2019 12 Wickham Skeith Newsletter

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Wickham Skeith Newsletter

Dec ‘19/Jan 2020 ~ DATES FOR YOUR DIARY ~

All meetings in Village Hall unless stated otherwise

December 2019 Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Saturday 7th Wednesday 11th Saturday 14th Tuesday 17th Thursday 19th Sunday 22nd Saturday 28th

Monday Morning Group 10.15 for 10.30 Hilltop Women’s group Christmas Lunch Stoke Ash White Horse Village Quiz Lunch Club Christmas Special 12 for 12.30pm Book ahead please Children’s Christmas Party 4-6.30pm Please book by 2 December Gardening Club Christmas meal @ The Bull, Bacton 7pm Mobile Library @ Chalet Bungs 9.45 then The Street 10.05am Christmas Carol Service at St Andrews Church 6.30pm Plum Pudding Walk 11am start

January 2020 Wednesday 8th Lunch Club 12 for 12.30 Advance Bookings Please Saturday 11th Crafternoon 2-4.30pm th Monday 13 PCC meeting 2.30pm Windmill Cottage th Monday 13 Parish Council 8pm All Welcome th Tuesday 14 Hilltop Women’s group Film Night 7pm th Wed 15 “The Friendly Invasion” – Clive Stevens 7.45pm th Thursday 16 Mobile Library @ Chalet Bungs 9.45 then The Street 10.05am th Monday 20 Monday Morning Group 10.15 for 10.30 th Friday 24 Whales, Bears and the Pink Fire Engine - 7.30pm


We mentioned last month about the Horkey but worth reiterating that it was very successful and raised over £540 for the Village Hall. Important yes but the opportunity for villagers to get together and enjoy a convivial evening is also of vital importance when we hear of lonely people in some communities. Thanks to Denise and friends for the, once again, very successful and self-financing Halloween Party for the children. The children in Wickham Skeith attend at least Six different schools but this -and the Christmas Party- provide opportunities to get together and mix with neighbours and children other than school friends. Please come along to the Christmas Party on 14th December -contact Denise through the form on page 11 of this newsletter or phone her directly for the party. The Craft Fair had a wide range of stalls and a good attendance with gifts for friends and family being bought and a social time being shared over a cup of tea and cake. Saturday 7th December is the Village Quiz with our very own Bamber Gascoine in the chair asking a range of questions throughout the evening. Prizes will be awarded of course and at the half way point there will be hotdogs available. The bar is open throughout the evening and we hope that the Village Hall will again be full. Contact Nigel, 766222 to book your place-single double or tableful! Be quick though as places are going fast. On Saturday 28th December there is the Annual Plum Pudding Walk with a choice of a short, or a longer route. £3 per person, route map provided, mulled wine before you start, hot soups and bread when you finish...travel at your own pace, dogs welcomebut be aware they must be under control and not stray onto farm land!-and walk off any Christmas excesses with friends, families or complete strangers from your own village! We are thinking of next year’s events and so far-21 st March for table tennis, 25 th April for the Garage Sales and 20th June for the MidSummer Madness Fete! Enjoy the Christmas & New Year holidays and we hope to see as many of you as possible in and around the village over the festive season. And in the case of snow falling let's all meet up and make snowmen and women and dogs and cats and...

49/59 Club Recent winning numbers are: 40 31 17 31

~NEWS FROM THE CLUBS~ Hilltop Women’s Group Our November meeting was very well attended and we all enjoyed the social aspect of the event and the mince pies and mulled wine and fiddling about with some basic Christmas decorations. A lovely evening. On Tuesday 3rd December we have booked the White Horse at Stoke Ash for our Christmas meal. Please ring Sue Merriam 766222 if you haven't signed up yet. We should arrive at seven for seven-thirty and don't forget your snowball present. The wrapping of which will be the competition! The new programme for 2020 will be available then. Please contact a Hilltop member if you need transport. On January 14th we will have our film night in the Village Hall @ 7pm.Popcorn etc, will be provided-£1 for members and £3 for visitors. It's been another fun, interesting, educational and friendly year. We encourage new members and hope that our varied programme will tempt you out, now and again. Thanks to all the committee for their commitment and enthusiasm. We couldn't do it without you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all

Wickham Skeith GardeninG club All Meetings Held In Wickham Skeith Village Hall Unless Indicated Otherwise

tueSdaY 17 december 2019 Christmas meal at The Bull, Bacton - 6:45 for 7:00pm.

There is no meeting in January 2020

Village Afternoon Tea and Chat An informal gathering for tea and biscuits. Open to all, young and old; dogs welcome too. Afternoon tea at the village hall happens every Wednesday from 2-4pm except Lunch Club days. As much tea/coffee as you can drink for only £1. Please note No Tea & Chat on 25th December or 1st January.

~NEWS FROM THE CLUBS~ Lunch Club The November lunch was prepared by Thelma Thorogood and Jenny Harvey. We enjoyed Sam Mulgrew’s delicious pork sausages from happy pigs raised here at Knoll Farm and the old favourite – chocolate sponge and chocolate sauce. On December 11th lunch will be the full Christmas feast. Starting as usual at 12md for 12.30pm, only £3.50, with a glass of wine and cheese and biscuits included if you can manage them after Lynne’s turkey lunch and Romaine’s Christmas pudding. Bookings with Margaret are open until Friday 6th December (01449 767121) if you are over 60. After five years looking after the lunch club Margaret will step down at the end of the year and Jenny Elphick will step smoothly in on 1st January 2020. The 8th January and 12th February lunches need to go in your diaries – just let Jenny Elphick know if you’d like to book or change your booking - 01449 766885

History & Film Group Our first meeting of 2020 is about the building & operation of the USAAF airfields between 1942 & 1945. Clive Stevens will be giving a talk entitled “The Friendly Invasion” about these extraordinary times when the landscape of East Anglia was transformed. He will be talking in particular about the building of Eye airfield & about the brave men who flew from there, many of whom never returned. All are welcome so do join us in the Village Hall at 7.45pm on Wed 15 Jan. Entry Fee £2, including tea/coffee and biscuits. Contact: Pete Davidson 766622 or pjdavidson42@gmail.com

Crafternoon Saturday 11th January 2020 Crafternoon is back. Come along if you (or would like to) paint, draw, collage, felt, print, sculpt, make stained glass, knit, sew, embroider, patchwork & quilt - in fact whatever your art or craft bring what you're working on at present. Share skills, ideas, techniques and tips. Inspire and be inspired in the company of other creative people. If you have a 'crafty' friend, bring them along too! Art/craft items and books you'd like to sell? Bring them for the bring- and-buy table. Entry £2.00 per person.


� CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR � Street Forge Workshops in Thornham Magna will be holding their Christmas Craft fair on Thursday 5th December from 10-3. This will be a great chance to pick up some local handcrafted decorations, stocking fillers and presents, all at great prices. Refreshment will be available. Please come along and support your local charity .

Mobile Library Service Don’t forget the Suffolk Library Mobile service has its new scheduled stop by the Chalet Bungalows. The timetable is: Layby Chalet Bungalows from 9.45-10am and outside Haymead House, The Street from 10.05 to 10.20. Next Visits: 19th December 2019 and 16th January 2020

Thornham Film night Wednesday 18th December – Colette. Bar open 7pm and Film at 7.30pm Tickets £5 Sunday 22nd December – Nutcracker matinee ballet More details: www.thornhamvillagehall.co.uk To book tickets in advance please phone 07818 028687 and leave your details.

All bookings of the Village Hall and its equipment should go to: Denise Carle, 9, Grange Road, IP23 8NE. Telephone 01449 767838 or Email denise.alexander63@yahoo.co.uk Hourly rate: £8.00 The rate is per hour or part thereof. Minimum booking period 2 hrs. Day rate (24 hour period): £85.00. 25% reduction in rate for Wickham Skeith residents and Wickham Skeith village groups and organisations. Official bodies (e.g. elections): £200.00 per day. A 30 minute "warming up" period will be allowed in cold weather.


Cllrs T Thorogood (Chair), H Bowes (Vice-Chair), B Kemp (Treasurer), R Palmer, M Blair, K Knights, T Goodacre (Clerk), Cllr Stringer (SCC), Cllr Warboys (MSDC) and 8 members of public Accepted from Cllr Freeman and M Appleby

1. Chair’s Welcome: The Chair opened the meeting, welcoming those in attendance. 2. Declaration of Interest: None received. 3. Minutes of Meeting:  Minutes of Meeting held 9 September 2019 were approved by all Councillors and signed by the Chair.  Minutes of Extra-Ordinary Meeting held 30 September 2019 were approved by all Councillors and signed by the Chair. 4. Village Forum: Road Signs - Newly erected sign for Dove Lane on junction to Wickham Road obscures vision to motorists negotiating junction. Parish Clerk to write to MSDC. Correspondence also received following erection of Dove Lane signs requesting consideration be given to signs for The Street. 5. Reports: 5.1. Cllr Stringer (SCC):  Health Visitors: SCC have cut 35% of Health Visitors resulting in only 3 of 5 health checks for pregnant mothers/babies being carried out by specially trained Health Visitors; Staff Nurses carrying out other 2 checks lacking in continuity.  School Transport: Review of new policy confirmed. Since introduction, large increase of appeals. 5.2. Cllr Warboys (MSDC):  New Corporate Plan: Joint Strategic Plan refreshed by Cabinet members and includes Vision and Mission Statement, summarised with graphic representation. Green Group proposed amendment to include all-encompassing theme of environmental sustainability, which was rejected.  Environment Task Group: Cross party group of Councillors now formed and agreed programme of meetings to address Climate Emergency.  Housing: MSDC delivering two completely affordable housing developments on middle school sites in Needham Market and Stowmarket to include homes for affordable rent, social rent and shared ownership.  Neighbourhood Plans: Thurston completed Neighbourhood Plan, now adopted by MSDC and forms part of statutory planning policy. Haughley’s Neighbourhood Plan also adopted by MSDC.  West Suffolk Community Safety Partnership (WSCSP): Statutory body of organisations working together to reduce crime and disorder. Members of group include representatives from District Councils, County Council, Police, Fire and Rescue Service and Clinical Commissioning. Priorities are Hate Crime, County Lines, Domestic Abuse and Homicide. Work of WSCSP to be discussed at Overview and Scrutiny Committee in November.  SUFFOLK HOW ARE YOU: County Wide Campaign to help people eat healthily and move more. For more information visit www.suffolkhowareyou.co.uk.  Council Tax: Proposed to be held at 2% for 2020/21.  Stowmarket Innovation Hub (Gateway 14): Launch aims to make Stowmarket most innovative technologically advanced town in UK. Funded by BMSDC through NewAnglia (also relies on 50% EU funding). Estimated 35,000 new jobs in IT sector. 5.3. Suffolk Police (via Parish Clerk): One burglary on Grange Road during September reported on Website. No upcoming events publicised. Partner Funded PCSOs continue to be encouraged. 5.4. Parish Clerk: Damaged National Speed Limit Sign on Wickham Road (Finningham) reported, Ref 00258269. Report also requested for Speed Indicator Post to be checked for correct distance as SID obscured by sign when in use. All other items raised within Agenda. 5.5. Parish Councillors: No matters raised. 5.5.1.Community Speed Watch: Cllr Knights advised that SID Instruction Manual, spare battery and CD now in his possession and volunteer-based Rota to be circulated. SID brightness now increased to 100%, with possible consideration to be given to a hood, should this not increase brightness. 5.5.2.GDPR: No update to report. 5.5.3.Community Emergency Plan: No update to report. 5.5.4.Defibrillator: No update to report.


~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~ 6.

Correspondence Received:  Meeting Times: Village Hall Bookings asked for consideration to be given to starting Parish Council Meetings at 8.15 pm on certain Mondays to allow for additional Village Hall booking. It was agreed to uphold Parish Council’s Standing Orders and continue to start all meetings at 8.00 pm.  Tree for Life: BMSDC promoting scheme offering parents free tree to mark arrival of newborn or newly adopted child. Visit www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/tree-for-life for more information. All other correspondence which has not been circulated via email included within Agenda or in Circulation File.


Finance 7.1. Accounts as at 31.10.19 presented by Cllr Kemp (Treasurer), showing balance of £6,580.14. 7.2. 2020/21 Budget: Cllr Kemp presented draft budget for 2020/21. 7.3. Parish Precept: In view of new role of Parish Clerk/RFO, Cllr Kemp proposed 2020/21 Parish Precept of £3,500, an increase of £500 (16%) – to be finally agreed at January 2020 meeting. 7.4. The following invoices were agreement for payment: Village Hall Hire (Jul + 2 x Sep) £36.00 MSDC - Litter/Dog Bin Emptying (additional charge due to clerical error)£18.00 Parish Clerk Expenses £81.31 7.5. Care Group: Requested release of £150 from their fund for donation to Food Bank. Formal agreement given by all Councillors. 7.6. Gift Voucher: All Councillors in agreement for Cllr Kemp to personally purchase and be reimbursed in lieu of Village Green Maintenance. 7.7. Bank Mandate: Preparations for update to commence with new role of Parish Clerk/RFO. 7.8. Workplace Pensions: Re-enrolment due in 2020 - reminder to update with new role of Parish Clerk/RFO.




Planning Matters: 1. DC/19/04251 – Knoll Farm, Daisy Green Lane: MSDC have granted permission for conversion of existing barn and stable block to form residential dwelling, subject to conditions. 2. DC/19/04338 – 1 Grange Road: MSDC have granted permission for outline planning – erection of 2 detached dwellings with garages, subject to conditions. 3. DC/19/04388 – Land adjacent to Bumbledown, Grange Road: MSDC have granted permission for outline planning – erection of 2 detached dwellings, subject to conditions. 4. DC/19/04958 (formerly DC/19/02223) - Land south of The Grange, Grange Road: Full planning application received for 2 detached dwellings with garages and construction of new access. Councillors raised no objections to proposed development, however, distance of development from existing watercourse questioned. 5. Cllr Blair raised possible allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in view of new developments within village. Parish Clerk to contact Infrastructure Team. 6. Occold Parish Council holding Planning Training Q&A Session on 25.11.19, inviting Parish Councils to attend/share costs. Village Green: 1. Working Parties: Cllr Knights to circulate dates for working parties following wind damage to Willows on Village Green. 2. Grimmer Fishing: Cllr Knights advised of undetermined findings on legal position. Village resident in support of fishing keen to work with Parish Council to retain.


Parish Clerk/RFO Vacancy: Contract of Employment agreed with H Roberts (who was in attendance and introduced), with start date of 1 December 2019.


Matters for next Agenda and Any Other Business: Parish Precept, 2020/21 Budget. The meeting concluded with a presentation to both Parish Clerk and Treasurer, thanking them for their contribution to the Parish Council during their time in office.


Next Meeting: 13 January 2020


Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer Wickham Skeith Parish Council welcomes Huw Roberts in the new role of Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer. Huw will commence this role as from 1 December 2019, replacing both Tara (as Parish Clerk) and Barry (as Treasurer). The contact email address for Huw will be wickhamskeithpc@hotmail.com

Village Green Many of you will have noticed that a large branch has broken from one of the weeping willows by the pond. It does appear to be reasonably stable at the moment but we will be getting a work party together to clear that branch and do some more serious surgery on the tree ensure it remains healthy. Please watch out for notices as to when this may happen - most likely a Saturday in January!

Christmas and New Year revised bin collections Collection dates for bins over the Christmas and New Year period are: Recycling Collection date: Wednesday 25th December will be Friday 27th December Rubbish Collection date: Wednesday 1st January will be Friday 3rd January Recycling Collection date: Wednesday 8th January will be Thursday 9th January There will be NO brown bin collections over Christmas and New Year (between 23rd December and 6th January 2020).

St Andrews Church Flower & Cleaning Rota December 1st Mr & Mrs I Hempstead 8th & 15th Miss M Jones-Evans & Mrs J Keable 22nd & 29th Mrs J Bryant & Mrs L Reinders January dates will be on the new rotas


Wickham Skeith Churchyard Conservation Churchyards are a mosaic of habitats which are great for wildlife. They can be peaceful havens containing old and distinctive trees, wildflowers, lichens, rare fungi, mosses and ferns and they provide food and shelter for many animals including small mammals, amphibians, slow worms, insects and birds. Even the gravestones and the churches themselves form an important part of the churchyard habitat. Churchyards are not just communities of the dead; they are thoughtful places, reflecting the impact of time on humankind and our efforts to escape oblivion. They are expressions of history – full of personal and community stories. The big challenge with looking after church land is that it is often seen to be most cost effective to mow and prune everything and concrete over everything else! We are lucky that the churchyard at St Andrews has been managed carefully by volunteers according to a plan to safeguard areas of wild flowers. There are barn owls and pipistrelle and serotine bats that use the churchyard and recent work in the church took this into account. We have recently engaged contractors to cut the grass and this will be an ongoing commitment. Now we have to carry out some sensitive tree surgery to remove dead and falling branches and make the churchyard and adjoining footpaths safe for walkers. We would be grateful for any donation, large or small, towards the upkeep of this special area. We have a small ‘churchyard conservation fund’ which contributes to the cost of grass cutting. Thank you to those who have already contributed. If you use the churchyard for quiet reflection, for dog walking or just visiting, we hope you enjoy its peace and its wildlife. If you don’t know the churchyard, do take a stroll up there and enjoy this peaceful part of our village. Donations towards the Churchyard Conservation Fund should be given to the church wardens Liz Davidson or Margaret Jones-Evans (01449 767121). Either cash or cheques to Wickham Skeith Church Fund (Churchyard) will be most welcome.

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~ Rural Dean: Rev Canon Diane Williams 720316, mobile 07714016554 diane.rev@btinternet.com Readers: Helen Matter 780379, Elaine Miller 770337, Sheila Wright 768644 Elders: Peter Paine 767897, Janice Shea 781263, Jean Willoughby 766621 Services for December 2019 & January 2020 Every Sunday morning at 9.30am unless otherwise stated

1st – Advent Sunday, Holy Communion - Rev Canon Barbara Bilston 8th – Advent 2, Morning Worship – Sheila Wright 15th, 10am – Advent 3, Benefice Communion at Wickham Skeith – Ven John Cox 17th, Tuesday 7pm – Carols by Candlelight at Gipping 22nd, 10am – Advent 4, Benefice Communion at Wyverstone – Rev Michael Eden 6.30pm – St Andrew’s Carol Service – ‘The Home Team’ 24th - Christmas Eve, 11.30pm –Midnight Communion – Rev Pauline Higham 25th – Christmas Day, no service at St Andrew’s 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP) at Gipping – Ven David Jenkins 10am All Age Service at Cotton - Rev Canon Barbara Bilston 10am Family Service at Old Newton – Elaine Miller 10am Family Service at Wyverstone – Andy Mellen 29th – Christmas 1, Extended Communion – Peter Paine Jan 5th, Epiphany – Holy Communion & prayers for healing - Rev Canon Sally Fogden 6.30pm – Benefice Praise in the Community at Wyverstone with Bishop Mike 12th – Baptism of Christ, Morning Worship – Peter Paine 19th, 10am - Epiphany 2, Benefice Communion at Bacton – Rev Canon Barbara Bilston 26th - Epiphany 3, Family Service – Jean Willoughby Would all our ‘decorators’ please have everything in place ready for the Carol Service on 22nd and take things down after the Epiphany service on January 5th. Many thanks for all your efforts; they are greatly appreciated by everyone attending our festival services. As usual we hope to have the Carol Service by candlelight with just the uplighters as background light – please use your torch for additional light on the carol words if necessary! Please note the various different services over the Christmas period. We have a Midnight Service as usual on Christmas Eve and no service on Christmas Day but you will be very welcome at any of the services in the Benefice on Christmas morning if you prefer a daytime service. Our Christmas collections this year will go to the Children’s Society as we will not have a Christingle service. The Children’s Society works to support vulnerable and disadvantaged children whatever their problems and wherever they are in this country. The Monday Morning Group will take a break over the holiday period so will meet on December 2nd & January 20th. Do come and join us, we would welcome some new participants. The PCC will meet on Monday 13th January. If anyone has anything they want the PCC to discuss, please notify the Secretary, Mary Paine (767897) so that she can include it on the agenda. There is still time to join the flower & cleaning rota , or if you need to be removed from the list, please let Liz Davidson know by December 11th (eadavidson42@gmail.com or 766622). We don’t have quite as many volunteers as a few years ago so new people will be welcome. At the moment one or two pairs find themselves doing 3 sessions in a year but ideally it would be 2 sessions of 2 weeks. You provide fresh flowers for the altar vases in season and do as much cleaning as time and energy allows. It’s not an arduous task; you don’t need to be a regular churchgoer to ‘qualify’ and it helps to keep our lovely building in good order. All help is much appreciated. The new flower & cleaning rota will be available at the Carol Service. Thank you to all our willing volunteers who do an excellent and reliable job of keeping our church clean and welcoming.

~ F U N D R A I S I N G for S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~

Stir-up On 23rd November Father Christmas made an early appearance to instruct five stirrers in the art of Christmas pudding making. 60lb of pudding was made, there were lots of brandy fumes in the air and only a few lb of mixture remained at the end of the day after the home deliveries. Thank you to all the people who stirred, & gathered ingredients and equipment. Our helper in the kitchen did a brilliant job of keeping up with the washing up at the same time as serving refreshments to the onlookers. Last chance for Christmas -There's still 5 lb of Gluten free mixture left at £3 per lb. Free delivery. Whales, Bears and the Pink Fire Engine – Friday 24th Jan. 2020 Liz and Pete Davidson will be giving a talk about their recent trip to Alaska. Pete says this won’t be a typical show of holiday photos – not a selfie in sight. However, we will be exploring the remarkable wildlife, scenery and culture of this US state. The bar will be open and light refreshments will be available. Venue – the Village Hall, Time – 7.30pm. Entry by donation only. A puddings’ evening at 7.30pm on Sat. 29th February 2020 As the weather may be chilly many of the puddings will be served hot. Come and try some old favourites and some new ideas. In the Village Hall, of course. More information in the February newsletter. Quiz on Sat. 14th March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Pete has kindly agreed to prepare one of his popular quizzes so save this date and arrange a table or book for yourself – we need individuals too. Book with Pete on 01449 766622. We’ll have the bar open. Thank you all for your support for the church projects. We are loving being able to use the servery, the gallery and the loo is very gratefully used. Now we need to replace our worn-out heating system. Margaret Jones-Evans and Liz Davidson, Churchwardens.

01449 767121


Oil Syndicate The next deadline for syndicate orders is 31 January 2020. If you’d like oil please email me at jerrybassett@icloud.com or call 765908 if you’ve no access to email. An explanation of the scheme can be found in September’s newsletter but if you don’t have that to hand please let me know and I’ll forward details.

Food Bank Christmas and the school holidays are fast approaching. Please remember those who are not so fortunate as ourselves and consider making a contribution to the Food Bank. Gift boxes are in the Village Hall and the Church and also you may leave items in our porch - West House in The Street Thank you, Sue.

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2019 I would like to say a big thank you to all those who helped make this year’s Poppy Appeal for the Mendlesham District such a great success again this year. The annual Poppy appeal is when we remember and reflect on those, past and present, who gave so much for us all and a time to raise invaluable funds for this worthy charity to help those in need. This fantastic amount is due to the wonderful committed collectors who give up their time to help with the appeal and all of you who gave so generously to the Poppy Appeal. Thank you to you all. The district as a whole raised the grand sum of £2700.00 of which Wickham Skeith raised a very generous £672.92. Jacquie Nash. Poppy Appeal Organiser

~ NOTICES ~ -Please Cut out or Photocopy-----------------------------------------------------------------



My child/ren (name/s)(age/s) ................................................................................................................................. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. would like to come to the PARTY! Any known allergies we should be aware of for the buffet tea?...................................... £5 per child enclosed

or pay on the door only if pre-booked!

Return slip to Denise at No 9, Grange Road, Wickham Skeith, IP23 8NE (767838) By 2nd December 2018 please


Welcome to our village We would like to extend a warm welcome to all those who have recently moved into our village. We hope that you will soon settle in and be very happy here. We hope to meet you all over the next couple of months at the various events so please take a look through our calendar and come along or contact the various people whose details are given.


Suffolk Grown Traditional Christmas Trees for Sale

HALL FARM, WICKHAM SKEITH Next to Village Hall From approx. Mid December onwards Enquiries: Romaine: 01449 766454

Beryl: 07748376887

Thank you to all our customers from previous years. It is hoped that a recycling facility collection point will be made available after Twelfth Night at Wickham Skeith Village Hall Car Park (as last year).

Business Adverts Adverts are £5.00 per month, £25 for 6 months and £50 for one year. Cash or cheque (payable to “Wickham Skeith Village Hall”) to Melinda Appleby at Haymead House, The Street, in advance of the advert being placed please.


Thornham Hall, Thornham Magna IP23 8HA Charity Christmas Dinner with Jazz Dinner & Jazz is being held on Friday 13 thDecember, musical entertainment by the popular ‘Wednesday Men’ - Tickets are £24.95 per guest, £4.00 per ticket donated to Maternity Bereavement Suite at Norwich Hospital! Christmas Dinner Dance We are trying something new on Friday 20th December! We will be having a 3course dinner followed by Christmas swing with Mr Smooth. Tickets are £29.95 per guest. Open Thursday - Sunday (10am - 4pm) Telephone: 01379 783373 Mob: 07376374633 Email: contact@thornhamcoachhouse.com

***** GISLINGHAM PLAYGROUP ***** We provide a safe, warm, friendly and caring setting for children aged 2-5 years, in a brand new purpose built building on the same site as Gislingham CEVCP School, with whom we work closely to provide an excellent education. Breakfast Club 8.00am - 8.45am Morning 8.45am to 11.45am, Lunch Club 11.45am to 12.45pm Afternoon 12.45pm to 3.45pm Please visit our website www.gislinghamplaygroup.com or phone us on 01379 788934


GRAHAM MOORE ELECTRICAL LTD Blacksmiths Cottage, Silver Street, Old Newton IP14 4HF

For all your electrical needs For a friendly and efficient service Call Graham on Tel: 01449 616946 Mobile: 07867 560357 *FREE ESTIMATES * ALL WORK GUARANTEED *


Ed Batram GARDEN SERVICES Clearance, design, planting, aftercare for your garden… Trees, hedging, fencing, log splitting & chainsaw work… Ground clearance, paths, patios, brickwork and paving… All aspects of conservation work undertaken. FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 01379 898203, mob: 07950 923696 Email: edwardbatram@icloud.com




Tel: 01379 890617 / 07880 528142 GARWOODSOFSUFFOLK@YAHOO.COM


High welfare, Free Range, Rare Breed Oxford Sandy & Black Pork now available all year round from my slow raised pigs. Butchered by M & M Stowupland, vacuum packed and fast frozen for highest quality meat

� CHRISTMAS OFFER � � SPECIAL OFFER � All for £40 1.5 kg unsmoked gammon, 24 Chipolata Sausages, 24 Rashers Smoked Streaky Bacon, 500g Pork Mince, 500g G/F Sausage Meat ����� AVAILABLE ALL YEAR ROUND Leg, shoulder and loin joints £10kg-joints available in 1.5-2.5kg cuts Loin chops £8 kg - 2 per pack Pork steaks £9kg Boneless Pork Belly £8kg Sausages M&M Special recipe or Hubbard’s £8.60 kg - packs of 8 Chipolatas G\F £9.40 kg Pork & Apple, Pork & Apricot, Cumberland G/F £9.40 kg - packs of 8 SAUSAGE MULTIPACK SPECIAL 5 packs of your choosing for £20 Pork mince £8 kg - 1/2 kg Sausage meat £8.60kg Black Back bacon, Treacle & Ale cured £19.87kg - packs of 8, Unsmoked £16.57kg Black Streaky bacon, Treacle & Ale slow cured £16.57, Cured Streaky £12kg Please contact Sam at TAS Animal Care & Poultry c/o Knoll Farm, Wickham Skeith FOR ALL YOUR PET & LIVESTOCK CARE, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY & PET FEED 077424 50908 or 01449 768620 www.tasanimalandpoultry.co.uk

This newsletter is kindly sponsored by Richard and Alice Palmer. It is produced by the Village Hall Committee.

And finally... Please send all your village news and adverts for next month’s newsletter to Melinda: mappleby@tiscali.co.uk or call 01449 766879 By 25th January 2020

Newsletter printed by Copydiss, 14A St Nicholas Street, Diss IP22 4LB Tel: 01379 644567

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