3 minute read

Daylight savings ended my seasonal slump

By Gianna Pompeo Staff Writer

hours, from when I got home from school up until when I went to bed.


I was never one for heat. I hated summer, sweating and, even more, feeling that uncomfortable sensationofyourskinalldampfrom sweating. I hated it all. But this year of my pants and also my mood the second I got out of my car. In general, though, I hated feeling miserable and unmotivated by the dreariness of the weather. All I wanted was to be able to go outside and feel the sun’s rays heating my body and maybe even an oncoming sunburn. These feelings were entirely new to me, as I have always longed for the winter and then dreaded the summer’s reappearance every year. This year, though, I cannot wait to feel motivated, and social and comfortable anywhere I go. Even if I am sweating, I do not care because at least I am not miserable and cold. The winter slump created this new view on summer, making summer seem so much more enjoyable and relaxing to me, more than ever before. And I truly hope that summer holds up to this new view that I have of it. Summer is usually a time that I take to myself, maybe to read or play instruments or learn somethingnew.Butthesocialaspect

I hope for is meeting new people, hanging out with my friends regularly and exploring restaurants and shops that I have never seen before.

After Daylight Savings, with in two days I could feel a change in out knowing I was in a seasonal slump, the fact that I could get out of bed and accomplish anything was sometehing that brought me extra hope and a new view on life.

Continuing with that sense of hope, a new feeling after Daylight Savings this year is rejuvenation. I have been given a new energy toward every aspect of my life over the past few weeks. Whether it be at work or at school or really anywhere, I just feel a sense of clarity, feeling like I never had such a fresh and energetic view of the activities I have to do. Activities can include anything from school work now do it with a renewed attitude. Looking back to before Daylight Savings, the seasonal slump was so obviously affecting me. Of course, during the slump, I did not know how much the previous Daylight Savings had affected me and how it changed the way I viewed life. Merely existing was more challenging. I did not feel the need to leave my room or eat healthily. The slump definitely hit me so much harder this year than it ever has in years before. Still, coming out of the slump this year has been so much better since the slump was so much worse when I was in it. In daylight. And it is also giving me more time to accomplish things I would otherwise not accomplish when it gets dark outside at 4 p.m. Having sunlight shining during the day and after school hours gives me an extra push to stay out of my bed and get things done. part, I thank the sun for getting out of the slump. Apart from the extra vitamin D it provides me, the sunlight is giving me more hours of

My overall outlook on life has been altered all because of a mere and quite political government decision to change the clocks back by one hour. And, yes, I have heard that there has been talk about getting rid of Daylight Savings, but this year I just felt that extra hour of sunlight in my day change ev- erything about how I view life. For the first time ever, I am looking forward to summer time. I am longing to get out of winter’s long days and dreary weather. The seasonal slump was very difficult to get through, but now it was worth it for the good that came out of it for me. Of course, I did not think that while I was in the slump. I hated every second of feeling miserable and waiting for my days to get brighter, both mentally and physically. Coming out of the seasonal slump was made possible by my view of life and was made more positive because of Daylight Savings.