2022 04 Wickham Skeith Newsletter

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Wickham Skeith Newsletter April 2022 Feb2022


All meetings & events in Village Hall unless stated otherwise and subject to Covid guidance at the time.

April 2022 Thursday 7th Mobile Library Van two stops at 9.45am and 10.05am th Saturday 9 Crafternoon 2-4pm th Monday 11 Village Hall Committee AGM All Welcome at 8 pm th Tuesday 12 Hilltop Women’s group – Brainy Dog Charity 7.45pm th Wednesday 13 Lunch Club 12 for 12.30 Advance Bookings Please th Saturday 16 Spring Litter Pick 10 am start at Village Hall th Wed 20 “Healing Power of the Medieval Garden” – Joy Hawkins 7.45 pm nd Friday 22 Table Tennis practice session 6-8pm rd Saturday 23 Table tennis Tournament 6.30pm onwards th Tuesday 26 Gardening Club Andrew Sankey talk 7.30pm th Friday 29 Annual Church Meeting/Flower Festival Preview 7pm @ Church th Saturday 30 to Monday 2nd May Flower Festival 10-4 St Andrew’s Church


Village Hall News For the first time in three years, we were able to hold our AGM in the Village Hall. Thanks to the villagers who attended and the 'Officers' for their reports. The budget looks healthy at the moment. The Treasurer (Harriet) and the Secretary (Jos) were both re-elected but we currently do not have a Chairperson. Nigel-after many years both on the Committee and as Chairman-has stood down. He remains on the Trustees of the Hall and will continue to support the committee in their endeavours to maintain and enhance the Village Hall for the community. We wish to thank him for everything that he has done during his time on the committee to ensure that things have progressed. The committee is always looking for new members-not necessarily as Chairperson immediately of course-so if you are interested, please come to the next meeting on Monday April 11th at 8 pm. Future events On April 22nd from 6pm to 8pm the Hall will be open for people to practise for the Table Tennis Tournament. The bar will be open. The Tournament itself is on Saturday 23rd April from 6:30-dependent though upon number of entrants. Hotdogs will be on sale through the evening. Anybody wishing to enter must register with Nigel Merriam on 766222 by Wednesday 20th April. On Saturday September 3rd we are holding a Music on the Green event. (If wet in Village Hall). The trio "Harbour Lights" have been booked and we hope that other village residents will choose to take part. The prospect of a Ceilidh (Barn Dance) was put forward. Would there be interest in this taking place-let us know please. They have been very popular in the past. At the AGM other suggestions were -a Beetle Drive, Whist Drive, Italian Night, other themed meals, Bingo and quizzes. The committee will look at possibilities but please help us by letting us know what you might support. Fete-18th June: There will be a static, classic car display, all the usual stalls and entertainments as well as musicians from Hartismere High-of various types-hopefully attending. Please put the date in your diary or calendar. It is suggested that on Sunday 5th June we should hold a Jubilee Walk, in the style of The Plum Pudding Walk, starting from the Village Hall with a Bacon Roll from 10am. When the walk is over all-and any non-walkers- meet up on the Green with their own Picnic Lunch/ Drink from 12 noon. People are encouraged to bring games and activities to join in. MAYBE a community photograph to complement the Millennium one in the Village Hall can be arranged. Thanks everybody, Kevin. I have taken over (volunteered/been coerced!) into taking over the emailing of notices to the Village. If you are not on the list, please let me know ktk957@gmail.com

~ N E W S F R O M T H E C L U B S~

Lunch Club Thanks to Graham Hayne for a great pork and apple casserole and to Ann West for her mixed berry cheesecake. The vegetarians among us enjoyed a wonderfully tasty curry. In April we will meet on Wednesday the 13 th of April. We invite you to join us at 12 o’clock and a 2-course meal will be served at 12.30 and the charge is £4 per person. If you wish to join us, you will need to make a booking by the 8 th April. We will continue our bring and buy jigsaw table, all proceeds go to the Lunch Club and our raffle will continue as normal, thanks to those who brought along a small prize for the raffle last month. Please contact me by phone, text or email. Contact details below. Jenny Elphick; Tel jenny.elphick@sim.org







History Group This is the talk we were due to have in March 2020 just as lockdown was starting. So, two years later we welcome Joy Hawkins from UEA who will be giving a talk on “A Balm for Body and Soul: The Healing Power of the Medieval Garden.” The pandemic has highlighted the health benefits of gardens, parks and green spaces. This is not new knowledge. Throughout the medieval period medical writers and theologians emphasised the importance of gardens extolling their virtues, especially during times of plague. This talk will explain how gazing on green grass restored poor sight and the close relationship between gardens and a person's physical and spiritual health. All are welcome so do join us in the Village Hall at 7.45pm on Wed 20 Apr. Entry Fee £2, including tea/coffee and biscuits. Contact: Pete Davidson 766622 or pjdavidson42@gmail.com

~ N E W S F R O M T H E C L U B S~

Hilltop Women’s Group A huge thank you to Jos Bryant for leading our March meeting with her inspirational talk and examples of her quilt making. A great evening. Our April meeting (Tuesday 12th) will be a short AGM, a finger buffet to share and a visitor from the Brainy Dog Charity (from two years ago!) to collect the tin and tell us a little about the charity...hopefully with the assistance of a four-legged friend! It will be good to see you. We've noticed that the numbers are creeping up again as folk are getting more used to being out and about, and the nights are lighter. So please, if you are new to the village or haven't been for a while come along and share time with neighbours and meet new folk. £3 visitors fee-which this time includes a finger buffet instead of the usual cup of tea and biscuit! A bargain! Contact Margaret Knights 767708, or Sue Merriam 766222

Gardening Club It was fantastic to see so many of you at our first meeting in February. It was obvious, from the many kind comments, that people had missed our meetings so we are really happy that we are now able to continue. Our meeting for April will be on Tuesday 26th starting at our usual time of 7.30 pm. This month we are pleased to welcome Andrew Sankey as our speaker who will be talking to us about ‘A year in the life of a cottage garden’. We do hope you will be able to come and look forward to seeing you.

‘Crafternoon’ on Saturday 9th April 2-4pm Whatever your art or craft bring along your current project. Share skills, ideas, tips and techniques. Inspire and be inspired in the company of other creative people. If you have an ‘arty’ or ‘crafty’ friend then bring them too. Surplus art/craft items & books to sell? Bring them for the bring and buy table. Entry: £2.00 per person (inc. tea/coffee/biscuits).


Spring Litter Pick Join our annual litter collection morning and help keep the village tidy. Everyone is invited to join the village litter pick on Saturday 16th April leaving the Village Hall from 10am. Our County Councillor, Andrew Stringer, kindly provides litter collection packs and refuse bags. We fan out across the village picking up from roadsides, paths and even fields arriving back at the village hall to consider the mass of rubbish accumulated.

Flower Festival Well, it looks like it's happening at long last. St Andrew’s Church is open on Friday 29th April for any last-minute preparation and if any local people would prefer to come then it may be a bit quieter than the weekend. At 7 o'clock on Friday 29th, Reverend Carl Melville will hold a short service of thanksgiving for all the people who wish to attend. Other hours of opening are 10-4 on Saturday 30 th April, Sunday and Monday 1st and 2nd May. Please, please volunteer for the tea tent and church sitting duties. Liz Davidson is organising the lists. Contact her on 766622. Come along and enjoy the displays, do the quiz, have tea in the marquee and be amazed by the new-look church if you haven't been in since before lockdown. Thank you so much to the recent coffee morning attendees and volunteer helpers. The proceeds will help to reimburse the exhibitors a little. If anyone would like to take on an interpretation of our theme, who doesn't normally "do" the church flowers, please let me know ASAP and we will fit you in. We are all looking forward to creating our ideas again. It's been a long time! Margaret Knights 767708 rosecottageflowers@hotmail.co.uk

59 Club Recent winning numbers: February – 20. March – 48, 7.


Village Grand National Sweepstake – April 9th. Once again, we will be calling around the village on Grand National Day to enable you to enter the Sweepstake. We have been doing it for over 20 years and the profit goes to the Friends of St Andrews, to maintain the fabric of our parish church. It costs £2.00 a go for each horse, draw as many horses as you wish: winners receive £25 and second place £5. Simon, Sue and Nigel.

Village Hall Updates The March Curry Evening was well attended with 31 people enjoying the five curries on offer. A profit was made for the Village Hall but, as importantly, people had an opportunity to get together and have a chat! Thanks to the cooks and helpers as always. A grant of £400 has been given to the Village Hall from the District Councillor-Rowland Warboys-for a replacement small oven. Thanks to him and the Lunch Club for putting the bid in.

Mobile Library Van The Suffolk Mobile Library van calls every four weeks. Its first stop is the lay-by outside the chalet bungalows, from 9.45 to 10am. The second stop is outside Haymead House in The Street from 10.05 to 10.20. Next visits - 7th April and 5th May.

~C O M M U N I T Y N E W S ~

Care Group For the benefit of those new to the village, I am writing to let you know that we have volunteer drivers who will take you to hospital, doctors, etc If you are unable to get a lift to your appointment, ring Leigh on 768897, who will find transport for you. In addition, if you feel you can help drive on a very occasional basis, please ring Sue on 766222 for more information.

Blocked Drains A recent visit by the good folk of Anglian Water relieved an overflowing main sewage pipe in Church Lane in March. The blockage was caused, it seems, by wet wipes and other items which really shouldn't be flushed away. They ask that householders take extra care with disposal of those sorts of items at all times. Thank you

Buy a Bear and Feed a Child Our friend Wendy Thomas, who lives in St Andrews Close, was so moved by the plight of the starving children in Afghanistan that she decided to do something about it and help raise some money to help feed these poor kids. So, she started knitting and is making the most beautiful bears and all kinds of other things like tea-cosies and baby blankets. She is raising money for UNICEF and would be so grateful if you would buy a bear to feed a child. She lives at 8 St Andrews Close. Her telephone number is 01449 768048. She has created a JustGiving page and here is the link. This message and link are also on the village website in the news section. Thank you. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Wendy-Thomas20? utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=WendyThomas20&utm_campaign=pfpemail&utm_term=0db9c757388647f5a31a6c700f94f8b6

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~ Church of England, Wickham Skeith Facebook: @bactonbenefice Rector: The Revd Carl Melville, The Rectory, Bacton, IP14 4LJ 01449 781650, email: carlmelville@hotmail.com Wardens: Liz Davidson 766622 and Margaret Jones-Evans 767121 Services in April 2022 All services at 9.30am in church unless otherwise stated 3rd April All Age Communion 10th April 10.00am Palm Sunday Service at Wickham Skeith Maundy Thursday 14th 7.30pm Communion, Foot washing & Garden Vigil at Cotton Good Friday 15th 2.00pm Stations of the Cross at Wickham Skeith 17th April Easter Day Communion th 24 April Family Service 1st May All Age Communion For other benefice services, especially in Holy Week, please view our Facebook page or the weekly email. Holy Week – Please note that we start Holy Week with Palm Sunday at Wickham Skeith where we will process with a donkey! Meet on the Green at 10am. Do come along but if you don’t want to walk the church will be open for you to go in and take a seat. On Good Friday there are Children’s Workshops at Bacton Church from 10.30am, with Hot Cross Buns. All welcome – just turn up. In the evening at 6.00pm, the choir will tell the Passion Story in words and music in Old Newton church. Jubilee – our churches will hold special Jubilee services in June, as part of the national celebrations. See more info next month. APCM – the annual church meeting, which includes the Vestry meeting to elect churchwardens for the coming year, will take place in the church on Friday April 29th at 7pm. There will be wine and cheese and a preview of the Flower Festival. We’d love everyone who cares about the church to join us, especially all those who help with the cleaning, flowers and bellringing in order that they can receive a proper thank you! Weekly Email and News – if you’d like to sign up to receive our weekly news email, please contact the Rector. The Church Electoral Roll - The 2019 church electoral roll is being brought up to date in preparation for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which will be held in church on 29 th April 2022. New applications for the roll need to be with me by 7th April. Application forms are available in church and I have some if needed. Please telephone 01449 767121 or email mjonesevans@yahoo.co.uk with queries or to collect/deliver an application. Thank you for your help – Margaret Jones-Evans

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~ Flower & Cleaning Rota 3rd Mr & Mrs P Paine 10th & 17th Mr & Mrs. I. Hempstead 24th & May 1st Mrs M. Rowe & Mrs. S. Wright

Rector’s Ramblings It’s quite remarkable how quickly the world can change. It took one person to give the word and we saw hundreds of Russian troops invade Ukraine. One man’s command has changed the lives of millions in the matter of days – families torn apart, livelihoods lost, houses flattened, people killed. The war in Ukraine is needless and our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine. Thank you for supporting by collecting clothes. Jesus talked about this kind of behaviour. He knew the effect that one word, one command, one small act, could have on so many people. On Good Friday, Jesus went to the cross. One man’s death has shaped and challenged the dark and broken world ever since. Sadly, we still choose war over peace, weapons over love and greed over selflessness. Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Day is the reason why his death changed the world, though. Good can triumph over evil, light can break into darkness, life is the winner not death! Love wins. Jesus is alive now, and where he is he longs to take the whole world to. One man changed the world for evil’s sake. One man changed the world for love’s sake. I know which I’d rather choose. Why not come and hear more about how Jesus changed the world? Revd Carl

~WICKHAM SKEITH PARISH COUNCIL~ MINUTES of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held MONDAY, 7 MARCH 2022 at the Village Hall, Wickham Skeith. Present: Cllrs T Thorogood (Chair), K Knights, R Palmer, J Keable, T Rowe, M Appleby. Clerk: H Roberts. District Cllr: R Warboys. Also present: 4 members of the public. Apologies received from County Cllr Stringer. 1.

07/03/22: Chairman’s Welcome.

2. 07/03/22: a). To receive members’ Declarations of Interest on Agenda items. None received. b). To consider requests for dispensations. None received. 3.

07/03/22: The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 10 th January 2022 were approved.

4. 07/03/22: Village Forum. It was reported that a resident was interested in becoming a Tree Warden. This was discussed later in the meeting, under item 9. 5. 07/03/22: To receive reports from County and District Councillors, Police, Parish Clerk and Parish Councillors. 5.1 07/03/22: SCC: Cllr Stringer’s report. This was not received in time for the meeting, and so was not discussed. However, Cllr Stringer sent his report to the council, and a copy is available on the parish council website. 5.2 07/03/22: MSDC: Cllr Warboys’ report was received. A copy is available on the Council’s website, along with these minutes. The Clerk reported that the he had forwarded the application form for a Locality grant to the Village Hall contact, for them to submit to Cllr Warboys, for money for a new oven. It was agreed Cllr Appleby would chase up the Village Hall Committee contact. The upcoming District Council Planning Committee on 9 th March was discussed, at which Planning Application DC/21/02582 was to be considered. It was agreed the Clerk would submit a summary of the council’s objections to the Planning Officer prior to the meeting. The objections were discussed and the Clerk checked his understanding of them with the council. 5.3 and 5.4 07/03/22: Parish Clerk’s report (including Police report). The Clerk presented his report, including actions since the last meeting: A copy is available on the Council website.


5.5 07/03/22: Parish Councillors, including:

5.5.1 07/03/22: Community Speed Watch. Nothing to report. 5.5.2 07/03/22: General Data Protection Regulation. Nothing to report. 5.5.3 07/03/22: Community Emergency Plan. No update – waiting on the Clerk to arrange the plan review. 5.5.4 07/03/22: Defibrillator. It was noted the Clerk was still to brief Cllr Keable on the defib guardian role. 6 07/03/22: Correspondence Received. A summary of the correspondence received is available as part of the Clerk’s report on the Council website. Main points considered: 

MSDC: Spring Clean Suffolk. It was agreed the Clerk would contact Cllr Stringer regarding a litter pick in the village on 26th March.

Cllr Warboys - insulation and warm homes. It was reported the thermal imaging camera was no longer available.


7 07/03/22 Finance 7.1. 07/03/22: The RFO update was presented. A copy is available on the council website. The Statement of Accounts as of 28th February 2022 was approved. 7.2. 07/03/22 The Internal Accounts Audit and Control Document for the current financial year was reviewed and approved. It was agreed that the council will submit the Certification of Exemption for External Audit. 7.3. 07/03/22 The appointment of the Internal Auditor for the upcoming audit was considered and agreed as Hedges-Quinn at a cost of £125+VAT. 7.4. 07/03/22 The draft Risk Assessment for the next financial year (2022/23) was reviewed and approved, with the following amendment: the risk for the adequacy of the precept be reduced from ‘High’ to ‘Medium’. It was noted that VAT for previous years must be claimed. 7.5.

07/03/22 Invoices for Approval. None presented.

8. 07/03/22: Planning Matters: 8.1 07/03/22 DC/22/00518 - Application for outline planning permission - Erection of 1no. detached dwelling. Location: 124 - 126 The Green, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk, IP23 8LX. It was agreed this application would be objected to. The grounds for objections were discussed and a summary agreed with the Clerk. 8.2.07/03/22 DC/22/00448 - Application for reserved matters previously approved under DC/20/00849) - Appearance; Layout; Scale and Landscaping in relation to the erection of 2 detached dwellings with cartlodges on land with outline permission. Location: Land Adjacent To Bumbledown, Grange Road, Wickham Skeith, IP23 8NF. The council had no comment on this application.


9 07/03/22: Working Parties: Village Green and the Grimmer.

Cllr Knights reported that the green had been strimmed and tidied by the community in late Feb, and thanked Jeannie Mason. The council thanked Cllr Knights and all who helped. Cllr Appleby said it was a good example of the community pulling together to clear up after the storm. She also reported that some residents are concerned about trees that may need a tree surgeon. It was agreed that Steve de Larr would be appointed as an additional Tree Warden. 10. 07/03/22: Matters for next agenda. It was noted that the next meeting would follow the Annual Parish Meeting, at which local groups would be asked to report. It was agreed to run the Annual Parish Meeting from 7.30pm to 8pm, to be followed by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. 11. 07/03/22: Staff Matters It was reported that there may be a local candidate for the Clerk role. It was agreed Cllr Knights would speak to them. 12. 07/03/22: Next Meeting: Monday, 9th May 2022, 8pm, following the Annual Parish Meeting, in the Village Hall.


***** GISLINGHAM PLAYGROUP ***** We provide a safe, warm, friendly and caring setting for children aged 2-5 years, in a brand new purpose-built building on the same site as Gislingham CEVCP School, with whom we work closely to provide an excellent education. The Playgroup is following government guidelines so please check with us for opening arrangements. Please visit our website www.gislinghamplaygroup.com or phone us on 01379 788934

All bookings of the Village Hall and its equipment should go to: Gill Colchester Telephone 01379 788040 or Mobile 07850 641233 Email. gillyano@live.co.uk Hourly rate: £8.00 The rate is per hour or part thereof. Minimum booking period 2 hrs. Day rate (24-hour period): £85.00. 25% reduction in rate for Wickham Skeith residents and Wickham Skeith village groups and organisations. Official bodies (e.g., elections): £200.00 per day. A 30 minute "warming up" period will be allowed in cold weather conditions.

Business Adverts Adverts are £5.00 per month, £25 for 6 months and £50 for one year. Cash or cheque (payable to “Wickham Skeith Village Hall”) to Melinda Appleby at Haymead House, The Street, in advance of the advert being placed please.


GRAHAM MOORE ELECTRICAL LTD Blacksmiths Cottage, Silver Street, Old Newton IP14 4HF

For all your electrical needs For a friendly and efficient service Call Graham on Tel: 01449 616946 Mobile: 07867 560357 *FREE ESTIMATES * ALL WORK GUARANTEED *




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FREE RANGE, HIGH WELFARE, WICKHAM SKEITH REARED MEAT! Leg of pork boneless rolled and scored for perfect crackling £10kg Belly pork Joints £8kg, Pork Mince £8.60 kg, Tenderloin £9.60kg, Ribs £5kg Sausages plain £8.60 kg - packs of 8 , Sausage Meat G/F) £8.60kg GOURMET SAUSAGES £9.40kg Stokes Red onion marmalade & Mature Cheddar, Port & Stilton, Pork & Apple, Lincolnshire, Cumberland Chipolatas (G/F) BACK BACON UNSMOKED in 8 rasher packs £16.50kg SUFFOLK ALE & BLACK TREACLE SLOW CURED BACK BACON £19.87kg SMOKED STREAKY BACON £14.50 kg ORGANIC GRASS-FED FREE-RANGE HALF LAMB BOXES 4-5kg Fresh Frozen Vacuum packed and labelled £15kg Individual cuts from £18kg HOGGITT & MUTTON Ideal for slower cooking LEG, SHOULDER, CHOPS & TENDERLOIN £15k MINCE £10kg BONELESS CUBED FOR STEWING/CURRY £16kg Sam at TAS Animal Care & Poultry at Knoll Farm, Wickham Skeith Mobile: 077424 50908 Landline: 01449 768620 LOOKING AFTER YOUR ANIMALS WHEN YOU CAN’T www.tasanimalandpoultry.co.uk 🐾🐾🐾🐾

This newsletter is produced by Wickham Skeith Village Hall Committee

Village Website For information about Wickham Skeith, the Parish Council, and updates on events, visit the village website at https://wickhamskeith.suffolk.cloud/

And finally... Please send all your village news and adverts for next month’s newsletter to: melinda.appleby@mypostoffice.co.uk or call 01449 766879 By 25th April 2022

Newsletter printed by CopyDiss, 42a Mere Street, Diss IP22 4AG Tel: 01379 644567 www.copydiss.co.uk

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