2020 06 Wickham Skeith Newsletter

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Wickham Skeith Newsletter June 2020

In June we should be enjoying our annual village fete. Instead we celebrate our village green and its stunning sign which, this month, celebrates twenty years. Read about it inside.

Photo: Joy Homan

~VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE NEWS ~ Thanks to Dave for keeping the Hall looking tidy. We hope to return soon and wine and beer is in the fridge ready for when we start again.

Meanwhile - another quiz to try your hand at with thanks to Nigel:

Coronavirus Quiz June 2020 - Capital Cities of the world: The first 10 are in anagram form and the latter 10 are general knowledge or cryptic clues. 1. Hog penance 2. Java rose 3. Ovals ran ads 4. Buxom luger 5. Oat gains 6. Heel wind 7. Ego sprain 8. Hike down 9. Even ray 10. Egg stores 11. Little company full of atmosphere. (5 letters) 12. Rain-coated one-eyed TV cop. 7 13. Some commando handiwork? 4 14. Hasten in a disorderly fashion! 6 15. A hemp in which to send important mail. 6 16. Sounds like you are doing the two times table! 6 17. It could be contract, duplicate or even pontoon in this City. 10 18. An early jet bomber. 8 19. Unruly child is ahead of the magma! 10 20. A canal initially swapped by Boris? 6 Answers to Nigel: West House, The Street or nhmerriam@btconnect.com by June 23rd Last month’s answers: 1. Bristol, 2. Chichester, 3. Newcastle upon Tyne, 4. Peterborough, 5. Aberdeen, 6. Brighton and Hove, 7. Inverness, 8. Sunderland, 9. Edinburgh, 10. Gloucester, 11. Ely, 12. Canterbury, 13. Ripon, 14. Hereford, 15. Cambridge, 16. Armagh, 17. Cardiff, 18. Bath, 19. Carlisle, 20. Newry. We had lots of entries including 8 people who got them all right, so we had to draw out the winners: Janet and Malcolm Evans, Dove House get the bubbly!

~CELEBRATING THE VILLAGE SIGN ~ It will seem very strange for there to be no Grimmer Fete this year. A number of us will no doubt think back to 2000 when we celebrated the millennium with a series of events in June of that year culminating in the unveiling of the Village Sign by Helen Fraser & Jack Ellis at the Fete. Planning began in 1998. A committee was set up with Joy Homan as chair, ably assisted by Mary Ede & a number of other villagers. The objective was to plan a series of events and decide how the millennium should be permanently marked. There was a village vote which resulted in a clear majority in favour of a Village Sign. This was designed by Paul Chilvers and made by Graham Chaplin. The post was donated by John Mullenger, and Win Fenning did the plinth and surround. It was by general agreement a great success – is there a better Village Sign in Suffolk? The programme for that memorable week was: Sat 17/Sun 18 Jun Flower Festival at St Andrew’s – “Women of Our Time” Sat 17/Sun 18 Jun History Exhibition – “A Living Village – Wickham Skeith through the Centuries” Tue 20 Jun Hilltop Garden Party Wed 21 Jun Midsummer Music on the Green Thu 22 Jun Relics, Bygones, Arts & Crafts at the Village Hall Sat 24 Jun Fete 2000 There is a framed copy of the sign in the village hall done by Derek Eden & Alistair Govan with an explanation of the elements of the sign which represent life in Wickham Skeith past & present. These are: St Andrew’s Church. There was a church here before Domesday (1086). It continues to play an active role in the community. Pollarded tree. Trees like this were once a feature of our landscape. The wood was regularly cut 8-15ft above the ground out of the reach of livestock. Tractor. This represents the increased mechanisation of agriculture during the 20 th century. The Windmill. A windmill & steam mill stood on the southern edge of the green until the 1920s. Swan sign. This is a replica of the sign outside the Swan pub on the Street. The Grimmer. The village pond (the Grimmer or Green Mere) was the scene of the last witch swimming in the country in 1825. The tradition of village signs is believed to have started in Norfolk early in the 20 th century when Edward VII suggested that such signs would aid motorists and give a feature of interest on the Sandringham Estate. They spread beyond Norfolk following a Daily Mail led Village Sign competition in 1920. In the absence of our annual fete, take time to explore the Green and enjoy the wild flowers, the contemplative water and the historic village sign.

~ C O M M U N I T Y PAG E ~

Oil Syndicate news The next order deadline is 30 June. If you’d like to join all you need do is let me have your details. You can email me at jerrybassett@icloud.com or call me on 765908. I’ll need your name, address, telephone no(s) and email address, if you have email. A full explanation of the scheme can be found in last September’s newsletter if you still have it to hand, otherwise I can send you all the details.

Volunteer to Serve your Community Wickham Skeith Parish Council: Parish Councillor Vacancies Wickham Skeith Parish Council is searching for people to fill two Parish Councillor vacancies. We would really like to hear from anyone who may be interested in joining the Parish Council and helping our local community. If you would like to have a chat about this role, please contact Huw Roberts, Parish Clerk, on 0777 180 8677 or wickhamskeithpc@hotmail.com

QUIZ NIGHT on ZOOM! Friday 19th June at 7pm Prizes to be won. Cost: Make a donation to your local church To register your household email Revd Carl on carlmelville@hotmail.com

Thornham Walks will reopen on Monday June 1st. They will shortly be issuing a guidance note on staying safe whilst enjoying the Walks. Please note that all annual car park passes with an expiry date of April 2020 or later will automatically be extended by two months

~CORONAVIRUS~ Our latest update for Wickham Skeith residents. Please remember that if you have any concerns, need any help with shopping, someone to run errands or simply a person to chat with, please get in touch with one of the following. They will direct you to the most suitable volunteer. Margaret Jones-Evans: 767121, Liz and Pete Davidson: 766622, Jenny and Will Elphick: 766885, Nigel and Sue Merriam: 766222. Local services. Below we list further local services that were not in the previous Newsletter. J Laws are now taking orders for delivery with account customers or prepayment. Outdoor markets and car showrooms will be able to reopen from 1 June. Other retailers open from 15th June providing Coronavirus cases continue to fall. Doorstep deliveries are being offered by Morrisons for the vulnerable and elderly. Call - 0345 611 6111 - select extension 5 to place your order. They offer a range of groceries and household essentials. The Bull Auberge at Yaxley prepare freshly made ready meals for you to collect to heat up at home. Menu available on Social media or phone 01379 783604. Diss Garden Centre – Now Open Mon to Sat, 9am to 5.30pm. Sunday 10-4pm. 12 customers at a time. Card or contactless payments. No cash. Goodies' Food Hall, Long Stratton: is delivering; minimum order value applies www.goodiesfoodhall.co.uk 01379 676880 Marrfish - local fresh fish frozen & delivered the day after your order, minimum order value applies. www.marrfish.co.uk Myhills of Diss – Pet and garden centre, they will deliver. 01379 642465. Clarkes of Walsham. Building materials, order online 5 to 10 days delivery: https://www.clarkesofwalsham.co.uk/coronavirus phone 01359 259259 Remember, if you are feeling vulnerable there is no need to take risks – our volunteers are keen to help.

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~ Rector Revd Carl Melville 01449 781650 carlmelville@hotmail.com Readers: Helen Matter 780379, Elaine Miller 770337, Sheila Wright 768644 Elders: Peter Paine 767897, Janice Shea 781263, Jean Willoughby 766621 The church continues to be kept locked with no services for the foreseeable future but the church is active and the PCC, the churchwardens and Ministry team are meeting with Revd Carl regularly online via Zoom. Revd Carl is providing an online communion service each Sunday at 10.30am and Choral Evensong at 6pm plus a Songs of Praise to lift spirits on a Thursday at 11am. You don’t need to join Facebook, just go to their website, search for Bacton Benefice and ‘like’ then open the video – when the message to join Facebook appears click ‘not now’. There are also plans to create an online youth group via Zoom so if there are young people in the family who might be interested please contact Helen Matter. Of course no services mean no collection plate and thus no income for St Andrew’s. If you would normally put cash in the collection could you consider setting that money aside until it is possible to give again or even setting up a standing order or making a BACS payment online if you are able. The PCC would be very grateful to know of the support. The electrician hopes to return and continue the installation of our new heating system at the beginning of June. This will work well at this time as he will not have to clear up to allow for services. If you see activity at church this is the reason but please do not be tempted to go and investigate as the building remains closed to everyone else.

BOB Food Bank Thank you very much to everyone who has contributed food to the yellow boxes on Sue Merriam’s and my doorsteps. We are very grateful for the way you have responded to the appeal and this village has been able to help some people who found themselves in difficulty at this totally unexpected time. Once Stowmarket food bank gets back to ‘normal’ any food we have left over will go there and we shall continue to support their good work as previously. In the meantime we are still hearing of people whose life has been turned upside down by lockdown and the BOB bank can help in a small way thanks to your generosity. Stay Safe – Margaret Jones-Evans

01449 767121

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H


Thoughts from Revd Carl Melville We are all getting used to how important it is to “follow the rules”. Every day, new guidance is released from the government at 5pm. We all know the slogan too: Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives. I find it funny how upset we all got when the rules changed to ‘Stay Alert’. Some say that this caused confusion. Others just got on and continued the lockdown as normal. We are all very quick to spot the loopholes in the rules, bending them to fit our way of life. I think it’s fair to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has also taught us the consequences of breaking the rules. Where people haven’t stayed at home, for example, the virus has spread. We know the consequence of breaking the speed limit, sometimes, is a fine, licence points or a speeding course. Jesus gave us some basic rules to follow – in fact the bible is full of them! They’re not rules that are designed to hold us back from living though. They are there to help us enjoy life to the full. The Ten Commandments, for example. What a better world we’d have if we all followed them – no murder, stealing or lying. Jesus said that all the rules and laws can be summed up by this: loving God, and loving your neighbour as yourself. Although he preached these “rules” 2000 years ago, they have been relevant for every generation since and there has never been a greater time to live out those rules – rules to love God, the world, each other and yourself. These rules tell us indirectly to care about the environment and our planet, to look out for those in need and to guard our mental health and well-being.

~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~ MINUTES of PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held MONDAY, 11 MAY 2020 by videoconference MINUTES IN DRAFT, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE COUNCIL AT THE NEXT MEETING, Present: Cllrs T Thorogood (Chair), M Freeman, R Palmer, K Knights, M Blair, H Roberts (Clerk), Cllr Warboys (MSDC) and 2 members of the public. Apologies: None, all present.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Chair’s Welcome: The Chair opened the meeting, welcoming those in attendance. Declarations of Interest and dispensations: none. Minutes of Meeting: Minutes of Meeting held 9th March 2020 were approved by all Councillors. The Council noted the cancelation of the Annual Town Meeting (scheduled for 11 th May 2020) due to the restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus emergency, as allowed under the new legislation. Therefore, as per the guidance provided by the National Association of Local Councils, the current chairman will remain in place until an annual meeting is held (possibly next year) unless the Council decide to elect a replacement earlier. 5. The Council adopted a change to the Council’s Standing Orders to accommodate restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus emergency, as allowed under the new legislation. The updated Standing Orders, dated 11th May 2020, are available on the Council website. 6. Village Forum: nothing was raised. 7. Reports 7.1 Cllr Warboys (MSDC): Cllr Warboys’ report was received and is available on the WSPC website. The following items were discussed:  Small Business Grants. Cllr Warboys encouraged businesses and other organisations who have not already done so to apply for a grant to help them through this difficult time. Businesses can apply via the online form on the MSDC website. Cllr Knights asked if sports clubs, parish councils might be eligible. Organisations that receive 100% business rate relief are eligible.  Council houses falling vacant are not being inspected or repaired for reletting as moving house is discouraged by government at present. Cllr Knights asked If council houses are vacant why can they not be inspected and repaired by the council? Cllr Warboys answered that lots of staff deployed to other areas, but this may well change over coming weeks.  Cllr Knights asked if the Council were entitled to a rebate on the collection cost if litter bin collection had been paused due to the coronavirus. Cllr Warboys said he would check.  Cllr Palmer asked for an update on pothole repairs. Cllr Blair highlighted a pothole in Clay Street, details of which will be sent to the Clerk. 7.2 Suffolk Police (via Parish Clerk): (taken from https://www.suffolk.police.uk/yourarea/stowmarket). No report as Suffolk Police Crime Map temporarily suspended to focus resources on coronavirus needs. 7.3 Parish Clerk’s report.  Cllr vacancy notice. No request for an election from the public was received. It was agreed to advertise for possible candidate councillors again in the next village newsletter.  SALC Mid Suffolk Area Forum, 17th March, was cancelled due to coronavirus restrictions. 7.4 Parish Councillors: due to the coronavirus emergency, nothing was reported on the topics of Community Speed Watch or GDPR. 7.4.1 Community Emergency Plan: the plan was triggered on 20 th March 2020 in response to the coronavirus. The Council is liaising with the volunteer group and so far no additional actions are needed. 8. Correspondence Received For reasons of space, the following list of correspondence excludes regular updates relating to the coronavirus emergency from SALC, MSDC, SCC, Community Action Suffolk, and dialogue with the village volunteer group. Also excluded is dialogue with SALC regarding holding remote meetings. Other correspondence received covered under other agenda items.

~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~        

SCC Grass Cutting schedule SuffolkOnBoard timetable update Citizens Advice Mid-Suffolk – moved to telephone service due to coronavirus restrictions. Email introduction to new Design Out Crime Officer, Suffolk Police. Sustainability Appraisal of the Babergh Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan Notification of District Council taking over parking enforcement. MSDC Communities Contacts for Councils. Enquiry from a resident regarding local access to firewood. Councillors have responded, and their help was much appreciated by the resident.  MSDC Planning – temporary changes to planning processes due to coronavirus emergency.  Amendments to the CIL Expenditure Framework and the CIL Expenditure Framework Communication Strategy.  Local Foodbank – notice with details put up on WSPC website. 9. Finance 9.1. The RFO presented the annual RFO’s report 2019/20. Copy available on WSPC website. 9.2. Internal Accounts Audit & Control Review 2019/20. This document has been previously approved by the Council. 9.3. Annual Governance Statement 2019/20. This was reviewed and approved. 9.4. Final Statement of Account 2019/20. This was presented by the RFO and approved by the Council. Wickham Skeith Parish Council continues to remain solvent with a General Reserve estimated at £2,090 at year end. 9.5. Accounting Statement for end of April 2020. Accounts as at 30 th April 2020 presented by the RFO (the Clerk) showing balance of £7,112.95. The statement of accounts will be signed by the Chair and the RFO after the meeting (see below). 9.6. Invoices for Approval. The following invoices were approved for payment: Suffolk Cloud, Website Hosting, 1st April 2020 £100.00 MSDC, Dog and Litter Bin emptying, 1st April 2020 £129.78 SALC Subscription, 1st April 2020 £185.35 Note: the Annual Governance Statement 2019/20, the Final Statement of Account 2019/20, the Accounting Statement for end of April 2020, and the payments for the approved invoices would all normally be physically signed off in the meeting. Not possible as the meeting was held remotely. Agreed the Clerk would gather the necessary signatures outside of the meeting. 9.7. Financial Regulations: to review and approve the Council’s Financial Regulations. The RFO recommended holding off a review and approval of new regulations until after the upcoming Internal Audit, and the council agreed with this recommendation. 10. Planning Matters: the following planning decisions were noted: 10.1 DC/20/00848: Approval of Reserved Matters: Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale for erection of 2no. dwellings. Location: Land Opposite Nos 14 To 17, Grange Road, Wickham Skeith, IP23 8NF. 10.2 DC/20/00849: Approval of Reserved Matters. Location: Land Adjacent To Bumbledown, Grange Road, Wickham Skeith, IP23 8NF 11. Casual Vacancy: Cllrs were unable to progress this due to the lockdown. 12. Working Parties: 12.1 Village Green: little to report due to the lockdown. 12.2. Grimmer Fishing. Little to report due to the lockdown. It was agreed the Council would pay the £6 fee for a search of the common land register by the Clerk to check the Council’s rights over the land. 13. Matters for next agenda: casual vacancies and co-option. 14. Next Meeting: Monday, 13th July 2020.

~HISTORY & FILM GROUP ~ History Notes The recent closure of schools might seem unprecedented but when Wickham Skeith had its own school, closure due to disease happened on several occasions. The school was built around 1845 & the building is still there – Hamelin opposite the Village Hall. The school logbooks have survived from 1873 to 1934 (it closed in 1946). It is easy to forget how serious childhood diseases such as measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever etc were before vaccines & antibiotics were available. We can at least be thankful that the current epidemic is only affecting very few children. Here are some logbook entries for 1879: 10 Jan William Lambert a little boy in the 2nd standard died last evening after a very short illness. 16 Jan Scarletina [ie Scarlet Fever] is very prevalent in the village, a brother of the little boy who died last week succumbed to the disease. Initially only children from infected families were excluded but on 30 Jan the school was closed & did not reopen for nearly 3 months. Attendance was then very poor as the boys were in the fields stone picking. Scarlet fever returned that autumn: 1 Sep I have just heard of the death of one of our boys, Aaron Bloomfield, from scarlet fever. The school was closed again, this time for 5 weeks. Attendance was again poor on reopening as the children were gleaning after a late harvest. It should be noted that although there were around 95 children the staff were only the head teacher Lucretta Hunt and 2 monitors: Kate Rose (15) & Ellen Hawes (16). Not much possibility for social distancing. The school closed for 3 weeks in Feb 1890 because of influenza. In this year & for much of 1891 diphtheria, whooping cough, pneumonia & croup are mentioned in the logbook. Between Jan 1890 & May 1891 12 children aged 12 & under died. They included Edward Rosier (6) who was fatally injured on his way to school when the steam mill exploded. But that’s another story for another newsletter. Pete Davidson



Sam at TAS Animal Care & Poultry at Knoll Farm, Wickham Skeith Mobile: 077424 50908 Landline: 01449 768620 www.tasanimalandpoultry.co.uk �����

Jam Jars – Free to Good Home Are you using lockdown time to make jam or chutney? If so and you need jars contact Liz Davidson (who never throws away anything that might be useful!). There are boxes of jars at Stow House waiting for a good home – free to anyone who can use them. Ring 766622 or email eadavidson42@gmail.com


***** GISLINGHAM PLAYGROUP ***** We provide a safe, warm, friendly and caring setting for children aged 2-5 years, in a brand new purpose built building on the same site as Gislingham CEVCP School, with whom we work closely to provide an excellent education. The Playgroup is following government guidelines so please check with us for opening arrangements. Please visit our website www.gislinghamplaygroup.com or phone us on 01379 788934


Business Adverts Adverts are £5.00 per month, £25 for 6 months and £50 for one year. Cash or cheque (payable to “Wickham Skeith Village Hall”) to Melinda Appleby at Haymead House, The Street, in advance of the advert being placed please.

~ ADVERTISEMENTS ~ Ed Batram GARDEN SERVICES Clearance, design, planting, aftercare for your garden… Trees, hedging, fencing, log splitting & chainsaw work… Ground clearance, paths, patios, brickwork and paving… All aspects of conservation work undertaken. FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 01379 898203, mob: 07950 923696 Email: edwardbatram@icloud.com





Tel: 01379 890617 / 07880 528142 GARWOODSOFSUFFOLK@YAHOO.COM


High welfare, Free Range, Slow raised Rare Breed Pork

Oxford Sandy & Black pigs providing fall-off-the-bone meat joints, tasty bacon, juicy sausages & out of this world crackling. Slow reared for superior flavour and tenderness. 1/2 pigs, Pork boxes 10-40kg plus Suckling piglet for your special events available to Order THE FOLLOWING ARE READILY AVAILABLE ALL YEAR ROUND Leg, shoulder and loin joints £10kg-joints available in 1.5-2.5kg cuts Pork steaks £7.50kg Belly pork £8kg Pork Mince £8.60 kg, Tenderloin £9.60kg, Ribs £5kg Sausages plain £8.60 kg - packs of 8 , Gluten free Cumberland £9.40 kg Pork & Apple, packs of 8 sausages Gourmet sausages in packs of 4 £9.40kg Toulouse, Red onion marmalade & Mature Cheddar, Port & Stilton BACK BACON UNSMOKED 8 rashers £16.50kg, BLACK BACK BACON £19.87kg ORGANIC GRASS FED FREE RANGE HOGGITT & MUTTON legs, shoulders, and diced £11.50kg LIMITED QUANTITY OF JOINTS/CUTS OF LAMB & MINCE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE FROM £12.00kg FREE RANGE CHICKEN EGGS FROM 70p per 1/2 dozen, Duck eggs £1.80, Goose £1 each CONTACTLESS FREE DOORSTEP DELIVERY AVAILABLE #STAYSAFE Please contact Sam at TAS Animal Care & Poultry at Knoll Farm, Wickham Skeith Mobile: 077424 50908 Landline: 01449 768620 www.tasanimalandpoultry.co.uk

This newsletter is kindly sponsored by Richard and Alice Palmer. It is produced by the Village Hall Committee.

All bookings of the Village Hall and its equipment ,ONCE Coronavirus is cleared, should go to: Denise Carle, 9, Grange Road, IP23 8NE. Telephone 01449 767838 or Email denise.alexander63@yahoo.co.uk Hourly rate: £8.00 The rate is per hour or part thereof. Minimum booking period 2 hrs. Day rate (24 hour period): £85.00. 25% reduction in rate for Wickham Skeith residents and Wickham Skeith village groups and organisations. Official bodies (e.g. elections): £200.00 per day. A 30 minute "warming up" period will be allowed in cold weather.

And finally... Please send all your village news and adverts for next month’s newsletter to Melinda: mappleby@tiscali.co.uk or call 01449 766879 By 25th June 2020

Staying Connected Very many thanks to Elaine at CopyDiss, for once again agreeing to print this edition for us, and to our volunteer newsletter deliverers who have said they are willing to continue their round. If you have internet access the village website is: http://wickhamskeith.suffolk.cloud/ Many thanks to Stephen McKie and Julie Sore for keeping it updated.

Newsletter printed by CopyDiss, 42a Mere Street, Diss IP22 4AG Tel: 01379 644567 www.copydiss.co.uk

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