1 minute read

eco tips + tricks

The Planet is important, because in a way the planet is us, without the planet there is no us. However the planet itself can live without us, so we have the responsibility to look after it in any way we can, whether thats just recycling your old pen or winning an earth-shot, every little helps (As Tesco says)

Things YOU can do:

-Buy ethically-sourced clothes, maybe second hand or from an eco-freindly brand, no fast fashion.

-Try to turn lights off when you can!

-Take small portions of food your unsure about, try eat everything on your plate, or if your full give it to a friend

-If possible, don't use plastic straws as they are really bad the the environment

Beautiful on the inside! Guess the animal!

The first person to guess all animials correctly will be awarded 5 housepoints.

If you have any ideas on what the animals could be please send them to Imogen Fraser or Elliot Mackichan-Burk on teams.

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