Heavenly Bread

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 3 Issue 2 2011 Fri Feb 25

Persevering in Faith Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;


he term perseverance is defined as endurance, lasting to the end with consistency, not giving up or keeping on. From our definitions that define perseverance means to continue in what ever task that one begins. Therefore, persevering in the faith of Jesus Christ is what is required to complete our journey to heaven, because it represents our commitment and loyalty to God. Our lesson text tells us how we as believers should pray as prayers should be an integral part of believers' Christian walk. Prayer is our communication with God and builds and intimate relationship which is what He wants. We are to pray for others as well as ourselves and make petitions to God in the Spirit that He will keep us focused on Him and refresh our spirit daily. All believers are entrenched in a spiritual warfare (6:11-18) where prayer is seen as part of the warfare itself and not just a weapon that Christians use to combat Satan's attacks. Moreover, it is our prayers where the victory is won, because Christians are working together with God and if Christians fail to pray constantly and with sincerity we fall or surrender to Satan. To fulfill the will of God, Luke 18:1 encourages Christians to always pray and pray with consistency and effectiveness this is counted as faith. Faith is the key to our prayers, because in praying to God we believe that God hears and will answer. Pray, keep the faith.

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