2020 11 Wickham Skeith Newsletter

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Wickham Skeith Newsletter November 2020


Monday 9th November Parish Council Meeting via Zoom 8pm th Wednesday 11 November Remembrance Day service at 10.45am on the Green Monday 30th November Oil Syndicate order deadline Mobile Library Next visits to Wickham Skeith 9.45-10am layby @ Chalet Bungalows and 10.0510.20 @ Haymead House, The Street on 19 November and 17 December 2020

Sadly there will be no door-to-door collections for the Poppy Appeal this year. There are collection boxes in some supermarkets. Rosie Bassett at Blacksmiths Cottage, The Street has kindly offered to pass donations to the District organiser if you wish to drop into her postbox.


Water, water everywhere …… We take so much for granted these days; turning on the tap for safe, drinkable water is one amenity we couldn’t imagine being without. Mains water didn’t come to the village until the 1950s and even then it wasn’t supplied to all houses, only to outside standpipes for some. Some houses had their own wells and hand pumps and a few of these are still there. However, most residents had to use one of 3 public pumps. There was one on the Street. (Where was it – can anyone tell me please?) Another was on the Green between the Grimmer and the old Post Office where the two Chestnut trees are. The third one, and the only one we have photos of, was at the end of Church Lane outside 8 Kitchen Close.

The postcard, from the late Alan Lummis, dates from 1925/6, soon after Kitchen Close was built. The pump can just be seen on the right hand side.

The close up of the pump is from Marion Bland and shows Cissie with the 2 buckets she was about to fill with water. Collecting water was a daily task and the pump was a place where people would meet for a chat in an era when the pace of life was perhaps a bit slower. According to Parish Council minutes, the pump here was closed in 1957 and tenants had to use an outside standpipe. The pump on the Green was removed in 1959. As to mains sewerage, that didn’t come until 1968. Pete Davidson

~NEWS FROM THE CLUBS & OTHER EVENTS~ Lunch Club Although we were hoping to restart the Lunch Club in the Autumn it is clear now that it will no longer be possible. We will continue to assess the situation regularly, but I doubt that we are likely to open before Christmas, and it may not even be before the spring of 2021, depending on Government guidance. I am really sad to share this news but can't see a way around it. I know how much our members enjoy our monthly gathering. The meal is always so good and the time to chat with friends is invaluable. We were so sad to hear of the recent death of Emma Cable. She was one of our long time members and her cheery smile and infectious laugh will be so missed by all her friends and family. All I can say is how much we will enjoy meeting up again…. sometime in the future.

Free arts programme for Suffolk’s older residents ‘What is your village made of?’ invites adults (55+) to take part in activities that encourage creativity and connection with others, using their home villages and towns as inspiration. The programme is part of Suffolk Artlink’s ‘Make, Do & Friends’ project and will last until the end of March 2021. Professional artists will publish regular Create activities on a blog site, for you to enjoy at your leisure. Each activity, from photography and drawing to creative writing and printmaking, invites you to explore and enjoy different aspects of your surroundings – and offers the opportunity to share your creations with others. If you fancy getting together, but not face-to-face, then why not join one of the friendly Community online get-togethers? Whether it’s taking part in a writing group or the Radio Drama Listening Clubs, these relaxed Zoom sessions will help you develop technical skills and confidence whilst enjoying a creative workshop. The Zoom sessions are ALL FREE, but booking is essential as spaces are limited. Full information about the activities can be found at www.makedoandfriends.co.uk. To request a Create Activity Pack, which can be posted direct to your home address, please either call 07857 002974 or email mdf@suffolkartlink.org.uk and leave your full postal address.

~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~ Members of Wickham Skeith Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of the Council, to be held by video conference call on Monday, 9th November 2020 at 8.00 pm. The public and press are hereby notified of the meeting and are invited to dial in to the meeting.

Joining instructions: go to: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3186857289 Meeting ID: 318 685 7289 Passcode: WSPC2020! Email the Clerk at wickhamskeithpc@hotmail.com if you have queries about how to join the meeting.

AGENDA (DRAFT) 1. 2. 3.

Chairman’s Welcome (to include apologies and approval of absences) 1.1 To note the signing of Cllr Rowe’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office 1.2 To welcome Cllr Rowe to the Council a). To receive members’ Declarations of Interest on Agenda items b). To consider requests for dispensations. To resolve that the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 14th September 2020 are accurate.


Village Forum: an opportunity for the public to raise any relevant issues to the Council.


To receive reports from County and District Councillors, Police, Parish Clerk and Parish Councillors: 5.1. SCC: Cllr Stringer 5.2. MSDC: Cllr Warboys 5.3. Suffolk Police 5.4. Parish Clerk 5.4.1. Update on actions from the last meeting, and to consider any actions arising 5.5. Parish Councillors, including: 5.5.1. Community Speed Watch 5.5.2. General Data Protection Regulation 5.5.3. Community Emergency Plan, including Covid-19 emergency 5.5.4. Defibrillator

6. Correspondence Received 7. Finance: 7.1. Financial position as of 30th October 2020 7.2. RFO update 7.3. Budget for FY2021/22 7.4. Invoices for Approval 8. Planning Matters: to consider planning applications and note planning decisions received. 9. Working Parties: 9.1. Village Green 9.2. Grimmer Fishing 10. To consider the adoption of the proposed policies: 10.1. Financial Regulations 10.2. Publication Scheme 10.3. Code of Conduct 10.4. Website Accessibility Statement 11.

Matters for next agenda Next Meeting: Monday, 11th January 2020

~ M O L L Y A L D O U S J U L Y 1935 - S E P T E M B E R 2020~

Molly Aldous and her sons Freddie and Paul have lived in Daisy Green Lane since 2003, contributing in many ways to village life. Molly’s friendly smile was a joy to see in Lunch Club, History Club, Fete Days and St. Andrew’s Church. She was a gracious lady, always a pleasure to meet. On October 13th Rev. Carl Melville conducted a Service of Thanksgiving for her life, at which Freddie gave a fine Eulogy in honour of his mother. Covid restrictions meant only thirty persons could be present, so below are some details of her life. Molly was born in the flat above her father’s butcher’s shop in Tackett Street, Ipswich. Her parents Thomas and Ivy Burton had one child, Wendy. What a surprise for the family, when Molly’s arrival was followed by the birth of a twin sister –even the doctor was amazed! The family moved to Tunstall. When Molly and Betty were four, war was declared and life changed rapidly. How scary it was in the garden shelter where the family curled up under heavy oak tables during bombing raids. Soon the American Air Force Base, Bentwaters, surrounded their home and they moved to ‘The Four Horseshoes’ in Thornham where Ivy was landlady. Then to ‘The White Horse’ at Stoke Ash, where Ivy again ran the pub and Thomas worked in his butcher’s shop. The twins attended Thorndon village school, then Eye Modern School. They were lively girls who owned a tandem bicycle which led to many tumbles as Betty steered from the front, while Molly did her independent best to steer from the back! Molly and Betty frequently sang and played the piano to entertain customers in the family pub. Sister Wendy married a US Serviceman moving to Kentucky and in 1961Bettyalso went to Kentucky with her US husband. In 1962, Molly married Roger Aldous, a local farmer whose family had previously lived in ‘The White Horse’. Roger served as a Guardsman during his National Service, and was on duty in The Mall for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. Molly became a very ‘hands on’ farmer’s wife at Lodge Farm, Thwaite. Roger’s family also owned Hall Farm, Stoke Ash, and later Roger acquired a third farm at Wyverstone. Sadly, in 1983, Roger passed away suddenly, aged only 49. Molly continued running the farm and for twenty years she worked hard and kept things going with the support of her in-laws. In 2003, aged 68, she retired, sold the farms, and moved with her boys to ‘The Rowans’, Daisy Green. Molly was a determined, independent person who never gave up, and there was plenty of fun in her life. There were frequent holidays with family and friends, in the UK, Europe and America where she visited her sisters and their families. Molly made sure she passed on her cooking and housekeeping skills to her boys, talking them through tasks, such as creating fine Yorkshire puds, from the comfort of her bed or chair. We all wish good fortune for Freddie and Paul and hope memories of a wonderful loving mother will sustain them as they adjust to life without Molly. She would be so proud of them now. Well done, dear Molly, we will miss you.

~ C O M M U N I TY PAG E ~

Oil Syndicate The next deadline for syndicate orders is 30 November. If you’d like oil please email me at jerrybassett@icloud.com or call 765908 if you’ve no access to email. An explanation of the scheme can be found in September’s newsletter but if you don’t have that to hand please let me know and I’ll forward details.

Macmillan Fund Raiser Well. We raised an impressive £280. Thank you so much to all who popped envelopes through our letter boxes. So, in spite of being unable to socialise, or have friends attending the event from other villages, we feel we have done really well and have helped swell this great charity's funds. Well done and thank you. Margaret Knights and Sue Merriam

St Andrew’s Flower & Cleaning Rota It’s time to start thinking about the new flower & cleaning rota as it needs to be prepared before Christmas. If you would like to volunteer to join, or if you need to be removed from the list, please let Liz Davidson know by December 10 th (766622, eadavidson42@gmail.com). We don’t have quite as many volunteers as a few years ago so new people will be welcome. At the moment one or two pairs find themselves doing 3 sessions in a year but ideally its 2 sessions of 2 weeks. You provide fresh flowers for the altar vases in season and do as much cleaning as time and energy allows. It’s not an arduous task; you don’t need to be a regular churchgoer to ‘qualify’ and it helps to keep our lovely building in good order. All help is greatly appreciated. Flower & cleaning rota Currently, with fortnightly services each pair of helpers will only need to do one week 8th & 15th Mrs J Bryant & Mrs L Reinders 22nd & 29th Mrs A Munns & Mrs A Palmer

~ D E R I C (DICK) C A N F E R 1930 – 2020 ~ Dick died on 28th Sept having lived all his adult life in Wickham Skeith until he had to go into a home. He was always Dick; it was not until he went to into Mills Meadow at Framlingham, that he was called by his formal given name, though his wife Edna called him Deric, when she needed to make a point! He worked at Place Farm for over 50 years, initially for Ernie Hammond, then for my father, prior to me taking over. Though he worked for me, I prefer to think he worked with me. It really was a pleasure to work with him. His demeanour was always lighthearted and quick witted. When asked by Radio Norfolk what was the best thing about working on the farm: he said “payday”! He received well deserved awards for his loyalty by getting both 30 and 50 year recognition of Long Service at the Suffolk Show. He had so many talents across the full spectrum of farm work. Not only as a tractor/ combine driver, spray operator and pea harvester driver but as a motor mechanic with a full range of workshop skills. He also handled livestock calmly and sympathetically. When my brother Robin, aged four, fell into the water cart with just his feet showing above the water it was Dick who saved his life! What really impressed me was that he thought like a farmer, I never needed to hustle him, sometimes he hustled me! He would say “If we are going to get this field drilled today we better get a move on!” We used to start at seven and if we had a busy day in front of us he would be in the field on his tractor by ten past. On those days when there was not so much pressure we would chat for half an hour before getting going. He knew what needed doing: preparing machinery, sharpening tools, welding repairs or sweeping up. Dick had to retire from the farm when his wife Edna became ill, but continued to work part time. He looked after the garden for the Richards at the White House for quite a few years and I know they appreciated what he did. They have sent a glowing tribute. He lived in Wickham Skeith from the age of 16, initially with his parents in the thatched cottage on The Green. He took over the tenancy when he married Edna before moving into Red House at the southern end of the Village. Both Edna and Dick were an integral part of the village. They were always there, especially in the early days, helping with the fete and most of the village events. Dick was called upon to do all sorts of jobs, he moved countless people from one house to another with a tractor and trailer, he often cut the Green and was involved when we took on the big job of cleaning out the Grimmer. In their latter years they ran the Tea and Chat on a Wednesday afternoon in the Hall. Edna died 5 years ago and Dick had to go into a home. They were sorely missed from the village. I visited him regularly at Framlingham and really regret that I was unable to see him this last six months. For me, he has always been there and will never be forgotten. Nigel Merriam

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H


Rector: Revd Carl Melville 01449 781650 carlmelville@hotmail.com Readers: Helen Matter 780379, Elaine Miller 770337, Sheila Wright 768644 Elders: Peter Paine 767897, Janice Shea 781263, Jean Willoughby 766621 November services for the Cotton/Wickham Skeith ‘bubble’: 1st All Saints’ Day – 11am Holy Communion at Cotton 2nd, Monday, All Souls’ Day – 7.30pm at Old Newton a quiet service for those who have lost loved ones this year 8th Remembrance Sunday – 10.30am online service 3pm Remembrance service at Cotton war memorial in the churchyard 11th Wednesday – 10.45am Remembrance Day service on the Green round the village sign 15th 2 before Advent – 11am Morning Prayer at Cotton 22nd Christ the King – 9.30am Holy Communion at Wickham Skeith 29th Advent 1 - 11am Holy Communion at Cotton Please note: If you are shielding or fall into a 'vulnerable category' outlined by the government, you must weigh up if you should come to church or stay at home. If you experience symptoms of COVID-19, then you must not enter the church buildings. Please remember to download the service booklet (link available in the weekly email or via the QR code in church). Bring your phone/tablet or print out and bring the copy each time you attend church. Our services will continue to alternate this month, 9.30 here one week, the next 11.00 at Cotton. Please support these services. The online services will also continue for the benefit of those who would prefer not to mix indoors. You don’t need to join Facebook, just go to their website, search for Bacton Benefice and ‘like’ then open the video – when the message to join Facebook appears click ‘not now’. Now that Bacton has a new live-streaming system the service is also available on YouTube, search for ‘St Mary’s Bacton Church’. Once a service has been broadcast it is available to watch at any time that suits you. Remembrance - This year there will not be a service in St Andrew’s on Remembrance Sunday but there will be a live-streamed service online that morning at 10.30. Here we will have a service on Remembrance Day itself, Wednesday 11th, at 10.45am on the Green around the village sign. We will be in the open air so as long as social distance is maintained masks will not be essential. Come suitably clad & shod! Christmas - Our normal carol service will not be practical this year so we are planning carol concerts on Wednesday 16th December at 7pm & Sunday 20th December at 6pm. In order to manage numbers these will have to be ticketed events (free) with a ticket needed by every individual who attends. More details next month. Star Trail – From November 29th, we’re asking you to display as many stars as possible in your windows, on your house or in your garden – the brighter the better! We then hope people will trail round the village to find as many stars as possible. You can find more information about this on our facebook page www.facebook.com/bactonbenefice. Look out for stars on the church too.

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~

Fundraising for St Andrew's Church I have a wonderful selection of books and jigsaws so If you'd be prepared to come when other people are not here just phone me - 01449 767121 You can have the dining room selection of books etc to yourself. Margaret Jones Evans

Rector’s Ramblings November is a time for Remembering. ‘Remember, remember the 5 th of November, gunpowder treason and plot.’ Of course, its Guy Fawkes night. Then there’s All Saints Day when we remember those remarkable people who the church call ‘saints’. Then there’s All Souls Day when we usually remember loved one we no longer see. Then there is 11 th November, when we stop and fall silent to remember the fallen of world conflicts. We remember things all the time - every second, of every day. Sometimes memories are evoked by certain smells or sights. Sometimes memory fades. Yet November is a month for us to remember – to remember all that is past, all that we have been through, all that we have been given. However, we cannot live in the past, even if those memories are good. We must use the memory of the past to move forward. That is even more important at this time of COVID. Remember the lockdown in March and how stretched our NHS became. Remember how hard the doctors and nurses worked? Remember standing on your doorsteps every Thursday to clap for carers? The remembrance of all these things should change us to face the future with certainty and hope. So as we remember loved ones we’ve lost, as we remember the fallen of the world wars, as we remember and look back – remember this: we do so with the certainty that we have a God who journeys with us and never leaves us. Why not come and remember with us at St Andrew’s sometime? Revd Carl


Errors and Omissions It seems that I made a slight error last month when welcoming the new owners of Oak Farm. Whilst it did cause some hilarity, I must point out that their names are Johnny and Julia Blue. Their lovely dog is called Humphrey!! SM

~ ADVERTISEMENTS ~ Rose Cottage Flowers Christmas wreath making workshops. Sadly, but sensibly, Mel and I have decided not to hold these at the barn this year. However, all is not lost! I am preparing kits to collect, or for doorstep delivery. They are £10 and contain the frame, moss, reel wire, mossing pins and wreath wrap. Basic instructions will be included. No foliage. Depending on restrictions at the time, I am willing to supervise your making sessions, fully kitted out of course, if you choose to get together with a couple of bubble people in a suitable venue. And, as usual, I will be accepting orders for the ready to hang variety. Prices start at £20 for a basic foliage only wreath, with full protection on the back as usual. Decorated types start at £25.00 Christmas arrangements etc. will also be available to order. As will any usual kind of floral request. Please phone, or email with queries, orders or suggestions. Margaret Knights. 01449767708 or 07717520058 rosecottageflower@hotmail.co.uk There will be a pop up shop in December, so watch out for the next newsletter

IT’S NOT TOO LATE…… To call in at Kisumu, The Street and have a look at an assortment of items for sale including toys, puzzles and games, shower and bath stools, nearly new boots & shoes, wine-making kit, two charming vintage armchairs, 1930’s single bed with mattress, glass-fronted bookshelf unit etc – all enquiries welcome. Sheila & Ron Wright 01449 768644

~ ADVERTISEMENTS ~ Suffolk Grown Traditional Christmas Trees for Sale

HALL FARM, WICKHAM SKEITH Next to Village Hall Thank you to all our customers over the last few years. Due to Covid19 uncertainties may we ask that you let us know in advance if you wish to order a tree this year and what size you will need. This will allow us to meet possibly different demands in this Christmas season. Please let us know your requirements by 23rd November. Trees will be available to collect from early December onwards Enquiries: Romaine: 01449 766454 or 07881 560987 and Beryl: 07748376887 It is hoped that a recycling facility collection point will be made available after Twelfth Night at Wickham Skeith Village Hall Car Park (as last year).

Christmas Gifts Raising funds for the Village and The Royal British Legion In these peculiar times, with no craft fairs to attend, and the Village unable to fundraise, I have set up a large display of my Swarovski jewellery, including snowflakes, icicles, bookmarks, and other Christmas gifts including angels, nutcrackers, keyrings, hangings and stocking fillers. Viewing is strictly by appointment with a maximum of one person at a time and a maximum of two people per day. All Covid precautions have and will be observed. I am donating 20% of any profits to Wickham Skeith Village Hall & 10% to The Royal British Legion If you would like to make an appointment to view, please contact me on 766398 or e-mail me at margaret.horne1234@btinternet.com


***** GISLINGHAM PLAYGROUP ***** We provide a safe, warm, friendly and caring setting for children aged 2-5 years, in a brand new purpose built building on the same site as Gislingham CEVCP School, with whom we work closely to provide an excellent education. The Playgroup is following government guidelines so please check with us for opening arrangements. Please visit our website www.gislinghamplaygroup.com or phone us on 01379 788934

~ ADVERTISEMENTS ~ Ed Batram GARDEN SERVICES Clearance, design, planting, aftercare for your garden… Trees, hedging, fencing, log splitting & chainsaw work… Ground clearance, paths, patios, brickwork and paving… All aspects of conservation work undertaken. FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 01379 898203, mob: 07950 923696 Email: edwardbatram@icloud.com




Tel: 01379 890617 / 07880 528142 GARWOODSOFSUFFOLK@YAHOO.COM

LAND NEEDED 2 - 3 acres of rough grazing land needed (to buy) for native ponies. Finningham, Wickham Skeith, Thornham, Bacton, Old Newton area. Anything considered. Immediate payment. Please contact C. Irving, Finningham catherine.helen@outlook.com


High welfare, Free Range, Slow raised Rare Breed Pork

Oxford Sandy & Black pigs providing fall-off-the-bone meat joints, tasty bacon, juicy sausages & out of this world crackling. Slow reared for superior flavour and tenderness. THE FOLLOWING ARE READILY AVAILABLE ALL YEAR ROUND Leg, shoulder and loin joints £10kg-joints available in 1.5-2.5kg cuts Belly pork Slices £8kg Pork Mince £8.60 kg, Tenderloin £9.60kg, Ribs £5kg Sausages plain £8.60 kg - packs of 8 , Gluten free Cumberland £9.40 kg, Sausage Meat £8.60kg Gourmet sausages in packs of 8 £9.40kg Toulouse, Red onion marmalade & Mature Cheddar, Port & Stilton BACK BACON UNSMOKED in 8 rasher packs £16.50kg, BLACK BACK BACON £19.87kg SMOKED STREAKY BACON £14.50 kg ORGANIC GRASS FED FREE RANGE HALF LAMB BOXES APPROXIMATELY 4-5kg £15 kg Fresh Frozen Vacuum packed and labelled HOGGITT & MUTTON legs, shoulders, mince, chops and tenderloin £15kg FREE RANGE CHICKEN EGGS FROM 80p per 1/2 dozen, Duck eggs £2 1/2 dozen, Goose £1 each CONTACTLESS FREE DOORSTEP DELIVERY AVAILABLE #STAYSAFE Please contact Sam at TAS Animal Care & Poultry at Knoll Farm, Wickham Skeith Mobile: 077424 50908 Landline: 01449 768620 www.tasanimalandpoultry.co.uk


Booking the Village Hall All bookings of the Village Hall and its equipment should go to: Denise Carle, 9, Grange Road, IP23 8NE. Telephone 01449 767838 or Email denise.alexander63@yahoo.co.uk Hourly rate: £8.00 The rate is per hour or part thereof. Minimum booking period 2 hrs. Day rate (24 hour period): £85.00. 25% reduction in rate for Wickham Skeith residents and Wickham Skeith village groups and organisations. Official bodies (e.g. elections): £200.00 per day. A 30 minute "warming up" period will be allowed in cold weather.

Business Adverts Adverts are £5.00 per month, £25 for 6 months and £50 for one year. Cash or cheque (payable to “Wickham Skeith Village Hall”) to Melinda Appleby at Haymead House, The Street, in advance of the advert being placed please.

Thornham Hall, Thornham Magna IP23 8HA Thornham Coach House family team have made the decision that we will not be re-opening our restaurant due to a change in family circumstances compounded by current COVID-19 constraints. Thank you for all your support over the past decade and we wish you all well! With Much Gratitude, The Goh Family xx

This newsletter is produced by Wickham Skeith Village Hall Committee

And finally... Please send all your village news and adverts for next month’s newsletter to Melinda: mappleby@tiscali.co.uk or call 01449 766879 By 25th November 2020 A reminder that the next newsletter will be the double issue for December 2020 and January 2021

Newsletter printed by CopyDiss, 42a Mere Street, Diss IP22 4AG Tel: 01379 644567 www.copydiss.co.uk

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