly-knit community.

What prompted your move?

Believe it or not, we moved here about 6 weeks before the COVID lockdown. To say we were lucky with our timing is an understatement. I managed to rent our house out in Port Elizabeth 3 days before we got locked down.

What was the security situation like where you used to live?

For 16 years, we resided in the UK, with our final six years spent in the picturesque cathedral town of Bury St. Edmunds. Crime was never a concern during our time there. However, upon returning to South Africa for the holidays, we had to be highly vigilant, as we had grown unaccustomed to the prevalence of crime. Regrettably, one of the most significant drawbacks of living here is the constant awareness and stress surrounding the possibility of crime affecting us at any given moment.

What prompted you to purchase Calibre?

In 2022, I came to the realisation that my holiday needed to come to an end. We had a beautiful baby boy in 2018, and schools don’t come for free! I started thinking about what I could do that would keep me in this beautiful community and looked at some of the local businesses. My background was in the services industry, and no matter what I looked at, I kept coming back to Calibre being the business I wanted. Encouraged by a good friend, I asked Lynn Edwards, the previous owner, if I could talk to her about buying the company. To cut

a long story short, we finally reached an agreement after a very long process, and I am now the proud new owner of Calibre Security.

What is the most challenging part of the new position?

Telling people that their house has been broken into. I take these matters to heart, knowing how I would feel in their shoes.

What is the most rewarding?

Developing and growing a happy, positive culture within Calibre for all our staff. I want my colleagues to come to work to protect our community. I want to develop a culture of trust within Calibre and the wider community.

Do you have any solutions that might not be in place that you would like to institute?

We are constantly looking at new technology and new ways of doing things quicker and more efficiently. However, traditional patrols and increased visibility are sometimes the most effective measures. We work very closely with Atlas Security and Intersec on the CCTV side. I’m glad they do an amazing job with the Camera network in St Francis Bay.

What do you do in your spare time?

What spare time?! I have been fishing twice

and surfed once since I took over Calibre!

What practical advice do you have for homeowners regarding home safety?

Remain vigilant, secure your property’s perimeter and foster good relationships with your neighbours. If you have an alarm or CCTV system, it’s crucial to regularly test and maintain it to ensure its effectiveness. I will not use scare tactics to win over clients, as we are all aware of the risks in South Africa. We must work together as a community to ensure we do all we can to protect our bubble. That’s one of the main reasons I bought Calibre; my team and I will always do all we can to protect our bubble!

Anything else you would like to say?

I would like to thank everyone within each community for the fantastic support given to Calibre and me. Lynn Edwards set a high standard, and I think we are maintaining that and more as we move into the next chapter of Calibre security! China Town has an amazing community that cares about the sanctity of where we live; they also feel very passionate about the safety of their community and families. Calibre will always remain non-political and will not take sides in any debates unless they are security-related. We will focus on doing our job and doing it well!

Installation of Alarm Systems and Perimeter Beams Guarding of Premises and Estates Olarm O l a r m : A m o b i l e a p p p r o v i d i n g r e a l - t i m e c o n t r o l a n d i n f o r m a t i o n . A r m , d i s a r m , o r b y p a s s y o u r a l a r m f r o m a n y w h e r e i n t h e w o r l d . 24 hour CCTV camera monitoring 24 hour monitoring of security System including loss of power 24 hour alarm maintenance 24 hour response and patrols CCTV installation Package Delivery and drop off point at Calibre HQ Monthly printouts (on request) 042 294 0038 Lyme Rd S, Village centre, St Francis Bay, 6312 Secure your peace of mind with Calibre Security –All Calibre Security staff are registered with the Security Officers Board (PSiRA) and have successfully completed the Security Officers Course We work closely with the South African Police Services, Neighbourhood Watch and Fire Department should there be a need to bring them into aid with any emergencies always got your back! Greater St Francis Bay, Cape St Francis & Oyster Bay Area T H E L E A D I N G L O C A L S E C U R I T Y C O M P A N Y



After a busy season with the inclement weather forcing many holidaymakers to seek alternative entertainment to the beach, the traffic on both the cycle and walking trails increased substantially. We are pleased to say that FOSTER was unaware of any vandalism or altercations between cyclists and walkers during this period. It was wonderful to hear so many comments about how good the reserves looked with no aliens and how well the trails and paths are maintained.

In November last year, one of our maintenance workers, Luvuyo Neti, passed away after being ill for some time. He had been working with Dave Bowmer and Richard Balimane since the start of the Alien Removal Project. Our sincere condolences to his family. Lwandisa Balimane, who had been doing casual work, will now be on the team full-time.

The year has started off with lots of ongoing maintenance, including the completion of the rehabilitation of the walk between Sunset Rocks and the Queen of the West, the trimming and weeding of the trail from Osprey Avenue and maintaining the cycle path from Johnsons Pool to the lighthouse.

Rehabilitation work has also been done on the cycle track from the surfers’ car park to the lighthouse by the St Francis Cycle Club under the supervision of FOSTER, which included removing the berms, which had

been controversial and an eyesore from the outset.

The next project for the team is to focus on controlling and removing some of the bitou in certain critical areas; bitou, whilst endemic, destroys the fynbos and many red-list species and other valuable plants as they grow and become dense.

FOSTER has requested some funding from Rotary to commence with a pilot project in the Irma Booysen Reserve next to the Hope Crescent. FOSTER also recently hosted a group of Rotarians from our local club. The morning started with a visit to the shipwreck display, then to view the bitou pilot project site, followed by the Two Bay Walk in the Cape St Francis Reserve.

None of the Group had ever been on this trail and expressed amazement at what was on offer in the Cape St Francis Reserve, which is so easily accessible for St Francis and Santareme residents as the main entrance is at the end of St Francis Drive.

Maps of all our trails can be found on the website and on the information boards at the main entrances to our reserves.

A big thank you to AMSOL, for the R50 000 donation, which the salvage company involved in the first phase of the wreck removal who helped remove 24 600 litres of diesel from the Elke M and ensured that

minimal pollution from the wreck occurred and helped to prevent an ecological disaster on our pristine coastline. FOSTER was involved as part of the incident team. We could provide some advice and assistance, as the wreck lies on the rocks at Shark Point, part of the Cape St Francis Nature Reserve. The second phase of the salvage operation has been awarded to the international company Resolve Marine. It has now commenced, which involves removing the superstructure and scuttling what is left.

The FOSTER AGM will be held a little later this year and is scheduled for Tuesday, 2nd of April, at 17h00 at the Cape St Francis Resort. As has become tradition, Emeritus Professor Richard Cowling will again hold an interesting talk on our biodiversity, and all are welcome to attend.

Lastly, our membership fees are due, and as we run a financial calendar year, it is better that all members pay their fees at the beginning of the year rather than in the month they joined. Thank you to those who have already paid. Membership costs just R350 for a family and R250 for an individual membership. Less than the price of a breakfast for 4 at any of our excellent restaurants and coffee shops. We depend on funding through these fees, fund-raising initiatives, and generous donors, so please support FOSTER. We receive no form of government funding or subsidies.

St Francis Bay 042 294 1188 stfrancisbay@pamgolding.co.za If you are thinking of moving, contact us today. Arderne Properties CC t/a Pam Golding Properties St Francis Bay Registered with the PPRA. Holder of a Business Property Practitioner FFC. Operating a Trust Account. A Franchise of Pam Golding Franchise Services (Pty) Ltd. Live Remarkable. Move to St Francis Bay and spend your time in the waves. A Freedom like no other

Wine On Water 2024

It was an incredible weekend of wine tasting on the canals for this year’s edition of Wine On Water, presented by Investec.

After much hard work and energy from the organisers, Friday was a lovely day in St Francis to drink some wine. Still, Saturday was the pearler: light west winds, clear skies, and hordes of people in attendance in the village. While the Wine On Water was in full swing, the SDC Golf Champs were rocking at The Links as well. Not to be left out, the St Francis Market was also in full swing on Saturday, with a bustling crew of locals and visitors buying and selling local products.

Wine Estates

Thirty of the top wine estates in the country were invited to show their wares, and they revealed some award-winning wines and exquisite new blends.

Some of the fabulous wine estates represented at Wine On Water were Stellenzicht, Kleine Zalze, De Grendel, Gabrielskloof, Donkiesbaai (very popular, with me, last year), Warwick, Tokara, Weltevrede, Eikendaal. Grangehurst and Guardian Peak, to name a few. It was also a warm welcome to first-time attendees Ernie Els Wines, with wines celebrating their

“Thirty of the top wine estates in the country were invited to show their wares”
All Photos © Gail Petri

namesake, including Big Easy and Major Series. The winery, which officially opened in 2005, offers a range of wines with a particular focus on Cabernet Sauvignon.

Jetty Marshals

A special thanks go to all the deck and jetty marshals working on the event. Their work was diligent, with guests’ safety front of mind.

The deck and jetty marshals for Wine on Water are all Sea Vista residents who were given an opportunity to earn some money through our event. They are trained to assist the boats and barges transporting Wine on Water guests to dock safely at the jetties and to help the guests safely on and off the boats, checking that all arriving guests wear the required event bands. Where decks are accessible by road, marshals also guide those entering by road to find the correct route to the wine-tasting deck, checking for event bands and ensuring that guests’ and property owners’ safety are monitored at all times.

Congratulations to all the organisers who have worked tirelessly to make the 2024 edition one of the most organised and well-run events in St Francis Bay. We can’t wait for the 2025 edition.

Editor’s Choice.

The St Francis Bakery

Morning coffee, almond croissant and a cheese and salami minibaguette.

Recently, my daughter and I would check out the waves early. Often, the waves would be small or the wind onshore, but seen as we were already up, the kombi seemed to self-navigate us to the Bakery in St Francis Bay.

Their early morning array is so good that it is often impossible to choose from, but eventually, we whittled it down to a few items. My coffee order varies depending on whether I had a few dops the night before or if I managed to get an early cup in, but if not, it’s a large Sia. My coffee snack is the almond croissant, fresh to die for, with enough sweetness to help the morning, and a delicious soft, fresh pastry.

My daughter chooses only one thing: the cheese and salami roll. Boerenkaas cheese, Salami, Olive Oil on a mini baguette. It’s the same meal every single time. When I mention that the kombi might find its way to the Bakery, her eyes light up, and she starts babbling about the baguette. According to bakery owner Barry Killian, it is a Boerenkaas cheese, Salami, and Olive Oil on a mini baguette. I do not know if there is anything special in the cheese, but she is addicted.

The Pig and Rooster

I finally got over my social anxiety drawn on by a busy summer and managed to drag my chubby ass out of the house and head off for

a quiet drink. After doing a recce from a distance and not noticing any cars of people who would either want to chit-chat inanely about some arbness, argue with me about something or other, or talk loudly to me as to only admire their own voice, I ventured down to the Pig and Rooster.

What a cool little pub, and a pub it is. A place where you can sit at the bar, have a dop, and let little things like social anxiety float away on the fumes of a fine whiskey or a unique Gin and Tonic. It is not a restaurant with a lovely drinks menu (that’s the delightful Nevermind, next door); this is an old-school pub with only a few left in St Francis these days. Pull in.

The Quays Restaurant

While we were all lamenting the possible closing of The Quays, we received this heartening release:


The owners of The Quays Restaurant, Mae Dutton and Chantel James, are thrilled to announce that they have recently signed a

long-term lease with their new landlords, Inex Developments (Pty) Ltd.

Inex Developments purchased the sought-after property on the canals in 2023 and is currently developing the Residential area adjacent to Marina Village. Inex is extending its development plans over to the Commercial area starting in May 2024.

So, what does this mean for The Quays Restaurant?

“Firstly,” responds Chantel, “we will continue trading as normal for the rest of this Summer! At the beginning of May 2024, we’ll pack everything away and take an extended hiatus while we await our stunning, brand-new restaurant that is being built in the same location”.

The construction of the new commercial development at the St Francis Quays is expected to take approximately 16 months, meaning that The Quays Restaurant will re-open and be ready for trade in time for the 2025 Summer Season.

Join The Quays on their journey on social media by following @ thequays

Spar Basil Pesto

It’s also one of those things that goes everywhere: on school sarmies for the kids, in salads, on homemade pizza, and anywhere else that might need a little bit of extra, some say magical, flavour.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Training

The Pound BJJ is a local Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club now up and running in Cape St Francis.

Adult classes run in the evenings and are open to everyone from 13 years and up.

A fun kids’ session runs on Wednesdays to introduce the minigroms to the sport from a young age.

22 Eatery and Wine Bar Deliveries

While discussing lekker food, did you know that 22 Eatery and Wine Bar now offers delivery service? Excellent pizzas delivered hot to your door. When it’s just too much of a hassle to go out, and you only want to chill out on the couch, phone the crew at 22 Eatery. Call them on 066 457 5486

Good Reads

Surf Sweat and Tears: The Epic Life and Mysterious Death of Edward George William Omar Deerhurst.

This is the true story of Viscount Edward ‘Ted’ Deerhurst. He was the son of an unlikely parental duo of the Earl of Coventry, who married an American ballet dancer. Ted was neither comfortable in England nor with nobility and chose his escape as a professional surfer.

Ted was a good surfer and featured in a few surf movies in the 80s, mainly due to his noble background and hard training, not for winning events or any notable surfing achievements.

The sport took him to Hawaii, the heart of the sport of surfing, where he fell in love with Lola, a dancer from Honolulu.

It’s generally not a good idea to fall in love with a dancer called Lola, especially if she already has a serious boyfriend called Pit Bull.

Despite constant warnings to stay away, Ted would never give up, and this is that story. It takes us into the dark side of the sport of surfing behind the suntans, golden sunsets and beautiful people, mixed with gruesome true crime.

St Francis Bay Surfers Excel In Cape Town

Last month, a crew of our local surfers headed down to Cape Town to compete in the Rip Curl GromSearch Kommetjie. The Rip Curl GromSearch is a five-event series for junior surfers, with the U16 Division being the premier division. These contests go up and down the coastline, with contests in Cape Town, Port Alfred, Nahoon Reef Scottburgh, and the final event at Seal Point, Cape St Francis, in September.

We had six surfers from St Francis Bay in the event: Slayde Shooter, Brin Jarvis, Jesse Moulang, Jack Erlank, Rylan Jarvis and Rory Dace.

The tournament’s opening day was at Long Beach; the conditions were excellent, with a decent-sized swell and offshore winds the whole day.

Long Beach is the most consistent wave in Cape Town, and definitely in the Deep South, and in 2023, the competitors were blessed with three days of excellent surf. Unfortunately, this weekend didn’t look as promising, with a waning swell forecast and very few options open to the surfers.

Still, the show must go on, and the contest organisers had a few other spots on the radar that might prove suitable in the predicted conditions.

On day number two, the contest upped

and moved over the hill to Witsands, near Scarborough.

The waves were bigger here and sometimes a little bit too big, but that’s still better than no waves.

Some of the younger divisions faced off with the giant sets, and it was pretty harrowing for the surfers as well as for the spectators and parents. Everyone gave their best and surfed way out of their comfort zones. Still, it was a difficult day of surfing for many, and a few disappointments and some jubilation. After nearly 12 gruelling hours of surfing, only three local surfers made it through to the final day: Slayde, Brin, and Rory.

The final day was smaller again, back at Witsands, and the day kicked off with a few semis, and then it was on to the finals.

What started as a gloomy, windy day in Cape Town soon morphed into one of those classic summer days in the Cape, with the sun beating down and the wind forgetting to blow. The only drama was getting across the burning hot white sands of Witsands to the cooling water of the Atlantic, with barefooted surfers sprinting over the beach before their heat.

There was some drama in one of the U14 Boys heats, with a local penguin getting annoyed with the intruders at his local break and having a go at young Ben Esterhuyse, nipping at his wetsuit and

making a nuisance of itself during his heat.

A friendly Cape Seal also visited and played in the shorebreak, coming mighty close to one of the U12 Girls in their heat. Still, it was just having fun, cruising around, looking for something or someone to play with.

By the time the finals rolled around, it was small, and luck became a deciding factor for the competitors.

In the U12 Boys division, Slayde Shooter was looking good but couldn’t find a decent second wave and ended up in third place. Brin Jarvis came second in the U12 Girls division, debuting in the Rip Curl GromSearch Series. At the same time, local hero Rory Dace won the Premier U16 Boys division, keeping it loose and fast in the small conditions. The next event in the series is the Rip Curl GromSearch Port Alfred over the Easter weekend.

Congratulations to our local St Francis Bay surfers for the style and manner in which they competed. The local crew are a good bunch of competitors, keeping everything together and cheering each other on through thick and thin as they travel our coastline surfing in the Surfing South Africa events. We are proud of you guys and girls.

The Evolution Of Key College

The evolution of Key College, now embarking on its second year of operation, has been nothing short of extraordinary. Our students and staff have been a testament to resilience, adaptability and commitment as our school has undergone significant transformation, fostering an environment of change and growth.

One of the features of our progress has been the expansion of our teaching body. Since 2023, our staff numbers have doubled, with the addition of passionate educators who bring real-world expertise to their respective subjects. Alison Stevenson leads our IGCSE Biology, Science and Sustainability programs, instilling a profound understanding of ecological responsibility in our students. Tammy Green, an enthusiastic supporter of language and creativity, imparts her knowledge in Afrikaans, Social Responsibility and Art.

Joining our reputable team is Nikki Ridley, whose experience as an author and writer has already left an incredible mark on the handling of our English department. Complementing our team of ladies is the talented Peter Jones who guides our IGCSE Art students towards artistic excellence, and myself, Cristan Sardinha, leading the charge in Mathematics, Social Responsibility and

Business Studies.

We take immense pride in the dedication of our students as they embrace the challenges of an International Curriculum. Additionally, special recognition is due to Rylan Jarvis and Jack Erlank for their participation in the RipCurl GromSearch in Kommetjie, Cape Town. We also applaud the endeavours of Hannah Harding as she excels in her efforts towards Nippers Eastern Cape and South African Championships as well as Juliet Erasmus and Isabella Murray as they work towards their Equestrian Showing competitions, a testament to their commitment to not only academics but also athletic excellence.

Beyond the confines of traditional academia, our students have thrived within our enrichment programs. Under Alison’s guidance, Foundation students have enjoyed learning the intricacies of sustainability, exploring the United Nations 17 sustainable development goals with hands-on activities such as a hermit crab habitat preservation excursion to the Kromme River Mouth. In the realm of art, students are exposed to a plethora of techniques and mediums, fostering creativity and self-expression through watercolour, lino printing and pencil work. Social Responsibility takes

centre stage as students engage in meaningful discussions surrounding mental health, stigma, boundaries and healthy relationships.

Looking ahead, Key College has many more adventures in store for the remainder of the first term. We plan to embark on an excursion to Storms River where our educational experience will transcend the confines of the classroom. We firmly believe in instilling values of curiosity, exploration and environmental awareness.

The story of Key College’s 2024 journey thus far is one of growth and resilience. We look forward to what the rest of the year has in store for our school and believe that we will continue to rise to new heights and that our students will stand in excellence as the year progresses.

For any enquiries about Key College, our vision, curriculum or enrolment, please feel free to contact me via email or WhatsApp at the contact details below.

Yours Sincerely,

079 885 3394

Seal Point Boardriders Club

There has been some newfound energy and exuberance around the Seal Point Boardriders Club, and there are new committee members, some fresh faces and some fresh goals and objectives for the Club. Here is the shortened version of the first newsletter of the year.

Seal Point Boardriders First Club Newsletter for 2024

The new club chairperson is Dan Thornton, with Lynette Stander as treasurer and Craig Jarvis as secretary. Other committee members include Simon Fish, Chantal Shooter, Jade Dace, and Ari Kraak.

For this year, 2024, the Club will not be asking for membership fees. Instead, the Club is going to work towards the following:

Building a solid membership and establishing a database of members’ details. This includes emails and a WhatsApp group.

Establishing a club identity, club solidarity, pride, and loyalty amongst members.

Laying out a plan of goals and objectives for the Club.

Establishing a series of grom events for grom club members.

Running our annual club event/AGM.

Establishing effective protocols for hosting other events here at Seals. Two decentsized contests are coming to our hood, plus our club events. Contest dates on the point will be communicated once calendars are confirmed.

Forming solid communications with Kouga

Municipality, Surfing South Africa, Nelson Mandela Bay Surfriders, and St Francis Property Owners Association – the groynes will be constructed this year in St Francis Bay.

Initiating some fundraisers.

Purchasing some necessary items for the Club to facilitate the running of events. Looking for a club sponsor or two. Developing support structures for our competitive surfers.

We have communicated with the Surfing South Africa (SSA) General Manager, and the Seal Point Board Riders Club is officially recognized by and affiliated with SSA, the sports governing body. Our affiliation fees are paid up for the year.

Grom Comps

The Club ran their first Grom Comp at the beginning of the year, and it had a great turnout, especially among the young girls. Shane Thorne ran the contest, There were also some excellent performances from some of our young girl groms, with some surfing their first ever competition. Some nervous surfers went out there and had to figure out the intricacies and strategies of surfing heats for the first time. Shane was on hand the whole time to guide and assist, and in the end, some of the girl groms ended up beating the older and more experienced guys!

Excellent performances from Jade Forsyth, Abi Jorge, Brin Jarvis, Murray-John Boonzaier, Maya Weiss, Slade, and Livvy Shooter, and everyone who surfed in the event with such gusto. We have a team of groms who will win big events one day, so the rest of the surfers in the country better watch out.

At the end of the day, Rory Dace won over Rylan Jarvis in the first event of the year for the Groms, which will become a series of club events for the Groms. Rory won a voucher for two of JP’s Friday Night burgers from the Full Stop, as well as a very cool ceremonial hammer engraved with ‘nailed it’ with a leather strap with the club name on it, a very cool addition to the trophy cabinet, thanks to Chio Moulang for the trophy and thanks to Lorrin Jarvis for patiently tabulating and time-keeping for the entire event.

The plan for the Club is to have a Grom Comp every month of the year, except for the month when we have our club championships. At this stage, we are considering the Club Championships being held sometime in May when the conditions are the best. This will be followed by some sort of prize-giving and jol, with the details still being decided when going to print. Find Seal Point Boardriders on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date.

Seal Point Boarddiders accepts a r25k cheqie donated by Rotary st Francis’ Lyn Aitken, through funds granted by the Billy’s Beach Ballie’s fundraising event. © Si Cunneen

Port Alfred Easter Festival

What’s Really Going On At The Mouth Of The Kowie River.

Easter comes early this year, and many people visit St Francis Bay. At the same time, many locals also choose to get away during this time. The weather is still great (usually), and it’s a lovely time of year to enjoy somewhere different and get away from it all before the winter chill starts blowing from the west.

This year, Port Alfred Tourism has decided that it is as good a time as any to deliver a Festival to the town and the many visitors who like to come and hang out at the mouth of the Kowie River.

The main ‘anchor’ events of the Port Alfred Easter Festival are two surf tournaments, the Rip Curl GromSearch and the Rip Curl Cup. A large flotilla of St Francis surfers and their families are already booked to go to Port Alfred and compete in the two surf events. The two competitions have a combined prize pool of R105k, which is a good enough reason for surfers to make the trek to the beautiful little coastal nook.

While the surfing is going on at East Beach, the South African Bodyboard Challenge is happening simultaneously over Saturday and Sunday at West Beach. The surfers get the groomed right-handers, while the bodyboarders choose the left wedge shore dump grinders that barrel – perfect for their needs. The NSRI will be watching over both beaches throughout, along with the local lifeguards.

Still, there is so much more going on over the weekend to entice and attract visitors, most notably the Bands At The Beach Music Fest in aid of NSRI. Five top local bands perform live Saturday afternoon and evening at Guido’s Carpark opposite the West Pier. The bands are Georgetown, Arno Carstens, Wonderboom, aKING and December Streets.

The Bands At The Beach Music Fest is in aid of NSRI Station 11, and a portion of all tickets sold goes towards NSRI.

There is so much more on the go for the rest of the dedicated or social athletes. For example, On Saturday mornings, it is possible to do a Lazy Man’s Triathlon by competing in the Port Alfred parkrun, the Cycle Asylum 10 km Fun Ride and the Sports n All Marina Easter Swim. There’s enough time between the events for someone (who is quite determined) to get to the separate starts of all three events on time. The distance between the three means that you might need to get a lift in a friend’s bakkie and have someone waiting with your bike or goggles, but it’s all good old fun. The Festival organisers have highlighted that the weekend is about having good times and not stressing.

The Wharf Street and Van Der Riet Street Market on the Friday evening will also be cool. Local vendors and producers peddling their wares, food, clothing, furniture and

a vast array of local stands will light the streets up.

For those who are more into ball sports, there are tennis tournaments (open and junior), a golf tournament, a lawn bowls event and a croquet competition. On Monday, the Nemato Change A Life Handball is also happening at West Beach.

The events are:

· Rip Curl GromSearch

· Rip Curl Cup

· The South African Bodyboarding Challenge.

· The Species Spectacular Easter Fishing Competition

· Port Alfred parkrun.

· The Cycle Asylum 10km Fun Ride

· The Marina Easter Swim

· Sunshine Coast Open Tennis Tournament

· Sunshine Coast Junior Tennis Tournament

· Easter 2 Ball Alliance Golf Tournament

· Sunshine Coast Open Pairs Bowls Tournament

· Port Alfred Easter Croquet Tournament

· Nemato Change A Life Handball

· Wharf Street and Van Der Riet Street Market

· Bands At The Beach Music Festival In Aid Of NSRI

· The Masibambisana Boxing Tournament

The full calendar can be found on the Port Alfred Easter Festival website –



St Francis Bay, February 2024 - Boasting spectacular views of the picturesque bay that includes iconic destinations such as Jefferys Bay, Oyster Bay, Paradise Beach, St Francis Bay and Cape St Francis in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, you will find St Francis Links, an community that stands testament to the perfect blend of natural beauty and modern amenities. The estate has emerged, not only as a premier golf destination but also as the ideal haven for families seeking a harmonious balance between luxury living and a healthy lifestyle.

At the heart of St Francis Links is a world-class championship golf course designed by the legendary Jack Nicklaus. The meticulously crafted course not only provides a challenging and enjoyable experience for golf enthusiasts but also offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. With its lush green fairways and manicured greens, the golf course serves as a visual spectacle and a recreational haven for both seasoned golfers and those new to the game alike.

Fostering a sense of community and creating an environment that caters to the needs of families is a priority at St Francis Links. The estate boasts a range of family-friendly facilities and activities, making it an ideal destination for those looking to enjoy quality time together. For families with a penchant for outdoor activities, St Francis Links offers an array of options either on the estate or easily accessible from the estate. Walking trails, biking trails and a leisure centre that includes a gym and heated swimming pool are located on the estate. Just outside of the estate you will find more hiking and biking trails, an array of water sports, fishing, cruises, padel and tennis courts, squash courts and lawn bowls. If you are content to just soak up the sun on a glorious summer’s day, seek out one of the pristine beaches on offer.

Education is a critical component of deciding where to live for young families. The estate is located near reputable schools,

ensuring that children have access to quality education without compromising the family’s lifestyle. For working parents, there is a solid fibre backbone that runs through the estate ensuring reliable connectivity to keep you abreast of your business commitments. Beyond the greens and family-friendly amenities, St Francis Links takes pride in its vibrant social scene. The clubhouse serves as a hub for community gatherings and events, fostering connections among residents. Regular social activities, themed evenings and community celebrations contribute to the strong sense of camaraderie that defines life at St Francis Links. Guests are welcome to make use of the clubhouse facilities which also offers a quiet working environment with free high-speed internet. The on-site dining options provide culinary delights that caters to diverse tastes. From casual family-friendly menu choices to more formal dining experiences for corporate events, weddings or cocktail functions, residents have access to a variety of facilities at the clubhouse that are easily accessible without leaving the comfort of their gated community. This emphasis on convenience and quality further reinforces St Francis Links as a complete family destination.

The provision of top-class services is something that the management team prides themselves on. Off the grid water supply and security services are excellent. The backup electrical supply on the estate ensures that services at the club and security continue unabated.

The natural beauty that envelopes St Francis Links provides an ever-changing backdrop, creating an enchanting environment to explore and enjoy. For families seeking a seaside haven where they can thrive, close enough to a metro airport, create lasting memories and enjoy the beauty of the Eastern Cape, St Francis Links is undoubtedly a choice worth considering.

Come for a day, stay for a lifetime.

The epitome of luxury living at St Francis Links in the Eastern Cape, South Africa Nestled amidst breathtaking views of the bay, our estate seamlessly combines natural beauty with modern amenities.

Beyond being a premier golf destination, St Francis Links is a haven for families seeking a harmonious balance of luxury and a healthy lifestyle

Activities in and around the estate for children. Award winning golf courses Gym & heated swimming pool Hiking & biking trails 1 Jack Nicklaus Drive St Francis Links St Francis Bay Eastern Cape +27 (0) 42 200 4500 hello@stfrancislinks.com @stfrancislinks Water Sports - Surfing, fishing & cruises Padel, squash, lawn bowls & tennis Your dream lifestyle awaits!

Kromme Enviro Trust Update CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 2024

This report provides an update on all our projects, starting with the lead project of 2023. This is the initiative to get formal protection for the Oyster Bay Dunefield. Lead Project – Oyster Bay Dune Field

Our aim is to have designated sections of the Oyster Bay dune field declared as protected areas on environmental grounds. The dune field, nearly 16 km long, is a unique natural asset that more than qualifies for protection for both ecological and heritage reasons. It hosts countless archaeological sites of significant heritage value as well as being an integral part of the natural hydrological system and containing valuable flora and fauna.

Wildlife Sanctuary

The Wildlife Sanctuary has been taken in hand by new recruit Mandy Cromarty. She is well qualified with over ten years in animal rescue and dived straight into the deep end with the sanctuary. She has undertaken some temporary restoration to the sanctuary itself. She now plans to upgrade it and introduce a bird aviary.


We revived the Eco-Kids educational programme in 2023 with a joint event with St Francis College, a rock pool morning at Seal Point.

This was followed by three sessions sponsored by Rotary St Francis. Johan de Wet from Roaming Lions in Jeffreys Bay competently led these events, held in the Community Garden, at the Irma Booysens Nature Reserve and back in the Community Garden. We reached many children between 4 – 10 years of age.

Bruce’s Ocean Cafe

Since 2019, the success of Bruce’s Ocean Museum Café has mushroomed, and it is now a well-loved and established meeting place for residents and visitors alike. Our partnership with the operators of the cafe, Nikki and Ernest Benderman, continues to be a happy and close one.

Ocean Museum

Creating a meeting place of people, thoughts and ideas, with a focus on the beautiful environment we find on our doorstep, remains the focus of this museum

aThe Greater Kromme Stewardship (GKS)

One of our most important initiatives is the Greater Kromme Stewardship. It was established in 2015, and it exists to create nature reserves and protected areas in this district. Its members include ourselves and the Jeffreys Bay Wind Farm, the Gibson Bay Wind Farm, the Oyster Bay Wind Farm and the Tsitsikamma Community Wind Farm, and in 2024 three new wind farm members – the Impofu Wind Farms – will join the ranks.

The Greater Kabeljous Partnership

Papiesfontein is an exceptionally important site for threatened biodiversity, supporting the largest intact stretch of Humansdorp Shale Renosterveld on the planet and providing habitat for the highly threatened raptor, the Black Harrier. It is an intrinsic part of a proposed Black Harrier refuge area to be funded by the Jeffreys Bay Wind Farm, and so we are invested in ensuring its protection.

Response to Development Threats

In Sept 2022, Total Energies Exploration and Production (TEEPSA) applied for environmental authorization for drilling exploration wells off the Cape St Francis coast.

The Enviro-Trust also supported the St. Francis Activation organised by Juliette Godfrey and Harry Bateman to protest against CGG’s seismic survey on 9 December. This was just one of at least 26 protests that were taking place along the west, south and east coasts of South Africa, protesting the project and the impact it will have.

Environmental Clean-ups

The Kromme Enviro-Trust has hosted the International Coastal Clean-up locally for several years. . It has become a global movement, with over 6 million volunteers taking part across 90 countries.

The 2023 event took place on 1st October in collaboration with other local organisations and businesses . A significant amount of rubbish was collected along our coastline and was disposed of by the Municipality, who were also involved in the day’s events.

Two Harbours Walk

The storms of 2023 caused extensive

damage to the popular coastal walk. Boulders were dislodged onto the pathway, areas of dune plant life were uprooted, and all 10 sections of the boardwalk installed over previous years were smashed by the storm swell, much of it washed out to sea. The retrievable sections have been put to good use in the Romazini Valley bridge installed by Neale Grobler’s crew.

The rocky 200m section along the highwater mark close to Bruce’s had to be repacked to make it walkable again. This work was tackled by the Sport For Youth Soccer Academy.


All projects involve some expenditure, and our policy is to raise funds to cover that expenditure so that we can keep our membership fees as low as possible to allow everyone the opportunity to join us and make a difference in the environmental world of the greater St Francis area.

Fundraising starts with a solid foundation in our monthly contribution from Bruce’s Coffee Shop. Then, there is our annual golf day on World Environment Day in June. This was a highly successful event in 2023, raising more than R90,000.


Pool & Two Harbours Walkway Refurbishment

We are working with the municipality to make good the storm damage to the Grannies Pool and Two Harbours coastline. The immediate priority is re-nourishment of the beach at Grannies, followed by rebuilding the natural rock walls of the pool itself and then securing the collapsing grass bank above the beach. The longer-term plan is to repair the damage to the Two Harbours Walk infrastructure and to refurbish the braai area next to Grannies Pool.

Fishing Line Bins

Fishing line bins are placed strategically across the St Francis (13 bins) and Cape St Francis (6 bins) areas near fishing spots to encourage fishermen and walkers alike to safely dispose of fishing lines.

The Trust extends its thanks to all the volunteers who contribute and work on the various projects as described. It makes all the difference to us and their help is invaluable.

Enviro-Trust Kromme

St Francis

NOW AVAILABLE IN-STORE. V33108, V33109, V15914, V17614, V17612, V33106, V15913, V29157, V17492, V22165 (Act 36 of 1947)

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