2021 07 Wickham Skeith Newsletter

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Wickham Skeith Newsletter July 2021

Please Note - the Parish Council meeting will be at the Village Hall on Monday, 12th July 2021 at 8.00 pm.

Summer Flowers in St Andrew's Churchyard


We have had a little roof issue with a small ingress of rain water but thanks to Nigel and Dave and some replacement tiles this has been rectified with no great issues for the Hall itself. Dave continues to keep the outside of the hall looking neat-thanks to him for that. There is good news and, not unexpectedly, changes to previous plans! The government has extended social restrictions and therefore we will postpone the Family Social until 7th August and the times (6pm) and organisation from last month's newsletter will apply. We plan to have a Treasure Hunt starting at 2pm on Sunday afternoon September 12th finishing at the VH with bar, tea and sausage rolls. More details to follow. No further information on village groups returning to use the Hall-although the Parish Council will be there for the bi-monthly meeting on Monday 12 th July at 8pm. They will be responsible for ensuring all necessary details are in force. Any ideas for activities when we can return to more usual hall use please let us know.

49/59 Club For those of you who pay by direct debit - 'a big thank you' especially during the pandemic months. Prize winners should already have received their winnings. However, these past few months have caused problems. Those of you who have previously let me have either cash or a cheque (quarterly, half yearly or annually) have not been able to contribute. This method of collecting has not been possible due to the restrictions that were imposed on us. I am sure you will understand that if no money was received I was unable to pay out any winnings to participants. I apologise for this but I am sure that, if this applies to you, you will understand. Now that things are becoming easier we hope to be up and running a.s.a.p. Any queries, please contact me. New participants are always welcome as the income raised from the 49/59 goes towards the running of the village hall whose funding has been curtailed over the period of the pandemic months. To participate costs £1 per week (payable as mentioned above) per number. If your number matches the National Lottery bonus ball on Saturday then you receive a cheque for £25. **Cash holders can still use their number/s if they wish - let me know. Jeanne Mason - 767800 Holders of winning numbers paid by direct debit 33 - 44- 1- 52- 13- 50- 42- 11- 26 - 41- 18- 22- 23- 17- 46


Village Litterpick Some twenty villagers turned out to pick up litter from roads and footpaths at the end of May. Many thanks to all of you and, of course, to Andrew Stringer who provided pickers, bags and high viz jackets and took away the collected rubbish for us. Thanks also to those who pick up litter generally throughout the year.

Hilltop Women’s Group 50th Anniversary Celebration Saturday 4th September - 2pm at the Village Hall This is the final try at a date for this event! It will happen then and there in some shape or form. It will! Come and join us for a glass of fizz, a cup of tea and a slice of cake. Apologies for messing up your calendars yet again, but we've all learned that our plans for the future aren't written in tablets of stone anymore! (Were they ever........but life seemed so much easier!!) More details next time. Enquiries to Margaret Knights 01449767708. Sue Merriam 01449766222


Lunch Club Sadly with the delay in the lifting of the Covid restrictions it looks like the Lunch Club will have to delay our reopening. We had hoped for a grand reopening in August but it will now be later in the year. Decisions will be made when we have more information so watch this space!

~HISTORY NOTES~ Why Abbey Farm? This month I’d like to discuss Abbey Farm which, for newcomers to the village, can be found on the left up Cotton Lane. Having extolled the early Ordnance Survey maps for their accuracy, I now have to introduce a but …. they aren’t so accurate in recording historical sites. The 1 st issue 6 inch OS map covering Abbey Farm describes it as being “On Site of Abbey” – information that would have been supplied by a local correspondent. It’s been a popular story in the village over the years but, sadly, it is not true. Abbey Farm was given that name because it, as well as the manor & church of Wickham Skeith, was owned by St John’s Abbey Colchester. The Abbey held the manor & church between the 1140s & 1540 when Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries. How do we know this? Colchester Abbey, like most medieval religious institutions, left a number of written records. Also, there is a group of charters preserved at the Bodleian Library in Oxford which provides us with a lot of information about the relationship of Colchester Abbey with Wickham Skeith. I’ve been fortunate to see these charters – there is something very special about handling documents that are nearly 900 years old. According to the Domesday Survey, the manor & church of Wickham Skeith were held in 1066 by Alflæd, a free woman commended to King Harold. By 1086 they were in the possession of Roger of Poitou. After a somewhat tortuous history the manor & church belonged to Count Stephen of Blois (later King Stephen) by the 1120s & to his steward, Robert de Sackville by the 1140s. It was Robert de Sackville who gave the manor & church to Colchester Abbey, sometime between 1147 & 1153, & became a monk. It was normal for men of property to give some of their lands to a religious institution in order to ensure their place in heaven after a sinful life. What was more unusual was for such a man to become a monk. Robert must have been particularly pious or had a lot of sins to expiate. Robert also stipulated that 4 monks should pray for his soul at Wickham Skeith. This cell would probably have been at or close to the church. After Robert’s death his son Jordan de Sackville agreed, in a charter dated before 1157, that these monks should return to Colchester. So, the cell at Wickham Skeith was short-lived, lasting less than 10 years. Looking at Abbey Farm, at first sight it seems fairly modern, but its age is given away by the huge central chimney stack & the change in the roof line. In fact, it’s one of the oldest houses in the village, dating from the early 1400s, although it’s been much altered over the years. There are a couple of interesting features on the OS map. Firstly, the irregular field boundaries indicate a very old landscape, all now gone. Secondly, there was a moated area just to the west of the farm buildings. It appears too small to be a residential site & Basil Brown (of Sutton Hoo fame), who investigated the area after WWII, suggested it was the site of a dovecote. (There is a more recent one on the map just to the north of the house.) In medieval times dovecotes were very much status symbols for the rich. Not only were the hard-working peasants forbidden to own such birds, but they also had to put up with the lord’s birds feeding on their crops! Pete Davidson pjdavidson42@gmail.com

Abbey Farm from 6 inch OS map 1885

Abbey Farm from a postcard 1902-06

~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~ Members of Wickham Skeith Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of the Council, to be held at the Village Hall on Monday, 12th July 2021 at 8.00 pm. At the Village Forum the public will be invited to give their views/questions to the Parish Council on issues on the agenda, or raise issues for inclusion at future meetings. This item will be generally limited to 15 mins.

AGENDA (DRAFT) 1. 2. 3. 4.

Chairman’s Welcome (to include apologies and approval of absences) a). To receive members’ Declarations of Interest on Agenda items b). To consider requests for dispensations. To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 5th May 2021 are accurate. Village Forum: an opportunity for the public to raise any relevant issues to the Council.


To receive reports from County and District Councillors, Police, Parish Clerk and Parish Councillors: 5.1. SCC: Cllr Stringer 5.2. MSDC: Cllr Warboys 5.3. Suffolk Police 5.4. Parish Clerk 5.5. Parish Councillors, including: 5.5.1. Community Speed Watch 5.5.2. General Data Protection Regulation 5.5.3. Community Emergency Plan 6. Correspondence Received 7. Finance: 7.1. Financial position as of 30th June 2021 7.2. Audit update 7.3. Invoices for Approval 8. Planning Matters: to consider planning applications and note planning decisions received. 8.1. DC/21/02678: Council to consider response. Application for Outline Planning Permission: Erection of 1No detached dwelling and garage. Location: 124 - 126 The Green, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk, IP23 8LX. Deadline for comments: 13th July 2021 8.2. DC/21/02582: Council to consider response. Full Planning Application - Erection of 3No pairs of semi-detached dwellings, and garages including access. Location: Land West Of, Grange Road, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk. Deadline for comments: 13th July 2021 8.3. DC/21/02805: Decision notice Application for works to trees in a Conservation - Fell 1No dead conifer (T1). Fell Conifer (T3) due to excessive shading and conifer hedge, 30ft long 3ft high remove (T2). Location: Windmill Cottage, The Green, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8LX 9.

Village Green: 9.1. Working Parties 9.2. Grimmer Fishing 10. Matters for next agenda 13 September 2021


There have been many reports of orchids in the village this year. Mostly Bee Orchids and Pyramidal Orchids. They are on the verge by the Grimmer and outside the Chalet Bungalows and also on the verge of the track going up to Clay Street. The flowers of the Bee Orchids imitate female bees to attract others to pollinate the plants. Not only do they give off a scent but the fake bee is hairy to touch.

Photo courtesy of Plantlife The distinct Pyramidal orchid with its head of bright pink flowers, like many orchids, requires a specific fungus to be present in the soil in order to bloom. There has been much more emphasis on wild flowers recently with campaigns such as wilding and ‘say no to the mow.’ Our own village green has been sympathetically managed this year with an area left for wild flowers and on a recent morning walk it was full of Common Blue Damselflies and Gatekeeper butterflies. The churchyard is also being managed carefully allowing wild flowers to flourish and set seed in two areas while keeping the main grass around the gravestones short. Last year Suffolk County Council announced new funding, part of which will be for trialling more wildlife-friendly verge management, including cut and collect, as well as expanding the Roadside Nature Reserve Network.


~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H


Church of England, Wickham Skeith Facebook: @bactonbenefice Rector: The Revd Carl Melville, The Rectory, Bacton, IP14 4LJ 01449 781650, email: carlmelville@hotmail.com Wardens: Liz Davidson 766622 and Margaret Jones-Evans 767121 For all enquiries about baptisms and weddings, please contact the Rector. Services in July 2021 4th July 11th July 18th July 25th July 1st August

9.30 Wickham Skeith Church 11.00 Cotton Church 9.30 Wickham Skeith Church 11.00 Cotton Church 9.30 Wickham Skeith Church

for other benefice services, please view our Facebook page.

News and Notices Holiday Club – we are pleased to announce that we will be running a children’s holiday club on 25 th, 26th, 27th Aug, from 10am-1pm at Old Newton Village Hall. It will include games, crafts, singing, stories and loads more. It will be free (donations welcomed) and will include a small lunch. Children 5 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Book your child’s place on Eventbrite or email carlmelville@hotmail.com. B.O.B Foodbank – our benefice foodbank has helped over 40 households with food parcels and small grants. We now are using food vouchers rather than food parcels to help households. If you or someone you know needs some additional help during these difficult times, please contact Revd Carl or Bridget (677422). It might be for help with school uniforms, bus fees, hospital transport, food, unexpected bills. All contact with us is confidential. Evensong – once a month, Gipping Chapel hosts an afternoon service of Evening Prayer (Evensong). It is a peaceful, relaxing service which uses the Book of Common Prayer. We welcome all ages to join us – why not give it a go? We will continue opening St Andrew’s church from 10am – 4pm on Saturdays and Sundays this month. Do sign the visitors’ book if you pop in to give us an idea of how much it is used. Vision Day – on 5th September the whole benefice will join together for a special service, lunch and activities to think about ‘What Kind of Church’ we want to be going forward. All are welcome. 10am start at Old Newton Village Hall. Weekly Email and News – if you’d like to sign up to receive our weekly news email, please contact a Warden or the Rector.

Benefice dates 6th July, 7pm, Gipping Mini Fete 18th July, 3pm, Strawberry Tea at Old Newton 20th July, 7pm, Antiques Evening with Bishop and Miller, Cotton Church 24th July, Bacton Church Fete 5th Sept, Benefice Day Together 11th Sept, Ride and Stride

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~

Rector’s Ramblings So often I find myself doing things that are on my ‘things they didn’t teach you at college’ list. College was a time for deep thinking about God, the world and our place in it – about theology and philosophy, worship and prayer. Building a scarecrow for the Open Garden is certainly on that list! There are many other things that I find myself doing that feature on that list. I often wonder why I’m not talking about God more, or about why the Arian Heresy is wrong. What I’ve come to understand and believe is that in all the small things, in all the mundane things, and the trivial, God is there. I don’t need to explain him in deep theological phrases or even with words. In all those things I’ve come to know God as a faithful and loving God who never leaves us. Our God gives himself to us through experience and relationships, not with arguments or essays. I wonder if you sometimes stop and think about what it is you’re doing and why. What it is you really believe. How is it summed up or explained? Why is building a scarecrow so important whilst people go hungry. We do all these things out of love – because our God is love. So I want to say a huge thank you for all those who put so much effort into the opening their gardens, made scarecrows, prepared refreshments, ring bells, play organs, sing in choirs, arrange flowers, organise projects, maintain our church buildings and show small acts of kindness. You are an expression of our God in action – a sign and symbol of his love at work in our community. So however big or small your job or role may be, just remember to do it with love. Thank you! Revd Carl. Flower & Cleaning Rota July 4th & 11th Mrs J Kemp & Mrs S Merriam July 18th & 25th Mrs J Willoughby Aug 1st & 8th Mr & Mrs P Paine

~ C O M M U N I TY PAG E ~

Cash for Charities If you are collecting the tokens for us from the local paper the last day they will be printed is Saturday July 3rd. After that date please pass them on as soon as possible as we have to submit our total by July 18 th and should know how much we will receive before the end of July. Archant have provided us with a collection box which is in church for you to deposit the tokens you collect or, if it is more convenient, pop them into an envelope and put through the letterbox at Liz Davidson’s, Margaret Jones-Evans’ or Mary Paine’s house.

Duckling Thanks Kirsty and Trevor at Red House would like to thank all the drivers who slowed down while we've had ducklings regularly crossing the road over the last few weeks.

Volunteer drivers. For those people new to the village, the Care Group try to help those without transport if they need the G.P or hospital. We're now looking for more volunteer drivers to help on an occasional basis. It is seldom more than once a month, and often less. For more information, ring Sue - 766222

Suffolk Libraries The Mobile Library is next due to visit on 1 July and then 29 July. As a reminder it stops at the Chalet Bungalows from 09.45–10.00 am and outside Haymead House, The Street from 10.05–10.20 am.

~ C O M M U N I TY PAG E ~

Plant Hedgerows in the Community The Tree Council’s Close the Gap Community Hedge Fund can provide up to 100% grants for Tree Wardens and community groups to plant new hedgerows, hedgerow trees and fill gaps in existing hedgerows during winter 2021/22. Planting can be on private or public land where the community will benefit. The grant can include costs for the following: ✓hedgerow trees and shrubs–these should be bare root (height up to 125cm /4 foot) or whips (height between 100 –175 cm/ 3’3” -5’9”). ✓larger hedgerow trees-these should also be bare root and no larger than 10cm girth (standard trees are sized by their circumference/girth of the stem measured at one metre above ground). The Community Hedge Fund is open for applications until midnight Sunday 8 August 2021 and successful applicants will be notified by the end of August. Planting will need to take place by 30 January 2022. Anyone interested in ‘hosting’ hedgerow trees by offering sites with a community benefit or volunteering to plant this winter should contact the Parish Council (wickhamskeithpc@hotmail.com) or the Tree Warden, Melinda Appleby (see contact details on back page).

All bookings of the Village Hall and its equipment should go to: Denise Carle, 9, Grange Road, IP23 8NE. Telephone 01449 767838 or Email denise.alexander63@yahoo.co.uk Hourly rate: £8.00 The rate is per hour or part thereof. Minimum booking period 2 hrs. Day rate (24 hour period): £85.00. 25% reduction in rate for Wickham Skeith residents and Wickham Skeith village groups and organisations. Official bodies (e.g. elections): £200.00 per day. A 30 minute "warming up" period will be allowed in cold weather.


***** GISLINGHAM PLAYGROUP ***** We provide a safe, warm, friendly and caring setting for children aged 2-5 years, in a brand new purpose built building on the same site as Gislingham CEVCP School, with whom we work closely to provide an excellent education.

The Playgroup is following government guidelines so please check with us for opening arrangements. Please visit our website www.gislinghamplaygroup.com or phone us on 01379 788934

FREE! 12 A4 lever arch files. FREE! Selection of face paints. Pete & Liz Davidson 766622

Business Adverts Adverts are £5.00 per month, £25 for 6 months and £50 for one year. Cash or cheque (payable to “Wickham Skeith Village Hall”) to Melinda Appleby at Haymead House, The Street, in advance of the advert being placed please.


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~ ADVERTISEMENTS ~ Ed Batram GARDEN SERVICES Clearance, design, planting, aftercare for your garden… Trees, hedging, fencing, log splitting & chainsaw work… Ground clearance, paths, patios, brickwork and paving… All aspects of conservation work undertaken. FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 01379 898203, mob: 07950 923696 Email: edwardbatram@icloud.com



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This newsletter is produced by Wickham Skeith Village Hall Committee

And finally... Please send all your village news and adverts for next month’s newsletter to Melinda: mappleby@tiscali.co.uk or call 01449 766879 By 25th July 2021

Newsletter printed by CopyDiss, 42a Mere Street, Diss IP22 4AG Tel: 01379 644567 www.copydiss.co.uk

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