2019 09 Wickham Skeith Newsletter

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Wickham Skeith Newsletter September 2019

~ DATES FOR YOUR DIARY ~ All meetings in Village Hall unless stated otherwise

September 2019 Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Wednesday 11th Wednesday 18th Sat 14th Saturday 14th Monday 16th Wednesday 18th Saturday 21st Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday 26th Friday 27th Saturday 28th Sunday 29th

Monday Morning Group 10.15 for 10.30 FOSA Bingo 7.30pm Afternoon Tea & Chat 2-4pm All Welcome Parish Council 8pm All Welcome Hilltop Women’s group talk on Foraging at 7:45pm Lunch Club 12 for 12.30. Advance Bookings Please. The Life of a Longhunter” – Mike & Seonaid Forrester 7.45pm Suffolk Churches sponsored Cycle Ride & Stride 9.00–17.00 Crafternoon 2-4.30pm Monday Morning Group 10.15 for 10.30 Afternoon Tea & Chat 2-4pm All Welcome Music Quiz & Ploughman’s supper 7pm for 7.30 start Gardening Club talk on Beekeeping Afternoon Tea & Chat All Welcome Mobile Library van 9.45am (Chalet Bungs). 10.05am (The Street) Macmillan Coffee Morning 10-12 @ Coach Hse, Wickham Hall Book Sale/Coffee morning 10am at Highbanks, 1 Broadway Harvest Festival at St Andrew’s Church 9.30am

Mobile Library Service Don’t forget the Suffolk Library Mobile service has its new scheduled stop by the Chalet Bungalows. The timetable is: Thursday 26th Sept at Layby Chalet Bungalows from 9.45-10am and outside Haymead House, The Street from 10.05 to 10.20.


Village Hall Committee Congratulations Romaine! Once again the overall winner of the Produce and Craft Show at the Village Hall on Saturday. My correspondent says there was a good level of entries, a nice sized crowd to see the prize giving and as usual great organisation from the Gardening Club to whom we are very grateful for their continued support for this annual event. Events coming up... September 21st Music Quiz with a 7pm for 7:30 start. There will be a mixture of questions to suit all ages, a picture round included. There will be a Ploughman's part way through. Please contact Nigel to book your team-or yourself-in. 767222 October 19th Harvest Horkey. 7pm for 7.30. Sam Mulgrew has kindly taken on the organisation this year. Soup to start, Pork or Mutton served on platters on each table, roast potatoes, Cauli cheese and red cabbage and Mediterranean vegetables. A choice of puddings. Charge for liqueur coffee ÂŁ3.50. Serve wine by the glass or by the bottle. A raffle 6 of good prizes. Stand up/sit down game. There are very few tickets left...in fact you may be too late but please check with Nigel. October 26th Halloween Party for children once again organised by Denise and her team. There will be a slip in next month's Newsletter to book places-alongside the Children's Christmas Party return. November 16th November Fair. which will begin at 12 noon and continue to 4pm. There will be stalls selling a wide range of goods and our own tombola stall so prizes please! Light lunches will feature through the day as well as they proved popular last year. December 7th Quiz, led by the legendary quizmaster Nigel! December 14th Children's Christmas Party more details in the October edition with a booking slip. December 28th Plum Pudding walk -the usual meander around the village footpathsnot all of them!-before a lovely soup and bread refreshment chatting with friends. The Village Hall Committee is very happy to have supported the installation of the first defibrillator in position on the Village Hall. We will pay for ongoing electricity costs to maintain its power. We would wish to congratulate all involved in this very worthwhile activity especially the instigators-Jeanne, Romaine and Jenny and Margarita for acting on behalf of the Parish Council to finalise its installation. In our community it is very rarely possible to do anything alone and again different strands have pulled together to make a strong statement to our community-'this is important and will be done!' Please continue to support the Village Hall, and Committee, as much as possible through the next stage up to Christmas. New event ideas always welcome!

~NEWS FROM THE CLUBS~ Hilltop Women’s Group Our first meeting after the summer break will be on Tuesday 10 th September in the Village Hall at 7:45pm. We will be led by Jilly Newstead and the lovely Sylvia (who came and inspired us with some Christmas Cooking tips). We are on the topic of foraging this time, so will look forward to some new ideas. Bring a holiday postcard for the competition and a friend or neighbour who hasn't been yet/for a while. Also bring your subs of £10 for the year and £1 for the meeting. (£3 for visitors). Tea and coffee will be served and fun will be had. Further details from Margaret Knights 767708 rosecottageflowers@hotmail.co.uk or Sue Merriam 767222: or any of the committee members.

Village Afternoon Tea and Chat An informal gathering for tea and biscuits. Open to all, young and old; dogs welcome too. Afternoon tea at the village hall happens every Wednesday from 2-4pm except Lunch Club days. As much tea/coffee as you can drink for only £1.

Wickham Skeith GardeninG club All Meetings Held In Wickham Skeith Village Hall Unless Indicated Otherwise TUESDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 2019 7:30PM After an interesting summer of visits and outings we will be back in the village hall this evening. We hope you will join us to hear what will be a very interesting talk by Chris Mead on Beekeeping. Members £1/Non-members £3. TUESDAY 22 OCTOBER 2019 7:30PM If you’ve ever wondered exactly what that is chomping away happily on your prized flowers then this is the meeting for you. Dr Ian Bedford will be telling us all about Garden Bugs. Members £1/Non-members £3. TUESDAY 26 NOVEMBER 2019 7:30PM I hardly dare mention this as we are still enjoying summer! Denise Johnston will demonstrate Natural Christmas Decorations. Members £1/Non-members £3.

~NEWS FROM THE CLUBS~ Lunch Club Once again our cooks, Thelma and Lynne, excelled themselves. If you weren’t there you missed a beautiful lunch. Our MP, Dr Dan Poulter, joined us for lunch and chatted to diners, trying to answer their tricky questions diplomatically. The September lunch will be at 12md for 12.30pm on Wednesday 11 th September in the Village Hall as usual. If you need to book or change your booking do please phone me – 01449 767121, thank you, Margaret Jones-Evans

History & Film Group This month we welcome back Mike & Seonaid Forrester. Having covered the US Civil War & life in the early West in previous presentations they will now be taking us further back in time in telling “The Life of a Longhunter”. While George III was on the British throne, the colonists in America were beginning to push west from the coastal states into what would become Kentucky & Tennessee. The Longhunters were explorers & hunters who were key to this process. In their inimitable style Mike & Seonaid will transport us back to a very different world. All are welcome so do join us in the Village Hall at 7.45pm on Wed 18 Sep. Entry Fee £2, including tea/coffee and biscuits. Contact: Pete Davidson 766622 or pjdavidson42@gmail.com

Crafternoon Crafternoon is back. Come along if you, or would like to, paint, draw, collage, felt, print, sculpt, make stained glass work, knit, sew, embroider, patchwork & quilt - in fact whatever your art or craft bring what you're working on at present. Share skills, ideas, techniques and tips. Inspire and be inspired in the company of other creative people. If you have a 'crafty' friend then bring them along too! Art/craft items and books you'd like to sell? Bring them for the bring- and-buy table. Entry £1.50 per person. Next dates: Saturday September 14th and in October - Saturday 12th.


HARVEST HORKEY SATURDAY 19th OCTOBER 2019 7pm £10 Adult £6 Children Welcome glass of complimentary fizzy 3 Course Meal, Vegetarian option available Wine, Beer & Spirits available to purchase A rural tradition to celebrate the end of harvest and bring the community together, upheld in our village since 1970 please join us to be a part of it. Contact Sam on 077424 50908. Limited availability.

Jessie’s Wood The gates for Jessie’s Wood are now in place - one at each entrance. We hope they will deter potential fly tippers. We have done this reluctantly but feel that we must protect this special place. However we continue to encourage walkers, dog walkers and horse riders, and those looking for some peace and tranquillity to go round the gates and into the wood. We hope you understand. Joy and Geoff

Update on Jennys' afternoon tea. The total amount to date raised at the tea was £520. We would like to thank all those who supported us either by help or donating on the afternoon. Also the extra help we received in clearing up by which time we were somewhat worn out! Any further information required regarding the defibrillator should be forwarded to Margarita Freeman c/o the Parish Council.

49/59 Club The winning numbers this month are: 03 31 49 45 38

~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~ I hereby give you notice that a meeting of Wickham Skeith Parish Council will be held at the Village Hall on

Monday, 9 September 2019 at 8.00 pm.

Tara Goodacre Parish Clerk


Chairman’s Welcome (to include Apologies for absence)


To receive members Declaration of Interest on Agenda items


To confirm:


Village Forum: An opportunity for the public to raise any relevant issues to the Council


Reports: 5.1. SCC: Cllr Stringer 5.2. MSDC: Cllr Warboys 5.3. Suffolk Police 5.4. Parish Clerk 5.5. Parish Councillors: To include: 5.5.1.Community Speed Watch 5.5.2.General Data Protection Regulation 5.5.3.Community Emergency Plan 5.5.4.Defibrillator


Correspondence Received

Minutes of Meeting held 8 July 2019

7. Finance: 7.1. Financial Position as at 30 August 2019 7.2. Potential Change of Insurer 7.3. Forthcoming Vacancy of Treasurer 8.

Planning Matters (to include any applications/decisions received after publication of this Agenda)


Village Green: 9.1. Working Parties 9.2. Grimmer Fishing

10. Parish Clerk/RFO Vacancy 11. Matters for next Agenda and Any Other Business 12. Next Meeting: 11 November 2019

~ C O M M U N I T Y PAG E ~ Care Group- Important Message Due to moving away from the village, I am no longer able to continue as ‘transport coordinator‘ from 1 September. Unfortunately, no-one within the group is able to take this on. Until a replacement is found, if you require transport, please approach a member of the group directly. Can you help? The co-ordinator holds a list of drivers and, when contacted, makes the arrangements for transport. It is not an emergency service and can therefore be dealt with in the evening/at a time to suit. I have managed easily despite the demands of raising three children and working part time. The service is valuable and very much appreciated by users in our rural village. Please contact a care group member if you are interested in this role. Many thanks and all good wishes from Ali Charman

Oil Syndicate Once again the syndicate has surpassed itself this past year with 66 households, around two thirds of the village, ordering an impressive 90,000 litres of oil. Thanks to your support we were able to strike some great deals with the oil companies. In case you’re unfamiliar with the scheme, here’s a reminder of how it operates. If you'd like to use the syndicate, there’ll be four opportunities to place orders over the next 12 months: - by 30 September - by 30 November - by 31 January - by 30 June On or before any of these dates let me know by email (or phone if you don’t have email) that you’d like to be included in the next order. I’ll need to know: - address and telephone number(s) - unless you’ve ordered before - quantity required (min 500 litres) - any special instructions - eg concerning delivery Within a couple of days of the above dates, a bulk order will be placed with the oil company which offers the best deal, usually several pence per litre lower than the price available to customers who order individually. I'll let you know the same day: - the name of the company - price - expected delivery date - the company's contact details in case you need to speak to them directly I'll pass your details to the company who will contact you (normally only if you don't already have an account with them) and they’ll bill you directly. If you've any questions please ring Jerry on 765908 or email jerrybassett@icloud.com

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~ Rural Dean: Rev Canon Diane Williams 720316, mobile 07714016554 diane.rev@btinternet.com Readers: Helen Matter 780379, Elaine Miller 770337, Sheila Wright 768644 Elders: Peter Paine 767897, Janice Shea 781263, Jean Willoughby 766621 Services for September 2019 Every Sunday morning at 9.30am unless otherwise stated 1st – Trinity 11, Holy Communion & Prayers for Healing - Rev Canon Barbara Bilston 8th –Trinity 12, Morning Worship – Peter Paine 15th 10am - Trinity 13, Benefice Communion at Bacton – Rev Adrian Copping 22nd – Trinity 14, All-Age Family Service – ‘The Home Team’ 29th – St Michael & All Angels, Harvest Family Service – Rev Canon Sally Fogden Oct 6th – Trinity 16,Holy Communion & Prayers for Healing – Rev Canon Barbara Bilston Our Harvest Festival this year will be celebrated on Sunday September 29th and we hope for a good attendance. Windowsill decorators will have time to prepare on the Saturday if they prefer instead of a weekday. The produce will be sorted after the Sunday service – after preparation of some gifts for delivery within the village, the fresh produce will go to Westhorpe Hall Nursing Home and the dried and tinned goods together with the monetary collection to the Food Bank in Stowmarket. If you could help with the collecting together, sorting and distributing of the produce and flowers we would be very pleased to hear from you – just have a word with Margaret J-E, or any PCC member. Thank you. The service at the end of July for the dedication of our new facilities was well attended and was a very happy occasion, followed by light refreshments & prosecco (or non-alcoholic alternatives!). The last bills are now to be paid and the retention fee will be due after the 6 month check in January. In addition we need to find the money for a new sound system and also to renew the heating system as the wiring for that is failing. All these costs are on top of the general maintenance which averages £200 - £300 a week just to keep the church useable. Contrary to the expectations of many, we receive no income from either the diocese or the state but have to pay a substantial amount to the diocese to help pay for clergy and on top of this cover the cost of insurance, electricity, churchyard maintenance etc. If you feel that it is important to keep our village church available for baptisms, weddings & funerals as well as Sunday services please consider making a financial contribution. It is the only Grade 1 listed building in the village. With the help of people in the village we have improved our building and we can all now make greater use of it but cannot do it without your continued support. It would be particularly helpful for maintaining cashflow if you are able to set up a standing order from your bank account so that there is known amount of income into the church account, whether or not you are able to attend the service each week, to help in planning budgets. If you are a tax payer Gift Aid will increase the amount of your donation at no cost to yourself and forms or envelopes are available for this purpose. The Monday Morning Group will restart its usual 1st & 3rd Monday routine, meeting in the Village Hall on 2nd & 16th at 10.15 for coffee followed by our discussion. You will be made welcome if you would like to join us. Members of our PCC will be attending a Section 11 meeting on Sept 10th. This is the meeting to discuss the content of the parish & benefice profiles as the beginning of the process to advertise for a new priest-in-charge.

~ F U N D R A I S I N G for S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~

Our huge project is complete and has been re-dedicated by Bishop Mike. This village raised enough for a £135,000 bill so congratulations are due all round. The new servery and accessible lavatory have been used successfully and we are looking forward to using the gallery too. The view of the church from up there is brilliant and for a simple washer-upper it’s so easy to be able to tip water down the sink rather than carrying a wobbly plastic bowl out into the church yard against the wind! In case you enjoyed some of the fund-raising events you’ll be pleased to hear that they will be continuing – the sound system finally broke down after 20 plus years of service just as the project started and then the electricians found that some of the old wall heaters were not safe so we are gathering ourselves to fundraise again! With your help that is. The monthly Book Sales/Coffee mornings will start again at 10am on Saturday 28 th September at my home – Highbanks, 1, Broadway, there will be a Christmas Pudding Stir-up and a stall at the November Fayre so watch this space. We look forward to seeing you all again! With love and thanks to you all from Margaret Jones-Evans

01449 767121

Suffolk Churches Ride & Stride – Sat 14 Sep Suffolk Historic Churches Trust Sponsored Ride & Stride takes place this year on Saturday 14th September between 9am & 5pm. Please support our cyclists & walkers looking for sponsorship to benefit our church and thank you to those who have volunteered an hour during that day to sit in our church to sign in visiting cyclists and offer them refreshment.

Church Flower & Cleaning Rota Sept 1st & 8th Mr & Mrs P Paine 15th & 22nd Mrs M Rowe & Mrs S Wright Sept 29th & Oct 6th Mrs J Kemp & Mrs S Merriam

~WICKHAM SKEITH PRODUCE SHOW~ Produce Show Results Thank you to everyone who entered the produce show this year. We had several newcomers who did well so we hope that this will encourage you for next year. We had a good number of entries in most categories and there were some hard fought battles, particularly in the junior craft contest where Ellie, Mabel and George all scored the same points! Our judges had a few tough choices to make. Show category winners were as follows Category Winner Fruit & Vegetables Dennis Sore Flowers & Plants Dennis Sore Cookery &Preserves Romaine Elsden Eggs Sam Mulgrew Hobbies/Craft Junior Overall

Verity Franklin Ellie Aldous-Goodge

Runner Up Barry Kemp Harriet Bowes Jocelyn Bryant

Mabel Aldous-Goodge

The Donald Horne Trophy for Overall Show Winner went, once again, to Romaine Elsden who pipped Dennis Sore to the post by only one point. Dave Mugglestone came a commendable third. Best in Show was awarded to Charlotte McCormack for her beautiful crochet shawl. There was a great deal of hard work behind the scenes to ensure all ran as smoothly as possible on the day so thank you to Carol Galsworthy and Jerry Bassett. Congratulations to everyone who took part and remember the more classes you enter the more chance you have of winning so start thinking about what you could do next year.

Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 27th September 10-12 Anne Munns is VERY kindly hosting this event again at the Coach House at Wickham Hall. Bring and Buy, cake stall, raffle, tombola, etc. All to raise funds for this wonderful charity. Do come.


ART WORKSHOP Expressive At Last Ever wished you could ‘loosen up’ your watercolour painting style? Not sure where to begin? Welcome to Expressive At Last art workshops where you can see first-hand demos of expressive techniques and try your hand at contemporary ways of producing art. Enjoyable, low-stress workshops where you can explore your artistic potential. 10am -12 noon fortnightly on Saturdays. Suitable for beginners and those with more experience who want to ‘loosen up’. Over 18s only please.

Expressive At Last art workshops with Seonaid Forrester Contact Seonaid – 01449 766348 for further details

Location just off A140 Cost £10 per session

All bookings of the Village Hall and its equipment should go to: Denise Carle, 9, Grange Road, IP23 8NE. Telephone 01449 767838 or Email denise.alexander63@yahoo.co.uk Hourly rate: £8.00 The rate is per hour or part thereof. Minimum booking period 2 hrs. Day rate (24 hour period): £85.00. 25% reduction in rate for Wickham Skeith residents and Wickham Skeith village groups and organisations. Official bodies (e.g. elections): £200.00 per day. A 30 minute "warming up" period will be allowed in cold weather.

Business Adverts Adverts are £5.00 per month, £25 for 6 months and £50 for one year. Cash or cheque (payable to “Wickham Skeith Village Hall”) to Melinda Appleby at Haymead House, The Street, in advance of the advert being placed please.


Thornham Hall, Thornham Magna IP23 8HA Craft and Chat with Hazel & Trisha Every first Thursday of the month Food, Roots & Blues Saturday 14thSeptember 6.30pm for 7pm start. 3 course dinner & music. Open Thursday - Sunday (10am - 4pm) Telephone: 01379 783373 Mob: 07376374633 Email: contact@thornhamcoachhouse.com

***** GISLINGHAM PLAYGROUP ***** We provide a safe, warm, friendly and caring setting for children aged 2-5 years, in a brand new purpose built building on the same site as Gislingham CEVCP School, with whom we work closely to provide an excellent education. Breakfast Club 8.00am - 8.45am Morning 8.45am to 11.45am, Lunch Club 11.45am to 12.45pm Afternoon 12.45pm to 3.45pm Please visit our website www.gislinghamplaygroup.com or phone us on 01379 788934

TEAK GARDEN SET for sale - top quality wooden oval table with 6 matching chairs (2 carver style ). Purchased in Indonesia some years ago- well cared for on a rolling programme. House move forces sale Price ÂŁ60 Please contact Chris - chrisalis.charman@btinternet.com


GRAHAM MOORE ELECTRICAL LTD Blacksmiths Cottage, Silver Street, Old Newton IP14 4HF

For all your electrical needs For a friendly and efficient service Call Graham on Tel: 01449 616946 Mobile: 07867 560357 *FREE ESTIMATES * ALL WORK GUARANTEED *


Ed Batram GARDEN SERVICES Clearance, design, planting, aftercare for your garden… Trees, hedging, fencing, log splitting & chainsaw work… Ground clearance, paths, patios, brickwork and paving… All aspects of conservation work undertaken. FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 01379 898203, mob: 07950 923696 Email: edwardbatram@icloud.com




Tel: 01379 890617 / 07880 528142 GARWOODSOFSUFFOLK@YAHOO.COM


High welfare, Free Range, Slow raised Rare Breed Pork now available from my OSB pigs. Butchered by Palfrey & Hall, Debenham, vacuum-packed and fast frozen for highest quality Meat. The Oxford Sandy & Black Pig have been around since the 18 th c/ They are classed as a rare breed, dual purpose meat pig providing fall-off-the-bone meat joints, tasty bacon, juicy sausages and out of this world crackling. Slow reared for superior flavour and tenderness All cuts available , 1/2 pigs, Pork boxes 10-40kg plus Suckling piglet for your special events available. AVAILABLE ALL YEAR ROUND Leg, shoulder and loin joints £10kg-joints available in 1.5-2.5kg cuts Loin chops £8 kg - 2 per pack Pork steaks £9kg Belly on the bone £8kg Sausages M&M Special recipe or Hubbard’s £8.60 kg - packs of £8 Chipolatas G\F £9.40 kg Pork & Apple, Pork & Apricot, Cumberland G/F £9.40 kg - packs of 8

SUMMER SPECIAL 5 packs SAUSAGES for £20 Pork mince £8 kg - 1/2 kg Sausage meat £8.60kg Black Back bacon, Treacle & Ale cured £19.87kg - packs of 8, Unsmoked £16.57kg Black Streaky bacon, Treacle & Ale slow cured £16.57, Cured Streaky £12kg Please contact Sam at TAS Animal Care & Poultry c/o Knoll Farm, Wickham Skeith Mobile: 077424 50908 www.tasanimalandpoultry.co.uk

This newsletter is kindly sponsored by Richard and Alice Palmer. It is produced by the Village Hall Committee.

And finally... Please send all your village news and adverts for next month’s newsletter to: mappleby@tiscali.co.uk or call 01449 766879 By 25th September 2019

VACANCY Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer 13/14 hours per month Salary in accordance with experience After 13 years as Parish Clerk, I have sadly given notice of resignation and the Parish Council of Wickham Skeith are now looking for a joint role of Parish Clerk/ Responsible Financial Officer, working from home, to be responsible for all aspects of the Parish Council’s day-to-day administration. This position will be advertised with various Council related bodies; however, should interest be received from within the village, it would be very welcome as, speaking from experience, it is rewarding working with the lovely people of this village. If you would like to have a chat about this role and the duties it would include, do give me a call on 01449 768696 or email clerk.wspc@btconnect.com

Newsletter printed by Copydiss, 14A St Nicholas Street, Diss IP22 4LB Tel: 01379 644567

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