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Wisconsin Farm Center


Sleep is vital, but it can be tough in stressful times. Shoot for a routine and similar amount of sleep each night. Most health experts suggest six hours a night minimum, with more preferred. Avoiding afterlunch caffeine, ditching your smartphone and digital devices at least one hour before bed, and setting your phone notifications so that you’ll only be alerted for a true emergency will all help you get a better night’s sleep. Sleep is also easier if you stay active. Consider taking a brisk walk in the evening or before work, which can also be a time to unwind.

Pause on occasion – clear your plate – reflect

Practice gratitude and think about the positives in life. Thinking about a few things in your life (or even one) that is good, and that you are grateful for, can help reduce stress and improve mental health. It only takes a few minutes. Actions that reflect gratitude are also magnified if you share them with another person. Snap a picture with your phone, send a message, or share in other ways the next time you have the chance.

Do you know someone who is experiencing a challenge on the farm? If so, share with them information on the Wisconsin Farm Center. With more than a hundred years of collective agriculture experience, the Wisconsin Farm Center team offers free and confidential financial and transition planning services, conflict mediation, veterinary diagnostic analysis, and farmer wellness programs including counseling vouchers, online support groups and telecounseling. They can be reached at 800.942.2474 or farmcenter@wisconsin.gov.

For more information on programs and services, check out its website at farmcenter.wi.gov.

Farm Well Wisconsin

Farm Well Wisconsin focuses on building social connections in rural communities. The project partners with local experts to existing community resources and equips community leaders to provide stress management, mental health and suicide prevention programs and support.

For more information, visit farmwellwi.org.

Resilient Farms and Families

Resilient Farms and Families is a resource center that has been created by a team of UW-Madison Division of Extension and University of Wisconsin-Madison educators and specialists.

For more information, visit farms.extension.wisc.edu/ farmstress.