2019 05 Wickham Skeith neswletter

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Wickham Skeith Newsletter May 2019


All meetings in Village Hall unless stated otherwise

May 2019 Wednesday 1st Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th Thursday 9th Saturday 11th Saturday 11th Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Wednesday 15th Monday 20th Wednesday 22nd Saturday 18th Saturday 25th Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th

Tea & Chat 2-4pm FOSA Bingo 7.30pm Lunch Club 12 for 12 .30 Advance Bookings Please Library van outside Haymead Hse, The Street 9.55-10.10am Crafternoon from 2pm – 4.30pm Unplugged Evening – open mic night. Bar Open. Free entry Annual Parish Meeting & Parish Council 8pm All Welcome Hilltop Women’s Group Mystery Tour. Depart Village Hall at 3pm Tea & Chat 2-4pm A Suffolk Village in Wartime” – Sheila Wright 7.45 pm Monday Morning Group 10.15 for10.30am Tea & Chat 2-4pm Uganda Evening – Peter & Mary Paine’s Safari 7.30pm Coffee Morning & Book Sale at 1, Broadway 10am Garden Club Outing to Wood Farm, Gipping Tea & Chat 2-4pm

Sunday 16th June 1pm – 6pm Open Gardens

Welcome to the Village We would like to welcome Chris and Jacqueline Balmer who have moved into 1, Low Well Cottage in the Street. We hope they will be very happy here.


Village Hall Committee The committee met as usual on the third Monday of the month - please come along to observe if you wish. You won’t be seconded onto the committee! April was a quiet month again for the group but the Village Hall has continued to host any manner of other activities based in the village and which many people do enjoy. A new venture with the Table Tennis, led by Lee, is growing in interest and is quite flexible in times and days. The Crafternoon continues to be well supported and is inspiring and supporting many village crafters - please pop in and see what goes on. The kettle is usually on. We paid the Insurance bill last month and the finances took a bit of a hit! The bill was £944 which takes a long while to recoup so everyone's continued support for our events is essential to the survival of our community hub. Not everything suits everybody but we hope over the year to have something for you all. The next event in fact is on Saturday May 11th when we run 'Unplugged' evening. The bar will be open from 7pm; there will be light refreshments in the form of crisps and other snacks-no nuts-but the rest of the evening is a bit of a mystery at the moment. It relies on musicians, poets, raconteurs and readers to step forward and entertain. There won’t be an audience of millions-nor Ant and Dec for continuity-but just friends and neighbours out for a good evening. So do come along, bring your guitar, recorder or drum set, poetry book or favourite novel or perhaps you have a story to tell. But we could just sit at the bar and discuss Brexit!! Not long to the FETE of course in June! Midsummer is the theme this year. On July 20th a Sports and Games evening with the bar and BBQ available. Activities designed for all ages to enjoy, participate or observe and encourage. Saturday August 28th is the Craft and Produce Show led by the Gardening Clubfurther details to come. Prosecco and Pimms from the bar! Saturday 21st September is the second annual Music Quiz which is already in preparation. And two final thoughts: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not move the folding doors unless you have received specific training and there are at least two of you! We recently had a problem where they had left the runners and, as the combined weight is near to one tonne, it becomes a tricky problem!! Secondly, if you are aware of anything breaking - glasses from the bar spring to mind -or running short, or out, please make sure that somebody on the committee knows. Thank you

~NEWS FROM THE CLUBS~ Hilltop Women’s Group Our brief AGM followed an informative presentation by a representative from the Blossom Appeal from Ipswich Hospital Breast Cancer Unit. She outlined the fundraising targets and hopes for a new centre within the hospital and progress so far. We were pleased to return the collecting box and a cheque towards the goals. Our charity for the coming year was voted for and we are supporting Brainy Dogs. It is a project run by Headstart in Ipswich. They select dogs from the rehoming kennels and then train them with the assistance of the residents at Hollesley Bay to be companion dogs to people with brain injuries or mental health issues. There is a Brainy Dog in Wickham Skeith already who is called Amber and is the companion dog for Stuart. Please check the Headstart website for more information. The AGM was brief and I, Margaret Knights, received a lovely voucher to mark the occasion of my 20 year stint as chairperson and my resignation from the role. With no volunteer stepping forward it was agreed to run the club on co-operative lines, with the committee sharing presentations, organisation and responsibilities in order to secure the future for at least another two years. If you would like to come to one of our monthly events, in the Village Hall, for women of all ages, why don't you come along? Over the years we have tackled salsa dancing, been amazed by craftsmen and women, seen places where the more adventurous have travelled to, made all manner of useful/decorative/edible items and generally had a good time. It has been a good 20 years and I'm looking forward to whatever else we have in store. I have made lovely friends and got to know many neighbours. Thank you. On Tuesday 14th May at 3pm we have our mystery trip. If you wish to join us we leave from the Village Hall car park at 3pm. We will have volunteer drivers. Refreshments will be available to purchase at our destination. We should be home by 7pm. Further information about the Group please contact Margaret Knights 767708 or Sue 766222.

Village Afternoon Tea and Chat An informal gathering for tea and biscuits. Open to all, young and old; dogs welcome too. Afternoon tea at the village hall happens every Wednesday from 2-4pm except Lunch Club days. As much tea/coffee as you can drink for only £1. Don’t forget you can now drop in for Table Tennis practice too.

~NEWS FROM THE CLUBS~ Lunch Club To celebrate their Diamond wedding anniversary and Sheila’s birthday Sheila and Ron Wright treated the lunch club to roast beef in April. Lynne Baines and Thelma Thorogood were the cooks so a good lunch was enjoyed. The next lunch will be on 8th May at the usual time – 12md for 12.30 in the village hall. Do please phone me by Sunday 5th May if you would like to book or change a booking. Margaret Jones-Evans

01449 767121

History & Film Group This month we welcome back our own Sheila Wright who will be giving her talk on “A Suffolk Village in Wartime”. This picture of Drinkstone in WWI & WWII will resonate in other villages whose men & women contributed to eventual victory. Please bring along any items you think may be of interest, especially from WWII. All are welcome so do join us in the Village Hall at 7.45pm on Wed 15 May. Entry Fee £2, including tea/coffee and biscuits. Advanced notice: on Sun 14 July we are organising a trip to Bawdsey Manor Radar Station. There will be further details in the next newsletter. Contact: Pete Davidson 766622 or pjdavidson42@gmail.com


The next session is Saturday 11th May at 2pm

Come along if you, or would like to, paint, draw, collage, felt, print, sculpt, make stained glass work, knit, sew, embroider, patchwork & quilt - in fact whatever your art or craft bring what you're working on at present. Share skills, ideas, techniques and tips. Inspire and be inspired in the company of other creative people. Any Art/craft items and books you'd like to sell bring them for the ‘bring and buy’ table. Entry £2.00 inc. tea and biscuits. Every 2nd Saturday in the month' 2.00-4.30p.m. .


Wickham Skeith GardeninG club tueSdaY 28 maY 2019 – Wood farm, GippinG (nGS) The first of our outings will be to Wood Farm, Gipping. We will travel independently, but should anyone need a lift please contact either Rosie 01449 765908 or Eddie 01379 788504. Entrance fee, which includes tea and biscuits, is £7 for members and £8 for non-members.

tueSdaY 25 June 2019 – Green iSland GardenS, ardleiGh We will travel by coach, departing Wickham Skeith at 10am and leaving Green Island Gardens at 3pm. Cost, to include coach travel, £25 for members and £27:50 for non-members.

49/59 Club Recent winning numbers for the Lottery fund-raising club are: 04 30 21 24 38 02 54

IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN Have you thought about taking up outdoor bowls? Its good fun and you get a chance to make new friends. Thorndon Bowls Club is looking for new members so if you feel like trying something new, why not come along on Wednesday May 1 st. We are open from 2pm for anyone who would like to have a go. There is no age limit; we have members from 20 – 80 years of age. For more information call one of the following numbers and we can tell you more about it: Ann (767717) or Margaret (766398)

FOSA AGM - There will be a lightning-quick AGM of 'Friends of St. Andrew's' committee at 2pm in the Village Hall on Monday 10 th June (immediately preceding a PCC meeting at 2.15 so there is no danger of the FOSA AGM over-running its time slot). Being a registered charity, FOSA must hold this AGM to retain charity status. Any support warmly welcome.


Book Sale & Coffee Morning To raise funds for a defibrillator for the village there will be a book sale and coffee morning from 10 am to 11.30am on Saturday 25 th May at Highbanks, 1, Broadway, Margaret’s home. There will be lots of books, jigsaws, raffle and a bring and buy plus delicious refreshments. Do please come and support this important project.

Open Gardens 16th June 1 - 6pm Refreshments for this year's Open Gardens will be available at The Twynings, The Green. If anyone is able to provide either a cake or scones for this would you kindly let me know. I am also holding a Garden Themed Tombola so would appreciate any new garden themed prizes, eg tools, seeds, plants, gloves, etc. Thank you for any support you are able to give. Margaret 766398 margaret.horne1234@btinternet.com

Grand National: Many thanks to all those who took part in our Annual Sweepstake in aid of the Church improvement fund. Sorry if we missed you, but it was a lovely day and lots of people had gone out. We managed to raise over £260 this year, thanks to help from our very able, young assistant Simon Pyke. Winners, £25 each: Daphne Rose, Tim Thorogood, Ann West, Mel Rowe and Maureen Martin. Second Place, £5 each: Daphne Rose (again!), Sandra Smith, Dave Mugglestone, Lauren Donnelly and Richard Palmer. Nigel and Sue Merriam

CELEBRATION of DIAMOND WEDDING of SHEILA & RON plus 80th birthday Sincere thanks to all who came along to the Village Hall to our Bring-a-plate Buffet. It was a friendly event and the draw raised £60 which was shared between the Village Hall and the Church Renovation Fund. Thanks also to those who chose to Bring-abottle, it all added to the festive atmosphere!

~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~ I hereby give you notice that a meeting of Wickham Skeith Parish Council will be held at the Village Hall on

May 2019 at 8.00 pm.

Monday, 13

The public and press are invited to attend. Tara Goodacre Parish Clerk

Annual Parish Meeting AGENDA 1.

Chair’s Welcome (to include Apologies for absence)


To confirm Minutes of Meeting held 14 May 2018


Village Forum: An opportunity for the public to raise any relevant issues to the Council


Reports: 4.1. Chair’s Report 4.2. Village Groups


Next Meeting: 11 May 2020

Annual Parish Council Meeting (AGM) AGENDA 1.

Election of Chair


Election of Officers


Chair’s Welcome (to include Apologies for absence)


To receive members Declaration of Interest on Agenda items


To confirm Minutes of Meeting held 11 March 2019


Reports: 1.Treasurer’s Report 2018/19 1. Internal Accounts Audit & Control Review 2018/19 2. Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 3. Final Accounts Approval 2018/19 4. Accounting Statements 2018/19 5. Invoices for Approval 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


SCC MSDC Suffolk Police Parish Clerk Parish Councillors

Correspondence Received


Planning Matters (to include any applications/decisions received after publication of this Agenda)


Matters for next Agenda and Any Other Business

10. Next Meeting: 8 July 2019

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~ Rural Dean: Rev Canon Diane Williams 720316, mobile 07714016554 diane.rev@btinternet.com Readers: Helen Matter 780379, Elaine Miller 770337, Sheila Wright 768644 Elders: Peter Paine 767897, Janice Shea 781263, Jean Willoughby 766621

Services for May 2019 Every Sunday morning at 9.30am, in the Village Hall this month, unless otherwise stated 5th – Easter 3, Holy Communion & prayers for Healing – Rev Canon Sally Fogden 12th - Easter 4, Morning Worship - ‘The Home Team’ 19th, 10am – Easter 5, Benefice Communion at Wyverstone - Ven John Cox 23rd, Wednesday 7.30pm – Admission of new churchwardens at Great Barton 26th – Easter 6, All-Age/Family service - ‘The Home Team’ 30th, Thursday, 7pm – Ascension Day, Benefice service at Wyverstone Many thanks to those who decorated the church so beautifully for David & Hazel’s wedding, flowers which we were all then able to enjoy for Easter Sunday. Thanks too to those who helped on Good Friday with the cleaning. Our workmen had done an excellent job of tidying up and cleaning for us so our main task was to eliminate some of the dust, which was achieved in good time, leaving the building looking as smart as possible for all the visitors. We will now avoid using the church during May to allow uninterrupted work on the church floor, so all our May services will be held in the village hall. Wyverstone will host two Benefice services this month, the regular 3rd Sunday Benefice service, and also the service for Ascension Day. All are always welcome at these services so please ask if you need a lift. The service for the Admission of new Churchwardens in our Deanery, for those elected at this year’s Vestry meeting, will take place at Needham Market on 14th May at 7.30pm, however that date is not convenient for Margaret & Liz so they will go to the service at Great Barton on 23rd. If you would like to support your churchwardens at this service please let us know as lifts will be available for those who would like to attend. Only existing PCC members attended the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. At the Vestry meeting Liz Davidson & Margaret Jones-Evans were again elected to serve as churchwardens. During the main AGM reports were given on the work & events of the past year and thanks were expressed to all who help in any way, especially all those who stepped in to help with the churchyard maintenance. The PCC for the coming year remains unchanged: Jean Willoughby (lay vice-chair), Philip Cutting (treasurer), Liz Davidson, Margaret Jones-Evans, Peter Paine, Mary Paine (secretary), Ron Wright, Sheila Wright, Lesley Holland & Alice Palmer. The Monday Morning Group will continue this month but as there is a Bank Holiday on the first Monday, the group is meeting on April 29th and there will only be one meeting in May, on 20th. Flower & Cleaning Rota As all our services this month will be in the Village Hall to allow the work on the church floor to proceed without interruption, our cleaners for this month have time off!

~ F U N D R A I S I N G for S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~

MS Oakes Ltd of Lowestoft, the main contractor for the church project, began work on 1st April and the men have made steady progress. Work should be complete by the end of June depending on what is found as digging proceeds. Since the beginning of January Mary Paine and Liz Davidson have spent many hours filling in application forms for charitable grants and so far £25,950 has been received from six of the charities with a few more still to decide. This means that the total raised by this village and grants so far is £101,332.08. Amazing! Pete Davidson’s Quiz on 6 th April raised £641.10 – thank you to everyone who came and tested their team’s general knowledge and to Kevin for running the bar to keep the cogs lubricated. The Grand National on the same day saw Nigel Merriam and Simon Pyke selling horses all day. They raised £262. At £1 per horse that’s a huge number of doorbells rung. Thank you very much both of you and some residents won money! We can’t sit back yet – there’s still a bit more to raise – so we have planned: Uganda Evening Mary and Peter Paine recently went on safari in Uganda and we have persuaded them to show us their photographs and tell us about that country which is so rich in wildlife but poor financially. Come to the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Saturday 18th May. Entry by donation. The bar will be open. We look forward to seeing you. Children very welcome. Open Gardens From 1pm to 6pm on Sunday 16 th June this popular event will be held again. Margaret Horne will sell lunches and teas and plans a tombola with a gardening theme. Plants will be on sale in some gardens. At the moment we need more gardeners to open their gardens. Don’t be shy – we need all sorts of gardens! Let Liz Davidson or me know if you could open your garden. Widespread publicity is being organised. Sponsor an item Thank you to those who have offered to sponsor the examples in the February Newsletter. The list is too long to put in its entirety but how about some new clay pamments (floor tiles) at £11 each, a small urn for the servery £100 or a handrail for the gallery stairs £100. Do contact me if you are interested. Thank you to everyone for your support. We are nearly there! Margaret Jones-Evans

01449 767121

~ C O M M U N I TY PAG E ~

Mobile Library Service Suffolk County Council’s mobile library van calls in the village every four weeks for you to collect, return and renew books and DVDs. Its nominated stop is in The Street. There has been some interest in the van stopping in the layby by the Chalet Bungalows. The Library Service is prepared to make an extra stop but it would need some timetabling changes. Please let me know before their next visit on 9 May if you would be interested in using this service. If there is sufficient interest, the changes could be introduced from July. Thank you. Melinda Appleby. 01449 766879 or mappleby@tiscali.co.uk

CARE GROUP - Our next meeting will be held at Kisumu Barn on Wednesday 26 th June at 7.30pm. Huge apologies for the late cancellation of the previous meeting due to me having double-booked myself (it's my hectic social calendar, you see!) Sheila Wright

FOOD BANK - Please remember that the need for donations of non-perishables continues to grow and will be even greater during the six-week school summer break when families may become desperate for help with catering for hungry youngsters. There is a red plastic box for donations in the Village Hall (the Church food box is temporarily out of commission while work in St. Andrew's proceeds). The Friends of Mendlesham Health Centre (incorporating Bacton Surgery)

JOIN US FOR A COFFEE MORNING Friday 17 May 2019 9am – 12noon in BACTON VILLAGE HALL th

We would be grateful for donations for raffle & cake stall Please leave contributions at either surgery from 13th May. For cake stall kindly bring to Bacton Village Hall on 17th May from 8.30am. All proceeds go towards equipment to benefit both surgeries

Toads Thank you to all toad patrollers who turned out during March and April. Toad numbers are down 50% on 2018 - from about 1800 helped last year to 900 this year . We wait to hear what the national survey shows.


Thornham Hall, Thornham Magna IP23 8HA Dessert Evening

We will host our annual dessert evening on Saturday 18th May, a sweet starter followed by a light main and finishing with three-handcrafted desserts for ÂŁ19.95 per guest. Open Thursday - Sunday (10.30am - 3pm) Telephone: 01379 783373 Mob: 07376374633 Email: contact@thornhamcoachhouse.com

***** GISLINGHAM PLAYGROUP ***** We provide a safe, warm, friendly and caring setting for children aged 2-5 years, in a brand new purpose built building on the same site as Gislingham CEVCP School, with whom we work closely to provide an excellent education. Breakfast Club 8.00am - 8.45am Morning 8.45am to 11.45am, Lunch Club 11.45am to 12.45pm Afternoon 12.45pm to 3.45pm Please visit our website www.gislinghamplaygroup.com or phone us on 01379 788934

JIGSAW FESTIVAL The Friends of St George’s, Wyverstone are holding a Jigsaw Festival on Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th June from 10am-4pm with over 450 jigsaws, including many famous brands e.g. Gibson, Wentworth and Ravensberg, to be displayed and sold at very competitive prices. There will be a children’s jigsaw corner with demonstrations by our local community workshop on how the pieces of a jigsaw are cut. There will also be a 1,000 piece jigsaw of St George’s which will be raffled. Plus a silent auction of a handmade bed quilt. All takes place at Park Farm, Wyverstone, IP14 4SP. Entry is £1.50 and children under 16 years of age free of charge. More information, call Penny Black on 01449 781913.


GRAHAM MOORE ELECTRICAL LTD Blacksmiths Cottage, Silver Street, Old Newton IP14 4HF

For all your electrical needs For a friendly and efficient service Call Graham on Tel: 01449 616946 Mobile: 07867 560357 *FREE ESTIMATES * ALL WORK GUARANTEED *

~ ADVERTISEMENTS ~ Ed Batram GARDEN SERVICES Clearance, design, planting, aftercare for your garden… Trees, hedging, fencing, log splitting & chainsaw work… Ground clearance, paths, patios, brickwork and paving… All aspects of conservation work undertaken. FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 01379 898203, mob: 07950 923696 Email: edwardbatram@icloud.com




Tel: 01379 890617 / 07880 528142 GARWOODSOFSUFFOLK@YAHOO.COM

Free to good home Dog kennel:1metre high, 1m 30 long, 80cm wide Ring Gill on 01449 766220 if interested

Thornham Film Nights Friday 17th May at 7.30pm - STAN AND OLLIE Booking essential, Text to new number 07858 934440


PET & LIVESTOCK FEED FOR SALE � 1/2 grass fed lamb £8.60 kg � � FREE RANGE EGGS FROM £1.20 a dozen � �FREE RANGE RARE BREED PORK FROM £8kg � Sam at TAS Animal Care & Poultry at Knoll Farm, Wickham Skeith Mobile: 077424 50908 Landline: 01449 768620 www.tasanimalandpoultry.co.uk �����

Suffolk Walking Festival For 2019 discover an amazing array of walks and events in parts of Suffolk you never knew existed. The programme starts on Saturday 11th May. More details in brochures from Visitor Information Points and Libraries or on the web: http://www.suffolkwalkingfestival.co.uk/ *****************************************************************************************

The launch weekend of Bugs & Blossoms will take place on 24th to 27th May 2019 at Palgrave Community Centre. Climate change and its impact happen on the micro, as well as the macro scale, and whilst others may be making a terrific noise about the global impact, we can do our bit to help at a local level. So come along to focus your thoughts, take inspiration and chat with others about what we all can do. The programme will include Bugs & Blossoms themed talks, photography and creative workshops, exhibitions, film screenings and walks. Friday 24 May - MY LIFE BEHIND THE LENS: Illustrated Talk by Nick Upton

Multi-award-winning wildlife filmmaker and photographer Nick Upton has worked closely with Sir David Attenborough and BBC Natural World series, and won the British Wildlife Photography Awards (documentaries). He will be showing many stunning images from his work. Palgrave Community Centre, Rose Lane, Palgrave IP22 1AP 7.30-9pm Tickets £8 Plus BUGS & BLOSSOMS ART EXHIBITION 11-5pm every day. Free entry Plus Microcosmos - film with footage of a dramatic, action-packed day in the life of a meadow and its tiny inhabitants, with stunning macro-photography. 7-9pm Saturday 25th May. Tickets £6 Plus Walk at Mellis Common with readings from Roger Deakin’s work and visit to Walnut Tree Farm. 10am-1pm Sunday 26th May. Tickets £6 And other events throughout the summer. See https://waveneyandblytharts.com/bugs-blossoms/ Bookings for all events via bookings@waveneyandblytharts.com or 07415 168806

This newsletter is kindly sponsored by Richard and Alice Palmer. It is produced by the Village Hall Committee.

Business Adverts Adverts are £5.00 per month, £25 for 6 months and £50 for one year. Cash or cheque (payable to “Wickham Skeith Village Hall”) to Melinda Appleby at Haymead House, The Street, in advance of the advert being placed please.

All bookings of the Village Hall and its equipment should go to: Denise Carle, 9, Grange Road, IP23 8NE. Telephone 01449 767838 or Email denise.alexander63@yahoo.co.uk Hourly rate: £8.00 The rate is per hour or part thereof. Minimum booking period 2 hrs. Day rate (24 hour period): £85.00. 25% reduction in rate for Wickham Skeith residents and Wickham Skeith village groups and organisations. Official bodies (e.g. elections): £200.00 per day. A 30 minute "warming up" period will be allowed in cold weather.

And finally... Please send all your village news and adverts for next month’s newsletter to: mappleby@tiscali.co.uk or call 01449 766879 By 25th May 2019

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