5 Recipe Suggestions For Using Cheese Ravioli

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5 Recipe Suggestions For Using Cheese Ravioli Coming up with a fresh dinner idea every day of the week can be exhausting. Even though it may be easier to stick to a couple different recipes every week, your family may get bored with the meals rather quickly. Fresh, healthy, and quick meals are often at the top of the list of requirements for busy moms these days, which is why ravioli is a great addition to your dinner repertoire. If your family really likes pasta, these cheese-filled squares of yummy goodness will certainly be a great idea, without a lot of effort on your part. All the following recipes begin with pre-made pasta, taking most of the hard work out of your hands. There are a few weeknights that call for a basic dinner that will require little to no planning. Whenever you have pre-made ravioli in your fridge, all that is required is cooking them quickly and then simply putting your favorite store-bought pasta sauce over the top. Combined with a green salad, your dinner will be on the table in no time. If you want to get a little bit creative, consider browning up some hamburger to add to the sauce for a heartier meal. In either case, your family will be under the impression that you worked all day on this simple dinner that actually only called for a pot of boiling water. Even though this easy pasta is often times used for a base for sauces, you can also make it the star of your dish. Frying up the pillows of cheese produces a crispy exterior and a smooth, creamy filling. Bread each square in some seasoned bread crumbs for some extra flavor before you fry them, then dip the end product in marinara sauce. This can make for a fun dinner idea, and also the perfect recipe for your next get together. Lots of people enjoy the taste - and convenience - of baked pasta dishes. Try making your next lasagna with ravioli instead of traditional lasagna noodles. Simply layer the sauce and pasta with some chopped vegetables for a healthier meal that you could make ahead of time and pop it in the oven when you are ready for dinner. Many lasagna recipes require a cheese layer, but due to the cheese filling in the pasta noodles, you will be able to skip this step. Salads might be a easy and quick dinner option for families, but making them filling enough to keep your kids’ hunger at bay can be challenging. Adding meat to your salad is one option, but if you are hoping to cut down on your consumption, adding pasta is a wonderful alternative. Take whatever greens you've got on hand, toss them with your preferred dressing, extra vegetables, and toppings and you have the platform for a great salad that can be enhanced with some delicious cheesy pasta. When the weather is cold and all you want to do is cuddle up with a warm bowl of soup, it’s the perfect time to get creative. Rather than sticking with the same old chicken noodle soup recipe that you always use, try adding filled pasta as opposed to regular egg noodles. Your family will be pleasantly amazed with this change. Thinking outside of the box can be difficult with regards to dinner, but making small changes to your regular dishes can offer enough excitement to keep your family happy and healthy. Cooking wholesale frozen ravioli for the week means uncomplicated supper times. For additional particulars on Antoni Ravioli, visit them at the website, http://www.antoniravioli.com/. Antoni Ravioli Company, Inc.

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5 Recipe Suggestions For Using Cheese Ravioli Document Tags: wholesale lobster ravioli, wholesale ravioli http://www.antoniravioli.com/

Antoni Ravioli Company, Inc.

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