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Get to know the members who are leading Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s Young Farmer and Agriculturist Program.

Matthew and Lexi Cook, District 9 WFBF YFA Committee Representatives

Farm Bureau members since 2013, Lexi; 2022, Matthew

Why do you value your Farm Bureau membership?

We value our membership because it gives us a community of friends and family that are involved in the industry we love. We have had many great opportunities through Farm Bureau that have helped us grow individually and professionally, and we have met a lot of wonderful people.

What has been your favorite Farm Bureau program/event/ etc. and why?

The YFA Discussion Meet is one of our favorite parts of the YFA program. It is a great way to share ideas with others and work together to problem solve. The questions really make young members think about how Farm Bureau can affect their local communities as well as what they can do as Farm Bureau members to achieve goals.

What would you tell YFA members about getting involved in the YFA program?

We would tell them to just go for it. We’ve met a lot of young farmers who don’t get involved with Farm Bureau because they don’t think it is for them or they won’t like it. You will never know if it is for you or if you’ll like it if you don’t give it a try. Getting involved can lead to new friends, opportunities and so much more.

Best words of advice/words of wisdom.

Our best advice is to try anything once. Volunteer on the local level or sign up for a conference or program you’re interested in. You never know what doors might be opened when you do.

District YFA Discussion Meets are in full swing throughout the state. Contestants are given a topic and then 25 minutes to discuss and develop solutions to the topic. The top three participants move on to the state contest held in conjunction with the WFBF Annual Meeting and YFA Conference in December.

YFA members have been busy attending district events and county activities this summer. Recently, District 2 YFA hosted a social at the Draft City Taproom in Baraboo during Farm Technology Days. Members enjoyed an evening of fun and networking.