10 November 2015

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Craig Mann

It’s time to ring to be SOLD this Spring g Highly skilled in both marketing and negotiation, proven performers, reliable, honest and always available, Lauren and Christine’s high level of customer service and personable approach to real estate will ensure you will be a client for life. So if you’re looking for a dynamic and passionate team that will treat your home like their own, then give Lauren and Christine a call today. Lauren Currie 0412 310 402 Christine Birchmore 0438 776 451

11 Vista Court, SOMERVILLE



What A Lifestyle

Offers over $920,000



Idyllic semi-rural lifestyle property with schools close by and beautiful views that stretch across the countryside to Western Port and beyond. This easily-managed 2 acre (approx.) property represents a private, country lifestyle, in a picturesque rural setting only 5km (approx.) from a 3HQLQVXOD /LQN LQWHUFKDQJH IRU DEVROXWH FRPPXWHU FRQYHQLHQFH 7KH SURSHUW\ FRPELQHV DQ LQYLWLQJ ÀYH EHGURRP IDPLO\ KRPH ZLWK DPSOH OLYLQJ DUHDV DIIRUGLQJ SULYDF\ WR WKH ZKROH IDPLO\ $ KRPH RIÀFH IRU WKH EXV\ ZRUNHU ZLWK DQ H[WHUQDO GRRU PDNHV PHHWLQJ FOLHQWV D EUHH]H French doors open to a huge solar heated pool and very inviting spa making entertaining a delight. Plenty of room for the chickens to roam or to have a hit of tennis on the fully lit tennis court. Inside we have a formal lounge room with a large Coonarra and a sitting room ZLWK D WRDVW\ RSHQ ÀUHSODFH ERWK ORRNLQJ RXW WR WKH OHDI\ VXUURXQGV $PSOH OLYLQJ DUHDV PHDQ WKH ZKROH IDPLO\ FDQ KDYH WKHLU RZQ SULYDF\ 8SVWDLUV DUH EDWKURRPV DQG KXJH EHGURRPV DOO ZLWK ELU WKH PDVWHU OHDGLQJ WR D ODUJH VXQURRP DQG EDOFRQ\ ZLWK DPD]LQJ UXUDO YLHZV The privacy of approx 2 acres allows for resort style living in a beautiful rural setting. The home also features evaporative cooling, a 2 car garage and a work shop for all the tools. Inspection is a must!

Lauren Currie 0412 310 402 laurenc@craigmann.com.au

INSPECT: Saturday 1.00-1.30pm

5978 0955 Page 4

Suite 4, 1085 Frankston - Flinders Road, Somerville, 3912

> WESTERN PORT real estate 10 November 2015


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