Ectomorph mesomorph endomorph

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A Body Type for All Body Type plays a very important role in how your body reacts to fitness (exercise and nutrition). There are three (3) basis body types, Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. Very simply Endo means you were born with a lot of muscle mass and a lot of body fat. Meso means you got the best of both worlds, the right portion of muscle mass and body fat. Ecto means you have very little muscle mass as well as a small amount of body fat. The body normally has a mixture of two of the body types. You can be Ecto-Meso, Meso-Endo, Endo-Meso, or Meso-Ecto. The first part is dominated and the second part is submissive. So if you are an Endo-Meso, your Endomorph is probably the dominated one. This means if you do nothing, your body will naturally appear to be that of an Endomorph. There are single body types, but for the most part the combination of two body types are the norm. This is due to having two different people contributing to your body type, namely your mother and father. Not all people have the same body type as their parents, but if you check your family tree, you will usually find a dominated body type. The above chart is of body types not body shapes. In order to understand the difference between the two, just remember that body type is how your body RESPONSE to exercise and nutrition (fitness) and body shape is how your body will look after you apply exercise and nutrition.

Difference between Body Type and Body Shape when it comes to Fitness (Exercise & Nutrition) Body Type is how your body RESPONSE to exercise and nutrition

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Ectomorph Mesomorph Endomorph

Body Shape is what your body will LOOK like after it response to exercise and nutritional or a lack thereof

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Apple Pear Pencil Hourglass V-Frame A-Frame H-Frame Ruler Spoon Bell

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Rectangle Straight Banana

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