2019 04 Wickham Skeith Newsletter

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Wickham Skeith Newsletter April 2019


All meetings in Village Hall unless stated otherwise

April 2019 Monday 1st Monday Morning Group 10.15 for 10.30am nd Tuesday 2 FOSA Bingo 7.30pm rd Wednesday 3 Tea & Chat 2-4pm Saturday 6th Quiz in the Village Hall 7.30pm th Monday 8 Monday Morning Group 10.15 for 10.30am th Monday 8 Vestry Meeting & PCC AGM 7.30pm th Tuesday 9 Hilltop Women's Group - Buffet and A.G.M - 7.45 p.m. th Wednesday 10 Lunch Club Advance Bookings please. 12 for 12 noon. Thursday 11th Mobile Library Van 9.55-10.10 outside Haymead House, the Street th Saturday 14 Crafternoon from 2.00-4.30p.m th Wednesday 17 Tea & Chat 2-4pm Wednesday 17th Medieval Medicine: Blood, Pus & Urine” – Joy Hawkins 7.45 pm Tuesday 23rd Garden Club 7.30pm Birds of Minsmere th Wednesday 24 Tea & Chat 2-4pm

May 2019 Saturday 11th Saturday 11th Monday 13th Saturday 18th Saturday 25th Tuesday 28th

Crafternoon from 2pm – 4.30pm Unplugged Evening – open mic night. Bar Open. Free entry Annual Parish Meeting & Parish Council 8pm All Welcome Uganda Evening – Peter & Mary Paine’s Safari 7.30pm Coffee Morning 7 Book Sale at 1, Broadway 10am Garden Club Outing


Village Hall Committee The AGM took place and the Chair's report highlighted all the events that have been held and the improvements which have been made to the Village Hall and gave thanks to everybody who has supported the endeavours of the Committee in any way-large or small. It is great to have the support of the community and the breadth of activities, and groups who use the facility enhance our small part of Suffolk. Thank you to everybody-and although we would like more committee members there are so many people who offer time, ideas and energy to our events it does make life easier for us! The first meeting of the 'new year' followed the AGM with a new committee memberWill (or Jenny sometimes) Elphick so thank you to them both for joining the committee. Also thanks to Joy who has once again joined the Fete Committee. There were no events in February but the Table Tennis tournament went very well with sixteen players taking part in some good competitive action. The main event was won by Michael Mason with Leigh as the worthy runner-up. The plate was won by Julian with Kevin coming second as they both abandoned the bar for fifteen minutes! The prizes were awarded by last year's winner, Dennis, who had assisted Nigel with the running of the tournament throughout the evening. Thanks to Romaine, Jeanne, Jenny and Jos for the refreshments and the whole barrel was drunk so thanks for that too!! A goodly crowd of around fifty people ranging in age from 4 to 90 enjoyed the evening!! There are no events by the Committee in April-remember no Garage Sales this year!but there are other things going on so keep your eye on notice boards and the diary on the front of the Newsletter. Saturday May 11th brings the Unplugged Evening. We hope that people will come along and step forward-if willing-to perform a song, poem, anecdote, reading or tune for everybody to enjoy. It will be a relaxed evening with a microphone for voice, if required, but only acoustic instruments. No entry charge. The bar will be open and there will be snacks available-of the crisp type in variety. In June we have the Fete-notice from Katie on back page, July sees games on the Green, August is the Craft and Produce Show, September Music Quiz, October Harvest Meal (?), November the Fair and finally December for 'Nigel's Quiz' and the Plum Pudding Walk. There may be other things going on too so keep a check on notice boards and the Newsletter.


The hedge around the carpark has been cut back and dead wood cleared, the store will be 'painted' and we hope to find a way to improve the kitchen through, perhaps, a render on the outside to help insulate it. Finally congratulations to the Lunch Club for another FIVE STARS and all users should note that it is important that we try to maintain the hall and facilities at a high standard but need everybody’s help to do this. Please report any breakages or shortages to Denise after use and we will endeavour to rectify them quickly. Happy Springtime to you all-get those seeds and plants in now for the best display at the Show on August Bank Holiday!!

Village Afternoon Tea and Chat An informal gathering for tea and biscuits. Open to all, young and old; dogs welcome too. Afternoon tea at the village hall happens every Wednesday from 2-4pm except Lunch Club days. As much tea/coffee as you can drink for only £1. Don’t forget you can now drop in for Table Tennis practice too.

All bookings of the Village Hall and its equipment should go to: Denise Carle, 9, Grange Road, IP23 8NE. Telephone 01449 767838 or Email denise.alexander63@yahoo.co.uk Hourly rate: £8.00 The rate is per hour or part thereof. Minimum booking period 2 hrs. Day rate (24 hour period): £85.00. 25% reduction in rate for Wickham Skeith residents and Wickham Skeith village groups and organisations. Official bodies (e.g. elections): £200.00 per day. A 30 minute "warming up" period will be allowed in cold weather.

Village Emails: Many of you will already receive emails from Nigel Merriam giving details of up and coming events in the village. If you are not already receiving them but would like to, please email Nigel at nhmerriam@btconnect.com They are sent as a blind carbon copy so your email remains private.

Wickham Skeith Village Hall Management Committee. Annual Report We had some lovely weather in June which helped yield a very handy profit at the Fete, raising over £2300 - once again ably led by Katie Durrant and her team. Not to forget all those incredibly loyal friends and neighbours who turn up to help before, during and after the event. The team are committed to continue their good work, so please make sure you keep your diaries clear for 22 nd of June (also 21st and 23rd!!). We are not running so many events now, but concentrating on the ones we know work well. However we are always keen to hear suggestions of other things that might attract attention, especially if we get offers of help to run them. Currently we have a small committee of just seven, but quite a few willing people who are happy to contribute on an ad hoc basis. A few more committee members would be welcome. In the last year we ran a very enjoyable Burns Night, organized by Margaret and Kevin; a table tennis tournament; garage sales organized by Margaret Horne (we have decided to run this every other year in future). The Produce show was held in August organized by Rosie and Carol of the Garden Club. Denise and her team had big turnouts in both the Halloween and Christmas party for children. In November the Hall hosted the Craft fair and in December it was packed for the annual quiz. Nearly 40 adults and children managed 5 miles on the Plum Pudding walk and in January the Curry Night attracted a good number of diners! Unfortunately we were forced to cancel the Horkey due to poor take up of tickets and the planned July Tea Party on the Green was put off due to the terrible weather. Jocelyn and Verity have started a monthly Crafternoon Club that has attracted people to share their skills, working side by side in a wide variety of craft and art projects. The Hall is still well used by Hilltops, the Lunch, Garden and History clubs;the Church held numerous fundraising events and on Wednesday afternoons you can now play table tennis to coincide with Tea and Chat. This year’s project was to update and insulate the hall store. It needed insulation throughout, plastering and a new floor coat, which was completed by Tristan. New lighting and re-wiring were fitted, whilst re-installing of the dishwasher, shelving, skirting and decorating was all done by volunteers, primarily Dave and Leigh. The 49/59 Village Hall Lottery fund contributed a big proportion of this cost as well as funding a dozen new chairs. Our thanks to Jeanne Mason for this. My thanks to all who have helped, in particular Kevin, running the bar, and Dave Challinor who has kept the maintenance up to a very high standard. I want to thank Denise Alexander, our caretaker and bookings secretary, Jocelyn Bryant (secretary), Katie Durrant (fete chair) and Harriet Bowes our Treasurer. Nigel Merriam

~NEWS FROM THE CLUBS~ Hilltop Women’s Group We were fortunate last month to have Amanda Church from 'Dream On'. She had very kindly stepped in at the last minute and explained that, besides the Dress Shop that we know in Eye, there is a band of amazing women who run workshops and courses for those ladies who need a confidence boost or to bring out their potential. At the April meeting, Tuesday 9 th, we have a representative from the charity we have been supporting this year - the Blossom charity - set up by Ipswich Hospital. This will be followed by the usual finger food buffet. As we have a very quick AGM in the middle, we may have wine! Do not let the AGM put you off. Nobody is pushed into anything. The competition for this month is 'Something Pink'. We always look forward to having new members and visitors. You will be made very welcome.

Lunch Club This month Gill Fenning and Leigh Wyman stepped in at the last moment and prepared a delicious main course and vegetables. In the middle of their cooking there was an unexpected Environmental Health inspection which they also dealt with magnificently, keeping our maximum score of 5. After that eventful morning Karen Cleave prepared a calming bread and butter pudding so all was well. The April 10th lunch has a few places free so if you would like to join us please phone me to book and if you need to change your booking please let me know by Sunday 7 th April. With thanks – Margaret Jones-Evans 01449 767121

History & Film Group We now live in times when medical treatment is usually based on science. In the Middle Ages there was little understanding of what caused diseases & treatments were often weird & wonderful. Joy Hawkins from UEA has been researching this subject & will be giving a fascinating talk entitled “Medieval Medicine: Blood, Pus & Urine”. All are welcome so do join us in the Village Hall at 7.45pm on Wed 17 Apr. Entry Fee £2, including tea/coffee and biscuits. Contact: Pete Davidson 766622 or pjdavidson42@gmail.com


Wickham Skeith GardeninG club tueSdaY 23 aPril 2019 – 7:30Pm This month we have a very different subject – Birds of Minsmere. As gardeners most of us have an interest in the birds that visit our garden but few will have been to Minsmere. Alex Bass will be talking on this very interesting topic. Members £1/non-members £3.

tueSdaY 28 maY 2019 The first of our outings will be to Wood Farm, Gipping. Members £1/non-members £3.

Plant Stall Our daffodils have sold out quicker than ever this year; however we do appear to be somewhat short in our cash box. We know that sometimes people take the plants when they see them meaning to come back later with the cash so, if you have forgotten, this is a gentle reminder to pay. Thank you

Crafternoon Come along if you, or would like to, paint, draw, collage, felt, print, sculpt, make stained glass work, knit, sew, embroider, patchwork & quilt - in fact whatever your art or craft bring what you're working on at present. Share skills, ideas, techniques and tips. Inspire and be inspired in the company of other creative people. If you have a 'crafty' friend then bring them along too! Any Art/craft items and books you'd like to sell bring them for the ‘bring and buy’ table. Entry £2.00 inc. tea and biscuits. Every 2nd Saturday in the month' 2.00-4.30p.m. The next two Crafternoon sessions are scheduled for Saturday 13 th April and Saturday 11th May.


Quiz Evening As part of the fund-raising towards the church refurbishment project there will be another quiz evening organised by Pete Davidson on Saturday 6 th April in the village hall. £5 per person, payable at the table on the night, will cover your refreshments as well as a fun evening. The bar will be open. Please book in advance, either with a team of up to 8 or just yourself as we can create teams as you arrive – contact pjdavidson42@gmail.com, eadavidson42@gmail.com or ring 766622. We’ll look forward to a full hall and a sociable time.

Thornham Film Nights Friday 26th April at 7.30pm BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY Booking essential, new number 07858 934440 Friday 17th May at 7.30pm STAN AND OLLIE Booking essential, new number 07858 934440 VERY COMPLICATED NOTE We now have our very own phone line for seat bookings (but we only ask you to book for some films). Please (preferably) text or otherwise leave a voice message giving your name, the name of the film and the number of seats. Please let us know if later on you find you can’t make it so we can make your places available for someone else.

Grand National: Yes, it is almost Grand National time. We will be round the village on 6 th April to see if you want to enter the Village Sweepstake in aid of our Parish Church. The same rules as usual: £2.00 a horse, first place wins £25 and second gets £5. It is very appropriate at this time because money raised from the Sweepstake over the years will now be spent on the improvements to the church which are about to commence.




Cllrs T Thorogood (Chair), H Bowes (Vice-Chair), B Kemp (Treasurer), M Wade, M Blair, R Palmer, T Goodacre (Clerk), Cllr Stringer (MSDC and SCC) and 5 members of public


Accepted from Cllr Knights


Chair’s Welcome: The Chair opened the meeting, welcoming those in attendance.


Declaration of Interest: None received.

3. Minutes of Meeting  Minutes of Meeting held 14 January 2019 were approved by all Councillors and signed by the Chair.  Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting held 11 February 2019 were approved by all Councillors and signed by the Chair. 4. Village Forum: Condition of road around The Grimmer/Village Green was raised. Clerk to report on Suffolk Highways Reporting Tool. 5. Reports: 5.1. Cllr Stringer (SCC):  2019/20 Budget: SCC’s 2019/20 budget agreed, with increase in Council Tax of 3.99% and savings across directorates totalling £10.1m.  Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB): Following SCC’s funding cut, CCGs have stepped in, providing funding of £184,000 (CCGs funding only available for 2019/20).  Reduction in 2018/19 Predicted Overspend: SCC’s latest monitoring reports suggests budget will be overspent by £5.9m (a reduction since Quarter 2’s report).  Housing Costs: Last year, SCC commissioned Respublica to undertake Housing Growth Study at cost of £66,000, with final report published February 2019 failing to report on issues.  School Travel: Changes to Travel Policy effective from September 2019, with eligible families having to now “Opt-in” to receive free school transport. Application window for this year open until 31.05.19. Further information available at www.suffolkonboard.com/optin.  Mental Health Strategies: Suffolk & Norfolk Clinical Groups developing new mental health strategies for Suffolk, with next phase focusing on designing delivery.  SEND Service: Ofsted and Care Quality Commission inspection conclude SCC SEND Service inadequate, with powers of intervention being considered.  Litter Pick: Wickham Skeith’s village Litter Pick scheduled for 23.03.19 at 10.00 am – all welcome. 5.2. Cllr Stringer (MSDC):  Budget Proposals: MSDC have set out draft budget for 2019/20 with Ruling Conservative Group agreeing to borrow further £25m to invest in commercial property. This year has seen another underspend on budget with agreed 2% increase in Council Tax.  PCSO’s: MSDC agreed to fund two Police Community Support Officers, who can only be requested to attend in Mid Suffolk by District Councillors completing request form.  New Joint Local Plan: MSDC has set up panel of Councillors to oversee delivery of emerging JLP as further delays feared.  District Boundary Change: After May elections, Wickham Skeith will no longer be part of Mendlesham Ward, resulting in Cllr Stringer no longer our District Councillor (remaining as County Councillor until 2021 elections). Thanks were given to Cllr Stringer for all his support during term as District Councillor.


~ W I C K HAM S K E I T H PAR I S H C O U N C I L ~ 5.3. Suffolk Police (via Parish Clerk):  Crime Prevention: “Meet up Monday” meeting at Walsham-le-Willows at The Blue Boar to discuss rogue traders, scams and fraud – all welcome. No further crimes reported on website. 5.4. Parish Clerk:  Bus Services: Contact numbers now posted on Noticeboard/website (should residents encounter problems booking services, please advise Cllr Stringer direct on 07545 423842).  Footpaths: Following maintenance work on footpaths within Wickham Skeith, Parish Council wrote to Suffolk Highways thanking them for their efforts, especially FP26 (Thwaite).  Election Nomination Forms: Parish Clerk accepted appointment on 15.03.19 to submit completed forms received from Councillors. 5.5. Parish Councillors: 5.5.1. Community Speed Watch: Radarlux SID now purchased, with thanks to Cllr Stringer. Cllr Blair kindly agreed to charge unit and arrange initial erection on Grange Road post. SID action plan to be instigated. Cllr Stringer confirmed receipt of request for speed limit signs to be painted on roads. 5.5.2. GDPR: Parish Clerk had advised sub-committee of current position regarding SALC Toolkit and draft Data Register circulated. It was agreed for remaining templates to be drafted/reviewed as required. 5.5.3. Community Emergency Plan: Cllr Palmer kindly submitted suggested revisions for Parish Clerk to update. 5.5.4. Defibrillator: Awaiting outcome of Tesco Bags of Help Grant Scheme following February’s vote. Cllr Wade has also applied to National Lottery Awards. With thanks to the Masons and fellow organisers, defibrillator fundraising coffee morning raised £262.71. Other fundraising events and locality funding options to follow. 6.

Correspondence Received:  Ash Dieback (Chalara): Tree Warden wishes to support SCC in promoting Tree Policy by leading survey to record trees within Wickham Skeith. Cllr Stringer/Chair to liaise further with Tree Warden. All other correspondence which has not been circulated via email included within Agenda or in Circulation File.


Finance 7.1. Accounts as at 28.02.19 presented by Cllr Kemp (Treasurer), showing balance of £3,080.82. 7.2. Internal Accounts and Audit Review: Presented by Treasurer with updated 2018/19 Review agreed for adoption by all Councillors. Treasurer and Parish Clerk signed off completed Review documentation. 7.3. Instruction Letters: All Councillors approved circulated instruction letters regarding Parish Clerk’s pay increase (effective from 01.04.19). 7.4. Vacancy: Councillor/Treasurer Vacancy still to be filled.



Planning Matters: DC/19/00158 (formerly DC/18/02665) - Homeleigh, The Broadway – BMSDC have granted permission for erection of replacement two storey dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling.


Village Green: 1. Working Parties: No update available in absence of Cllr Knights. 2. Grimmer Fishing: No action to be taken until Season commences.


Matters for next Agenda and Any Other Business: Cllr Blair advised of Scam Phone Call received. 4. Next Meeting: 13 May 2019 (Annual Parish Meeting and Parish Council AGM).

~ S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~ Rural Dean: Rev Canon Diane Williams 720316, mobile 07714016554 diane.rev@btinternet.com Readers: Helen Matter 780379, Elaine Miller 770337, Sheila Wright 768644 Elders: Peter Paine 767897, Janice Shea 781263, Jean Willoughby 766621

Services for April 2019 Every Sunday morning at 9.30am unless otherwise stated 7th – Lent 5, Holy Communion & prayers for healing - Rev Canon Barbara Bilston 14th – Palm Sunday, Morning Worship – ‘The Home Team’ 18th – Maundy Thursday, 7pm, Benefice Family Communion at Cotton 19th – Good Friday, 2pm, Stations of the Cross - ‘The Home Team’ 6.30pm, The Passion Story in words & music at Old Newton th 20 , Saturday 3pm Wedding 21st – Easter Sunday, Holy Communion – Rev Adrian Copping 28th – Easter 2, All-Age Family Service – Jean Willoughby + Rod Hyam The church will be beautifully decorated for the wedding and thus for Easter giving the regular decorators a break. It will look lovely and provide a focus away from the builders’ work. We hope have a procession to the church on Palm Sunday with our palms. If you would like to join us to walk please meet at the Daisy Green Lane crossroads to start at 9.15am. The church will be open from 9am for those who would prefer to go straight there and wait in the (relative!) warm for the walkers. The Monday Morning Group will continue as a Lent Group on April 1st & 8th and then return to its usual pattern after Easter. Do come and join us, we would welcome some new participants. The Vestry meeting to elect churchwardens for the coming year, followed by the PCC AGM for reports on the PCC’s work in the last year and to elect PCC members for the coming year, will take place in the Village Hall on Monday 8th April. Only those on the Electoral Roll are entitled to vote at the AGM, although all parishioners can vote at the election of churchwardens. Nominations for PCC members and churchwardens should be made on the forms available from Mary Paine and should be returned before the start of the meeting on 8th. Please come to the meeting to show your support for the PCC and Churchwardens – we would like to see some parishioners in the Hall. It's an opportunity to voice your opinions on the work of the PCC and no-one will be forced to join! Margaret Jones-Evans has revised the church Electoral Roll ready for the Annual Meeting. If you would like to check your entry on the Church Electoral Roll before the meeting please speak to her in church or phone 01449 767121. Flower & Cleaning Rota 7th Miss R Elsden & Mrs J Evans 14th & 21st Mrs J Homan & Mrs J Willoughby 28th & May 5th Mrs J Bryant & Mrs L Reinders

~ F U N D R A I S I N G for S T. A N D R E W ’ S C H U R C H ~

Book sales – these have raised £385 since January for the church project. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported them. There will be no Book Sale in April. The next one will be on 25th May at 1, Broadway as usual, starting at 10am, in aid of the de-fibrillator for the village. If you like sausage rolls you need to arrive early. Quiz evening Sat. 6th April 7.30pm Village Hall Pete Davidson has again kindly agreed to prepare a quiz for us. There will be refreshments, the bar will be open and there will be a raffle. Phone 01449 766622 to book a place/team or just turn up on the night. You’ll be very welcome. Uganda Evening Sat. 18th May 7.30pm Village Hall Mary and Peter Paine have kindly offered to show the photos of their latest safari. There will be gorillas, Mary being carried and lots more fascinating pictures. Nibbles on the tables, the bar will be open. Entry by donation. Open Gardens 16th June We have some gorgeous gardens in this village, some mature, some being developed, some suffering from last year’s hot summer. All will be most interesting for visitors. To volunteer your garden do please phone Liz Davidson 01449 766622 or Margaret 01449 767121 Grant applications – Mary Paine and Liz Davidson are working like stink filling in the most complicated application forms in the hope that we might be successful. Several small grants have helped to boost the fund by £7,000 and we are still hoping for the big one. Donations – how can we thank all of you who have given money and offered loans? You know who you are and we shall have a special list of donors when the project is complete. The project –The installation of water has already begun and you will see elsewhere that the main contractor will begin work on the 1 st April. The bats should be awake by then. Huge thanks are due to everyone in the village. You have supported this project from the beginning and it’s just about to happen. THANK YOU – from Margaret Jones-Evans & Liz Davidson, Churchwardens

~ C O M M U N I TY PAG E ~

Wickham Skeith Parish Council Parish Councillor/Treasurer Vacancy The May elections will soon be upon us and, as previously advertised, Wickham Skeith Parish Council are still searching for someone to fill a Parish Councillor vacancy with the additional responsibility of the Treasurer's role. We would really like to hear from anyone who may be interested in joining the Parish Council, to move forward in the next financial year with a full team of Councillors. If you would like to have a chat about this role, please contact the Parish Clerk on 01449 768696.

Church work Good news – the planned works in the church begin on April 1 st with the contractors bringing their compound & equipment during the week before. They expect it all to be finished at the end of June. In the meantime please would dog walkers & those visiting the churchyard take extra care when passing through the churchyard – the contractors will leave car parking space but there may be holes in unexpected places. The interior of the church will be out of bounds Monday to Friday while the work is going on so please would cleaners/flower arrangers plan to do their work on a Saturday - if that is not possible for any reason please let Liz or Margaret know. The church will be left in a useable condition each weekend ready for our service but we expect it will be very dusty. Take care, watch your step in the tower and at the back of the church and just do as much dusting and vacuuming as you have time for. Thank you all We have received another grant cheque - £4,500 from the Allchurches Trust - so with generous donations our total is creeping up towards the required amount.

~ C O M M U N I TY PAG E ~

Defibrillator update: We’d like to say a huge thank you to all who came to the first coffee morning for the defibrillator fund. It was a wonderful event, kindly hosted by Jeanne Mason. We raised £232.71 on the day. We’ve had several cash donations since. Still to come: Strawberry cream tea Cheese and wine evening Book sale and coffee morning

Toads Our Toad Patrol has been out every evening in March and it has been a stop-start year as temperatures have fluctuated. Around 800 toads have been helped across the road so far and around ninety have been squashed by vehicles. We have also moved a few frogs and two newts. The patrol will carry on into April until toad movements cease. Numbers are down on last year but we may have some more to come if dusk is mild and damp in the next week or two. Please take care as you drive round the Grimmer until the toad signs are taken down. Thank you to all our patrollers who have turned out in wind and rain and cold.


Thornham Hall, Thornham Magna IP23 8HA Good Friday 19th April - Fish & Chip lunch with a dessert only £9.95 Sunday 21st April - Two course roast lunch with Mr Smooth (singing background music such as Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bobby Darin, Buble and more) £19.95 per ticket Monday 22nd April (bank holiday) - OPEN serving Afternoon Tea (£12.50 per guest), snacks, light lunches, homemade cakes and much more Open Thursday - Sunday (10.30am - 3pm) Telephone: 01379 783373 Mob: 07376374633 Email: contact@thornhamcoachhouse.com

***** GISLINGHAM PLAYGROUP ***** We provide a safe, warm, friendly and caring setting for children aged 2-5 years, in a brand new purpose built building on the same site as Gislingham CEVCP School, with whom we work closely to provide an excellent education. Breakfast Club 8.00am - 8.45am Morning 8.45am to 11.45am, Lunch Club 11.45am to 12.45pm Afternoon 12.45pm to 3.45pm Please visit our website www.gislinghamplaygroup.com or phone us on 01379 788934 Also, every Monday morning at Gislingham Village Hall, 9.30am - 11.00am, a Parent and Baby Group for under 2's, run by parents of the group Cost per session £2.00 per family


GRAHAM MOORE ELECTRICAL LTD Blacksmiths Cottage, Silver Street, Old Newton IP14 4HF

For all your electrical needs For a friendly and efficient service Call Graham on Tel: 01449 616946 Mobile: 07867 560357 *FREE ESTIMATES * ALL WORK GUARANTEED *

~ ADVERTISEMENTS ~ Ed Batram GARDEN SERVICES Clearance, design, planting, aftercare for your garden… Trees, hedging, fencing, log splitting & chainsaw work… Ground clearance, paths, patios, brickwork and paving… All aspects of conservation work undertaken. FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 01379 898203, mob: 07950 923696 Email: edwardbatram@icloud.com




Tel: 01379 890617 / 07880 528142 GARWOODSOFSUFFOLK@YAHOO.COM

Rose Cottage Flowers

Just scotching rumours that I no longer run my flower business. I do! I'm here for whatever floral needs you have and still loving what I do. Mothering Sunday and Easter are soon upon us so send an e-mail or phone with your requirements. To - Margaret Knights T-767708 E- rosecottageflowers@hotmail.co.uk THANK YOU!


PET & LIVESTOCK FEED FOR SALE � 1/2 grass fed lamb £8.60 kg � � FREE RANGE EGGS FROM £1.20 a dozen � �FREE RANGE RARE BREED PORK FROM £8kg � Sam at TAS Animal Care & Poultry at Knoll Farm, Wickham Skeith Mobile: 077424 50908 Landline: 01449 768620 www.tasanimalandpoultry.co.uk �����

Coming Up in May Suffolk Walking Festival For 2019 discover an amazing array of walks and events in parts of Suffolk you never knew existed. There are short walks, long walks, walks with a sheepdog, walks with a boat cruise, walks with owls and walks with nightjars. A night safari, a wild crafting day, tales by the riverbank, and art and photography workshops. And there's the annual Challenge Walk which this year follows the East Suffolk Line Walks, 80 miles in 5 days between Lowestoft and Ipswich. There are even some walks close to Wickham Skeith! The programme launches on Saturday 11th May at 10:00 at West Stow Country Park. More details in brochures from Visitor Information Points and Libraries or on the web: http://www.suffolkwalkingfestival.co.uk/

Bugs and Blossoms Launch Weekend 24-27th May at Palgrave Community Centre Imagine a world without wild flowers or insects. Where summer days don’t resonate with the buzz of bees or dazzle with a butterfly wing; where a myriad of flowers, and the meadows where they bloomed, are wiped from our countryside. It is time for action – in our gardens, on our commons and greens, in school grounds and churchyards, on farmland and in parks. This year Waveney & Blyth Arts launches Bugs and

Blossoms using the creative arts to celebrate our native insects and plants, and to inspire people to notice what we have, understand what we are losing, and take action.

Opening talk: Friday 24 May 7.30-9pm Dr Nick Upton – BBC Wildlife Photographer - MY LIFE BEHIND THE LENS Saturday 25 –Monday 27 May 11-5pm every day BUGS & BLOSSOMS ART EXHIBITION Saturday 25 May 7 -9pm MICROCOSMOS: A film that captures a dramatic, action-packed and beautiful day in the life of a meadow and its tiny inhabitants. Sunday 26th May WALK: BUGS AND BLOSSOMS after ROGER DEAKIN 10am-1pm Sunday 26th May WIRE SCULPTURE WORKSHOP with JENNY GOATER 10am-3pm Monday 27th May WILLOW SCULPTURE WORKSHOP with MAGGIE CAMPBELL 10am-3pm Booking for all events through Waveney & Blyth Arts: bookings@waveneyandblytharts.com or call 07415 168806 Brochure available from mid-April


FOR SALE - Dark wood drinks/glasses cabinet

68" H, 28" W, 18" D.

Four solid beaded doors, two top, two bottom with sliding serving table and full width drawer in between the two pairs of doors. Lit top with two glass shelves for glasses and plenty of room below for bottles. Bottom half has two purpose built and sectioned wine shelves with ample space beneath. Brass handles. Excellent condition - a smart piece of furniture. Donation welcome. Margaret 766398 Will send photo if interested.

Free to good home. 2 child’s car seats to fit up to three years old in good condition. Ring Joy on 01449 766275 if interested.

Business Adverts Adverts are £5.00 per month, £25 for 6 months and £50 for one year. Cash or cheque (payable to “Wickham Skeith Village Hall”) to Melinda Appleby at Haymead House, The Street, in advance of the advert being placed please.

And finally... Please send all your village news and adverts for next month’s newsletter to: mappleby@tiscali.co.uk or call 01449 766879 By 25th April 2019

This newsletter is kindly sponsored by Richard and Alice Palmer. It is produced by the Village Hall Committee.

HELPERS NEEDED FOR THE VILLAGE FETE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


The Fete Committee require volunteers to help with the tasks in the form above. If you are able to assist please either complete the form and post in the box at the village hall or give to one of the committee members: Katie Durrant, Jocelyn Bryant and Mark Little OR email Katie on kdurrant.cd@googlemail.com

Newsletter printed by Copydiss, 14A St Nicholas Street, Diss IP22 4LB Tel: 01379 644567

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