2021 11 Wickham Skeith Newsletter

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Wickham Skeith Newsletter November 2021


All meetings & events in Village Hall unless stated otherwise

October 2021 Sunday 31st Halloween Treasure Hunt 3-5pm All Welcome. Don’t forget the clocks will have gone back!

November 2021 Wednesday 3rd Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Saturday 13th Sunday 14th Wednesday 17th Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th Saturday 20th Saturday 20th Wednesday 24th

Tea & Chat 2-4pm All Welcome Parish Council 8pm All Welcome Hilltop Women’s group – Sugarcraft 7.45pm Lunch Club 12 for 12.30 Bookings by 5/11 Crafternoon 2-4pm Remembrance Service in St Andrews Church 10.45am Tea & Chat 2-4pm All Welcome History Group talk – Wickham Skeith in the 1950s 7.45pm Mobile Library van - 2 stops @ 9.45 and 10.05 am Stir-up Saturday starts at 10am Village Quiz. Please book in advance. Tea & Chat 2-4pm All Welcome

December 2021 Wednesday 1st Tuesday 7th

Tea & Chat 2-4pm All Welcome Hilltop Women’s group Christmas Lunch


There are some events coming up for you to enjoy, and join in with, in the next couple of months. On October 30th the Family Halloween Treasure Hunt is being organised by Katie. The highly anticipated annual quiz takes place on Saturday November 20th. Nigel is organising it as usual with the eclectic range of questions we all so look forward to! The teams are reduced to six members each and there is a limit on the number of teams too so that we can take additional care in these times. Each team will get a "cold collation" with French Bread. The cost is £7.50 per head and the winning team will receive a prize. Please book with Nigel Merriam on 766222. We are hoping to hold a Village Christmas Party in December. Details nearer the time when we know about social distancing criteria so look out for further announcements. On Tuesday December 28th the annual Plum Pudding Walk takes place. There will be one route with a divergence part way through to shorten it for anybody who wishes a short cut. Mulled wine to begin, homemade soups and French bread to finish with, exercise and company! What more could you want on an extra Bank Holiday? We have our fingers-and toes-crossed that the Covid situation does not deteriorate and these planned events-as well as the re-started clubs-can continue to meet and take place. Hope to see you all at some stage soon.

Tea and Chat Tea & Chat is from 2pm to 4pm every Wednesday of the month, unless there is a Lunch Club! £1 gets you unlimited tea or coffee, biscuits, possibly even cake, and endless chat. It's amazing what you can find out! Do pop into the village hall, meet neighbours, new and old, and share a cup of tea. All welcome including well behaved dogs.

Support Your Village Hall – 59 Club The following numbers are recipients of the new amount of £30.00:-

43 55 22 19


Lunch Club It was great to be able to meet again in October for another Lunch Club. This time our thanks go to Romaine Elsden and Jenny Harvey who collaborated to bring us a tasty meal of Sausage pie with a multitude of fresh vegetables, followed by a generous portion of trifle and cream. Of course, thanks also to the wash-up team, Dave, Will and Peter (a great opportunity to discuss the cricket scores!) We hold a raffle each month to supplement our funds (50p a ticket) and we are grateful to those who bring along a small item for the raffle table. Next month we will be selling the raffle tickets for the Annual Big Christmas Raffle. Each ticket costs £1. We will be bringing the tickets around the village for those who wish to participate and who don’t get to the lunch club. We meet once a month on the second Wednesday of the month. So, our next meeting is on the 10th November. Many of you are already booked for the next lunch, but if you have not yet booked, and in order for us to cater for the correct numbers, can I please ask that anyone wishing to attend should book a place by the 5 th November by phone, text or email, contact details below; Jenny Elphick; Tel jenny.elphick@sim.org







Hilltop Women’s Group Frog's Farm owner Freddy Vaudrey, came to our October meeting to tell us the story of the farm so far. It's amazing what the family has achieved in only two years. The sunflower season was very successful for them and now they are full on with pumpkins. Lots of imagination and ingenuity makes this a popular place for families. It will be good to watch them progress in years to come. On Tuesday 9th November at 7:45 pm we will, hopefully, have Sylvia, who has shared time with us before, to show us the secrets of sugarcraft and hopefully (I use that word so often in these unpredictable times!) we will have a go. She is a talented lady who runs cooking workshops so will come prepared. Come along with an apron! Our Christmas meal out is still on target for Tuesday 7th December but again, although it would be so good to share a meal and go out for the evening, we are very aware of the restrictions in place. We will talk about it at the November meeting. Margaret Knights 767708 or Sue Merriam on 766222

~NEWS FROM THE CLUBS & OTHER EVENTS~ ‘Crafternoon’ 13th November – Wickham Skeith Village Hall

2.00 – 4.00p.m.

Come along, show & tell! Whatever your art or craft bring along your current project. Share skills, ideas, tips and techniques. Inspire and be inspired in the company of other creative people. If you have an ‘arty’ or ‘crafty’ friend then bring them too. Surplus art/craft items & books to sell? Bring them for the bring and buy table. Entry: £2.00 per person (inc. tea/coffee/biscuits). Adequate space to be sociable and yet maintain social distancing.

Cross-back Apron Workshop Would you like to make a cross-back apron similar to this? You can join me at the village hall on Saturday afternoon 5th February 2022 (2-5pm) to get started. £10 for a copy of the pattern and instructions plus full details of fabric requirements (sizes s m to xl) We can continue on Saturday 12 th February at the regular Crafternoon to get the apron finished or you can just carry on at home. Any proceeds after expenses to the Blossom Charity at Ipswich Hospital jocelynbryant712@gmail.com

Or tel 01449 766219


Halloween Treasure Hunt 31st October 2021 from 3pm to-5pm Starting from the village hall and going around the village. Use the clues to find the letters and complete the word for a treat. £5 per family/couple Prize for best costume – under 8 and under 16. May be useful to bring a torch or lantern To allow children to ‘Trick or Treat’ around the village could we ask, if you are happy for them to come to your house, please place a pumpkin outside visible from the road.

The Christmas Pudding Stir-up 20th November 10am at the Village Hall Once again, we shall be mixing Christmas Puddings to a WI recipe with Father Christmas directing operations. Do come to watch the fun, enjoy a coffee and mince pie from 10am. We shall sell the mixture for you to steam ready for Christmas from about 12md. We have plastic bowls and lids for you to buy or bring your favourite bowl to steam at home. We can also deliver to your home that afternoon. To order please phone Margaret on 01449 767121 or come and see us in action in the Village Hall and buy direct from the stirrer!

Macmillan Coffee Morning A huge thank you to everybody who came to the Village Hall for this annual fundraiser. With money raised on the day, and generous donations, we sent them £269.00. A super amount for a wonderful charity.

~HISTORY NOTES~ History Group – Wed 17 Nov 7.45pm Having spent the October meeting in the early 1900s, on Wed 17 Nov at 7.45pm Nigel Merriam will be giving an illustrated talk entitled “Wickham Skeith in the 50s”. This will be an opportunity to see & hear about the village as it was 65 to 70 years ago. It was a time of change from an insular, rural community dominated by farming to one where people were starting to work away from agriculture & often outside the village. There was still a pub, a shop & many characters, some of whom Nigel will tell us about. All welcome – entry fee £2 (children under 16 free) to include refreshments

l to r: Charlie Stringer (1900-1992), Clem Pearson (1910-2008) & Day Mayes (1899-1990)


Those who came to our October meeting had the opportunity to hear two songs from Charlie Stringer. Wickham Skeith, & surrounding villages, had a rich culture of singing traditional songs. During the 1970s & 80s John Howson recorded Charlie & many other local singers. He published a book “Many a Good Horseman” which contained interviews with some of them. I’d like to share some of the reminiscences from four Wickham Skeith “old boys”: Charlie Stringer, Day Mayes, Jack Pearson, Clem Pearson. Charlie Stringer. “My father was a singer. Wag Stringer his name was. He sang all old songs, really old ones – I didn’t know half of them… I used to go to the pub with him when I was 5 years old, Wickham Swan that was, and he used to sing in there, and I picked a song up when I was 5 years old. That was Cranky Sue. I learned a song called The Farmer from Cheshire from my father. I used to know lots of old farmer’s songs at one time, but I’ve forgot most of them. Most of my songs I learned when I was about 14. I’m 83 now.” Day Mayes “I used to sing in the Wickham Swan, but that’s shut now. We used to mostly sing in the kitchen. There was a bar round the back, and there used to be several people would get in there and sing, all the old songs, you know, like In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree.” Jack Pearson “Yes, I’ve been playing [the mouth organ] since I was 17. My sister was going to learn me music on the piano… and then she messed off to service. I was only 10 then and she was about 15, so that finished that. “I used to live in a hut in Wickham Skeith for 24 years, but I got burned out, and lost what little I had got. That was at Mill Hill, but you wouldn’t know it now.” Clem Pearson “We used to go up to the Wickham Swan…It was mostly Saturday nights and Sundays, then sometimes during the week, but it was always crowded at weekends. There was Ethel Collins, she could play the castanets. They were real ones, black ebony type. She didn’t play them like we played the bones, she played them the proper way.” [Clem, or Tiner as he was known, played the melodeon – a type of button accordion.] Pete Davidson pjdavidson42@gmail.com

~C O M M U N I T Y N E W S ~

Mobile Library Van The Suffolk Mobile Library van calls every four weeks on a Thursday. Its first stop is the lay-by outside the chalet bungalows, from 9.45 to 10am. The second stop is outside Haymead House in The Street from 10.05 to 10.20. It is free to join. Come to the van with proof of identification or complete an online form. Books can be ordered online or browsed for on the van and can be borrowed for eight weeks. Next dates are 18th November and 16th December 2021

Family News We would like to welcome a new family into Waitaki, Thwaite Rd as Gill Fenning has moved to Beccles for new adventures. They are Laura and Steve Hughes and their children, Albie and Elsa. We do hope they will be happy living here and look forward to meeting them.

Oil Syndicate The next syndicate deadline is 30 November. If you'd like to order please email me at jerrybassett@icloud.com or, if you don’t have email, ring 765908.

All bookings of the Village Hall and its equipment should go to: Gill Colchester Telephone 01379 788040 or Mobile 07850 641233 Email. gillyano@live.co.uk Hourly rate: £8.00 The rate is per hour or part thereof. Minimum booking period 2 hrs. Day rate (24-hour period): £85.00. 25% reduction in rate for Wickham Skeith residents and Wickham Skeith village groups and organisations. Official bodies (e.g., elections): £200.00 per day. A 30 minute "warming up" period will be allowed in cold weather conditions.

~C O M M U N I T Y N E W S ~

The Churchyard If you enjoy visiting the beautiful churchyard, have you thought about making a donation to help with the up-keep? A cheque for St Andrew’s Church Wickham Skeith will be very welcome. We have bats and Barn Owls – do visit at dusk. Liz Davidson at Stow House and Margaret Jones-Evans at 1, Broadway will be very pleased to receive donations. We now have a card reader in the church, which is open from 10 to 4pm daily – it’s very easy – do try it. To keep the churchyard looking this beautiful, costs more than £1,000 a year.

Thank you everyone for your support With best wishes from Margaret Jones-Evans 01449 767121

Nature Notes Winter thrushes are now arriving. Redwings and fieldfares will be foraging amongst the hedges for fruit especially in hawthorn and cotoneaster. Look out for starling ‘murmurations’. The resident starlings have been joined by flocks from Scandinavia and just before sunset small groups gather and eventually form large shape-shifting dances of birds. Redgrave Fen is a good place to watch them. Tawny owls will be calling as young birds set up territories and just before dusk barn owls are patrolling ditches and rough grass hunting for voles. Ladybirds might now be coming indoors looking for a warm place to spend the winter and will often wedge themselves inside windowsills. If you want to get closer to nature, join an evening badger watch at the Museum of East Anglian Life in Stowmarket. Dates (based around full moon): Friday, 19th November 2021, 3pm-6pm Thursday, 16th December 2021, 2.30pm-5.30pm See their website for details and ticket prices.

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~ Church of England, Wickham Skeith Facebook: @bactonbenefice Rector: The Revd Carl Melville, The Rectory, Bacton, IP14 4LJ 01449 781650, email: carlmelville@hotmail.com Wardens: Liz Davidson 766622 and Margaret Jones-Evans 767121 For all enquiries about baptisms and weddings, please contact the Rector. Services in November 2021 All services at 9.30am unless otherwise stated 7th November 14th November 21st November 28th November

All age Communion 10.45am Remembrance Service in church Holy Communion Family Service 6.30pm Advent Carols at Cotton 5th December All age Communion For other benefice services, please view our Facebook page. Village Star Hunt – once again we are asking people to display a STAR in their window or garden from Sunday 28th November through to Christmas. People can then go round and find as many as they can! Remember to post your STAR on Facebook! Star Trail Experience – you can follow the star to the STAR TRAIL, which is a multi-sensory Christmas experience. Meet the Wise Men, Saint Nicholas and Mary cradling baby Jesus – real live actors! The experience will be open to the public at Old Newton Church on Saturday 4th Dec, 12noon-4pm and at Bacton Church on Saturday 11th Dec, 12noon-4pm. Each journey lasts about 40 minutes. The event is free, donations welcome. No need for tickets – just turn up! Services – our service pattern has changed. We hope that there is something for everyone throughout the month, so why not join us? There will be no Café church (an informal service with tea, coffee and treats, with a 15-minute service around the table) in November because the 2nd Sunday is Remembrance Sunday when we will have a service in church at 10.45am. You are all most welcome to join us as we remember the fallen of war. Diddy Disciples – a short service for parents and tots, 10.30am at Bacton Church, followed by refreshments. Nov 3rd and 17th and Dec 1st and 15th. All welcome. Advent and Christmas with the Bacton Benefice – yes, harvest is over so we can use the “C” word! All at St Mary’s Bacton, unless stated otherwise. Sun 28th Nov 6.30pm Advent Carols @ Cotton Church Thurs 9th Dec 6.30pm Old Newton Village Carol Service Sun 12th Dec 4.00pm Christingle Service Sat 18th Dec 7.00pm Carols on the Green @ Wickham Skeith Sun 19th Dec 3.00pm Lessons and Carols Tues 21st Dec 7.30pm Candlelit Carols @ Gipping Chapel Christmas Eve 9.00pm Midnight Holy Communion Wickham Skeith 11.30pm Midnight Holy Communion Bacton & Old Newton Christmas Day Please join the Methodists or…. 9.30am Communion @ Gipping Chapel 10.30am Family Service @ Cotton Church

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~

Weekly Email and News – if you’d like to sign up to receive our weekly news email, please contact a Warden or the Rector. Flower & Cleaning rota – we’ve reached the time of year when a new rota needs to be prepared. If you would like to volunteer to join, or if you need to be removed from the list, please let Liz Davidson know by December 12th (766622, eadavidson42@gmail.com). We don’t have as many volunteers as a few years ago so new people will be welcome. Each pair will have 2 or 3 sessions of 2 weeks in the year when they provide fresh flowers for the altar vases in season and do as much cleaning as time and energy allows. It’s not an arduous task, you don’t need to be a regular churchgoer to ‘qualify’, just care about preserving a historic building - every effort helps to keep our lovely building in good order. If you’re not sure just ask Liz to tell you more. All help is greatly appreciated. Flower & Cleaning Rota 7th & 14th Mrs E Davidson 21st & 28th Mrs M Rowe & Mrs S Wright Dec 5th & 12th Mrs J Willoughby

From St. Mary’s! - a message from Elaine Miller, one of our Lay Readers

A drop of ink makes thousands think! Inspiration is something we all need and can come from anywhere: people, places, events or experiences. It can encourage people to do something better for themselves or others or it can make you want to change your ways or just be a more thoughtful person. It can make you want to make the world a better place or it can encourage and motivate you to help just one person. The first time I was inspired to question ‘my elders’ was when I was 15 and the curate, who ran the church youth club, employed a lady as his cleaner who, let us say, previously worked the streets in Norwich. The people in our church, particularly the old women, were horrified and thought he was completely out of order. I could only ask why? He had removed this woman from a degrading job and shown her kindness and respect yet these so-called Christians were admonishing him for doing what we saw as something good. That curate inspired me to stand up to people who are prejudiced and not generous or understanding. Another example is Saint Teresa of Avila who would talk to God as one would talk to a friend, praising him one minute and telling him off another. Her relationship with God was one of a good friend and one where she could unburden herself or even laugh with when something amused her. While a novice in her convent she was expected to pray on her knees for the time it took the sand to flow through her hourglass. Teresa often found she was bored or ran out of things to say so would shake the hourglass to make the sand run through more quickly! It is reassuring to know that even prospective saints aren’t always perfect but her main legacy to me, which has been my inspiration throughout my ministry, is this quote: “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” There are many in our parishes and in the media who are inspirational, who are Christ’s body here on earth, there are many more whose kind deeds are only known by a few so let us all be inspired to make the world a kinder, more tolerant and less judgemental place. God Bless

~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~ Members of Wickham Skeith Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of the Council, to be held at the Village Hall on Monday, 8th November 2021 at 8.00 pm. The Council, members of the public and press may record/film/photograph or broadcast this meeting, when the press and public are not lawfully excluded. At the Village Forum agenda item, the public will be invited to give their views/questions to the Parish Council on issues on the agenda, or raise issues for inclusion at future meetings. This item will be generally limited to 15 mins. duration and will be followed by any County/District Councillors’ or Police reports. Note that restrictions on numbers will be in place to follow covid restrictions. Attendees are asked to maintain social distancing. Face masks and hand sanitizer will be available. Signed Huw Roberts Proper Officer


Chairman’s Welcome (to include apologies and approval of absences)


a). To receive members’ Declarations of Interest on Agenda items b). To consider requests for dispensations.


To resolve that the minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 19th October 2021 are accurate.


Village Forum: an opportunity for the public to raise any relevant issues to the Council.


To receive reports from County and District Councillors, Police, Parish Clerk and Parish Councillors: 5.1. SCC: Cllr Stringer 5.2. MSDC: Cllr Warboys 5.3. Suffolk Police 5.4. Parish Clerk 5.5. Parish Councillors, including: 5.5.1. Community Speed Watch 5.5.2. General Data Protection Regulation 5.5.3. Community Emergency Plan 5.5.4. Defibrillator


Correspondence Received

7. Finance: 7.1. Financial position as of 31st October 2021 7.2. RFO update, including consideration and approval of Asset Register. 7.3. Budget for FY2022/23 7.4. Invoices for Approval 8.

Planning Matters: to consider planning applications and note planning decisions received.


Working Parties: Village Green and the Grimmer

10. Matters for next agenda

~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~ MINUTES of the Extraordinary PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held TUESDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2021 at the Village Hall, Wickham Skeith. Present: Cllrs T Thorogood (Chair), K Knights, M Appleby, J Keable. Clerk: H Roberts. Also present: One member of the public. Apologies received and accepted from: Cllrs Rowe and Palmer. 1 19/10/21: Chairman’s Welcome. 2 19/10/21: a). To receive members’ Declarations of Interest on Agenda items. Cllr Knights declared a non-pecuniary interest in the discussion about the Land West of Grange Road. b). To consider requests for dispensations. None received. 3 19/10/21: The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 13th September 2021 were approved. 4 19/10/21: Village Forum. A member of the public spoke of their concerns about the revised planning application DC/21/02582.


5 19/10/21: Planning Matters

5.1 19/10/21: To consider amendments made to the planning application DC/21/02582: Full Planning Application - Erection of 3No pairs of semi-detached dwellings, and garages including access. Location: Land West Of, Grange Road, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk. Reason(s) for re-consultation: Revised plans submitted 17/09/21. The Council objected to the revised planning application. In summary, it considered the amendments did not address the concerns it had previously raised. 5.2 19/10/21: To consider planning application DC/21/05298 : Application for works to trees protected by Tree Preservation Order MS353/A1: Reduce 1No Ash tree (T1), 1No Lime (T2) and 1No Maple(T3) by up to 1/3rd for safety and tree health. Location: Willow Lodge, Rose Lane, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8LU. The Council was neutral on this application. 10. 19/10/21: Matters for next agenda  Enquiry to the council regarding fishing on the Grimmer. 11 19/10/21: Next Meeting: Monday, 8th November 2021, 8pm, to be held in the Village Hall. Meeting closed at 8.52 pm


***** GISLINGHAM PLAYGROUP ***** We provide a safe, warm, friendly and caring setting for children aged 2-5 years, in a brand new purpose-built building on the same site as Gislingham CEVCP School, with whom we work closely to provide an excellent education. The Playgroup is following government guidelines so please check with us for opening arrangements. Please visit our website www.gislinghamplaygroup.com or phone us on 01379 788934


GRAHAM MOORE ELECTRICAL LTD Blacksmiths Cottage, Silver Street, Old Newton IP14 4HF

For all your electrical needs For a friendly and efficient service Call Graham on Tel: 01449 616946 Mobile: 07867 560357 *FREE ESTIMATES * ALL WORK GUARANTEED *


Rose Cottage Flowers Christmas IS coming! Please contact me for any seasonal arrangements, wreath kits or any commissions connected in any way to flowers and foliage. Margaret Knights rosecottageflowers@hotmail.co.uk 767708

Ed Batram GARDEN SERVICES Clearance, design, planting, aftercare for your garden… Trees, hedging, fencing, log splitting & chainsaw work… Ground clearance, paths, patios, brickwork and paving… All aspects of conservation work undertaken. FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 01379 898203, mob: 07950 923696 Email: edwardbatram@icloud.com


Business Adverts Adverts are £5.00 per month, £25 for 6 months and £50 for one year. Cash or cheque (payable to “Wickham Skeith Village Hall”) to Melinda Appleby at Haymead House, The Street, in advance of the advert being placed please.


High welfare, Free Range, Slow raised Rare Breed Pork

THE FOLLOWING ARE READILY AVAILABLE ALL YEAR ROUND Belly pork Slices £8kg Pork Mince £8.60 kg, Tenderloin £9.60kg, Ribs £5kg Sausages plain £8.60 kg - packs of 8, Gluten free Cumberland £9.40 kg, Sausage Meat £8.60kg Gourmet sausages in packs of 8 £9.40kg Toulouse, Red onion marmalade & Mature Cheddar, Port & Stilton BACK BACON UNSMOKED in 8 rasher packs £16.50kg, BLACK BACK BACON £19.87kg SMOKED STREAKY BACON £14.50 kg ORGANIC GRASS-FED FREE-RANGE HALF LAMB BOXES 4-5kg Fresh Frozen Vacuum packed and labelled £15kg HOGGITT & MUTTON LEG, SHOULDER, CHOPS & TENDERLOIN £15kg MINCE £8kg CONTACTLESS FREE DOORSTEP DELIVERY AVAILABLE #STAY-SAFE Sam at TAS Animal Care & Poultry at Knoll Farm, Wickham Skeith Mobile: 077424 50908 Landline: 01449 768620 www.tasanimalandpoultry.co.uk � � � �

This newsletter is produced by Wickham Skeith Village Hall Committee.

Village Website For information about Wickham Skeith, the Parish Council, and updates on events, visit the village website at https://wickhamskeith.suffolk.cloud/ Many thanks to Stephen McKie and Julie Sore for maintaining this and to our Parish Clerk, Huw Roberts, for keeping the parish council information updated.

And finally... Please send all your village news and adverts for next month’s newsletter to: melinda.appleby@mypostoffice.co.uk or call 01449 766879 By 25th November 2021 Don’t forget it will be a double issue: December 2021 and January 2022

Newsletter printed by CopyDiss, 42a Mere Street, Diss IP22 4AG Tel: 01379 644567 www.copydiss.co.uk

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