Nursery Handbook

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Westonbirt Nursery

Welcome to Westonbirt Nursery Our highly experienced and committed team of teachers and support staff provides children with a warm, nurturing and stimulating environment. Through free play, formal learning and great outdoor experiences we encourage creativity, curiosity, confidence, and fun, as well as a lifelong love for learning and exploring. Our core programme is supplemented by a whole range of exciting and dynamic extra-curricular activities that are led by specialist teachers including music, forest school, physical education, swimming and dance. Nursery children play an active and valued role in many of the wider school events such as the swimming gala, sports day and the Nativity play, exposing them to the enriching and rewarding experiences of Westonbirt from the start. We have three rooms within our Nursery: • • •

The Little Owls Room (2 year olds) The Robins Room (a mixture of 3 year olds and Pre-school aged children) The Peacocks Room (Pre-school aged children 3-4 years)

Your child will be allocated a key person who will be: • • • •

Your main point of contact within the setting The person who helps your child to become settled, happy and safe Responsible for your child’s care, development and learning The person who takes a careful note of your child’s progress, sharing this with you and giving you ideas as to how to help your child at home

Communication Currently we are not inviting parents into the rooms. We have decided to continue with this following the pandemic in order to keep everyone safe. You can talk to any of the staff in the Nursery or Reception at drop off in the morning or whenever you pick your child up. If you need to talk in more detail then please arrange a meeting and they will be happy to discuss your child and their development. We are hoping that we will soon be able to invite you back into the Nursery for parent play and information sessions and also special events that we will be celebrating with the children. As soon as this is possible, you will be notified. Mrs. Friend is always available via email at 1

Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


Westonbirt Nursery

Nursery Staff Team

Mrs Amy Friend (Nursery Manager)

Mrs Tracy Glew (Room Leader- Little Owls)

Miss Kiana Hall (Room Leader- Robins)

Miss Amy Seal (Little Owls) 2

Miss Elisha Wright (Room Leader- Robins)

Mrs Francesca Brown (Room Leader – Peacocks)

Mrs Zoe Nichols (Little Owls)

Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


Westonbirt Nursery

Miss Helen Burrows (Peacocks)

Miss Abbey Haywood (Little Owls)

Miss Katy Simpson (Robins)

Miss Emily Sharpe (Little Owls)

Mrs Fiona Winter (Support)

Mrs Claire Smith (Support)

Reception Class Staff Miss Emily King (Reception Teacher) Miss Alice Bell (Teaching Assistant)


Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


Westonbirt Nursery

Our Learning Environments



Little Owls


Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


Westonbirt Nursery

Essential Information Food and Drink The children are provided with a freshly prepared snack plate twice a day. An example snack may be: apple, pepper and cucumber, cheese cubes and a rice cake / breadstick or, fresh fruit such as strawberries or melon and a cracker / rye biscuit. We ask you to send your child to Nursery with a water bottle, which they will then have access to throughout the day. The children are also offered milk. Please note that we are a NUT FREE Nursery and school, with no exceptions. This is to protect the children who have severe allergies. Lunch for the Little Owls is supervised by the Nursery staff in the Robins room. The children in the Robins and Peacocks rooms walk to the Prep School dining hall and eat with the older children. We use silverware and ceramic plates and the children are supported to be as independent as possible. The children are encouraged to try new foods and we try to the very best of our ability to ensure that they are eating at least one of the fruit and vegetables that are included in the menu for that day. Food is cooked on site in the school kitchen and provides a balanced range of meals throughout the week. In addition to menu items, there are a number of alternatives available such as soups, salads or jacket potatoes if required, and there is always fresh fruit available.

All allergies and dietary requirements should be communicated upon joining or when identified and these will be catered for. If you would like to provide your own food items for snack or lunch times, please arrange to meet with your child’s key worker to discuss this further. Below is a sample menu for you to read:


Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


Westonbirt Nursery

Illness The Nursery team are dedicated to the safety, care, health and welfare of your child. We will take measures to keep them healthy (as far as it is possible) by preventing cross infection of viruses and bacterial infections through cleaning and good hygiene practices. We promote health through storing sanitising products safely and using them considerately in the classroom. • Children who are unwell should not be brought to nursery. If parents/guardians bring children who are unwell to nursery, they will be asked to take them home again. As we are a mixed-aged setting, our priority is to keep all children safe and well. We therefore reserve the right to refuse entry for any child deemed unwell. • Parents/guardians must notify staff if their child has been unwell at the weekend or in the night, and if they have been given any medicine such as Calpol/Nurofen prior to coming to nursery. If Calpol/ Nurofen has been given, we may ask you to keep your child at home for 24 hours before returning to the setting. • Any child who has had vomiting and or diarrhoea must not return to Nursery until at least 48 hours have elapsed from the last bout of vomiting and or diarrhoea and they are eating and drinking normally. Coronavirus Procedure The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) include the following: • A new, continuous cough • A high temperature • A loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia) For most children coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness. However, if your child have any of the symptoms above you should arrange for a PCR test to be carried out before informing the Nursery of the results. Spare Clothes Please ensure that your child has a spare change of clothes that can be kept at Nursery for each session that they attend. We will only send it home if they have used it throughout the day. Hot Weather When the weather is warm and sunny we make as much of the wonderful grounds as we can. Please ensure that you have applied sun cream to your child in the morning before they come to nursery. We also ask that you supply a bottle for the staff to keep in the room, to apply to your child throughout the day. Each child will also need a sun hat. Wet Weather and Forest School When the weather turns cooler and wetter we will still make the most of our time outside. Please provide your child with a pair of waterproof trousers, a warm coat, a spare pair of socks and some wellington boots so that they can make the most of the muddy puddles! The children have one scheduled Forest School session each week. However if our timetable allows we may do some ad-hoc sessions too. Water Bottles Please send your child in with a named water bottle each day that they attend. It will be filled up throughout the day with fresh water.


Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


Westonbirt Nursery

Tuck Shop Each Friday the children have the opportunity to choose and purchase their own snack from the Nursery tuck shop! Please send your child with 50p each week if they attend on a Friday (the money made is used to replenish the snacks). The children absolutely love to count the money they bring and exchange it for their chosen treat. All dietary requirements are catered for. Swimming (for Preschool aged children in the Robins and Peacocks rooms) If your child attends the Robins or Peacock class on a TUESDAY or FRIDAY AFTERNOON and is currently in their preschool year: • Please send your child with their swimming costume and a towel. In the colder months we recommend that you also provide a wetsuit style costume to provide an extra layer of warmth. The Leisure Centre is heated but we find that this helps to keep the children more protected from any draughts due to ventilation of the pool. • If your child has long hair please tie it up and provide hair clips for fringes. You may also supply a swimming hat if you would prefer. • The children walk to the Leisure Centre, this means that they will need a backpack that is comfortable and enables to carry their swimming kit independently. • Please label your child’s clothes with their name. We encourage as much independence as possible in changing and being responsible for belongings and having a name written or name label on each item helps with this.

Little Owls Essentials Sleep Routines The children are taken for their nap, if you have requested one, after lunch at 1pm. If you would like to send in a soft toy or familiar blanket for them to snuggle with whilst they sleep you are more than welcome. A member of staff settles the children and stays in the room until all of the children are asleep. Following this, the children are checked at 5-minute intervals which are recorded, we also have a baby monitor in the room for the periods in between. The room is temperature controlled and well ventilated, the same sheets are used throughout the week for your child and then washed. Toileting Routines Whether your child is in nappies, toilet training or uses the toilet independently we are happy and well prepared to help them. Nappies are checked regularly and are changed at least three times a day or whenever required. We can apply cream if the children need it and we ask for you to provide this. When toilet training, we aim to mirror your routine at home as much as possible. Please speak to your child’s key worker to discuss how we can best support your child whilst they are with us at Nursery. We ask the children regularly whether they need to use the bathroom and have designated breaks when we ask all of the children to use the toilet. The Peacocks class do not have a dedicated sleeping area or nap time, but rest is taken within the class environment. There are no dedicated nappy changing facilities in their bathroom, therefore toilet training is strongly recommended. 7

Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


Westonbirt Nursery

Birthdays Although we are unable to give out a full list of first and last names / contact details for the other children in your child’s class, we are able to complete and hand out party invitations for you when you bring them to Nursery. We may also give you a list of first names if you would like to write them at home yourself. Tapestry We use Tapestry to document your child’s learning and track their next steps . Tapestry - Log In ( You will receive an email linking you to your child’s journal, you can download an app on your phone or tablet or log in via your desktop. We encourage you to share any learning at home, or special events and trips so that your child can then discuss these with their friends at Nursery. Here is a link to their tutorial page, which offers support on how to use the app Home Learning | Tapestry UK Sessions Westonbirt Nursery welcomes children from the age of 2 years, and there are options to attend term time or full time. Additionally, for those attending term time, there is a flexible option to attend sessions during the holidays. The sessions available are: • Morning session: 08.00-13.00 (includes lunch) • Afternoon session: 13.00-16.00 • After school sessions: 16.00-17.00 (includes tea) and 17.00- 18.00 We request half a term’s notice for any session changes. Any changes are at the discretion of the Headmaster and are reliant on spaces being available. Transitions Westonbirt Nursery have recently introduced designated transition dates for children progressing through the Nursery and also for new children and families who are joining for the first time. This decision has been made in order to provide a better visiting and ‘settling in’ process for the children, aiming to make it as meaningful as is possible. The dates will be: • • • • • •

September 1st October 1st November 1st January 1st March 1st and May 1st

If your child’s birthday falls in between two of these dates, they will remain in their current class until the next transition period. The weeks leading up to this date will provide the opportunity for transition visits where children will join their new classmates for activities such as circle times, adult led activities, Forest School, and meal times. The staff will liaise between the rooms to share important information and will also arrange to speak with you to answer any questions that you may have.


Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


Westonbirt Nursery

Moving up day For children who attend their sessions during term time only there will be a dedicated ‘moving up day’ towards the end of this academic year where children will visit their new Reception class or spend time in the Peacocks or Robins rooms, depending on their age. When your child returns to school following their summer break, they will start in their new room straight away. My child’s safety The safety of the children in our care is our priority. We adhere to the staff ratios detailed in the EYFS framework of: • 1:4 (for children who are two years old) • 1:8 (for children aged three to four years) in our Nursery class. • We have Reception classes which have a maximum of 15 children each and classes have a full time teacher and teaching assistant. Safeguarding policies are in place to ensure that children are always safe and secure. However, the following policies cover circumstances where additional processes may have to be put in place: • Missing Pupil Procedure • Uncollected Child • Prep Supervision of Pupils You can find our policies on the school website and copies of these and others are available on request. Specialist lessons • Reception are taught by specialist teachers for Forest School, French, Drama, Music, Swimming and PE. • Peacocks and Robins are taught by specialist teachers for swimming, dance and Forest School. • Little Owls have Forest School sessions. During these sessions, the same staff ratios and requirements apply. We will also soon be starting dedicated dance sessions for the Little Owls.

Phones In order to keep your child and the other children in the school safe we do not permit the use of mobile telephones within the building, unless it is an emergency. This includes photography and video calls. If you are on a call as you approach the Nursery, please wait outside until you have finished speaking. We use Tapestry to capture your child’s learning using our in-class tablets to keep you up to date on everything they are doing. Additional Access Arrangements Where children have a disability that requires additional support or requirements for them to physically or developmentally access learning, all appropriate efforts will be made to provide the same quality of learning for that child as any other. During the admissions process or following any diagnosis, the key person, EYFS coordinator and Headmaster (and Health and Well-being staff where appropriate) would meet the child’s family to discuss and implement where possible, suitable arrangements. Children will not be discriminated against in this case. 9

Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


Westonbirt Nursery

Emergencies In an emergency, please contact the school office on 01666 881 400. Please call the Nursery directly on 01666 881 392 to advise us of late collections, etc. If this is unsuccessful for any reason, please contact the senior school reception on 01666 881 333.

Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework Curriculum: What is the Early Years Foundation Stage? The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is how the government and Early Years professionals describe the time in your child’s life between birth and age five. In the context of Westonbirt Prep School, this refers to the time spent in our three Nursery classes and their Reception year. These are the formative years of your child’s education and serve to prepare them academically and socially for transition into the years beyond. During the EYFS years, they should be happy, engaged, challenged and feel safe and secure. Their development should be supported by identifying and adapting to their learning needs and providing stimulating opportunities for them to progress in a range of areas. As with all early years settings, we follow the statutory framework for Early Years Foundation Stage ‘Development Matters’ and the non-statutory framework, ‘Birth to 5 Matters’. These frameworks set out the regulation for all providers of EYFS supervision and education. More information can be found on the website which you can access by clicking on this link: EYFS framework. What does it mean for me as a parent? The framework sets out requirements with regards to safety and safeguarding such as staff ratios and administering medicines. It also identifies and describes in detail how your child will be learning. The information below outlines the key principles of learning in the EYFS. Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through seven areas of Learning and Development:

• Communication and Language

• Literacy

• Personal, Social and Emotional Development

• Mathematics

• Physical Development

• Expressive Arts and Designs

• Understanding the World

and three recognised Characteristics of Effective Learning: • Playing and Exploring: Children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’ • Active learning: Children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements • Creating and thinking critically: Children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things. These seven areas are the core principles on which your child’s development will be built. Daily activities will be planned and implemented to use and develop skills in these areas with longer term planning ensuring that all areas are given sufficient coverage. Some of the skills are embedded in play and social activities, or indeed can be covered in a wide variety of ways, whilst others are taught directly through a specific activity. Consideration is given to the needs of each individual and activities are differentiated where appropriate to ensure that each child learns and progresses at their optimum pace through tailored teaching and support. 10

Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


Westonbirt Nursery

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Support is given to those with specific needs. Children with SEND are given the same opportunities to learn and develop as their peers. If you or our staff team identify a potential need, we will begin a dialogue between school and the family. We are guided by our SEND Coordinator, who can make formal and informal assessments where necessary to identify what support is needed and how it can be implemented. Support can be in the form of one-to-one individual intervention, group activities or in-class strategies and differentiation. We will create an individual education plan which will be reviewed and evaluated on a regular basis. Where external agencies are required to assess or support your child, the school will work with all involved to ensure that the best possible provision is on offer. If you wish to read more about our SEND policy, please contact the EYFS staff or the school office for further information. Assessment and Reporting Communication about your child’s progress will be based on the prime areas and will be broken down into age appropriate development points. These are communicated via our online assessment app, Tapestry (ongoing throughout time in EYFS), parent consultations (bi-annually), and written reports (annually). We will also be holding regular ‘book look’ sessions each term where you will be able to come and spend time looking through your child’s individual folder. At the end of the Reception stage, you will receive a profile detailing your child’s exact progress against the Early Learning Goals. The profile provides you with a well-rounded picture of your child’s knowledge, understanding and abilities, their progress against expected levels, and their readiness for Year One. The profile reflects ongoing observation discussions with parents and carers and any other adults who teach or support your child. Activities and Routines The following pages show some examples of the type of activities used in our classes and an example timetable which sets out the routine for the children, showing what a day might look like.

Examples of EYFS activities based on the topic of Transport Communication and Language • Read stories about transport • Set up different tuff trays for children to act out story lines using small world characters • Have a transport themed role play area Personal, Social and Emotional Development • Learn about road safety • Talk about different types of transport and what they are used for • Share experiences of different types of transport the children have been on Physical Development • Play transport themed games in PE • Use playdough to create different forms of transport • Use the construction toys to make different forms of transport Literacy • Sharing books together, discussing the story. • Write a letter from a journey that we have gone on. • Sequence stories that are about transport


Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


Westonbirt Nursery

Maths • Measure different types of transport • Create a chart voting for the type of transport the children would most like to go on (motorbike, hot air balloon, submarine) • Make tickets to join our journey, use money to pay for the tickets Expressive Art and Design • Making a vehicle using junk modelling • Using instruments to make the noises of different forms of transport • Using toys to act out stories, going on a journey • Make papier-mâché hot air balloons Understanding The World • Drawing pictures of different types of transport on the computer or iPad • Test different items for floating and sinking then create a boat with our new knowledge • Make maps for where we are going on our journey

Example of the weekly timetable in the EYFS


Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


Westonbirt Nursery

An example of termly planning in EYFS

How can I help with my child’s learning?

You will already be doing a huge amount at home to help your child develop. Talking to them, telling stories, singing songs, cooking, drawing or playing in the garden are all helping your child to learn and develop. Below, our EYFS staff have suggested some activities that you could try if you wish to continue to support your child’s learning. If you wish to find out more about what you can do to help your child specifically, speak to their key worker or teacher and they will be more than happy to provide some further ideas. Most importantly, try to find things that your child enjoys doing and make it fun for everybody involved.


Parent Handbook and Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework


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