2019 08 Wickham Skeith Newsletter

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Wickham Skeith Newsletter August 2019

~ DATES FOR YOUR DIARY ~ All meetings in Village Hall unless stated otherwise

August 2019 Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Saturday 10th Wednesday 14th Wednesday 21st Saturday 24th Wednesday 28th

FOSA Bingo 7.30pm Afternoon Tea & Chat 2-4pm Guided Walk of Bury St Edmunds 17.00 Lunch Club 12 for 12.30 Advance Bookings Please Afternoon Tea & Chat 2-4pm Annual Produce & Craft Show from 2.30pm Afternoon Tea & Chat 2-4pm

School Hol Special - Village Hall open every day 9am-12 noon for Table Tennis

September 2019 Tuesday 3rd Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Sat 14th Saturday 14th Saturday 21st

FOSA Bingo 7.30pm Parish Council 8pm All Welcome Hilltop Women’s group talk at 7:45pm Suffolk Churches Ride & Stride 9.00–17.00 Crafternoon 2-4.30pm Music Quiz

Mobile Library Service Don’t forget the Suffolk Library Mobile service has its new scheduled stop by the Chalet Bungalows. The timetable is: Thursday at Layby Chalet Bungalows from 9.4510am and outside Haymead House, The Street from 10.05 to 10.20. And every four weeks thereafter. Two visits this month - 1st and 29th August


Village Hall Committee First this month is confirmation of the total raised from the fete...a magnificent ÂŁ2,800. Once again a heartfelt thank you to EVERYBODY involved for such a wonderful result and to EVERYBODY who came along! The Sports on the Green was full of fun and laughter, gentle competition, neighbours and friends chatting and drinking and learning about-and helping-each other. Caz and Seb organised the rounders, running, and the equipment which was used so thanks to them. To see around twenty children playing and joining in together on the Green was possibly the best thing of all. Questions of the weather had raised its ugly head but in the end didn't bother anybody at all. Well done to the 'next generation'! Upcoming events Saturday 24th August-Craft and Produce Show in the Village Hall. Once again run by the Gardening Club-thank you to those kind people-and entry forms are available for you all. A single entry is worthwhile!! There will be a simple bar-prosecco, Pimms and tea and biscuit available. No BBQ this year though. Saturday 21st September-Music Quiz. A ploughman's will be provided, bar open and eight rounds of music based questions, tunes or pictures. Please let Nigel know if you wish to enter either as a team, pair, or individual. Saturday 19th October-Harvest Horkey with Wickham grown pork-and veg-pudding, coffee and chocolates. Bookings to Nigel please as numbers are limited. Thursday 31st October-Children's Halloween Party. Once again organised by Denise and her team and following the same format as usual-more information in September. Saturday 16th November is the November Fair with various craft stalls and a village tombola-so start collecting items that are suitable please. This runs from 12 noon 'till 4 pm and light lunches will be available. Saturday 6th December-Nigel's Famous Village Quiz! Also in December there will be a Children's Christmas party but as yet a date has not been settled upon. To complete the year the provisional date for the Plum Pudding Walk is Saturday 28th December-but this still needs to be confirmed. During the school holidays the Village Hall will be open from 9am to 12 noon for children, with an accompanying adult, to play table tennis. There is no charge although a donation to help buy new balls etc would be appreciated. Leigh is opening and locking the hall.

~NEWS FROM THE CLUBS~ Hilltop Women’s Group Hilltop Outing:-We called at Foundry Plant Centre for a comfort stop, plant buying and coffee, before heading off to Holt on the scenic route. A most enjoyable few hours there, for lunch and shopping, and then to Wiveton Café (Normal for Norfolk) for afternoon tea and a gallop(!) round the garden, before taking a more direct route home. Thanks to all who came and to Sue Merriam for organising it all. Summer Break now. Meet up again in the Village Hall on September 10 th at 7:45pm with a presentation, possibly practical, about foraging. The competition will be a holiday postcard, and if you need to bring anything for a practical session we will let you know. Thanks to all the committee for their planning and enthusiasm this year. Details about our women's group from Margaret Knights 767708 or Sue Merriam 76222. Put it on your calendar for September!

Village Afternoon Tea and Chat An informal gathering for tea and biscuits. Open to all, young and old; dogs welcome too. Afternoon tea at the village hall happens every Wednesday from 2-4pm except Lunch Club days. As much tea/coffee as you can drink for only £1.

Wickham Skeith GardeninG club All Meetings Held In Wickham Skeith Village Hall Unless Indicated Otherwise NO MEETING IN AUGUST TUESDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 2019 7:30PM After an interesting summer of visits and outings we will be back in the village hall this evening. We hope you will join us to hear what will be a very interesting talk by Chris Mead on Beekeeping. Members £1/Non-members £3. TUESDAY 22 OCTOBER 2019 7:30PM If you’ve ever wondered exactly what that is chomping away happily on your prized flowers then this is the meeting for you. Dr Ian Bedford will be telling us all about Garden Bugs. Members £1/Non-members £3.

~NEWS FROM THE CLUBS~ Lunch Club July’s Lunch Club meal was prepared by Jenny Harvey and we had baked potatoes with lots of different fillings. For many of us this was the best lunch of the whole year! Romaine’s lemon drizzle cake finished the meal perfectly. Our next meal will be on 14 th August – 12 for 12.30pm as usual. If you need to book or change your booking please phone me before Monday 12th August. We’ll look forward to seeing everyone again on 14 th August. Margaret Jones-Evans 01449 767121 email mjonesevans@yahoo.co.uk

History & Film Group On Sat 10 Aug at 17.00 we are arranging a guided walk of Bury St Edmunds at a cost of £6. The theme of the walk is “Ladies of the Town”. All are welcome & there are still places available. Contact me ASAP & by Wed 1 Aug if you would like to come. Contact: Pete Davidson 766622 or pjdavidson42@gmail.com

49/59 Club – The winning numbers this month are 27, 9, 12, 32. Numbers may still be available to 'purchase' from Jeanne or Romaine. This money helps to keep the Village Hall running and provides additional funding for those extra things which are also so vital to our wonderful village centre. Thank you!

Feeling Sheepish? Another free activity in the school holiday is the Sheep Trail in Eye - easier to get to than the Elmer trail in Ipswich which is also good fun to complete.

Crafternoon Crafternoon is taking an August summer break but we’ll be back, needles, paintbrushes, scissors etc. at the ready, on Saturday 14 th September.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan WHAT IS THE JOINT LOCAL PLAN? You may recall our Parish Meeting in October 2017, where the consultation of Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan was discussed. Your views were then represented by the Parish Council and submitted in November 2017. Residents were also encouraged to comment personally, direct to the District Councils. Following this initial consultation, a draft Joint Local Plan has now been published, which includes maps of allocated sites and settlement boundaries and there is a 10 week public consultation. VIEWING THE CONSULTATION The Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan Preferred Options Document (July 2019) is available to view at: www.babergh.gov.uk/jointlocalplan or www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/jointlocalplan COMMENTS Comments must be made by 4pm on Monday, 30 September 2019. Comments can be made electronically through the Councils’ online system at www.babergh.gov.uk/jointlocalplan or www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/jointlocalplan; by email to localplan@baberghmidsuffolk.gov.uk or in writing to Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils, Endeavour House, Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2BX. To deliver comments in person, please telephone 0300 123 4000 (option 5 then option 4). DROP-IN EXHIBITIONS: Officers will be available to answer questions at drop-in exhibitions, which will be held as follows: Tuesday, 6 August, 2pm to 5pm United Reform Church, Ipswich Street, Stowmarket, IP14 1AD Tuesday 13 August, 3.30pm to 5.30pm Stradbroke Community Centre, Wilby Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5JN Wickham Skeith Parish Council

VACANCY Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer 13/14 hours per month Salary in accordance with experience After 13 years as Parish Clerk, I have sadly given notice of resignation and the Parish Council of Wickham Skeith are now looking for a joint role of Parish Clerk/ Responsible Financial Officer, working from home, to be responsible for all aspects of the Parish Council’s day-to-day administration. This position will be advertised with various Council related bodies; however, should interest be received from within the village, it would be very welcome as, speaking from experience, it is rewarding working with the lovely people of this village. If you would like to have a chat about this role and the duties it would include, do give me a call on 01449 768696 or email clerk.wspc@btconnect.com

~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~ MINUTES of PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held MONDAY, 8 JULY 2019 at WICKHAM SKEITH VILLAGE HALL Present: Cllrs T Thorogood (Chair), H Bowes (Vice-Chair), B Kemp (Treasurer), M Freeman, M Blair, R Palmer, T Goodacre (Clerk), Cllr Stringer (SCC), Cllr Warboys (MSDC) and 8 members of public Apologies: Accepted from Cllr Knights 1. Chair’s Welcome: The Chair opened the meeting, welcoming those in attendance.

2. Declaration of Interest: None received. 3. Minutes of Meeting: Minutes of Meeting held 13 May 2019 were approved by all Councillors and signed by the Chair. 4. Village Forum: No items raised. 5. Reports: 5.1. Cllr Stringer (SCC): Bus Routes: SCC announces funding cuts to subsidised bus routes. For details on routes affected visit http://www.suffolkonboard.com/. Upper Orwell Crossings Project: Final costs of abandoned project released showing SCC spent £8.1m (of which, £4m consultant fees), before deciding not to build the Crossings. Suffolk Energy Gateway: Department of Transport refuses funding for four village bypass. Ipswich Northern Route: Members of public invited to comment on proposals. Cllr Stringer highlighted impact proposals could have and urges residents to visit https://ipswichnorthernroute.org.uk/,  Pot Holes: The Chair queried action of pot holes on Clay Street. 5.2. Cllr Warboys (MSDC): Joint Local Plan: Draft plan being published during July for consultation – visit https:// www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/planning/planning-policy/new-joint-local-plan/. Locality Budget: £7,350 available for allocation to community projects/groups within Gislingham Ward. Housing: As part of Government’s Housing Reform, Housing Delivery Test introduced to monitor housing within local areas (as currently only meeting 81% of target). Stowupland Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum held and plan now adopted as Planning Policy by MSDC. CIFCO Ltd: New directors have joined CIFCO Ltd, property investment company for MSDC. Visit: https://baberghmidsuffolk.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s10822/2018%2006%2028%20Final%20CIFCO%20OS %20Report%20May%2018%20v4.pdf. Ipswich Northern Route: Cllr Warboys also recommended visiting https://ipswichnorthernroute.org.uk/. Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP): Public questionnaire available online – please visit www.suffolk.gov.uk/rowip. 5.3. Suffolk Police (via Parish Clerk): No crimes reported since April 2019 on website. 5.4. Parish Clerk: Pot Holes: Repairs to road surrounding Village Green/Grimmer have now been completed. Resignation: Notice of resignation has been received from Parish Clerk. It was agreed, with imminent Treasurer vacancy, the position of Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer would be advertised. 5.5. Parish Councillors: Cllr Blair reiterated registering of septic tanks. Those concerned should contact DEFRA or visit http://data.parliament.uk/DepositedPapers/Files/DEP2014-1375/SSD_Reforms.pdf. 5.5.1. Community Speed Watch: SID data for May/June recorded top speed of 118 mph, 12 days with speeds over 70 mph, busiest day of 1,106 traffic movements. Rota required for SID action plan. Cllr Stringer advised that request for costing up 30 mph speed limit signs to be painted on roads had been submitted. Cllr Blair to investigate costings/options of second battery. Additional requirements for SID were considered as possibility for Locality Funding. 5.5.2. GDPR: No update to report. 5.5.3. Community Emergency Plan: Plan updated following Cllr Palmer’s suggestions and revised edition being drafted for Parish Clerk to update

~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~ . 5.5.4. Defibrillator: Following recommendations circulated by Cllr Freeman, it was agreed to proceed with purchase of Defibrillator/Cabinet. Cllr Bowes to liaise with Village Hall Committee regarding electrical siting. J Harvey advised of next fundraising event: Afternoon Tea at 6 Kitchen Close on 14.07.19, 2 pm – 6.30 pm. Ringfenced funds for Defibrillator currently consist of Grants £3,400, Village Fundraising £303, Book Sale £185. Possibility of purchasing 2 defibrillators considered, however, it was agreed to initially install one and then review. Correspondence Received: Dove Lane: BMSDC have agreed to change road name due to emergency service issues. Road off from Broadway to The Street, opposite Dove House, will now be known as Dove Lane. New sign to be installed and Royal Mail to issue new postcode. Roadside Verges: Verges and footpaths have recently been cut and concern raised as to whether this has been “over-zealous”. Councillors generally felt that issues of safety vs flora/fauna were being met, appreciating SCC’s schedule of cutting within the County. Bin Collections: New recycling/household waste calendar changes collection day to Wednesdays, effective from 15.07.19. Ipswich Northern Route: Residents are encouraged to visit https://ipswichnorthernroute.org.uk/. All other correspondence which has not been circulated via email included within Agenda or in Circulation File. 7. Finance 7.1. Accounts as at 30.06.19 presented by Cllr Kemp (Treasurer), showing balance of £7,698.85. 7.2. Audit Update: Thanks were given to R Bassett for completing Internal Audit. Certificate of Exemption issued with audit documentation posted on Notice Board and website for public viewing. 7.3. Potential Change of Insurer: CAS have advised of change of Policy, Parish Protect, confirming no penalty would apply for cancellation of existing Zurich Long Term Undertaking if cover switched to Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group. Renewal terms should be available for September PC, when decision can be made. 7.4. Forthcoming Vacancy of Treasurer: Position to be covered under new title of Parish Clerk/RFO (see Item 5.4) 7.5. The following invoice was agreement for payment: Village Hall Hire (May) @ £12.00. 8. Planning Matters: DC/19/02223 – Land south of The Grange, Grange Road. Outline planning has been granted for the erection of 2 dwellings with garages and construction access. 9. Village Green: 9.1. Working Parties: No update. 9.2. Grimmer Fishing: No update. 9.3. Consideration of areas to be left uncut: Areas discussed, with consideration to be given to The Knoll, instead of Village Green. Next Meeting: 9 September 2019

RIGHTS OF WAY Consultation Launches on County’s Green Access Strategy Communities are being invited to have their say on the Green Access Strategy - Rights of Way Improvement Plan as part of a ten-week consultation held by Suffolk County Council (SCC) from 8 July - 20 September 2019. SCC is required to put together this plan which identifies changes to improve rights of way provision for walkers, cyclists, horse riders and those with mobility problems. The plan, which looks at rights of way access up until 2026, details why green access is so relevant to Suffolk’s population and its visitors, and focuses on how green access can benefit quality of life. To find out more about the consultation and how you can have your say visit: www.suffolk.gov.uk/rowip. A paper copy of the survey can be requested by calling, 0345 603 1842 or emailing discoversuffolk@suffolkhighways.org or you can take the survey over the phone by calling 0345 603 1842.

~WICKHAM SKEITH PRODUCE SHOW~ This year’s show will be held on Saturday 24 th August. There is something for everyone so even if you aren’t a gardener so please do try and put something in. Show Categories Vegetables & Fruit 5 Runner Beans 1 Cabbage 3 White Onions 3 Dessert Apples 4 Shallots 5 Plums 4 Potatoes Longest Runner Bean 3 Beetroot 1 squash Mixed Veg box (min 6 3 Carrots varieties)

5 Tomatoes 3 Courgettes 1 Marrow 1 Lettuce 1 Cucumber

Herb bunch (min 4 types) Humorous Vegetable 2 Sweet Corn 4 Red Onions

Cookery & Preserves Victoria Jam Sponge Seasonal Fruit Pie White or Brown Loaf

6 pieces of shortbread

Jar of Jam

6 fruit scones

Jar of Marmalade

6 sausage rolls

Jar of Chutney

Bottle of Homemade Booze

Hobbies & Craft Oil or acrylic Pencil Sketch

Embroidered piece Knitted or crochet piece Hand sewn item

Watercolour Flowers & Plants 5 Stems of Dahlias – to incl 3 varieties 5 Stems of Perennials – to incl 3 varieties a Sunflower Stem 5 Stems of Annuals a Single Rose Eggs 3 Brown Eggs 3 White Eggs 3 Bantam Eggs 3 Coloured Eggs

Wildlife Photograph Felted piece

Vase of mixed perennials Vase of Mixed Fragrant Flowers Hedgerow/wildflower arrangement Small Flower Arrangement (6in or under)

Juniors can enter all categories but will be judged separately. Village Hall opens between 10.30 and 11.30am on Show day for exhibitors. Judging at 12 noon. Hall will be closed during judging. Show open to public at 2.30pm. Prize giving and sale at 3.15pm. All remaining exhibits should be removed by 4.30 pm on the show day. Please note that the Organisers are not liable for any loss or damage to exhibits

Wickham Skeith produce ShoW Sat 24 th auG 2019 ENTRY FORM NAME: ADDRESS: Junior Entry Yes/No Entry fee per class: Section

10 or under Yes/No 20p Adult. Class Number

11-16 Yes/No

10p Junior Description

Entry for sale? Y/N

RULES 1. With the exception of the junior classes which are bound by age all classes are open to villagers and non-villagers, young and not so young, beginners and experienced 2. Exhibits that have won prizes in any other show are EXCLUDED 3. Produce and flowers must be home grow 4. Pot plants must have been in the exhibitor’s ownership for at least 8 months 5. All entries in the cookery classes must be homemade 6. All craft entries must be handmade and not previously entered in this show 7. Photographs should not be digitally enhanced Please return completed entry forms with the correct entry fee to: Carol Galsworthy, 2 Kitchen Close, 766964, by Thursday 22nd Aug. Late entries may be accepted at organiser’s discretion

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~ Rural Dean: Rev Canon Diane Williams 720316, mobile 07714016554 diane.rev@btinternet.com Readers: Helen Matter 780379, Elaine Miller 770337, Sheila Wright 768644 Elders: Peter Paine 767897, Janice Shea 781263, Jean Willoughby 766621

Services for August 2019 Benefice service every Sunday morning in August at 10am 4th– Trinity 7, Benefice Family Communion at Old Newton – Rev Canon Barbara Bilston 3pm – Evening Prayer at Gipping 6.30pm – Praise in the Community at Wyverstone 11th - Trinity 8, Benefice Family Communion with the Methodists at Cotton – Ven John Cox, preacher Rita Carr 6.30pm – Reflective service at Bacton 18th - Trinity 9, Benefice Family Communion at Wickham Skeith - Ven John Cox 6.30pm - Reflective service at Bacton 26th - Trinity 10, Benefice Family Communion at Wyverstone - Rev Adrian Copping 6.30pm - Reflective service at Bacton Sept 1st, 9.30am – Trinity 11, Holy Communion & Healing - Rev Canon Barbara Bilston Please note that as in the last few years, all August services will be Benefice services and all will begin at 10am. Everyone will be welcome so please support the services and ask for a lift if you need transport. Services go back to the normal pattern from 1st September. Thank you to everyone who turned out to clean the church after the builders had finished – many hands made light work! Our Monday Morning Group will take a break during August as with holidays and other commitments numbers will be very low. We will begin our normal pattern of 1st & 3rd Mondays again in September. We have a beautiful churchyard but it is expensive to maintain. The PCC are always grateful for help towards churchyard maintenance in the form of donations to the churchyard fund which, as well as the regular mowing, also pays for the annual mowing of the conservation areas, which are thriving. Donations for this purpose can also be given to Liz, either cash in an envelope marked 'Churchyard Fund' or a cheque made payable to 'Wickham Skeith Church Fund' marked 'Churchyard Fund' on the back. Thank you to those who do contribute. Flower & Cleaning Rota 4th & 11th Miss M Jones-Evans & Mrs J Keable 18th & 25th Mr & Mrs I Hempstead Sept 1st & 8th Mr & Mrs P Paine

~ F U N D R A I S I N G for S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~

The PCC was glad to receive the church building back from the builders on Thursday 18th July! A snagging list was drawn up and two men returned quickly to fix most of those little problems. For the next six months as we use the church we shall draw up a final list, holding back a small percentage of the cost until, in six months’ time, the project will be complete. The Fundraising group will take a few months to gather their thoughts and then will launch events again to raise funds for new heating and sound systems in church, which both collapsed as the project began. The electrician found that some of our power sources were wrongly wired to the lighting system too so they have been switched off until we can afford remedial action! In the meantime if you have a moment do visit the church to see the changes – a totally re-built gallery, water supply, cess pit, accessible loo, servery, sink for flower arrangers and lots more power sockets, lights for the bell-ringers etc. Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement – none of this would have happened without you - the people in this village and your friends. With thanks from St Andrew’s Church PCC.

Suffolk Churches Ride & Stride – Sat 14 Sep Suffolk Historic Churches Trust has been organising this event since 1982. Hundreds of churches will be open on the day between 9am & 5pm & you can get sponsored to visit as many or as few as you feel able, by cycle or on foot. Of the money raised, 50% goes to the SHCT & 50% to your nominated church. I have done the ride for most years since 1987 & it’s a great way to see churches in Suffolk & Norfolk. For sponsorship forms & further information see Pete Davidson – tel. 01449 766622 or email pjdavidson42@gmail.com. OR If there is anyone willing to sit in church for an hour on Saturday 14th September during the SHTC Cycle Ride to welcome and sign in any cyclists and offer them refreshment please contact Liz D, Margaret J-E or Mary Paine.


Thornham Hall, Thornham Magna IP23 8HA Homemade Curry Buffet Friday 2ndAugust 5.30pm – 7.30pm Craft and Chat with Hazel & Trisha Every first Thursday of the month Open Thursday - Sunday (10am - 4pm) Telephone: 01379 783373 Mob: 07376374633 Email: contact@thornhamcoachhouse.com

***** GISLINGHAM PLAYGROUP ***** We provide a safe, warm, friendly and caring setting for children aged 2-5 years, in a brand new purpose built building on the same site as Gislingham CEVCP School, with whom we work closely to provide an excellent education. Breakfast Club 8.00am - 8.45am Morning 8.45am to 11.45am, Lunch Club 11.45am to 12.45pm Afternoon 12.45pm to 3.45pm Please visit our website www.gislinghamplaygroup.com or phone us on 01379 788934

For Sale. Child's pink bike, 20inch wheel, Raleigh. £20 ono. Child's black bike, 20inch wheel, Apollo. £20 ono. Child's blue bike, 16inch wheel, Max Raleigh. £10. Please tel. Jac on 01449 767892.


GRAHAM MOORE ELECTRICAL LTD Blacksmiths Cottage, Silver Street, Old Newton IP14 4HF

For all your electrical needs For a friendly and efficient service Call Graham on Tel: 01449 616946 Mobile: 07867 560357 *FREE ESTIMATES * ALL WORK GUARANTEED *


Ed Batram GARDEN SERVICES Clearance, design, planting, aftercare for your garden… Trees, hedging, fencing, log splitting & chainsaw work… Ground clearance, paths, patios, brickwork and paving… All aspects of conservation work undertaken. FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 01379 898203, mob: 07950 923696 Email: edwardbatram@icloud.com




Tel: 01379 890617 / 07880 528142 GARWOODSOFSUFFOLK@YAHOO.COM

~ ADVERTISEMENTS ~ Gardener Available Wickham Skeith and the surrounding villages. Grass cutting, pruning, weeding and patio clearing. No job is too small! Please contact Lis Pearse for further information on 07842 570662

PET & LIVESTOCK FEED FOR SALE � 1/2 grass fed lamb £8.60 kg � � FREE RANGE EGGS FROM £1.20 a dozen � �FREE RANGE RARE BREED PORK FROM £8kg � Sam at TAS Animal Care & Poultry at Knoll Farm, Wickham Skeith Mobile: 077424 50908 Landline: 01449 768620 www.tasanimalandpoultry.co.uk

This newsletter is kindly sponsored by Richard and Alice Palmer. It is produced by the Village Hall Committee.

All bookings of the Village Hall and its equipment should go to: Denise Carle, 9, Grange Road, IP23 8NE. Telephone 01449 767838 or Email denise.alexander63@yahoo.co.uk Hourly rate: £8.00 The rate is per hour or part thereof. Minimum booking period 2 hrs. Day rate (24 hour period): £85.00. 25% reduction in rate for Wickham Skeith residents and Wickham Skeith village groups and organisations. Official bodies (e.g. elections): £200.00 per day. A 30 minute "warming up" period will be allowed in cold weather.

Business Adverts Adverts are £5.00 per month, £25 for 6 months and £50 for one year. Cash or cheque (payable to “Wickham Skeith Village Hall”) to Melinda Appleby at Haymead House, The Street, in advance of the advert being placed please.

And finally... Please send all your village news and adverts for next month’s newsletter to: mappleby@tiscali.co.uk or call 01449 766879 By 25th August 2019

Jenny Harvey's Afternoon Tea Party We would like to thank everyone who came along for the afternoon. and particularly for all the help Jenny received. The amount raised was £460 which will be added to the remainder raised - a total amount we do not have at the moment. Thank you Jeanne, Jenny and Romaine.

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