"High School Shootings Hitting So Close To Home" By C'ERRA VALLENTINE

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“High School Shootings, Hitting So Close To Home”

The incident that toke place at 7:30am today is more than tragic. Hearts are in pain, as families and friends from Chardon High School have to bear the fact that a student shot and killed one student from the high school and injured four others. All students were immediately transported to local hospitals by helicopter leaving one in critical condition undergoing immediate surgery, a 17 year old boy in serious and an 18 year old girl in stable. The fourth student’s condition has yet to be released as local investigations are continuing. The suspect has not been charged, but will be soon placed under juvenile courts. Chardon School district cancelled classes for the day allowing frightened parents to pick up their children and all school buses were stopped. The city had taken the necessary actions to go into lock down mode. Chardon Police Chief “Tim McKenna” has spoken in a news conference this morning and authorities are not releasing the name of the suspect. The FBI has begun furthering their investigations as too finding deeper details on why this shocking tragedy has taken place. There was also another shooting that toke place today at the Armin Jahr Elementary school in Bremerton Washington, near Seattle. The 8 year old girl was reportedly shot accidently through the book bag of a young boy and is in critical condition. Premeditated or accidental, both situations are nothing but extremely dreadful. Making many question if the schools are even safe anymore.

Article By: C’erra Vallentine

Main Sources: The Huffingtonpost.com & ABC News

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