2020 09 Wickham Skeith Newsletter

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Wickham Skeith Newsletter September 2020


August 2020 Saturday 29th

Village Picnic on the Green from 4 pm to 7 pm

September 2020 Saturday 12th Monday 14th Sunday 20th Thursday 24th Friday 25th Wednesday 30th

Suffolk Ride & Stride 9am-5pm. At a church near you Parish Council meeting 8pm on Zoom. ‘Back to Church Sunday’ @ 9.30am St Andrew’s Church Library Van Monthly Stop, Layby 9.45, then The Street 10.05 Macmillan Coffee Morning 10-12 @ Rose Cottage, Grange Rd Oil Syndicate order deadline

Volunteers Urgently Needed Community First Responders Join a ZOOM meeting 19:00 2nd September 2020 for more information. Please contact mike@favager.co.uk for the meeting details. Mike has been a Community First Responder (CFR) in Mendlesham since 2009 and is now the only volunteer covering Mendlesham & Wickham Skeith


Village Hall News ...once again the printing press will not be challenged by the news from the Village Hall...but we hope for an opening soon! Maybe October...

Hilltop Women’s Group The September meeting will not take place as the Village Hall is still not able to be used. We hope our speaker will come at another time. We are hoping to have a hall meeting in October-a relaxed, socially distanced, social evening-but-like the rest of the world, we are finding we can't plan too far ahead. We hope you are all safe and well and that we will meet up again soon. Margaret Knights 767708 rosecottageflowers@hotmail.co.uk

Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 25th September Plan A Come along to Rose Cottage, 6 Grange Road, between 10 and 12 with your own cup and if possible , your own chair. There will be covered areas in our garden, socially distanced of course, and pots of tea/ coffee for each table. Paper cups will be available for the forgetful. We won't offer cake, but individually wrapped biscuits will be on hand. No bring and buy, or raffle. Just the chance to “get together" and remember this wonderful charity and help to swell their depleted coffers. Covid 19 has altered many lives and changed the ways of the world. But folks still need amazing charities like Macmillan and we do a good job in this village with our fundraising. There will be envelopes available for donations, to save handling cash. Plan B In case of inclement weather, no outdoor event will take place. Please, please, put a donation in an envelope and pop it through the letterbox of Margaret Knights, or Sue Merriam, and mark it with 'Macmillan donation'.

~ C O M M U N I TY PAG E ~ Oil Syndicate The scheme continues to get bigger and better with every passing year and currently orders oil for around two thirds of the village. In the last 12 months we collectively ordered 108,000 litres, up from 90,000 the previous year. And, thanks to your support, we were once again able to strike excellent deals with the oil companies. In case you’re unfamiliar with the scheme, here’s a reminder of how it works. If you'd like to use the syndicate, there’ll be five opportunities (up from four in the past) to place orders over the next 12 months: - by 30 September - by 30 November - by 31 January - by 31 March (additional new date) - by 30 June I’ll place a reminder in the village newsletter and also send you an email reminder around two weeks before each of these dates. Then, on or before any of the dates, let me know by email (or phone if you don’t have email) that you’d like to be included in the next order. I’ll need to know: - address and telephone number(s) - unless you’ve ordered before - quantity required (min 500 litres) - any special instructions - eg concerning delivery Within a couple of days of the above dates, a bulk order will be placed with the oil company which offers the best deal, usually several pence per litre lower than the price available to customers who order individually. I'll let you know the same day: - the name of the company - price - expected delivery date - the company's contact details in case you need to speak to them directly I'll pass your address and phone numbers to the company who will contact you (but normally only if you don't already have an account with them) and they’ll bill you directly. If you've any questions please ring Jerry on 765908 or email jerrybassett@icloud.com

~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~ Members of Wickham Skeith Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of the Council, to be held by video conference call on Monday, 14th September 2020 at 8.00 pm . The public and press are hereby notified of the meeting and are invited to dial in to the meeting. Joining instructions: go to: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3186857289 Meeting ID: 318 685 7289 Passcode: WSPC2020! Email the Clerk at wickhamskeithpc@hotmail.com if you have queries about how to join the meeting. At the Village Forum agenda item, the public will be invited to give their views/questions to the Parish Council on issues on the agenda, or raise issues for inclusion at future meetings. This item will be generally limited to 15 mins duration.


Chairman’s Welcome (to include apologies and approval of absences)


a). To receive members’ Declarations of Interest on Agenda items b). To consider requests for dispensations.


To resolve that the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 13th July 2020 are accurate.


Village Forum: an opportunity for the public to raise any relevant issues to the Council.


To receive reports from County and District Councillors, Police, Parish Clerk and Parish Councillors: 5.1. SCC: Cllr Stringer 5.2. MSDC: Cllr Warboys 5.3. Suffolk Police 5.4. Parish Clerk 5.4.1. Update on actions from the last meeting 5.5. Parish Councillors, including: 5.5.1. Community Speed Watch 5.5.2. General Data Protection Regulation 5.5.3. Community Emergency Plan 5.5.4. Defibrillators


Correspondence Received

7. Finance: 7.1. Financial position as of 30th August 2020 7.2. RFO update 7.3. Invoices for Approval 8.

Planning Matters: to consider planning applications and note planning decisions received.


Casual Vacancy: to consider and approve the co-option of new member(s) to the Council.

10. Working Parties: 10.1. Village Green 10.2. Grimmer Fishing 11.

Matters for next agenda Monday 9th November 2020

Emma Cable

18 April 1932 – 14 Aug 2020

It is with great sadness that the village has learned of the death of a lovely lady: Emma Cable. Emma Leeks was born in Essex but her mother died and Emma was placed with Barnardo’s. She came to Wickham Skeith as a baby and was fostered by Miss Hilda Lingley who lived in Mill House on the Green. After attending Wickham Skeith School she returned to Barnardo’s at the age of 14 to be trained in domestic work at Warlies, the domestic training school at Waltham Abbey. At around this time Emma was called into the office to be informed that she had a twin brother, George, who had been briefly fostered in Wickham Skeith but then moved elsewhere. Such separations of siblings were not uncommon but to be unaware of a twin must have been difficult for Emma. She worked for a time at the home of Miss Chavasse who was responsible for the whole of the girls' side of Barnardo's work; a lady who left a lasting impression on Emma. However, Wickham Skeith had a strong pull and Emma returned around 1950. Here she met and married Bill Cable in 1955 and they had 3 sons: Alan, John and David. Sadly Bill died in 1981 at only 48. Emma was a regular at many village events, often in the company of her very good friend Patsy Norman (née Durrant) another Barnardo’s girl. Emma will be much missed and her passing brings to an end a 130 year connection of Wickham Skeith with Dr Barnardo’s. Pete Davidson

Alan Lummis (son of Barnardo’s girl), William Cable, Emma Leeks, Patricia Durrant (Barnardo’s girl), Rudolph Kischkel (husband of Barnardo’s girl).

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~ Rector: Revd Carl Melville 01449 781650 carlmelville@hotmail.com Readers: Helen Matter 780379, Elaine Miller 770337, Sheila Wright 768644 Elders: Peter Paine 767897, Janice Shea 781263, Jean Willoughby 766621 Sunday 20th September - BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY. This is the first Sunday we will be back in our churches since the pandemic took hold. Services will be as follows: 9.30am Wickham Skeith and Bacton, 11.00am Old Newton and Cotton, 6.30pm Wyverstone These will all be services of Holy Communion, following the relevant government guidelines on social distancing and so on. Please note: If you are shielding or fall into a 'vulnerable category' outlined by the government, you must weigh up if you should come to church or stay at home. If you experience symptoms of COVID-19, then you must not enter the church buildings. Revd Carl has drawn up a “Covid Rota” for services from September 20th. The churches of the Benefice have been paired for the time being, Cotton and Wickham Skeith, Bacton and Old Newton. Our services will alternate, 9.30 here one week, the next 11.00 at Cotton. Please support these services. This is only a temporary measure and will help to maintain services without the need to rely on retired ministers from outside the benefice. Please try NOT to go to Bacton or Old Newton, so that churches can always accommodate attendees, and everyone is in a “Biobubble”. We will not be able to sing but can have instrumental music; masks must be worn, hands must be sanitised on entry, seating will be socially distanced and there will be no coffee or socialisation after the service. Everyone will be given a service booklet which will become theirs to be brought to church each time to avoid the risks that come from sharing. After the expiry of the temporary rota a new permanent rota will be established with weekly services at Wickham Skeith at 9.30, Benefice services on 5th Sundays, and we will have new service booklets. The online services will continue even when we are ‘back to church’, for the benefit of those who would prefer not to mix indoors. You don’t need to join Facebook, just go to their website, search for Bacton Benefice and ‘like’ then open the video – when the message to join Facebook appears click ‘not now’. Once a service has been broadcast it is available to watch at any time that suits you. The Drive-In service on 23rd August was a great success with about 70 cars on the field in the middle of Bacton and an excellent sound system organised by Andrew Stringer that enabled everyone to hear easily. Thank you to everyone who was prepared to come and help with our major ‘spring clean’ – many hands make light work! The annual church meeting postponed from April will be held on Thursday 8th October at 2pm in the village hall if it has re-opened and if not we will meet in the church. Harvest Festival will inevitably have to be a little different this year. We expect to celebrate it at the beginning of October. Revd Carl has asked that we limit decorations to simple floral displays, no fresh produce and that non-perishables should be placed in the BOB foodbank boxes rather than in church. Monetary donations towards the work of the Foodbank, can be made by cheques payable to 'St Mary's, Bacton, PCC' and write FOODBANK clearly on the back. Thank you to all who have been supporting the foodbank efforts in recent months.

~ F U N D R A I S I N G for S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H


Jam for Sale There has been a wonderful fruit crop this year and people have kindly given fruit to me. I have made jam to raise funds for the church. Because of Covid 19 we have no events where I can sell at the moment so if you would like to phone me I am happy to deliver. At the moment there is Seville orange marmalade, rhubarb & ginger, greengage or plum jams, damson jelly, fresh mint chutney, mint jelly and plum chutney for you to try. All at £1.25 per jar. Thank you so much for your help - Margaret Jones-Evans 01449 767121

Suffolk Churches Ride & Stride – Sat 12 Sep Suffolk Historic Churches Ride & Stride event will be going ahead on Sat 12 Sep 9am – 5pm. Many churches will be open & you can get sponsored to visit as many or as few as you feel able, by cycle or on foot. Of the money raised, 50% goes to the SHCT & 50% to your nominated church. I have done the ride for most years since 1987 & it’s a good way to see churches in Suffolk & Norfolk. It’s also a great way to raise money for the building fabric of the church. If you would like to take part, I have sponsorship forms & further information. Alternatively, if you would like to sponsor me, please let me know. Pete Davidson – tel. 01449 766622 or email pjdavidson42@gmail.com ***************************************************************************************************************************

Mobile Library News The mobile library is returning to normal service. Reservations are now available so customers can request specific books and pick them up at their local library or the mobile library. Due to the quarantining of books it may take a little longer for items to become available. Next visits to Wickham Skeith: 27 August, 24 September, 22 October, 9.45-10am layby @ Chalet Bungalows. 10.05-10.20 @ Haymead House, The Street. NB Visits to the Eye Library are still by appointment only.



Sam at TAS Animal Care & Poultry at Knoll Farm, Wickham Skeith Mobile: 077424 50908 Landline: 01449 768620 www.tasanimalandpoultry.co.uk �����

***** GISLINGHAM PLAYGROUP ***** We provide a safe, warm, friendly and caring setting for children aged 2-5 years, in a brand new purpose built building on the same site as Gislingham CEVCP School, with whom we work closely to provide an excellent education. The Playgroup is following government guidelines so please check with us for opening arrangements. Please visit our website www.gislinghamplaygroup.com or phone us on 01379 788934


Thornham Hall, Thornham Magna IP23 8HA Telephone: 01379 783373 Mob: 07376374633 Email: contact@thornhamcoachhouse.com

~ ADVERTISEMENTS ~ Ed Batram GARDEN SERVICES Clearance, design, planting, aftercare for your garden… Trees, hedging, fencing, log splitting & chainsaw work… Ground clearance, paths, patios, brickwork and paving… All aspects of conservation work undertaken. FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 01379 898203, mob: 07950 923696 Email: edwardbatram@icloud.com




Tel: 01379 890617 / 07880 528142 GARWOODSOFSUFFOLK@YAHOO.COM


High welfare, Free Range, Slow raised Rare Breed Pork

Oxford Sandy & Black pigs providing fall-off-the-bone meat joints, tasty bacon, juicy sausages & out of this world crackling. Slow reared for superior flavour and tenderness. 1/2 pigs, Pork boxes 10-40kg plus Suckling piglet for your special events available to Order THE FOLLOWING ARE READILY AVAILABLE ALL YEAR ROUND Leg, shoulder and loin joints £10kg-joints available in 1.5-2.5kg cuts Pork steaks £7.50kg Belly pork £8kg Pork Mince £8.60 kg, Tenderloin £9.60kg, Ribs £5kg Sausages plain £8.60 kg - packs of 8 , Gluten free Cumberland £9.40 kg Pork & Apple, packs of 8 sausages Gourmet sausages in packs of 4 £9.40kg Toulouse, Red onion marmalade & Mature Cheddar, Port & Stilton BACK BACON UNSMOKED 8 rashers £16.50kg, BLACK BACK BACON £19.87kg ORGANIC GRASS FED FREE RANGE HOGGITT & MUTTON legs, shoulders, and diced £11.50kg LIMITED QUANTITY OF JOINTS/CUTS OF LAMB & MINCE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE FROM £12.00kg FREE RANGE CHICKEN EGGS FROM 70p per 1/2 dozen, Duck eggs £1.80, Goose £1 each CONTACTLESS FREE DOORSTEP DELIVERY AVAILABLE #STAYSAFE Please contact Sam at TAS Animal Care & Poultry at Knoll Farm, Wickham Skeith Mobile: 077424 50908 Landline: 01449 768620 www.tasanimalandpoultry.co.uk

This newsletter is produced by Wickham Skeith Village Hall Committee

All bookings of the Village Hall and its equipment should go to: Denise Carle, 9, Grange Road, IP23 8NE. Telephone 01449 767838 or Email denise.alexander63@yahoo.co.uk Hourly rate: £8.00 The rate is per hour or part thereof. Minimum booking period 2 hrs. Day rate (24 hour period): £85.00. 25% reduction in rate for Wickham Skeith residents and Wickham Skeith village groups and organisations. Official bodies (e.g. elections): £200.00 per day. A 30 minute "warming up" period will be allowed in cold weather.

Business Adverts Adverts are £5.00 per month, £25 for 6 months and £50 for one year. Cash or cheque (payable to “Wickham Skeith Village Hall”) to Melinda Appleby at Haymead House, The Street, in advance of the advert being placed please.

And finally... Please send all your village news and adverts for next month’s newsletter to Melinda: mappleby@tiscali.co.uk or call 01449 766879 By 25th September 2020

Newsletter printed by CopyDiss, 42a Mere Street, Diss IP22 4AG Tel: 01379 644567 www.copydiss.co.uk

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