How to choose the perfect attorney

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How to choose the perfect attorny Selecting an attorney is never an easy proposition. With so many qualified lawyers to choose from, how do you begin to make a decision. The following ebook will give you 10 key traits or tips to look for in choosing the best attorney that’s right for you. Remember, there may not be a perfect attorney for everyone but there is a perfect attorney for you. Much like any relationship, the attorney-client relationship must be built on trust and mutual respect. When choosing an attorney, the process can be much like a job interview where you are the boss. So choose wisely and know that you are in control. By keeping in mind these 10 things that make a quality attorney, hopefully you will be well equipped to decide which attorney is best suited to represent you. Now let’s get started…

1. Passion The first quality that makes for any excellent attorney is passion. Without passion, you are not going to have a good representative who will literally go to the mat to defend their client. Passion is what makes an attorney think about your case day and night. It’s what drives that attorney to wage intellectual battle in the courtroom and it’s absolutely essential in choosing a good attorney. If you don’t sense passion in your proposed attorney, then move on to someone who has it. 2. Compassion for clients Having compassion and empathy is another crucial trait for a successful attorney. Being able to sympathize with their client and put themselves in their client’s shoes is what will enable that attorney to mount the most rigorous representation possible. An attorney has to understand what it’s like to walk in the shoes of the person they are defending. That’s just imperative. 3. Great communication skills Now, an attorney could have passion and plenty of empathy but if they can’t speak clearly and convey the information they want to get across, all that passion would be pretty useless. Being able to communicate clearly and concisely, to captivate an audience with public speaking abilities is something absolutely necessary for a competent lawyer. When you are speaking with your proposed attorney for the first time, you should be able instantly to know whether they are good communicators.

4. Willingness to listen Along with speaking skills, listening skills are almost equally important. This gets back to empathy. A good attorney must listen well to their clients, taking in all information without casting judgement until the facts are laid out. Listening becomes a key component to this process because without listening, the attorney cannot truly understand their client. It starts with listening and understanding beyond all else. 5. Knowledge of the law Understanding the legal system and statutes might seem like an obvious trait that any qualified lawyer might have but there are always going to be degrees of understanding. Some lawyers are more familiar with certain types of the law and many lawyers will be honest about their experience. You should also get an idea for how much knowledge an attorney might have into a particular area by speaking to them about your case. If it’s plainly obvious that they are struggling, then that lawyer might not be right for you. But if, on the other hand, they show a superb working knowledge of the legal issues around the problem you’re facing, then you just might have found the right attorney.

6. Strong writing ability Whether your proposed lawyer has strong writing abilities might be difficult to know at first. But you should also judge by the written correspondence you might have. Writing is a key aspect to any good law practice as writing briefs and formulating written arguments are crucial parts of pursuing a legal verdict. If you don’t have much to go on in this regard, begin an email correspondence with your proposed attorney where you present several questions and judge by those responses how good of a writer they are. 7. Creativity An often overlooked quality in a good lawyer is creativity. Arguing a case, especially in front of a jury takes craft and sometimes showmanship. It can also come down to personality. Creativity plays into all of this as a good lawyer should be charming and able to think on their feet while being gifted enough to persuade the jury or judge.

8. Good judgment This is another one of those traits that goes without saying, but it bears remembering when you are choosing an attorney. Good judgment is paramount for an attorney because their job often involves advising you on your best options. Whether or not you have a chance of winning the case or whether you should accept a settlement is a key area where judgment will come into place. You want an attorney with sound judgment, the experience to make tough calls under pressure and a track record of success. 9. Healthy skepticism Having a healthy skepticism is one of those things that are intrinsic to a good attorney. In order to look at cases with an open mind, an attorney has to be skeptical. That applies not only to witnesses and perhaps the police, but to the client as well. Skepticism is a good trait in an attorney even if it might be aimed at you because it means your proposed attorney is a critical thinker and will apply this approach to your opponent as well.

10. Perseverance Now what’s the one thing you hear in any advertisement for an attorney? “We will fight for you.” Whether or not that actually turns out to be true is another story. Some attorneys will fight for you only up to a point. It’s important that you get this straight with your attorney. How far are you willing to go? And how much will it take to go that far?

When you sign up for a free consultation you will receive: ● Within 24 hours a phone call from a service representative who will help get some basic information about the case. ● Within 48 hours expect to hear from a qualified attorney by phone or email, whichever you prefer. ● After consulting with the attorney, you make the decision whether to proceed. There are no expectations and the service is free. The only charges you will incur are between you and your attorney. To get the process started today simply fill out the form below.

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