Heavenly Bread

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 3 Issue 2 2011 that God's ways differ from those of man as His ways are far beyond those of man, but we are encouraged to acknowledge Him in all that we do, simply because human understanding is what we think and feel as opposed to that of God's(Isaiah 55:8-9; Proverbs 3:5-6). Lastly, the precepts of God are His more detailed instruction from God so there will be no mistake as to how He wants things (actions) carried out. Case in point, the institution of marriage, God specifically stated that it is to be between man and woman as He created the two Adam and Eve and any other form of marriage is an abomination to God. Another example of God's percepts is His specific instructions on being saved. God said the "He that salvation is free, but to have this gift you must accept my Son as your personal Savior as there is no other way to the God the Father but through His Son Jesus Christ." So to understand God's way, testimonies, and percepts is to study and know His Word as He has given the Holy Spirit to provide divine understanding as well as His ministerial leaders to proclaim and expound on His Word. Understanding God is knowing Him and having a willing heart is key.

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