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winter WHAT-TO-DOS

If you’ve found yourself especially bored while stuck inside during the cold and dreary weather, WSS has got you covered. Before you can officially be deemed bored, try everything on this list. Send us pictures of you completing the 11 tasks on Instagram (@wsspaper) or email us at westsidestorypaper@ gmail.com, and we’ll deliver you a winter-themed prize.


Try your hand at making a bird feeder. Here’s a fun DIY one made with peanut butter, pine cones and bird seed. The birds will be grateful and excited to see your crafty creation!

Build a pillow fort. Gather all the blankets and pillows you can find and start building your fortress! Add some extra pizazz with lights and more pillows on the inside to make it extra cozy.



Write a thank you letter. As this year comes to an end, let the people in your life know how grateful you are for them by writing them a nice note. Drop it off at their house (contact free, of course), or mail it to them.

Make some winter snacks or bake something. Need inspiration? Try these snowman pretzels, and get creative with decorating them:

Take care of yourself. It’s always important to practice self-care. Do a few of your favorite things that help you relax. Whether it’s lighting your favorite wintry candle, organizing your room or putting on your favorite show, don’t forget how important taking time for yourself is!

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