Western Port
Proudly published by Mornington Peninsula News Group Pty Ltd
PHONE: 03 5973 6424 Published weekly. Circulation: 15,000
Journalists: Stephen Taylor, Neil Walker 5973 6424 Photographers: Gary Sissons, Yanni Advertising Sales: Val Bravo 0407 396 824 Real Estate Account Manager: Jason Richardson 0421 190 318 Production/Graphic design: Marcus Pettifer, Maria Mirabella Group Editor: Keith Platt 0439 394 707 Publisher: Cameron McCullough REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Peter McCullough, Stuart McCullough, Andrew Hurst, Craig MacKenzie. ADDRESS: Mornington Peninsula News Group PO Box 588 Hastings 3915 Email: Web: DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: 1PM ON THURSDAY 4 AUGUST NEXT ISSUE PUBLICATION DATE: TUESDAY 9 AUGUSUT 2016
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To advertise in Western Port News contact Val Bravo on 0407 396 824 Western Port
Stephen Taylor RIDING for the Disabled Western Port members are riding high – thanks to the offer of a new, more permanent home from Mornington Peninsula Shire. They have entered into a new five-year agreement to use land at Woolleys Rd Bushland Reserve, Crib Point, for $520 a year with CPI increases. This follows a one-year deal given to the riders last year to review their use of the land and, if suitable, to issue a new licence for a longer term. The shire last week offered the riders longer-term use of the land.
Riders find a new The group had previously agisted horses on private land near the reserve. However, it had poor pasture and fees were more than $5200 a year. “We can save so much in fees and agistments,” Riding for the Disabled Western Port president and coach Kate Makrikostas said. “All the money from fees and donations can go back into development and programs.” The not-for-profit group helps those with disabilities of all ages to develop independence, add to their sense of freedom and to reach their equestrian goals. They provide adaptive coaching
techniques and equipment. Riding for the Disabled is a volunteer organisation has been running since 1970 and now has 38 centres, 1200 riders and 1100 volunteers across the state. The Western Port group was formed in 2012 and its riding programs at the Woolleys Rd reserve are alongside five other equestrian clubs. Under the agreement with the shire it will be required to have public liability insurance of $20 million and be responsible for fencing and weed control. The riding area of 17.8 hectares
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Western Port News
2 August 2016
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