Westonbirt Sixth Form Prospectus

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Welcome to

Westonbirt Co-ed Sixth Form





Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form


Tailored Subject Choices


Learning To Lead


Sixth Form Boarding


Dress for Sixth Form


Health, Fitness & Well-Being


The Westonbirt Baccalaureate


Duke of Edinburgh


Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)


St. John’s Essay


Performing Arts


Careers Information, Advice and Guidance


University Guidance


Global Programmes


Sixth Form Scholarship


Westonbirt Alumni Association


Step-up to Sixth Form Programme




“It is the degree of pastoral care, together with outstanding teaching, that makes Westonbirt different.” Year 13 Parent, 2020

Being a Sixth Former is about gaining the best qualifications for you, but it is also about so much more. You will find life in the Sixth Form very different from your time in Year 11; enjoying greater independence and feeling more like university than school, with the added advantage of tailored teaching in a smaller, safer environment. This booklet is designed to introduce you to all that is special about our Sixth Form: the wide range of subjects, the other valuable awards you may gain and exciting experiences that are on offer to all our students. Ultimately, it is our job to prepare you for life beyond school and as you look through this booklet you should see a range of opportunities for you to embrace and enrich your Sixth Form experience. Leadership and responsibility are key to your personal development and whether you become a member of the prefect team or take part in our Leading for Life programme, launched by former England Rugby player, Lee Mears, we will endeavour to get to know you, to support your development and enable you to become a valued member of not only our community, but that of one which lies beyond. Independence is vital and knowing how to develop and handle yourself in a wide variety of spheres will be the result of involvement in sports or performance teams, Leiths, DofE, or possibly as a member of one of our service projects to India or Sierra Leone. Inspiration will be drawn through a committed set of educationalists, lecturers and the range of speakers brought in to broaden horizons and expand possibility. The undervalued simplicity of taking time for yourself in our peaceful grounds, will also set you in good stead for your next steps beyond Westonbirt and the combination of work, rest and play remains resonant as balance is the cornerstone to your success at this level. I look forward to supporting you in your journey through the Sixth Form as we work with you to provide the tools and confidence to achieve your goals.

Mrs Natasha Dangerfield (Headmistress) 4

WELCOME FROM THE HEAD OF SIXTH FORM Sixth Form education is an incredibly important time in your life and a moment that can be really special. Choosing a Sixth Form is about making a commitment to yourself, and all that you want to be, by showing dedication to in-depth study and personal growth opportunities. Here at Westonbirt Sixth Form we are determined to put you at the centre of every decision while also offering you all the support you need to meet every challenge you face; we are proud that our academic excellence and pastoral support are proven to work perfectly in harmony in order to develop the individual to their fullest. When you become a Sixth Former you embark on a journey from the relative comfort of your GCSEs towards a world of work, higher education or even travel and experience. In order to make this journey both exciting and successful, you need to ensure that you step onto the right bridge. Sixth Form at Westonbirt is a metaphorical bridge, as you will see a blend of both support and freedom in order to help you reach the right destination. Not everyone is taking the same journey, which is why our Sixth Form is personalised to you. There are a huge number of subjects on offer at Westonbirt, all designed to meet the needs of the individual – through both A-Level and BTEC access routes, outstanding teaching and learning, and tailored support. You will have a network of people around you who recognise your individual needs and interests and who will push you to grow and develop, all at your own pace. They are not only concerned with your academic development, but the development of you as a whole person – hence the access as a Sixth Former to an enormous extra-curricular and global programme that offers huge opportunities for personal growth. Nevertheless, regardless of the individual journey you embark on, it is clear from the moment you step into Westonbirt Sixth Form that we are a community. We lead by example and realise our wider responsibility as the head of the school. We push for positive change in our society and concern ourselves with making each other the best versions of who we can be. Every student who leaves Westonbirt Sixth Form is a leader, a global citizen who will one day make a difference in this world. It is our responsibility to prepare you for that world, and all we ask is that you take every opportunity we offer to help prepare yourself. Mrs Stephanie Barnes, Head of Sixth Form


TAILORED SUBJECT CHOICES At Westonbirt we aim to be as flexible as possible with regard your subject choices; allowing you to build a programme of study that is right for you. We offer a wide range of subjects and qualifications in the Sixth Form, including A Levels, BTECs, Leiths, the EPQ and more. You are able to mix and match these to make a bespoke programme, tailored to your skills and aspirations for the future. We build our timetable and curriculum around your choices, to enable the widest range of possible options. We are very proud of the quality of our teaching, with small class sizes and teachers who get to know you individually, helping you to achieve your very best academically. Students in the 2021 cohort achieved 46% Grade A-A* at A-level, despite the disruptions of the pandemic. Please see the Academic Option tab of our website for details of the range of subjects available in the Sixth Form, with explanations from our Heads of Department about why you might choose to study them and what they can lead to in the future. I look forward to welcoming you to Westonbirt in the future: http://www. westonbirt.org/sixth-form/academic-options. Mr Simon Balderson Deputy Head Academic

EXPANDING HORIZONS Life in the Sixth Form brings with it new and exciting extra-curricular opportunities such as the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, our Learning to Lead programme and the Westonbirt Baccalaureate. There are also opportunities for responsibility and leadership across our prefect team; roles such as Head Girl, Head Boy, Head of House, Head of Sport and Head of Drama are open to Sixth Form students. The House environment helps to develop students' self-confidence interacting effectively with peers, as well as with those outside of the school community. Our aim is that when you leave the Sixth Form, you are equipped with not only academic success, but also the self-assurance and resilience to thrive in today’s fastpaced, global society. I look forward to welcoming you to our Sixth Form House community. Mrs Lisa Bradbury Deputy Head Pastoral Sixth Form Housemistress


LEADING FOR LIFE At Westonbirt School, we consider the development of our future leaders paramount to the education that we provide. To ensure that our pupils become leaders who will make a real difference in the future, we strive to equip them with the skills they will need to succeed and the confidence to carry themselves throughout any of life’s challenges. The Year 12 programme, Learning to Lead, begins by focussing on leadership of self and others through a variety of four workshops led by rugby professional and ex-England player, Lee Mears. Each workshop takes a different focus on leadership: why it is important, why leadership is not just about leading others and how it can have an impact on the development of self. The initial phase of the programme includes a two day overnight active workshop to Dartmoor which supports dynamic team development and identifies leadership characteristics. During Year 13, all pupils follow ‘The You Effect’ course – a self-directed and engaging workshop led by the founder Nadia Manzoor. This is an outstanding workshop that focusses on resilience - one of life’s most vital traits, which is carefully interwoven at two further points in the year to complete the Learning to Lead programme. Towards the end of Year 12, students are offered the opportunity to apply for a position on the school’s leadership team as a member of Study One. This is a formal and thorough application process, mimicking the rigour of both university applications and recruitment interviews. Study One roles form part of school life and empower Sixth Formers to make a real difference through student voice and in support of educational and operational roles which drive the daily life of our school.


SIXTH FORM BOARDING Our priority in Sixth Form boarding is to enable young people to become more independent. Each boarder benefits from a university style study-bedroom. This is complemented by a variety of dedicated Sixth Form study and communal spaces. Nestled in the old stables, the Sixth Form space is not in the main school creating a dedicated area away from junior boarding houses. Tutors and teaching staff are in easy reach and the beautiful Italian Gardens just a short walk away. The Sixth Form study centre supports a group approach to learning while the common room creates a space for relaxation and socialising. Sixth Formers enjoy the privilege of a café space and a bar for occasional evening use. Boarders may also go out of school to celebrate with friends over dinner at a local restaurant. Sixth Form students are welcome to use the fitness suite and 25-meter swimming pool within our state-ofthe-art Leisure Centre, as well as play on our picturesque 9-hole golf course. Sixth Formers are given priority access to the Art Department in the evenings and often man this area for younger students. Kitchens enable students to make their own snacks while the laundry room is there for ensuring this particular skill is mastered. All areas are carefully monitored by experienced staff and students are encouraged to use each provision responsibly.


DRESS FOR THE SIXTH FORM Students are expected to wear a working suit from Monday to Friday and at various events. We recommend having two suits available to students during the week from Monday to Friday. Any colour top or shirt may be worn under the jacket and shoes must be smart.

Here are some examples of suitable dress for Sixth Form:

Driving Lessons Sixth Formers have the opportunity to learn to drive, with lessons arranged for their free periods during the school day, starting and finishing at the school.


HEALTH, FITNESS & WELLBEING Future Fundamentals and Wellbeing Through tutor times and our bi-monthly lecture programme, Sixth Form students follow an initiative designed to develop the essential skills and traits required in life beyond school. We firmly believe that education goes beyond the classroom and are dedicated to nurturing pupils to empower them in all aspects of their lives. These sessions focus on academic skills and independent learning, as well as work in the community, fundraising, self-care, current affairs and areas of cultural, political and academic interest. Inclusion, and our engagement, in a world that is both more diverse than ever and, quite possibly, more conflicted than ever means that students must be prepared to compete and live compassionately. We focus on developing a respect and understanding for BAME and LGBTQ+ communities, offering pupils a hugely varied curriculum in and out of the classroom and developing awareness of a variety of socio-political topics and movements. Mental health continues to be a pressing issue among both young people and adults, and one that is taken very seriously at Westonbirt. Our Future Fundamentals programme focuses on wellbeing, mindfulness, management of stress and exam anxiety, as well as achieving a better work-life balance and is designed to help pupils manage their own mental health. Pupils are also encouraged to use their tutors, our chaplain and the Health and Well-being Centre for support and advice in these matters and all staff are deeply invested in their roles as mentors.

Physical Education & Sport Students attend one double lesson of PE each week, having the option to take part in a variety of activities or focus on their preferred team sport. Senior sports teams are selected for inter-school and county competitions, with a number of students going on to represent the county and attending Centre of Excellence training camps. In addition to curricular PE, we encourage students to take responsibility for their own health and fitness. As a member of Sixth Form, students are given membership to our on-site Leisure Centre and Golf Course. There are further opportunities for students to hone their skills in additional sports as the school employs a fully qualified tennis coach and golf professional. Extra lessons such as these are planned into students’ timetables and charged at the end of term.

Spirituality The school has a Chaplain who leads assemblies and chapel services and is available to students. The Chaplain also prepares those students who wish to be confirmed and provides an interactive prayer room. Boarders attend Vespers during the week and the school chapel services on Sundays.


THE WESTONBIRT BACCALAUREATE While studying provides the foundations for achievement, being a well-rounded student is about more than looking good on paper - it is about developing skills and creating memories that last forever. The Westonbirt Baccalaureate complements courses chosen for Key Stage 5 studies. Clubs, societies and activities offer varying amounts of credits to fulfill the total required to pass the Westonbirt Baccalaureate. These extra credits offer a variety of opportunities for pupils to expand their horizons, suited to empowering and engaging them in a manner of ways: from the weekly meetings of the Socratic Society to our evening seminar Art History course, students will be able to develop themselves beyond the academic curriculum. We offer a copious range of activities designed for all interests and abilities including a morning Swim Squad, Chamber Choir, Philosophy and Debate club, Breakfast & Politics, Netball and many more. The Westonbirt Baccalaureate encourages our students to strive for more than they think they are able; helping them see their potential and exceed it. The Westonbirt programme, in full, creates capable, dynamic and empowered individuals.

DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD The Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme was introduced to encourage and stimulate young people’s enthusiasm and energy via a challenging programme of activities. It is open to all young people throughout the world. Participants take part in a range of chosen activities, largely in their own time but with guidance from an expert in the field. We offer the Award at Bronze, Silver and Gold. At each level students fulfil the requirements of four sections with different time conditions for each: Volunteering - to encourage service to others. Skill - to encourage the discovery and development of personal interests, social and practical skills. Physical - to encourage participation in physical recreation and improvement of performance. Expedition - to encourage a spirit of adventure and discovery. For the Gold Award, participants also have to complete a residential project. Previously, Westonbirt students have travelled to India to fulfil the ‘Volunteering’ section of the Award.


EXTENDED PROJECT QUALIFICATION (EPQ) The EPQ allows students to explore a topic of their own choice in real detail, at an A-level standard, or even beyond. It is a qualification with obvious benefits in terms of gaining additional UCAS points, but on a more general level, it is praised by universities for encouraging independent, in-depth research, and for helping pupils to develop public speaking, communication and visual presentation skills. On entering the Sixth Form, all students have a double lesson of EPQ each week, in which ideas for independent learning are explored, discussed and developed. In the short term, this leads to an essay, to be handed in before October Half Term on any subject they wish. This is called the St. John Essay. In the second half of the term, after the St. John's Essay is out of the way, much more emphasis is placed on the ability to understand and develop logical reasoning, open and closed arguments, the differences between describing, analysing and evaluating and creating mind maps. From this point in Year 12 it is assumed that many of our Sixth Formers will continue with completing a full EPQ. This is run by the AQA exam board and consists of a project, usually in the form of a 5000-word essay, for which the student is required to keep a logbook in order to track their progress through the various stages of the project’s development. We have been delighted with the standard of EPQs achieved at Westonbirt, with many A and A* grades and one student recently achieving 100% in this qualification.

ST JOHN'S ESSAY During the Second World War, Westonbirt School took possession of a number of priceless works of art for safe-keeping from St. John’s College, Oxford. In gratitude, St. John's set up a prize to be awarded to Sixth Formers, each year, for the most interesting and stimulating essay on a subject of their choice. There is one major prize winner, who will receive a cheque for £100 and a £50 prize for an essay written by a student with English as their second language. All runners-up are encouraged to put their achievement on application forms, such as UCAS, as the subject matter could be the catalyst for a useful discussion with an admissions tutor and often leads to success at EPQ.


PERFORMING ARTS Performing Arts thrive at Westonbirt, where there are abundant opportunities both within the curriculum and as optional extras. Musicals, concerts and drama productions are frequently staged in the Orangery, the Great Hall, the Chapel, Camellia House and the Drama studio and students have taken productions to nearby cultural centres such as Bristol, Bath and Cheltenham, as well as Edinburgh. Throughout the year, students can sign up for trips to theatres in Bristol, Bath, Cheltenham, Cardiff or London and these are sometimes coupled with backstage tours or workshops. For several years, a group of senior students have travelled to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. After Easter, students have the opportunity to participate in the ‘Speech and Drama Gala’, which showcases the work of students from across all year groups and further performances are delivered by the A-Level Drama groups as part of their course work. A showcase whole-school production ends the year. Recent shows have included Secret Garden, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Lion King and an extravaganza production of Les Miserables, which Tatler Schools Guide declared ‘brought the house down’. Music is at the heart of Westonbirt School and over two-thirds of students play a musical instrument. There are several choirs and our Great Hall houses the magnificent original organ that was built with Westonbirt House in the Victorian era. Singing evensong at Gloucester Cathedral is a prestigious annual event and one which involves all vocalists within the school. Many students opt to take individual or paired Speech and Drama or Speech Improvement lessons, working towards ESB and LAMDA examinations to build both their confidence, English spoken word and performance skills. These students also have the opportunity to compete in the Mid-Somerset and Cheltenham Festivals of Speech and Drama. Students who would rather help out behind the scenes are trained as the tech team and taught how to light a production, or encouraged to get involved with set-building, make up, costumes and prop design.


CAREERS INFORMATION, ADVICE AND GUIDANCE Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is delivered through partnerships between Westonbirt School and a variety of external providers. CEIAG is a multi faceted programme that takes Sixth Formers on a journey of discovery focused around their interests, personal aims, subject choices and personality traits. Once a week, Years 12 and 13 meet their CEIAG teacher to discuss post 18 choices, researching different options such as: • • •

Study choices and options Apprenticeships and training opportunities Careers and job-seeking after school or further education

Unifrog is a one stop platform we use at Westonbirt that has been designed to enable pupils to research and record their careers education. The platform has a variety of sections which offer research and access to courses so that students can learn more about their areas of interest and personality profiles, as well as search for information on specific careers. There is also an extensive section on MOOCS (free online courses) which is particularly useful for those interested in reading subjects at university that are not offered at A Level, such as Law and Astronomy. Unifrog also offers research opportunities for UK and International universities and guides pupils to write a CV, personal statement and other applications for their next steps. Particular emphasis is placed on ‘Skills for Life’ with encouragement to develop the all-important transferable skills required in the world of work. Parents, staff and Westonbirt alumni are valuable sources of expertise and offer lectures, advice, mock interviews, work experience and guided tours around universities. We are also able to link students directly to a wide variety of industry contacts, such as Dyson, Kier, Renishaw and Network Rail, so that they can share with students their own personal career journeys.

Oxford Scholastica Westonbirt is also delighted to be one of the first Scholastica Partner Schools, which allows students to get priority access to Oxford Scholastica’s courses, internships and conferences. Oxford Scholastica’s mission is to inspire students to discover, explore and prepare for their futures at an earlier stage, giving them the edge to enable them to succeed, have purpose and make a difference. They partner with leading schools who share those values of which we are very proud to be one of the first. Their transformational courses for 12- to 18-year-olds combine university-style teaching with academic challenges, Masterclasses, and cultural adventures.


University Guidance Programme Our university guidance programme is designed to help students research and find the best higher education institution for them, whether that be a traditional Russell Group university, or a newer institution. We aim to ensure that all students find a university that will suit their individual learning style and give them the best qualification for their career. Most students will go on to university after Westonbirt, sometimes after a year out to fully consider their options, and the support we offer is ongoing for those students who need more time. Westonbirt offers rigorous support in the preparation for university application both within the UK through UCAS, and also for those students aiming to study abroad. In addition to the advice obtained from admissions tutors during university visits and open days, we have a thorough in-house system for preparing students' applications. Visiting speakers are an excellent source of advice, we bring in staff from universities to give a first-hand account of what they hope to see in a strong application, as well as the advice and guidance offered by tutors, teachers and other subject specialists. We run a programme to offer extra advice and guidance to students applying for Oxford or Cambridge, or other competitive courses, guiding them towards the best wider reading, work experience and enrichment activities to make them stand out from the crowd; of course, this support and approach is available to all of our students. Putting together a competitive application for university is a challenging task and so we devote time during weekly CEIAG sessions to this. We will ensure through a rigorous and thorough drafting and checking process that Personal Statements (a core part of the application) will demonstrate students in the best possible light, having guided subject research, wider reading, and assisted with the editing process to produce a polished application.

In 2021, 75% of Westonbirt Sixth Form students achieved A*- B in Maths and Chemistry A-level


GLOBAL PROGRAMMES At Westonbirt, we strongly agree with Lewis Carroll that “a lifetime full of adventure is a wonderful gift” and have developed a diverse and culturally rich Global Programme. Available to Year 12 and 13, the below trips are designed to enhance learning:

Geneva Year 12 have the opportunity to travel to the United Nations base in Geneva, meeting with UN agencies and managers. Workshops take place at the headquarters of the World Health Organisation and the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, giving students the opportunity to learn about the challenges and achievements of international peace-building operations. Other institutions visited during the trip include the World Bank, the International Trade Centre, Medicins Sans Frontieres and UNICEF.

India Our service trip to Southern India is an exciting chance for pupils to experience life in a country with a very different culture and way of life. It is a unique opportunity for students to be of service to others; teaching and caring for children at the Goodwill Children’s Home. It is an expectation that they will commit to be part of a fundraising team who will raise money and resources for a specific project at the Goodwill Children’s Homes. During the trip students also visit the cultural sites of the region and enjoy spotting wildlife at the Periyar Nature Reserve and a boat excursion to Kumbalangi Village.

Sierra Leone This service trip is an extraordinary opportunity for students to work closely with The Kate McGrath School for Girls in Sierra Leone. Learning about their limitations in finance and facilities and working alongside the Rory’s Well charity, students engage in an educational programme of teaching music and netball at the school.

Iceland A trip to Iceland offers a wonderfully unique experience. Few other countries offer such amazing diversity: think sprawling waterfalls, geothermal pools, geysers, glaciers and, of course, the Northern Lights. It’s the perfect place to learn about so many forms of natural phenomena. The trip is extremely popular and students return with memories that will live with them for a lifetime.

Skiing in Europe Every two years, Westonbirt students fly to a European destination for a week's ski trip. The emphasis of the trip is having fun and learning new physical skills. During the week students benefit from five hours tuition each day and enjoy tubing, night skiing and a skidoo experience in the evenings.


SIXTH FORM SCHOLARSHIPS Westonbirt is proud to offer a range of scholarships supporting the breadth of our education and recognising excellence in these areas. Scholarships are offered for Art & Design, Drama, Music, Choral and Sport. All scholars are expected to maintain high standards within their areas of specialism and all awards are dependent upon continued effort, good work and conduct and are reviewed annually. Applications are welcome from both external and internal candidates. External candidates must register with the school prior to submitting their scholarship form. Our registration form can be completed here: http://www.westonbirt.org/admissions/registration-form Westonbirt School will be offering two major academic scholarships in Year 12 worth 50% of the tuition fees. These will be awarded to candidates who demonstrate exceptional aptitude in their academic attainment and who can demonstrate they apply themselves above and beyond their current age range in an academic area. Westonbirt also offers special awards to Sixth Form applicants from local schools. The Westonbirt Award is a discretionary all-round award given by the Headmistress and endorsed by the relevant Heads of Department to students who demonstrate exceptional aptitude in several scholarship areas. It is a special award beyond the individual scholarship awards. The Award is worth 10% of the Tuition Fees per annum for the two years of Sixth Form. If you have any questions about the scholarship and/or entry process at Westonbirt School, please contact admissions@westonbirtschool.uk +44 (0)1666 881 301


WESTONBIRT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Westonbirt Association Year 13 leavers are automatically welcomed into the Westonbirt Alumni Association which is currently celebrating its 90th anniversary year. The Westonbirt Association provides a powerful network of global contacts and the opportunity to return to school to inspire the next generation of Westonbirt graduates at careers events. The Association offers the Memorial Bursary to a deserving student joining Sixth Form, as well as producing an annual news publication and hosting reunion opportunities.


Step-up to Sixth Form Programme Timeline

for internal applicants only Year





Afternoon tea with Year 12 - informal discussions about life at Westonbirt Sixth Form.

Presentation by Head of Sixth Form to parents and students at Parents’ Evening – life at Westonbirt Sixth Form, study options and progression following Sixth Form study.

Leadership Day. Year 10 work with Year 12 to engage in the facets of the leadership programme while also experiencing some of Sixth Form life.




Year 12 entry tests, scholarship exams and interviews.

Sixth Form experience day - trial those subjects that don’t exist at KS4. Followed by candlelit supper with Year 12.

Sixth Form open evening and subject choices information for both parents and students.




Deadline: initial subject choices for KS5 to Head of Sixth Form.

Residential to Exeter University. Opportunity to explore university life as well as consider next steps.

Year 11 Parents' Evening- Head of Sixth Form available for 1-1 discussions regarding course choices KS5



GCSE celebration tea for all those attending Westonbirt Sixth Form.

1-1 discussion for all students regarding their next step following GCSE results. Opportunity to reflect on subject choices.



Step up to Sixth Form Day- trial your KS5 subject choices.



Westonbirt School Tetbury GL8 8QG E: admissions@westonbirt.org T: 01666 881301



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