July - August 2023

Page 66

2 | www.westendermagazine.com Find us on: 0141 300 7400 1175 South Street, Glasgow, G14 OAL forrestfurnishing.co.uk Immerse yourself in the warmth of the summer with the Clara fabric sofa. Its lively and refreshing colour palette instantly brightens any room, creating an atmosphere of positivity and relaxation Bring the summer sunshine inside with bright new styles.
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www.westendermagazine.com | 3 Regulars 4 Editor’s Letter Arts & Community 6 Author Interview: Rosalie Menon 12 Cover To Cover 20 Artist Interview: Melanie Chiswell 38 Community Football 46 Easing Transition Fashion & Beauty 14 The Blankfaces Label 16 Summer Wardrobe Edit 19 WIN! At Rainbow Room International Contents Out & About 27 Restaurant Review: Marigold Cafe 28 West End Live 30 West Coast Weddings 32 Top Things 34 Panto Season Starts? 40 Pocket Mountains Walk: Lunderston Bay Westender Living 52 Blend Indoors / Outdoor 56 Mindful Painting 59 Get The Hobby Cover
34 14 20 27
Image By Gregor Reid Photography

Editor’s Letter

So how much fun is everyone having in the West End this sumer? There’s so much going on and even more frolicky goodness to come.

When I first arrived in the West End from my small home town, I loved the vibe and energy of our dear green space. During the warmer months I feel that more than ever with galas, festivals and more, launching all the time. To keep on top of the dates so you don’t miss a thing Greg Kane’s West End Live (P.28) and Tracy Mukherjee’s Top Things (P.32) will keep you right.

And of course you want to look the part while you’re out and about, and with The Blankfaces on our doorstep you can look street cool while supporting this local business with a social concience. Read about why Gerard does what he does and his mission to reverse social decay on Page 14.

Interior designer Lisa Trainer takes a look at the blending of our indoor and outdoor spaces on Page 52. With a rather short outdoor living timeframe it’s doubly important to make the most of any space we’re lucky to have, and that it can lead a double life indoors and still look the part.

If you’re looking for more hands on fun over summer then what about starting a new hobby or craft? New Westender writer, Anne Marie Hillan, took a look at what the West End can to offer on Pages 56 and 59.

See you again when the leaves start to fall!

To advertise call Suzanne on 07905 897238, or email suzanne@westendermagazine.com Publisher: Westender Magazine

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Image © Gregor Reid Photography
Suzanne Martin

Kitty O’Shea’s has quickly established itself as the go-to Irish bar in the West End of Glasgow. Despite opening in 2020, four days before the pandemic, Kitty’s has already gained a reputation for perfectly poured Guinness and live music every day of the week from 6pm.

Positioned on Great Western Road, at the old site of Cleopatra’s, it would be hard to miss their new mural.

Much to the enjoyment of local residents, Kitty’s commissioned local artist Frodrick to breathe life into the gable end of the building. Inspired by original Guinness artwork, the air vents turned perfectly into pints of cream to balance on the toucan’s beak. This is just the first of some major changes Kitty O’Shea’s are making. Keep your eye out for the new entrance way coming to Belmont Lane…

Writer’s Reveal

meets Rosalie Menon


Architect Rosalie Menon has been teaching and researching at the Mackintosh School of Architecture in Glasgow since 2005. Rosalie is an elected member of board of trustees of Royal Institute of Architects Scotland (RIAS) and was awarded a RIAS Fellowship in recognition of her role in architectural education and research. Her love of her home city is captured in Fragments of Glasgow – a stunning collection of photographs showcasing the city’s rich Victorian architectural heritage.

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You worked in the Far East before returning to Glasgow in 1999. What drew you back to the city?

I spent time working in Singapore in the mid 90s when there was a period of rapid economic growth and significant levels of construction. It was wonderful to be part of a fast-moving contemporary architectural scene with minimal planning delays but it lacked the rich heritage our post-industrial Glasgow has. Having the opportunity to stitch the traditional Victorian buildings with the new urban fabric of the city was a more exciting challenge… and of course Glasgow City of Architecture and Design 1999 was an excellent time to be in the city.

Could you tell our readers a little bit about your role in architectural education?

I’ve been a lecturer at Glasgow School of Art for almost 20 years and I teach architectural technology across most year groups.

I’m particularly interested in how buildings are constructed to ensure that the design intent is realised in the context of current environmental challenges. I’m keen that our students understand the value of traditional stone construction with locally sourced building materials as well as contemporary methods of construction and ultimately how these might interface with each other.

You’re involved in a number of research projects – is there one project in particular that’s close to your heart?

In the research unit MEARU, we have looked at the performance of many housing projects both new and existing, to ensure the residents have comfortable healthy homes. One particular project examined the ubiquitous problem of drying laundry in the home and referenced more traditional forms of rooftop drying spaces, airing cupboards and higher ceiling heights allowing pulleys. Again suggesting that we can learn a lot from our Victorian buildings.

Fragments of Glasgow is a beautiful book. What inspired you to write it?

First and foremost, it was to be a collection of photographs taken in a snapshot of time during 2021. Previous publications recorded Glasgow’s architecture in black and white photographs but now most of the stained stonework has been cleaned and repaired it merited the opportunity to be documented in full colour. I was also encouraged by family to publish something they would like to buy rather than the heavy academic research papers I usually produce! It is ultimately a ‘coffee table’ style book that the reader will pick-up and read small sections at a time… a paper-based version of Instagram.

The photography is stunning. Where do you even begin in terms of pulling all the information and images together and how long did it take?

After I had taken the photos, I began to catalogue them and this formed the chapter structure of building typologies –all constructed within the timeframe of the Victorian Era. The editing process was quite rigorous as it could have run into many more pages and some buildings didn’t make the cut! The accompanying text was limited to key building information including who funded the building construction and who designed it. What was the original function and what is it now. The sample of selected buildings provides an insight into Glasgow’s strengths in creativity, craftsmanship and use of quality materials during the Victorian era.

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How do you juggle teaching, research, writing?

Not very well. I start every day with an overly ambitious ‘to do’ list and if I get more than 50% of the tasks complete then it’s a successful day!

What does a typical day entail?

No two days are the same to be honest. I’m also at a stage in life where I’m juggling the commitments of being a mum of school age children whilst dealing with the needs of elderly parents, so a lot of plate spinning is required on a daily basis… but it keeps you grounded.

What’s your favourite building in Glasgow and why?

The Centre of Contemporary Arts (CCA) in Sauchiehall Street is certainly one of my favourites – I have memories of visiting when it was the Third Eye Centre. The CCA stitches together Alexander Thomson’s Grecian Chambers elevation with the Georgian townhouses behind Renfrew St –the junctions between the old and new building fabric have been very cleverly conceived by Page/Park architects. The arts sector has been instrumental in repurposing many fragments of Glasgow’s rich heritage and the book features several of these including The Tramway and The Pipeworks.

Do you think Glasgow appreciates and celebrates its architectural heritage enough?

There has been a huge amount of effort over the years and many successful projects have been undertaken with wonderfully committed individuals who have championed conservation projects. Behind almost every building’s refreshed stonework tells a story of financial fund raising, community engagement and careful negotiations via the Listed Building Consent process to ensure Glasgow’s heritage-led regeneration is celebrated.

There is a major focus on promoting Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Alexander Thomson but many of the other profligate architects who shaped the city have been under recognised in publications and Fragments of Glasgow aims to highlight some of these previously overlooked architects. The annual Doors Open Day Festival always draws people to look afresh at some of the buildings we may take for granted in daily life and during lockdown people definitely slowed down and ‘looked up’ a bit more.

Book sales suggest yes – Fragments of Glasgow sold over 1,000 copies in the first three months. I’ve been surprised by the positive feedback and the public’s passion for their city.

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Do you think buildings have a way of anchoring people to a place?

Most definitely and the Carnegie libraries built in the heart of Glasgow’s communities are great examples of this. Many of those designed by architect JR Rhind are still in operation as libraries in Bridgeton, Woodside and Maryhill, and will hopefully continue as such. In fact, the Victorian Era produced many wonderful civic buildings including townhalls, schools and places of worship – all helped to anchor people to their locality.

It feels like we’ve lost an awful lot of our architectural gems in Glasgow. Do you think we do enough to preserve or repurpose these buildings?

There is no doubt that the destruction of the 60s and 70s was brutal and there are some prominent buildings still decaying as they lie neglected. However, a lot have been saved, adapted and re-purposed for 21st Century uses. The mantra of ‘the most sustainable buildings are those already standing’ is a driver to conserve our existing buildings in the context of the climate emergency. I have hope that our younger generation have a more ethical outlook to sustainable design and adaptive re-use of our built environment.

What are your thoughts on the changing cityscape and how would you like to see it developed?

I’m quite positive about some of the new interventions within the city. Having grown up in Glasgow during the 1980s I have some dystopian memories of the city with its sootstained buildings and decaying tenements. The city has come a long way since then. I appreciate some may have the nostalgia of a bustling Sauchiehall St and life before the M8 but that’s not an era I was part of.

Whilst I can very much relate to the current resident’s annoyance around potholes, litter and roadworks, I can now see seeds of positive change. New connections and linkages created around the Canal network have stimulated new greenspaces and urban landscaping within the city – Claypits and Stockingfield bridge are such examples.

If you could have saved one ‘long gone’ building, what would it have been and what would you have liked to see done with it?

The Grand Hotel in Charing Cross was removed to make way for the M8 Charing cross on ramps. Not necessarily a magnificent piece of architecture but it helped to link the city centre to the West End and allowed the Charing Cross Mansions by JJ Burnet a much more prominent setting. If this had been retained as a hotel linking with Royal Terrace allowing a connection to Kelvingrove Park this would have been significantly positive for the city especially as Finnieston is becoming so much popular. I would love to have been able to take a tram down Sauchiehall Street to visit Copeland and Lye and Pettigrew & Stephens and then onto Kelvingrove Park.

Fragments of Glasgow – Available in Waterstones and Amazon £30

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*Exclusive offer for WESTENDER readers at Waterstones 351-355 Byres Road branch only, by 31st August 2023. RRP £30


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The Book of Form and Emptiness


Ruth Ozeki, Zen priest and novelist, is not afraid to tackle ambitious projects, and with her latest novel, she is at her most ambitious, choosing the book itself to narrate the story of Benny Oh and his mother Annabelle, both recently bereft after Kenji, the father and husband, dies an untimely and ridiculous death.

On the surface, this may seem like a book about loss, about mental health, about relationships, and it is. But it’s also a lot more. ‘The reader is not a passive receptacle for a book’s contents. One book, when read by different readers, becomes different books, becomes an ever-changing array of books that flows through human consciousness like a wave.’ This is the more ambitious side of Ozeki’s project – to explore meaning, what is real, how we attach meaning to things, how things affect us.

Annabelle’s hoarding is problematic and causes her to fall foul of her landlord. Benny’s truancy from school causes the authorities to place sanctions on Annabelle, and finally Benny’s admission to a mental health facility provides the catalyst for change that both he and his mother so badly need.

Ozeki encourages us to consider what is important in life. What do we really need? What makes us happy?

In Buddhism, the three poisons of anger, greed and ignorance are all represented in this complex tale. However, she avoids the temptation to imbue one character with one poison: Benny is angry and deluded. Annabelle is angry, greedy and deluded. Many of the characters are on the fringes of society, rejecting the American trope that more stuff is the answer. ‘When everything you think you own – belongings, your life – can be swept away in an instant, you must ask yourself, What is real?’ So muses Aikon, the author of a Zen book about tidying. The book literally falls into Annabelle’s trolley whilst she is browsing for something else, and proceeds to turn up in unexpected places, slowly transforming her home and her life. The power of books!

Ozeki has been criticized by some for trying to include too much in this novel, but I disagree. The clutter is indicative of the issues she is dealing with, the book itself a synecdoche for the house, and by extension America. I really love it. I love the mess. And I love the attempt to create order from chaos. Embrace them both.

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The Witches of Scotland

‘When Glasgow law student, David Hunter, learns he is a wizard, his life is turned upside down.’ So goes the blurb on the back of the book, inducing the inevitable sigh and cry of ‘Sounds very familiar.’ So, with a heavy heart I started reading just to indulge Westender Editor Suzanne. However, I was soon pleasantly surprised. Fighting in Ashton Lane. Sinking pints with your mates. Sponging off your generous aunt in Dowanside. All very familiar to anyone who’s studied in Glasgow. But that’s where the resemblance ends.


We Westenders like to think we’re a bit more woke and ethical when it comes to food choices than the average cat – certainly more than Southsiders!

Everything has to be organic and food provenance is important to us. Food miles are a constant worry, the water used to produce our food concerns us, and we wring our hands deciding between cheap and wonky or expensive and tasty.

However, Louise Gray one by one dismantles these false dichotomies. Often, tomatoes from Spain have created fewer CO2 emissions than those grown in the UK, fava beans flown from Africa damage the planet less than us driving to an out-of-town supermarket in our gas-guzzling cars, and wonky loose carrots are better for the environment than ‘perfect’ wrapped ones which

David is a ‘Dream Dancer’, able to move between astral planes, to transport himself using his mind, to harness his energy to cure and to harm. The battle for the consciousness of the human race is being fought between

have survived the cull of their otherwise edible companions.

In her previous book ‘The Ethical Carnivore’, Gray argued that a little meat is perfectly ethical and shot holes through the arguments of those vegans who simply won’t listen to reason – we all know one.

Each chapter of ‘Avocado Anxiety’ focuses on a different food, with the CO2 emitted in the production of each food printed at the beginning of each chapter. Careful research and a wide range of interviews provide a convincing narrative about how to use fewer chemicals, protect biodiversity and avert the climate crisis.

These food stories provide a useful counterpoint to the trend of posting glamorous pictures of food on social media. Food for thought indeed.

the dark forces of magick (yes, with a k) and the good witches.

‘Harry Potter’ this is not. Harry never visited Hermione in his dreams once Snape had turned off the light! Harry never swore like a trooper. And Harry was not from ‘The Golden Triangle’. Fans of ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ are likely to enjoy this. It’s not for kids – definitely not.

It could have been edited better as the spelling and grammar mistakes grate on an English teacher, but if you’re in the flow, you don’t notice them so much. It’s also the first part of a trilogy, so there’s plenty more drama, danger, derringdo and dating witches to be enjoyed, if that’s your bag.

Avocado Anxiety


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When Catriona Balfe stepped out wearing an outfit by The Blankfaces at Paris Fashion Week earlier this year, it was a sign of how important the West End social enterprise has quickly become. The label wants to end homelessness and reverse social decay. Westender meets the founder to find out more.

Last Friday night, I left work late, got stuck in traffic, missed a drinks reception for a shop opening, and remembered, a bit too late, that I was going to stop at the nail bar in Partick and get new glitter nails ahead of the weekend. But it didn’t matter. It had already started raining and was freezing cold outside. I’d decided anyway that I wanted to stay home, binge watch Netflix, drink cheap, fizzy wine and get cosy indoors. Getting home, I found my house was, as ever, full of too many teenagers, arguing over hair straighteners, taking selfies and sorting out their fake ID to get into the clubs later. (Shsh! She’s nearly old enough and growing up in Scotland, we’ve all done it!).

I’ve written before, on these pages, about how much I love the chaos and noise that makes my West End flat feel so special. But, after hearing the inspiring story behind

The Blankfaces, an independent clothing label and social enterprise, set up by Gerard McKenzie Govan, that aims to stop homelessness, it makes me cherish the madness that goes on inside my own home, a little bit more.

This socially conscious gem burst onto the independent street and sportswear scene in 2020, with its first collection of t-shirts, hoodies and sweats that really had something to say. The brand quickly became beloved of all the cool kids around the West End, looking to support a label that looked beyond the faceless persona of people living on the street. Suddenly lockdown was a time to really see the homeless group that were long-forgotten.

The pieces are all designed by rough sleepers, with the support of an in-house artist, who himself has experienced

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Images © Mark Seagar @ Colours Agency

homelessness. Classics from that time live on today and the supercool designs capture the unapologetic hyper-reality of a life lived on the street.

The brilliant ‘Home’ hoody / tee was designed by Danny, a rough sleeper and street poet who lived under a bridge in Manchester for six years and washed his clothes in the river flowing through the city. A photograph of the exact bridge made it onto the bestselling design. These heartbreaking visual stories exist to give a voice to the forgotten.

Elsewhere, the NFA (no fixed abode, if you don’t know) is a simple white tee with those letters masterfully positioned across a photo of the infamous, now defunct, Bellgrove hostel hotel in Gallowgate. Clothing like this shows the label isn’t scared to obliterate the well-worn myth that homeless people are wasters. Instead, it shows The Blankfaces as a clothing label that has always stood up for people broken by unfair societal systems and it’s always been ready to take bold and direct action to end homelessness.

Pieces like ‘Money Over People’ by Budi and ‘ID Heavyweight’ by Ste capture the harrowing, true life trauma straight from the rough-sleeping beating heart. The artists here are uniquely placed to depict how the world might look when you don’t routinely have anywhere to go.

All the design narratives on display at The Blankfaces, at the flagship West End store and the second outlet at the Buchanan Galleries, cut through the fashion noise to really celebrate the inimitable strength and rawness of a life lived in the shadows.

The upcoming projects I get to chat with Gerard about are really set to scorch the stereotypes around homelessness. By now, we are all hopelessly well-versed in hearing on the news all about rising foodbank demands and spiralling supermarket costs. It’s all so goddamn gloomy.

Fortunately, the good folk at The Blankfaces are getting creative with how we have come to see the homelessness, poverty and foodbank experience. Gerard today is talking Tuck Shops and not food voucher handouts. And, come on, everybody knows Tuck Shops are cool. If I was Marie Kondo, this would be sparking joy! All hail the makeshift confectionary cupboard, selling

10p crisps and Chomp bars at breaktime. It’s giving me serious flashbacks to being 15 again, hanging out the back of the beloved falling down English department at my old high school. All Tuck Shops are cool but The Blankfaces one will be even cooler, ‘cause it means you’re a shit-hot t-shirt, hoody and accessories designer who happens to have to hang out on street corners a lot!

Other plans are afoot too. The food kitchen behind the curtain at the back of the shop, is getting extended soon, meaning more quirky, cool dining vibes are coming to this West End experience. The space will also continue to be used for creative classes and workshops, like the ones where the clothing designs were first developed. In this space, people think about their life stories and the unique journey they’ve been on. It sparks an idea for a t-shirt, hoody or accessory design and that piece gets made, using sustainable, ethical fabrics. There are different price points, including an organic and standard range, to suit a spectrum of budgets. When any of the pieces are sold, the person whose story inspired the piece gets a direct percentage of the sale. All remaining profits go into grassroots charities.

Curiously, it is McKenzie Govan’s own life story that probably sparked the whole ethos of doing something so big and brilliant to stop homelessness in the first place. His Mum and Dad had spent some time living and working in Africa and when back in Ayr, his Mum opened a small hotel where she housed the local homeless community. He has fond memories of growing up, surrounded by a proud lot of people who had simply fallen on hard times.

Today, he has never forgotten the special lesson that this taught him and how he’s always been able to see the human being behind a lot of difficult life circumstances. His Mum has left behind a beautiful legacy that he carries on with the work here. It honours her memory.

The shop appears small but is crammed full of purpose, kindness and kickass clothes. Go see for yourself.


427 Gt Western Road G4 9JA

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The Wardrobe Edit

I'm Elena the Closet Stylist. Getting swimwear right, or getting beachwear we feel comfortable in can be a difficult process. Like everything it is important to try try and try again. ere are some amazing pieces available in the West End at the moment so here is a guide to choosing a style that is right for you.

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As summer fast approaches I know many of you are pulling out the 'holiday' bag and pondering beachwear.
Tie Topaz Dress £230, Amaryllis Hingham Print Dress £259, Amaryllis Print Trousers £190, Pampas Print Bandana £65, Pampas Print Top £160, Pampas
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Seafolly Swimsuit £120, Silks One Shoulder Swimsuit £162, Silks Orange Swimsuit £38, Biscuit Clothing Blue Bikini £76, Biscuit Clothing Straw Clutch Bag £39.99, Biscuit Clothing Alex Max Beach Bag £75, Pampas Blue Animal Bikini £185, Silks Brown Leather Slides £79, Amaryllis Gold/Green Tip Sunglasses £105, Pampas Freya Animal Instinct Bikini £66.99, Silks

Less Well Endowed

When you are a little less well endowed you might want something that accentuates the bust area. Frills, details and ruffles add a little texture up top which gives the illusion of a fuller bust. A racerback or triangle bikini shape is also very flattering for this shape.

18 | www.westendermagazine.com The Wardrobe Edit
Visit westendermagazine.com for the rest of e Closet Stylist's curated looks from this capsule wardrobe. Follow Elena @the_closet_stylist Stockist List: Amaryllis 687 Great Western Road. Biscuit Clothing 135 Hyndland Road. Pampas 78-80 Hyndland Road. Silks 177 Hyndland Road.
Print Trousers £190, Pampas Print Bandana £65, Pampas One Shoulder Swimsuit £162, Silks Gold/Green Tip Sunglasses £105, Pampas Brown Leather Slides £79, Amaryllis

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We have made a couple of exciting changes at the Great Western Road salon. We are now open seven days a week instead of five and are open late night on a Thursday. We have also launched early bird appointments where, upon request, you can book in an appointment at the salon from 8.15am. This is perfect for clients who may want to squeeze in a hair appointment on their way to work.

All stylists from our Great Western Road salon have committed to doing a year’s educational training with our Rainbow Room International Creative Director and 3 x Scottish Hairdresser of the Year winner, Suzie McGill, based at the Rainbow Room International Uddingston salon. The training programme was created for those interested in being involved with session styling and creative hairdressing. It will also allow them to bring more creative ideas back to the salon to share with you all and help inspire you during your next appointment.

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Meet The Artist

Glasgow is always alight with creatives. And right now, the West End is exploding with a slew of new venues, ventures, talent and fresh ideas. We feature the brightest stars here!


Interior and environmental design graduate

Melanie Chiswell is going places. Maybe it’s a spark you see buried deep in her detailed black ink brush marks or the verve shown in her use of primary colours that make bold, modernist statements on a fresh canvas. Perhaps you’re drawn to the shape of the oval sun in her uplifting first series of paintings, called simply, ‘Good Things to Come.’

Whatever first draws you to the work of 25 year old Melanie, there’s a lot to uncover. From original paintings to canvas commissions, 3D visuals, large scale murals or smaller print and greetings card designs, Chiswell is blowing up Glasgow walls with interior artworks you’ll love. Read on to find out why you might want to invest right now in some of her unique dot, pattern and line-work art.


Based now in her native Glasgow, Melanie graduated in 2020 from a unique design degree programme at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee. She is using her work to explore perspectives, interiors and architectural spaces. If that sounds a lot, her beautiful canvasses simplify it all. ‘I hand draw everything in acrylic paint and pen’ she says, before touching on how much she loves using black ink to create depth, strength and more perspective in her paintings. She’s strongly influenced by the Bauhaus movement, so expect clean lines and geometric forms. But her clever use of colour can’t be forgotten either.

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In a print called ConnEct she uses blocks of warm pinks, strong greens and soft curved lines to accent and brighten the focus around a blissful burst of colour that will get into the dark corners of any room.

Original canvas pieces like this are usually created first in A3, then shared with her online followers. It might result in a piece becoming a limited edition print, which, if you’re quick, you can pick up at her Etsy store.

Sometimes though, her interior inspiration comes together like a fantasy and she creates a series of artworks around a particular theme. In lockdown, she was looking to the future with ‘Good Things to Come,’ and later, in ‘Mystic Journey’ she began channelling an ethereal vibe, influenced by her love of R’n’B artist Jhene Aiko and her 2017 album ‘Trip’. In this stunning series, Chiswell’s work evokes the world of dreams, visions and unfolding dimensions.

Another series, called ‘Fall’ explores the fertile colours and shapes of a changing season.

Melanie also enjoys the storytelling aspect of all the new works she creates and this becomes especially important when working on a commission with a new client. A peek at her Instagram page will show how some canvas projects are individual commissions for clients drawn to Chiswell’s deft brushwork and vibrant colour palette.


Melanie’s relationship with architecture is far reaching. An enduring influence on her own artwork, away from her studio, she works as a design assistant at an architectural company in the southwest of the city. But she’s always been drawn to the wildly impressive buildings that Glasgow boasts. From the dome-shaped Mitchell Library in the west, to the neo-classical decorum of GOMA in the city centre and magnificent Charles Rennie Mackintosh inspired ‘House for an Art Lover’ at Bellahouston Park, Chiswell grew up with breath-taking, landmark buildings all around. By far though, Melanie has always been most wowed by the futuristic architectural splendour of The Riverside Museum.

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ConnEct © Melanie Chiswell Art

‘One of my favourite artists is Zaha Hadid,’ she says, about the hyper modern, Hadid designed space. And even better is that it’s home to her favourite electronic music festival each year too.


Melanie’s love of buildings sparked a desire to explore a variety of architectural styles and one of her favourite cities is Barcelona, a place she loves to visit and become immersed in the Gaudi skyline and culture. At time of meeting Melanie for this interview, it was another rainy afternoon in Glasgow. But nothing really brightens those skies like dreaming of Barcelona beaches and extravagant Gaudi colour, texture and free form.

‘Barcelona is such a modern city. It’s [seeped] in Gaudi, everywhere you go,’ says Melanie, ‘even amongst a block of flats. It stands out and it’s very special. People are very forward-thinking and I can see myself living there one day.’

You can see the Gaudi influence in much of Chiswell’s work. There’s a fusion of traditional patterns and details with flourishes of colour and modern shapes.


Melanie has a twin sister and, though not an artist, she is super supportive of Melanie’s work and takes pictures and reels for her Instagram page and socials, documenting her work from the start of a project and all the highlights on the way!


If you love Melanie’s style and fancy some artwork in your home that is really a bit of you, get thinking about colours, styles, themes and form that you like. If that sounds a bit technical, just think sparkles, Scottish beaches and French 76 cocktails (OK, that’s just me!) But do get thinking and contact Melanie to collaborate.

She might need to know a bit about your favourite bands, films, interests or memories for the mood boards she’ll create as part of the inspired painting process but the finished work will be a really unique treasure.

Having something commissioned to fit exactly into your home and your life, with the colour piqued just so, and subtle, nuanced hints of all the things you like best is really pretty special.

etsy.com/uk/shop/MelanieChiswellArt instagram.com/melaniechiswellart facebook.com/ profile.php?id=100070997336085


Good Things To Come Series ©Melanie Chiswell Art Mystic Journey Print Serie Series ©Melanie Chiswell Art

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Marigold Cafe

There is no doubt that in Glasgow we love Indian food, we also in recent years seem to have become big fans of the small plates trend. Why pick one big dish when you can order a whole host of options from the menu? Fitting the bill on both counts is the newly opened Marigold Cafe on Park Road, offering a fusion of East meets West cuisine with a heavy Indian influence.

Plates are designed to share and to come as and when they are ready, in typical small plates fashion, and are accompanied by an extensive menu of both inventive and classic cocktails.

Despite having only been open since early April, the restaurant has garnered a lot of praise for its unique take on Indian street food and fusion. In place of a typical biryani, Marigold Cafe instead offers Prawn Biryani Bon Bons, with pickled chilli, honey yoghurt and a beetroot and kachumber salad.

Perhaps one of the most unique dishes on the menu though is their best selling Rahra Gosht, which to the casual observer, comes to the table looking very much like a shepherd’s pie. Under a pillowy topping of mashed potato, is a warming mixture of slow cooked lamb with tomato and punjabi spices.

The Amritsari fish taco also provides a new twist on the classic, with lightly battered fish fried in Indian spices, ginger and garlic piled into a soft tortilla, refreshing slaw and plenty of crispy crunchy bites for texture. The big hitter for me though was without a doubt the MFC, or Marigold Fried Chicken. Tender pieces of chicken thigh fried until crisp in an Indian spiced batter, served with a delicious, fragrant butter sauce for dipping. An absolute delight to eat.

Special mention should also go to the Masala Corn, coated in a spiced chilli salt with lemon and cumin. In fact, the menu is filled with just as many vegetarian dishes as meat and fish, and there are plenty of dishes I’m yet to sample that I can’t wait to return to try. They have also introduced a day menu filled with classic brunch dishes given an Indian twist, like a loaded breakfast naan, French toast with bacon and a cardamom syrup, or eggs benedict with Sichuan peppered hollandaise.

This, in my opinion, is an exciting new addition to the West End and is definitely worth a visit. I’m certainly going to be making my way back there pretty soon!

www.westendermagazine.com | 27 @
Marigold Cafe 144 Park Road G4 9HB 0141 471 3414
Reviewed by Amy Glasgow /theglasgowdiet


Hollywood Vampires

Wednesday 12th July 6.30pm

OVO Hydro sec.co.uk

Previous members of the Hollywood Vampires include Keith Moon, Ringo Starr, Micky Dolenz, Harry Nilsson and John Lennon to name but a few. They were formed in the 1970s in Los Angeles by the snake charming rock icon that is Alice Cooper. Admittedly their raison d'être back then was to be a gentleman's drinking club, with the pack roaming the strip in L.A.

It was not surprising with these guys spending so much 'emotional male bonding' time together that they began making music too.

But it took a while, the band Hollywood Vampires released two studio albums in 2015 and 2019 featuring guest appearances by Paul McCartney, Dave Grohl, Joe Walsh, Zak Starkey and Christopher Lee among others. Right, I can't name drop much more but just to let you know that the line up that's on tour in 2023 has Joe Perry (Dude Looks Like A Lady), Alice Cooper (Schools Out) and Johnny Depp (Sauvage by Dior) in it. I'm not making this up!

Choice Track: Hollywood Vampires 'Cold Turkey'


Wednesday 19th July 7.30pm

The Hug & Pint thehugandpint.com

From the ridiculous to the sublime. 24 year old Becca Harvey, better known by her stage name Girlpuppy, is an American indie rock musician from Atlanta, Georgia. She began her singing career in 2020, slap bang in the middle of our Global Pandemic


with the release of her debut single 'For You'. She sights Grizzly Bear, Bon Iver and Father John Misty as influences on her approach to music making. So it's all a bit drifty, guitar based US mountain music, but there's still some pop sensibility and most importantly it's her voice that stands out, it's as soft and smooth as cotton. She's out promoting her debut album 'When I'm Alone'.

Choice Track: Girlpuppy

'I Miss When I Smelled Like You'

The Wonderstuff

Saturday 22nd July 7pm

QMU qmunion.org.uk

'I know that I've been drunk a thousand times...' quite an apt lyric to sing at a University Union gig. 'And these should be the best days of my life'... is probably a better line! Of course these are the chorus lyrics of 90s band The Wonderstuff's iconic hit record 'The Size Of A Cow' released in 1991. The first iteration of The Wonderstuff lasted only six years. But in that time they achieved so much. They probably did too much though, evidence of which was 'Welcome to the Cheap Seats', their video rockumentary released in 1992 after 18 months of filming on the road in the US, UK and EU. 18 months on the road? That sounds unbearable. Their lead singer and main songwriter Miles Hunt continued to make music under many different guises, but he eventually reformed The Wonderstuff in 2001. He is the only original member remaining, but with his beloved Gretsch guitar slung uncomfortably low he can still rouse an audience with his lyrical and vocal acrobatics.

Choice track: The Wonderstuff

‘It's Yer Money, I'm After Baby'

28 | www.westendermagazine.com


Del Amitri

Weds 2nd & Thur 3rd August 6.30pm

Kelvingrove Bandstand ticketmaster.co.uk

But oh, those Summer Nights... are back at our beloved Kelvingrove Bandstand and it doesn't get anymore West End than acclaimed local singer/ songwriter Justin Currie fronting his pop rock outfit Del Amitri in The KG. So popular has this gig become that they've been invited to play two nights at this beautifully refurbished West End land mark.

Del Amitri are a five piece band from Glasgow who formed in the early 80s and throughout their 40 year career have released seven albums selling over six million records worldwide. Their music is cleverly crafted guitar driven alt pop rock, but it's Currie's instantly recognisable and unique voice that sets them apart from the many others plying this trade he really can sell a lyric like no other.

Choice track: Del Amitri

'All Hail Blind Love'

Ethel Cain

Thursday 29th August 7pm

Galvanizers Yard swg3.tv

Hayden Anhedönia is a 24-yearold Floridian musician behind the persona of Ethel Cain.

The fictional character Ethel Cain is a preacher's wife from the Deep South who lives in an aesthetic universe full of wooden crucifixes, empty liquor bottles, and paintings of Jesus. I guess there's not many love songs in her set then. Her streaming numbers are stratospheric and she is one of

Gen Z's most defining artists. She bucks the trend of short songs too with hers often well over six minutes long! She also self-tattoos, her head adorned with a Hebrew crown, the word 'Please' emblazoned across her throat and multiple crosses creeping up her left arm! She is committed to her art and it really makes her appear very unique. The music is involved, dark and demanding, but that has not deterred the millions of global fans who have committed to what she does.

Choice Track: Ethel Cain

'American Teenager'

Megan Moroney

Wednesday 30th August 7pm

Òran Mór oran-mor.co.uk

Megan Moroney is a very modern success story in the making. This 25 year old singer/songwriter from Savannah, Georgia was already a popular influencer on social media platforms before she ever posted herself singing, with the money she made from her recommendations paying for her way through college.

Coached and encouraged by her father and brother (both guitarists) she spent a lot of time honing her songwriting chops. Then she posted an early version of her huge hit 'Tennessee Orange' on Tic Tok in 2022, which coincided with the start of the NFL season (The theme of the song is built around team rivalries).

She's just at the beginning of her musical journey, but don't be surprised if she eclipses all of her country idols' successes as she is also blessed with one of the most distinctive country voices I've heard in ages!

Choice track: Megan Moroney

'Tennessee Orange'

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The Icing On The Cake

With wedding season (is that still a thing?) well and truly upon us, there really is nothing like a beautiful Scottish Wedding. The dress, the kilt, the location and… oh, the food. It’s a lot of pressure on prospective wedding couples. Urban hors d’oeuvres or castles canapes? What about a beach location with an awardwinning chef? Oh, I think we have a front runner.

In the beautiful hamlet of Kilberry in Argyll with seascapes over the Southern Hebridean Islands of Jura and Islay, sits Crear.

This exclusive West Coast venue has its own sandy beach, for a barefoot ceremony if you choose. Following nuptials, head inside for your wedding breakfast, prepared by an award-winning kitchen team.

Crear Kitchen is in the capable hands of former Gleneagles senior sous chef, Alan Boslem. On hand to make your gourmet meal quintessential fine dining is Alan’s son Ross, no stranger to Michelin standards, having also previously worked as the late Andrew Fairlie’s final apprentice. The team create ‘the food we love from land and sea’, with locally caught west coast crab, poached langoustine and Arran mustard as some of the ingredients in the kitchen’s creations. With extensive menu choices for prospective couples, the locally sourced ingredients and level of skill of the kitchen is certainly a draw for any potential couple.

The weddings at Crear are intimate and unique and this is very much reflected in the care and consideration given to the bridal party’s first meal as a married couple. And that celebration can be for up to 80 people, or for as little as a romantic elopement for two!

The kitchen team can even organise a romantic hamper to have on the beach. Newly-weds really can get away from it all, with a first private meal gazing over the beautiful west coast of Scotland.

Now what was it again… urban hors oeuvres, castle canapes… or Argyll aperitifs? In the immortal words of Charles Schultz ‘All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt’.


30 | www.westendermagazine.com
©Gavin MacQueen Weddings

Top Things To Do in the West End

I simply cannot believe I am writing this column for the middle of the year already. What once was top Crimbo Calamities has quickly manifested to full blown Summer Shenanigans. And, oh my, are there a plethora of shenanigans to choose from.

Top For Thespian Theatre

It can’t be time for Bard in the Botanics?

Oh yes it can... (sorry wrong genre). Our favourite Shakespearean Festival will be well underway by our Summer Edition. But which of dear Willie’s masterpieces can we still hope to catch this July? Well, if you are quick off the mark, you can catch Julius Caesar which will be running until 8th July. So, friends, romans, countrymen, lend me your ears (well eyes actually). This is a new version of the bard’s thrilling political drama, presented outdoors at the Botanics which always feels that bit more immersive. Also, until 8th July is the glorious Henry IV, parts 1 and 2. The play has just four actors relaying this historical drama of Henry IV, crowed after Richard II, facing a rebellious country, and failing health. The play will take place in the magnificent Kibble Palace.

Moving away from the bard and venturing into the hilarious mirth of Oscar Wild, The Importance of Being Ernest. Comedy writing far in advance of it’s time, commenting on the ridiculous ideals of upper-class snobbery, this production has a contemporary edge to it. And so many fabulous quotes it’s difficult to pick a favourite. Possibly, ‘I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the train’. Ahhh, golden! It’s Bard in the Botanics first dipping of its toe into the Kibble Koi Carp pool of Oscar Wilde. Let’s hope it’s not their last.

Finally, and again a departure from Shakespeare, the troupe take a foray into Robert Louis Stevenson’s thrilling novella, Jekyll, and Hyde. Gabriel Utterson is worried about her friend Henry Jekyll, who seems a little out of sorts. Of course, we know why, but that won’t stop you the audience, sitting

in suspense awaiting the terrifying arrival of you-know-who!!!! Goosepimples all round – and it won’t just be the draft in the Kibble Palace.

Bard in the Botanics 2023

21st June – 29th July

Glasgow Botanic Gardens

w bardinthebotanics.co.uk

Top Things for a Trip to Loch Lomond and Beyond

It’s Summer, the kids are off. Fancy a jaunt out of the city? Loch Lomond Shores are always an accessible, low-chance-of-travel-sickness, option. This Summer sees Big Glasgow Comic Page (BGCP) Comic Con return to Balloch on 8th and 9th July. With comic book traders, artists, crafts and meet-and-greet with superheroes and villains, I know where my boys will want to visit on that weekend! Also, at Loch Lomond Shores in August there will be a fantastic Continental Market. This three day event will feature gorgeous foods from further afield than the usual farmers markets. What better than a view of the Loch whilst sampling cheese and olives. Yummmm!

Take a trip with the kids down to the gorgeous island of Bute to the Bute Fest in July. This is a weekend family-friendly live music and fringe event located on the beautiful Ettrick Bay. Two stages will showcase the music whilst there will be a fabulous selection of local food and drink produce on offer. What a lovely weekend doon-the-watter.

BGCP Comic Con

Loch Lomond Shores 8th-9th Jul

w bigglasgowcomicpage.com

Loch Lomond Shores Continental Market 11th-13th August

w lochlomondshores.com and follow links

Bute Fest

Ettrick Bay, Bute 28th-30th July

w butefest.co.uk

32 | www.westendermagazine.com

Top Things To Do in the West End

Top (really Top) for Cycing

In fact it’s the biggest cycling event ever held. This August the UCI Cycling World Championships comes to our city. It’s the first event of its kind in cycling. The greatest cyclists and riders will come together in Glasgow and across Scotland this August. There will be events in mountain biking, BMXing, track and road races, to name but a few. Across the city, spectators can watch their heroes at the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, freestyling at Glasgow Green or at the Glasgow BMX Centre. Further afield, events will take place at the mountainbike nerve centres that are Glentress Forest in Peebles and the Nevis Range in Fort William. The 11 days of competitions will see 13 separate Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) World Championships. With 2600 athletes taking part, 200 rainbow jerseys are up for grabs. For cycling enthusiasts, what an opportunity and for noncycling enthusiasts, kind of think you will be by the end of this.

The UCI Cycling World Championships Glasgow

3rd – 13th August 2023

w cyclingworldchamps.com

Top For Photography

Robert Burns – A window on Ukraine is a collective of photographs from Glasgow Based photographer Robert Burns. The distinctive observations reflect the country over the course of the photographer’s visits, since 2007. Robert Burns relationship with the country began whilst on holiday in Crete in 2006. There he met a group of Ukrainians and from there his documenting of Ukrainian life commenced. His pictures depict normal Ukrainians living their lives in Kyiv and beyond. With weddings, festivals, the joy of children at play, it’s a beautiful exhibition, reflecting a deep connection

with the subject matter. ‘I have made many friends in Ukraine and the archive is a major ongoing project. I always know that I can turn up at the Kupidon bar on Pushkinska Street and be greeted by friends’ says Burns. And, oh, does his art reflect that affection.

Robert Burns – A Window on Ukraine

2nd June – 16th July

Hillhead Library

w westfest.uk/event/a-window-onukraine-photographs-by-robertburns/2023-06-26/

Top For Summer

Most certainly my favourite, FAVOURITE time of the year, Summer Nights at the Bandstand. Oh yes, it’s back! July and August see THE West End music event of the year back at Kelvingrove Bandstand and Amphitheatre. On the programme this year: The Delgados, The Shires, Jack Savoretti, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Sugababes and Del Amitri. It’s just too exciting! As always there will be delicious street food vendors on hand for a nibble before you take your seat in the best theatre in town, the 2500 capacity Bandstand and Amphitheatre. With many of the concerts sold out, don’t delay, and get those tickets for a brilliant outdoor summer night

Summer Nights at the Bandstand

July/August 2023

Kelvingrove Bandstand and Amphitheatre w ticketmaster.co.uk and follow links for Summer Nights Tickets

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A Merry Websters Christmas?




no it’s not! The puns stop here… Westender sent writer Isla McGraw along to chat to Trevor O’Connell about the inspiration behind his cracker of a Festive (?) show.

Websters Theatre is calling all Die Hard fans this summer as A Good Panto Die Hard takes to the stage. This hilarious musical parody of the blockbuster that redefined cinema and sparked an infinite debate about whether or not it’s a Christmas movie, is being retold as a traditional pantomime at the height of summer. And what better time than on the 35th anniversary of its release.

Four talented performers will embody the entire ensemble of beloved characters, ingeniously weaving their story throughout the familiar panto trope of the reluctant Prince and his trusty Sidekick trying to rescue the captured Princess from the delirious Baddie and his dopey Henchmen, supported and hindered inexplicably by People in Drag.

Not only will it pay tribute to the infamous action-thriller, but it will do so to the incomparable sound of 80s music with classics from artists like Phil Collins, Duran Duran and Run DMC.

The show is written and produced by Trevor O’Connell – an actor, writer and producer who previously starred in the 2020 comedy-drama Poster Boys. On Christmas Day 2016, Trevor switched on Die Hard at the time he was working on a panto and the brilliant idea to combine the two was born. Three years later the script was written in only one day, and after seeing Duran Duran at a festival earlier in the year, it was only fitting a medley of the band’s hits were featured.

With this being the first production of Trevor’s own work, he aimed to bring this story to life in a different way through incorporating all the theatrics of singing, dancing and acting, to create a unique experience the audience can revel in. The production is directed by Victoria Gimby, with credits including Sister Act and Rock of Ages, and stars Irish actor Shane McDaid as John McClane.

In addition to the comedy and pastiche, the story at the heart of this show is that of a flawed and vulnerable man as he grapples with his resentment of his wife’s success. The last thing he needs is for her to be taken hostage by a band of impeccably dressed terrorists, but when the unimaginable occurs he’ll stop at nothing to save her, and perhaps even save himself and their marriage along the way.

This musical parody hones in on the vulnerability of primary characters McClane and Holly, touching on issues of violence and male fragility while presented in the traditional panto fairy tale format.

With the fourth wall reduced to rubble, the audience will be held hostage for an hour while this show pulls off the intellectual property heist of the century. The onset of Helsinki Syndrome (as in Helsinki, Sweden) will be unstoppable, and therefore anyone who comes to see this show will be bound by the laws of human psychology to spread the word and make it the unmissable hit of the summer.

A Good Panto Die Hard promises 75 minutes of tugging on the audience’s heartstrings, with laughter, tears, and all the typical feel-good elements a musical brings. You’ll be itching to burst out your seat and dance along to infamous 80s classics. In the words of John McClane, ‘welcome to the party, pal’.

The show will run at Websters Theatre from the 28th to the 30th of July. Then at Edinburgh Festival Fringe (Gilded Balloon, The Other Yin) from the 2nd to the 27th of August.

Tickets can be purchased at: diehardpanto.com.

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ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS westendermagazine.com For more info or to advertise email: suzanne@westendermagazine.com for a media flyer, or call: 07905 897238 // 15 Years in the West End // Glasgow’s brilliant FREE bi-monthly magazine // Great editorial features: fashion, dining out, health & beauty, what’s on, local authors & artists, interiors & more // Massive potential business audience // 10,000 copies per edition // Handy handbag size // FREE to pick up around the West End // Online presence with digital magazine // Dedicated online only content // Website banner adverts // Online only advertorials // Across social media channels Book space in the Sep/Oct 2023 Westender by Friday 4th August. Out in West End locations from Monday 28th August.

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I highly recommend West End Physio. I didn’t know how best to get back to my usual sports and activities after a bad ankle sprain. After my first session with Shona I felt much more confident and informed in what to do for recovery. I’ve seen definite improvement after following the exercise plan and am feeling much more positive! Shona has been kind, patient, professional and knowledgeable in the two sessions we’ve had.


I saw Claire for a knee issue that had been plaguing me for the best part of two to three years. I was very concerned that I had damaged cartilage in my knee and that was me stuck. Claire was extremely helpful and knowledgeable, and quickly ascertained that my fears were entirely unnecessary. She helped change my mindset around the injury so that I could consistently work on the muscles that needed to be strengthened to fix the problem, something I hadn’t been doing for fear of further injury. Six weeks later and I have run my first pain-free 5k in years. I can’t say how much of a positive milestone that is for me and I am extremely grateful for Claire’s help and calm professionalism.

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Westender Magazine Promotion ADVERTORIAL

In 2004 as a local charity, Broomhill Sports Club provided primary children the opportunity of team sports. Now they have established 11 a-side football teams in both women’s and men’s leagues. But it’s the newly founded Broomhill Sports Club Recreational Football Team who are…


In A League Of Their Own

If, like me, you used to love team sports when you were younger, you may well yearn for the comradery of a netball court, a hockey field or, indeed a football pitch. But a few years older, more than a few pounds heavier, having team-mates depend on you can seem intimidating. They are competitive sports after all.

What if there were team sports out there that took the pressure off, were very much about playing the game of course, but the focus was on fun and friendship?

Like Broomhill Sports Club Recreational (BSC Rec) Women’s Football Team.

Lorraine Martin, is the Team Co-ordinator and found herself in the position of wanting to play footie but having difficulty finding the right team to fit. Having moved back to Glasgow in 2021, the groups available seemed extremely serious – coached, in leagues and requiring dedicated commitment, fitness and skill that Lorraine herself admits she no longer had.

She says ‘In early 2022 I was looking for a casual (football) group. I volunteered to do some work for the Broomhill Sports Club Charity and asked if they happened to know of any casual women’s football groups in the city. The club said they had been thinking of trying to start such a group and would I be interested in setting one up. The rest is history!’

In the beginning BSC Rec relied on the larger Broomhill Sports Club to supplement the team with players – enough at least for a four aside game. With the team growing organically and the higher profile of women’s football, that number now stands at almost 30 players turning up to a session – even on a cold winter’s night!

From the first session in 2022 the aim of the team was clear. Lorraine says ‘Our ethos is that anyone can come along and play –it doesn’t matter if you’ve never kicked a ball before, what age you are, how fit you are: we welcome everyone and it’s been a

38 | www.westendermagazine.com

real pleasure watching people improve their skills over the weeks and months and also gain confidence and build new friendships. Hearing the laugher and seeing all the smiles during our sessions always makes my day!’

With a conscious choice not to have a coach it means even in competitive games players are chosen at random. Lorraine adds ‘our selection process is super inclusive and everyone has the same chance of being “picked”. I think this really does foster an environment of equality and ensuring that everyone feels valued.’

And that environment of acceptance of all skills and capabilities goes far beyond having a good game of football. She adds ‘Feeling part of a welcoming and encouraging community is also priceless in terms of the mental health benefits and boosting our endorphins.’

There is certainly something to be said for such an inclusive, accepting mentality. The team have even won their first ever trophy. Having never played seven a-side, the team entered the beginners Winter Firhill 7s competition – and only went and won it! ‘(It’s) quite the achievement given that we’ve never been coached… and we let anyone play in our team regardless of ability,’ adds Lorraine. ‘It was such an incredible high to win our first ever trophy in the same month as we celebrated our first birthday.’

So, with a win behind them, numbers growing and friendships blossoming, what’s next for BSC Rec? Well sponsorship actually! The team have just secured joint sponsorship through women-owned businesses Branding Boutique and Pacitti Hamilton, both based in Paisley. Time to get those new football strips designed women!

The future is looking really bright for Broomhill Sports Club Recreational Women’s Team. And it all started with just wanting to have a kick about with like minded people. What would Lorraine say to anyone thinking about joining a local women’s team, but still a bit worried about needing to be extra fit or turning up and not knowing anyone? ‘I’d say come along and belong! It’s such an encouraging, diverse, and friendly bunch of people and we regularly hear from newcomers about how much they loved their first session, didn’t expect it to be so friendly and encouraging and are so glad that they came along. As for fitness levels, I’m one of the most unfit people there, so don’t worry about that!’

For more information on the team: Instagram – @bscwomensrec5s Email – lainymartin@hotmail.com

www.westendermagazine.com | 39

Inverkip To Lunderston Bay with Pocket Mountains

Distance 6.75km Time 2 hours

Terrain pavement, paths

Map OS Explorer 341

Access trains to Inverkip from Glasgow and Wemyss Bay: buses to Inverkip from Greenock and Largs

This route follows a section of the Clyde Coastal Path that runs from Kip Marina, around Ardgowan Point, all the way to Lunderston Bay, the closest sandy beach to Glasgow and a popular destination for families when the sun is shining.

From the main car park, pick up a paved path that runs past a play area and between the marina and a restaurant. This leads to Harbourside where you turn left to continue around the marina to a T-junction. Turn left here, then after just a few metres go right onto the Clyde Coastal Path, which quickly reaches the coast.

Turn right for Lunderston Bay, following the path north around Inverkip Bay with the outlook extending across the Firth of Clyde to the Cowal Peninsula.

Enter Crowhill Wood, then after 75m keep left at a fork and continue to hug the coastline with the firm path providing easy walking. Crowhill Wood is soon left behind as the route now heads along a rockier stretch of coast with fine views extending to the craggy mountains of the Southern Highlands and with open countryside to the right. In a while the path curves east and then north again along the southern edge of Lunderston Bay, which is part of Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park.

40 | www.westendermagazine.com

Depending on the time of year, oystercatcher, redshank, red-breasted merganser red-throated diver, common guillemot and great black-backed and blackheaded gulls may be spotted out on the estuary and along the sandy and rocky shore. Grey seals and porpoise are also regular visitors.

Continuing north, the route is simple and leads all the way to the northern tip of Lunderston Bay where the sandy beach is extremely popular with visitors, especially when the weather is good. In the 1920s a tented village was set up during the summer months by families living in the nearby towns and villages who would spend their summer holiday here. Lunderston Bay was also used as a tented village for soldiers wounded in the First World War. As well as the tents and chalets, the camp included a first aid station, grocery shop, chip shop and baker’s, with games and social events organised. The tradition of tented villages ceased with the onset of the Second World War.

To return to Kip Marina simply retrace your steps along the outward route, with views of Toward Point and across Bute to Arran’s serrated profile.

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Parkinson’s Disease

Muscle and joint stiffness: can anything be done?

The short answer is… yes, we can make really great improvements in muscle and joint stiffness (this isn’t just for our client’s with PD, by the way!).

The long answer is yes – but what we do depends on why the stiffness is there and what muscles and joints it’s affecting.

Here are some top tips that DO NOT involve changing/increasing your PD medication to help improve your muscle stiffness with PD:

P Get neuro active daily! Yes, getting neuro active can go a long way to reducing the stiffness many people experience with PD

P Get stretching – regular stretching of the right muscles and joints, at the right level and length of time is a terrific way to get on top of your stiffness

P Get stronger – weakness is a very common challenge many people with PD face, getting the right muscle strengthening exercises into your weekly regime is vital to keep you fighting the symptoms of PD

Not sure if we can help? Neither are we – that’s why we offer a FREE phone consultation with our PD Specialist Neurophysiotherapists. That way we can listen to you and your story and figure out the best way to support you to get your life back and doing more of the things you value and enjoy.

CALL NOW ON 0141 530 2092 to arrange a Free Phone Consultation.

P Deep tissue massage into the right muscles – this is a great way of giving the muscles a good loosen off so that they feel looser and less stiff, helping you get more out of your Neuro Active Exercise programme and your life with PD

To help with all of the above, we have a terrific team of experts who specialise in helping you live your best life despite Parkinson’s. Our Neuro Strength and Stretch Coaches work with you on a specialist 12 week one-to-one programme, helping you get moving in the right direction. All alongside our expert Neuro Specialist Chartered Physiotherapists.

In order to help all our clients get set up for success with their lives with PD, we provide free, client only, online PD Specialist exercises classes. Call us for more info and access.

Simpson Physiotherapy

0141 530 2092


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To find out more about whether or not you would benefit from our help visit www.simpsonphysio.co.uk.
Fraser Simpson MSc, Chartered Physiotherapist
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Legal Matters

Upping The Repairing Standard

The Scottish Government have recently published statutory guidance on the ‘Repairing Standard’ = the minimum level of repair a house/flat must achieve to be used as privately rented accommodation in Scotland. The standard must be met at the start of a tenancy and at all times throughout the tenancy.

New obligations on landlords are to be imposed from 1 March 2024 in relation to the habitability and repair of private rented accommodation, together with remedies for breaches of those obligations.

Some of the new measures that private landlords must ensure are met from the above date are:

• safely accessible food storage and food preparation space

• the property must have a fixed heating system capable of maintaining a temperature of 21 C in one room (and 18 C elsewhere) when the outside temperature is -10 C

• the tenant must be able to safely access and use any common parts of a tenement

• common doors must be secure and fitted with satisfactory locks and must be able to be opened from the inside without a key to ensure safe exit in the event of a fire

• installations for the supply of electricity must include a Residual Current Device, which automatically switches off electricity if there is a fault. This offers greater protection than ordinary fuses or circuit/breakers

• installations for the supply of all fuel types (e.g. LPG, oil, coal, wood, Biomass) must be in a reasonable state of repair and proper working order.

The following are exceptions from the Repairing Standard:

• when the landlord is sharing their own home

• a dwelling that is not part of a building (e.g. a mobile home)

• social housing and short-term holiday lets;

• it does not apply when a majority of flat owners in a tenement have refused consent to carry out works needed to otherwise comply with the standard.

The Repairing Standard is now, more than ever, a daunting set of standards with which landlords are required to comply. The new measures come into force in less than 12 months so it is crucial that private landlords act promptly to be prepared for these.

NOTE: This material is for information purposes only and does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by us. You should not rely upon it in making any decisions or taking or refraining from taking any action. If you would like us to advise you on any of the matters covered, please email Martin McLellan direct on: martin@mitchells-roberton.co.uk.

0141 552 3422


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Life has a way of throwing us curveballs, where what we knew, what was familiar, no longer fits. Whether it’s a breakup, a job move, or simply just not feeling like yourself anymore…


The Times They Are a-Changing

Have you ever felt a little bit lost? Transition is indeed extremely difficult to navigate. It can leave us floundering, wondering where the person we used to be has gone. It’s a lonely time, trying to regain that sense of identity.

If only there were services out there that could help during these times. Funny you should mention that… because there are. Their aim is to get you back to feeling in charge; indeed, of feeling you again.


When your mind is consumed by making transitions, it can be a task too far to have your home in perfect order.

That’s where Ali and Jo of Sorted Home Organisers come in. Having the talent and desire to help friends and family led them to realising there was a gap in the market. They took the plunge and started their own home organising business in Glasgow.

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Sorted have clients going through different changes: whether the positive change of becoming parents and requiring help to get the home ready, or indeed the sadness of divorce, when the family home needs organised to be sold. Alison says ‘sometimes it’s simply that a client has reached a point of deciding that they don’t want to live a certain way anymore and they’d just like a little help getting their home the way they want it to be.’

The Sorted team see clients going through many life transitions and are well placed to help get them feeling focused. ‘Any time of transition can bring a mix of emotions,’ says Jo. ‘We take each client’s back story into account and help them to create calm, organised, stylish spaces in their homes. We have to be sympathetic to our clients’ needs and build a positive relationship with them.’

From a personal perspective, I think I’d have to tidy before Sorted came around! ‘There is genuinely no judgement,’ says Jo. ‘We applaud anyone who is willing to make their life and home work better for them.’ And my, can Ali and Jo get your home to work better for you. They can help with every part of the home. And that new, organised space, doesn’t just impact on the building, does it?

‘Never underestimate the effect your living space has on your emotional well-being’ says Ali. Through this period of change, clients shouldn’t then, feel on their own? ‘Our lives are all so busy now and if we can help people create calm, organised and ultimately happier homes then we’ve done our job well,’ say the Sorted Team. ‘We feel incredibly lucky to do what we do and help people along the way.’


The psychological impact that change can have on a person is enormous. Stress, anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues can often go into overdrive when we are going through life changes. Theresa Gallagher is a Clinical Hypnotherapist. With a real passion for understanding the workings of the human mind, Theresa embarked on her journey with hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP). She overcame her own fear of public speaking through Hypnotherapy. ‘The effects were so significant that it changed my life and I decided to pursue it as my career to help others overcome their challenges too.’

Like Sorted Home Organisers, Theresa sees clients undergoing a whole host of transitions. Changing jobs, for example.

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‘It’s a complete change in their daily lives that impacts everything,’ says Theresa. ‘As they evaluate their skills and capabilities, feelings of self-doubt can arise and stress and anxiety can start to take hold disrupting their daily lives.’

So how can Hypnotherapy help?

‘By identifying and addressing the underlying issues that are causing their anxiety,’ says Theresa. ‘They are able to work through any unresolved emotional conflicts. It also teaches relaxation techniques to help clients manage anxiety on their own, change negative thoughts and feelings and reduce physical symptoms of anxiety.’

Theresa’s clients sing her praises, with many wishing they had discovered her sooner. She says, ‘I’m consistently humbled by the rapid transformation that occurs during therapy and the life-changing impact it has on my clients.’


Elena Taggart is a personal stylist and regular fashion stylist for Westender Magazine. Her background was marketing, then business and personal branding. Having always loved personal styling, she was constantly giving advice to friends and family on what to wear ‘Friends were forever asking me for advice for weddings, for interviews etc. sending pictures.’ Elena decided to make the leap and style professionally.

And it’s a leap that Elena absolutely loves. Her clients come from a variety of backgrounds, with many of them facing a whole host of transitions. ‘The first question I ask is “How do you feel when you open your wardrobe?”’ says Elena. ‘The main response I get is “overwhelmed”. Overwhelmed not by clothes but by life – menopause, divorce, depression, weight gain, grief. By losing part of yourself and not knowing where it’s gone.’ Transition, she feels can even be a profound lack of self-confidence, feeling lost as to who you are and not knowing where to even start in getting that sense of self back. We all know that feeling before we walk out the door. This looks awful; therefore, I feel awful. Clothes and the impact they have on how we feel about ourselves is enormous. ‘Your body shape can change so profoundly – through having children, medical issues, weight loss – who are you then?’ says Elena.

‘In your head you were so sure of who you were. It’s not just about how you dress; but if you don’t feel good about yourself, how do you bring your best self to every situation?’

So, you decide to hire Elena. What happens? After an initial contact and questionnaire, Elena visits, gently taking her clients through their wardrobe and helping them understand and dress their body shape well. It can be an emotional journey; letting go, if they are willing, of items which have sentimental value, but simply no longer suit them. Elena explains how she sees this process. ‘If it suits your shape, you are going to feel good in that item. You’ve got to feel amazing in it. If it’s “it will do… for work” …these phrases should never describe anything you have in your wardrobe!’

As well as the Wardrobe Edit, Elena provides a personal shopping service, but isn’t that expensive? ‘One client said to me “for the cost of a hair appointment, you’ve sorted me out for the next six months”’ she says. Elena introduces clients to the concept of capsule wardrobes, ‘You might buy ten pieces – but that’s 100 outfits’ says Elena. ‘It’s not about spending lots of money. Find quality items that work well together. It’s fewer items and a lot more outfits.’

And the impact of Elena’s service: ‘The changes you have had on me have stretched way further than the wardrobe. I don’t think you appreciate the impact you can have on people’s lives’ says one client. That can’t be hard to hear. Elena says ‘I want my clients to feel “I now know what my style is, what suits me. I should not feel any social pressure to conform. Because I look great!” Because you’ve reconnected to your true self.’

Hello again.

Sorted Home Organisers

Instagram – sorted.home.organisers

w: sortedhomeorganisers.co.uk

Theresa Gallagher

Instagram – theresagallagher_


w: theresagallagher.com

Elena Taggart

instagram – the_closet_stylist

w: closetstylist.co.uk

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Image © Gregor Reid Photography

Attention self-employed: get ready for a longer tax year

The government has changed the taxation system for self-employed individuals and partners in partnerships, requiring them to pay tax on their trading profits earned during the tax year instead of the accounting year.

The tax year 2023/24 will act as a transitional year whereby the old basis period rules will be abolished and replaced with the new tax year basis.

Taking the 30 April year end as an example, in 2023/24 the default position will be that your taxable profits will be as follows:

Ammu Accounting has news to share too! We are continuing to grow by expanding across the city to Giffnock – situated on the Southside between our West End office and our Ayr office.

We’re thrilled to welcome the team and clients from the highly respected MCC Accountants to Ammu Accounting. We strongly believe that by bringing together the best of both firms and with our broad range of services and highly skilled professionals we can offer you a tailored service that will greatly benefit you and your finances.

1. The ‘normal’ calculation of profits for the accounting year ending 30 April 2023, plus

2. The ‘transitional part’ which includes your profits from 1 May 2023 to 5 April 2024

To overcome the tax liability that will occur from the transitional changes, there are two measures to reduce the impact;

1. Any overlap relief from prior tax years can be deducted from profits; and

2. The ‘transitional part’ profits can be spread over a period of up to five tax years.

It is worth noting that for the following four tax years, the personal allowance and higher rate threshold are frozen. While this change may sound daunting, it presents planning opportunities, such as making a larger pension contribution.

Talk to Ammu Accounting to ensure you’re prepared for the implications and ready for a higher tax bill come January 2025.

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Finance Matters

Cover Your Family With LOVE


There are two types of life insurance and both pay out lump sums when you die. Term insurance provides cover over a predetermined period only, while whole of life assurance continues until you die. With the latter, a payout is guaranteed.

So which is best for you? Think about who the insurance is for and why. How much cover do you need and for how long? It’s also worth checking whether your employer provides a death in service benefit. If you’re looking at term insurance to provide security for your family, it might be worth considering ‘family income benefit’ as an alternative. Rather than a lump sum, this pays out a regular income until the end of a specified period and is relatively inexpensive.


Critical illness cover (CIC) pays out a lump sum if you’re diagnosed with one of a specific range of conditions, from heart complaints and cancers to rarer diseases. Typically, a policy will cover 40-50 conditions. These can

vary considerably, however, which makes it tricky to compare like with like. You can buy CIC as an extension to life insurance or as a standalone product. The right option will depend on personal circumstances.

Income protection gives you a regular income if you become unable to work due to sickness or disability. It’s the most expensive of these insurance options, as it’s the most likely to be called upon. It’s also one that’s often overlooked.

SJP Approved 02/06/2023

C. Mearns Finance

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with Carley Mearns-Begley BA (Hons) DipPFS
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Reid Photography Westender Magazine Promotion ADVERTORIAL
love to help you secure your family’s financial safety net. At C Mearns Finance we’re proud to offer tailored solutions and access to SJP’s carefully selected insurance panel.
‘C Mearns Finance is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group’s website sjp.co.uk/products. The ‘St. James’s Place Partnership’ and the titles
and ‘Partner Practice’ are marketing terms used to describe St. James’s Place representatives.’

Homes & Interiors



Bringing the inside outside inside and artfully creating this seamless integration is often challenging though totally liberating especially in this climate but when the sun eventually shines and the temperature rises in Glasgow town, it is even more important to take advantage of the benefits of this luxury as summer is upon us.

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Increased light and the physiological effects and health benefits of this are immediately apparent and all of a sudden interior spaces are lit with a new perspective. What a joy to see natural light flooding in to otherwise dull corners.

Everything comes alive and the fundamental principle of letting in as much natural light as possible becomes a priority. Bringing the outside in is an essential component of interior design to root your home in its own surroundings and connecting these spaces creates continuity and context.

Biophilia encourages a closer connection to our love of nature using natural resources and pulling from patterns and materials to create a sense of harmony and calm in this busy, noisy world we live in. Simply incorporating textiles, furniture, lighting and design solutions which blend with the setting itself, always with planting, greenery and foliage, makes for a sensory living experience with health, environmental and economic benefits for all occupants.

And there are no rules! … according to Bespoke Atelier, an innovative Glasgow based design studio who for the last decade have been blending the worlds of art and architecture inventing unique patterns as fabrics and wall coverings to enhance interiors, products and buildings. Their new collection, aptly named Dream Garden is a journey of imagination and discovery through ethereal landscapes and architectural features overlapping with botanicals and immersed in nature – the perfect mural backdrop and feature wall in any living space, garden room or conservatory. All three new designs are available in two colour-ways, dawn or dusk and really do bring a sense of dreamy escape and calm. Whether it is the muted sun kissed sandy tones of terracotta and pale lemons or the tranquil blues and deep indigo’s of a night sky, these hand drawn illustrative designs really are a work of art. And the best bit… there is no match, so no waste and unique results every time! bespokeatelier.co.uk

Craig and Rose's Russet, Moorish Yellow, Lido Blue and Olive Laque all compliment the colour palettes of these wonderful creations. craigandrose.com

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© Bespoke Atelier

Homes & Interiors

Large wide windows (even small unexpected glass fenestrations capturing a ray of sunshine) and glass doors improve a room and can be accomplished by framing any outdoor scene whether a garden vignette with lush greenery, busy street scene or countryside vista. Sliding, patio or bi-fold make for easy movement between spaces and should be kept clear of furniture to make this flow as comfortably as possible and maximise on visual effects. Both areas will feel like one when the doors are open, the birds are singing and the barbecue is sizzling! Take advice from an architect who will be able to advise you of designs and costs to carry out any structural work, then get creative… often small changes can have a huge impact. Consider carrying an indoor theme outdoors to break down this barrier too. Continuing the same floor tile or wall fi nish is an interesting solution and really can extend a living space.

Outdoor dining adjacent to your indoor kitchen is a real bonus in a garden especially when friends and family are lounging on the terrace and cooking can become part of the whole social experience. Built in BBQ’s, storage for utensils and a small prep area are essentials and don’t take up a lot of space.

The addition of outdoor electricity and water help to keep these as flexible as possible and can be added easily and help to create this natural extension to the house. Comfortable furniture, large parasols, rugs and outdoor cushions all help to create an outside room and outdoor fi re pits, patio heaters and even a collection of hurricane lamps, candles and garden lights can all enhance the perfect atmosphere as the sun goes down, the wine is flowing and the interminable west coast midges are hopefully well under control!

The neighbourhood West End Garden Centre is a one stop shop for an extensive range of diverse and unusual plants, pots and furniture and is a pleasure to visiteverything under one roof to create the perfect lifestyle oasis for summer living.


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www.westendermagazine.com | 55 w Home office, gym, studio, garden rooms are perfect all year round and they’re built right here in Glasgow’s West End. Contact Mel Russell to arrange a site visit. outsideingardenrooms.co.uk 0141 370 6102 / mel@outsideingardenrooms.co.uk Weeding, Planting, Hedges Cut & Pruned Lawns Mowed & Border Edging Bark, Gravel & Plants Supplied & Laid one off tidy ups & garden make overs Call: 01236 826 986 or 07939 606 0465 Local & Reliable • Free Estimates LADY GARDENING Ladybird Fence Painting • Powerwashing Hypochlorite Acid for Driveways & Monoblocking Weeding, Planting, Hedges Cut & Pruned Lawns Mowed & Border Edging Bark, Gravel & Plants Supplied & Laid Call: 01236 826 986 or 07939 606 0465 Fence Painting • Powerwashing Hypochlorite Acid for Driveways & Monoblocking Call 01236 826986 or 07931 232789

Homes & Interiors

Paint Your Garden Happy

It's officially summer time 2023. The sun is out, the days are long and we all want to spend as much time as we can in the fresh air. We want to feel good, enjoy our outdoor spaces, spend less money, and maybe help save the planet for good measure! Well with a bit of painting in the garden you can actually make all of this happen!

Luckily for us all, we now have a stockist for Frenchic paint, the chalk paint phenomenon, right in the heart of the West End in Quirk on Hyndland Street.

Frenchic paint brings us a range of chalk and mineral based paints which are non toxic and eco friendly. The Frenchic Alfresco range is a water based, eco friendly chalk and mineral paint with a low almost flat fi nish.

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With Frenchic's alfresco you can paint indoors or outdoors, and you do not need a primer. You can paint wood, metal, plastic, stone – to be honest just about anything – and it gives an amazing professional fi nish. How do I know this? Because I have used it myself. I started painting with Frenchic in 2020 during lockdown when I was ill. Now can I be clear, until this time I was no painter. I was not in any way known for my DIY enthusiasm or expertise. My painting started as a hobby, a distraction during those lockdown months.

I started easy. So instead of buying new garden pots and planters I cleaned my old ones and painted them with Frenchic alfresco and it worked! Then instead of buying a new garden bistro set, I cleaned and painted my seven year old rusty battered one – and that worked too. I even painted my front door and it looked like new.

Fast forward to 2023 and this year I fancied a change to my garden colour scheme so I have repainted the pots and planters and the bistro set again but a different shade. And my garden is looking good, even if I do say so myself.

The Frenchic paint process is really easy. Wash the item thoroughly – Frenchic recommend sugar soap and hot water. Then sand the whole item to key the surface for the paint and wipe it down. Then paint using a good quality paint brush. Most items will take at least two to three coats.

Sometimes the fi rst coat looks scary – folk get 'the fear' but keep going. The paint gives a really great fi nish even if you are an amateur painter like me.

Painting like this has been good for the garden. I have colourful pots and bistro furniture that look like new. It's been good for the planet. I would realistically have taken that old furniture and pots to the dump. But three years later they are still in use.

It's been good for the purse. A 250 ml tin of Frenchic Alfresco costs £10.95, while a 750 ml tin is £21.95. I bought a 750 ml tin of Frenchic Wise Old Sage ( green ). So far that Wise Old Sage has given my front door a one coat refresh, I have painted the bistro set again with two coats, and have painted two coats on five large pots and planters. I have used less than half of my tin so I have spent maybe £10 achieving all of this. I have plenty left over for the rest of my pots and planters and any wee touch ups.

And probably most importantly that painting has been so good for me. I love doing it. There is something very satisfying about a craft hobby where you can create a unique item even if it is only a revamped flower pot. It's been a real therapy hobby for me and when I feel stressed I enjoy fi nding something to paint and transform! I should also say that the paint washes off with warm soapy water and is non toxic so it's safe for children to use to paint their own plant pot for inside or outside use.

Encouraged and enthused by my success with Frenchic paint outside I have actually gone on to upcycle furniture inside. I have made my own lampshade, bought antique chairs for reupholstering and have tried or intend to try out various other crafty hobbies. Like the painting there are multiple benefits for your home, your budget and your own mental health.

You can follow more of my upcycling tips on my instagram @lock.downhouse. But meanwhile, what could you paint happy in your garden or home this summer? Or what other craft hobby could you take up locally that would be good for you? In the West End we have so much to choose from!

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Craft + Mindfulness = Calmed Thoughts

Whatever crafty goodness you'd like to get up to – there's a class for that! Pick up some Frenchic paint and create some curb appeal with that tired old front door, visit the newly opened Yarn Cake and find out about their Knit Night Thursdays, pop up to Firhill for a lampshade making workshop, or along to the City Centre for your own pottery throw down. Your stilled thoughts will thank you.

The Yarn Cake, Knitting and Sewing Classes

Frenchic Alfresco, For planters, pots, metal and wood furniture revamps


& Studio, Pottery Lessons and Pottery Painting, BYOB!

Kiln Time, Glass Making Lessons

Kiln Time, Partick Burgh Hall 9 Burgh Hall Street, kilntime.org.uk

Little Plump Production, Unit 1D Firhill House 55-65 Firhill Road, littleplumonlineshop.com

Quirq, 49 Hyndland Street. 0141 357 2208, instagram.com/quirqglasgow

The Craft Pottery, 48-54 Washington Street, 0141 243 2823, thecraftpottery.com

The Yarn Cake, 201 Crow Road, 0141 946 5305, theyarncake.co.uk

www.westendermagazine.com | 59
& Interiors
Little Plump Production, Lampshade Making Classes Craft Pottery


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The Wee Kitchen Shop

Specialising In Beautiful Shaker Kitchens

This edition, Greg from Broomhill’s Wee Kitchen Shop, chose to revisit one of his, and our, fave kitchens from last year. I say ‘our’ because the social media reel we took with Greg showcasing the pocket doors was one of our best performing in 2022.

Turns out Greg’s not the only one obsessed with smoothly gliding pocket doors that slip neatly into the cabinet carcass, before sliding back to hide away kitchen accoutrements.

Creating a large family multi-purpose space was the prime objective for the Kelvinside clients who wanted to open up the series of smaller rooms towards the back of their new home. With a major baking enthusiast in the house, storage was key. As was space to prep, bake and keep an eye on kids and homework. With Shaker style solid wood cabinetry and a large island with double profile Silestone worktop, the clients were delighted with the look and practicality of their space.

Maya and her husband Jonathon, had plenty of ideas for how they wanted the kitchen to look, and with Greg’s practicality and years of joinery and cabinet-making knowledge, their dream was achieved.

The family are proud of their pendant lights over the central island, inspired by their favourite holiday eatery and sourced online. But for Greg, it’s the side by side double secret storage cupboards and their slide and hide pocket doors that he’s most proud of.

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Westender Magazine Promotion The WEE Kitchen Shop 304 Crow Road, Broomhill G11 7HS 0141 334 4747 www.theweekitchenshop.co.uk FREE QUOOKER TAP: On kitchens ordered by Thursday 31st August 2023! Call Greg for an appointment.

Our windows are made from high-quality materials and are built to last. We also offer a wide range of styles and finishes to choose from, so you can find the perfect windows to complement your home’s décor.

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Letting Matters

The difference between price and value

As Warren Buffet observed, ‘Price is what you pay, value is what you get’. I often ponder this after receiving enquiries from prospective clients who cannot think of anything to talk about except price. I’d say most of our incoming calls from prospective clients start out with them saying something like ‘I have a property to let, and I’d like to know what your fees are’.

Even those who are being rinsed by their existing agent often start with the same question. I’ve taken countless calls from landlords who start out by saying their agent hasn’t paid them any rent for several months. Then in the next breath they ask, ‘What are your fees?’. One could be forgiven for thinking that their first question might be ‘How quickly would you pass on any rent received from my tenant?’.

Perhaps the modern world drives us all to adopt a mindset where everything is commoditised and so the only thing left to do is check the price. The truth is that competition is so fierce in our sector that price variation is almost non-existent. If you’ve ever used a letting agent, you’ll know it costs 10% plus VAT.

Or perhaps you managed to beat your agent down to 9%+VAT. Roughly 10% less expensive. Congratulations, with the average rent in Glasgow now standing at £1105 you’ll be receiving an additional £13.30 (1.2%) net rent each month.

What does vary enormously is the customer experience. An incompetent or indifferent letting agent can easily cause a huge amount of stress and expense for an unsuspecting landlord.

There are a host of ways to help make the right choice. Are they regulated? Are they qualified? What do their online reviews say? How many properties per staff member? Do they answer the phone? Any awards or accreditations?

Oh, and don’t forget to ask about the price.

If you have a property to let, please give us a call. We don’t do pushy sales, so you can expect to speak to a friendly and understanding adviser. Alternatively have a trial of our free rental valuation tool by scanning the QR code below.

Western Lettings

Craighall Business Park G4 9XA 0141 357 0436


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with Western Lettings
pride ourselves in providing a prompt, reliable service and are proud to have built a reputation as a company that you can trust.
promise to provide the following Professional, friendly team of qualified tradespeople Tradespeople hold CSCS cards PASMA and IPAF trained Photographic surveys 120 CARSTAIRS STREET OFFICE 43 GLASGOW G40 4JD tel: 0141 816 1800 info@vertex-roofing.co.uk // Glasgow’s best FREE bi-monthly mag // Great editorial features: fashion, dining out, health & beauty, what’s on, local authors & artists, interiors & more // Massive potential business audience // 10,000 copies per edition ADVERTISE WITH US For more info or to advertise call: suzanne@westendermagazine.com for a media flyer, or call 07905 897238 westendermagazine.com

It’s A Family Affair

Atlas Kitchens and Bathrooms prides itself on putting customer needs at its heart with a wide range of services from kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms, to the introduction of Atlas Plus Refurbishment offering full-service design and construction in home building, extensions, and renovations.

As a family-owned business, Atlas Kitchens have been serving its customers in and around the Glasgow area for over 15 years, with Daniel, Stanley and Izabela continuing the values Atlas has built when they took over two years ago. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, it has earned a loyal following and an excellent reputation in the industry.

Thanks to artisan craftsmanship, as well as years of research and ongoing improvements to its kitchen units and worktops, Atlas is capable of supplying the best quality products. Paired with its working knowledge of kitchen design and production, you are guaranteed satisfaction with the end product – your dream kitchen! World class engineers and a team of experienced professionals in its Polish factory work hard every day to manufacture the highest standard of kitchen fronts, sturdy drawers, carcasses available in over 15 colours, worktops in a number of thickness options, fully glazed colourful units, and much more.

Atlas also offers a bathroom service and can show you dozens of product samples neatly stored in its studio, from tiles to click vinyl flooring, Mermaid wall wet-room panels, bathroom cabinet samples, stone tray samples, and a selection of basin and bath mixers, and radiators. Making it easier to choose the right fittings and finishing touches to bring exactly what you envision to life.

The high quality of customer service provided guarantees a quick response to customers on all enquiries as a full service is provided to complete your build.

With an office and a small kitchen and bathroom studio located at 120 Queen Margaret Drive, and a project studio, Atlas are able to provide clients with 3D projects for their kitchen and bathroom designs. This service enables clients to visualise projects before beginning work, ensuring specific requirements are met and clients are delighted with the end result.

Get in touch with Atlas Kitchens today for a free consultation, design and quote.

Atlas Plus Refurbishment

120 Queen Margaret Dr G20 8NZ 0141 237 1494


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Image © Gregor Reid Photography

Property Matters

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Selling In Sunny Glasgow

As we head into the heart of the summer, the latest House Price Index reports positive findings. The report states it has seen stronger growth in new sales in the last quarter, bringing more sellers into the market.


The average house price in Glasgow has increased by 0.2% compared to the same period last year to £191,230. The market is very buoyant at present, and we are achieving great sales prices for clients at closing dates, despite there being less footfall than in the past.


Buyer confidence is increasing for various reasons including a stabilisation in average fixed-rate mortgages. Lots of predictions at the end of last year and start of 2023 painted quite a negative picture, but thankfully we are finding these to have been off the mark, and it looks like the market will continue to improve.

If you’ve been holding off on searching for a new home or are nervous about selling in an uncertain market, these latest statistics should prove welcome. At Walker Wylie we have decades of experience selling properties like yours, and we know the

Glasgow market inside out. We work side by side with you throughout the entire home selling experience and are available on the end of the phone whenever you need us.

Our external professional videography and photography company capture your home in stunning images, HD videos and 3D Virtual Tours to ensure we maximise the number of potential buyers that come through your door. We are entirely client focused and prioritise giving you a positive experience and successful outcome.

‘Barry and his team provided their service to the highest standard when selling my property. I had valuations from other leading estate agents that left me feeling like a number. However, Walker Wylie made me feel like a valued customer from the start. Barry’s extensive experience, knowledge of the market and communication was excellent. I have recommended them to others who all had the same fantastic experience.’

If you’re on the fence about selling give us a call on 0141 404 1333 or email info@walkerwylie.co.uk for a chat.

Walker Wylie Estate Agents

148 Woodlands Road G3 6LF 0141 404 1333 / 07855 952298


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Westender Magazine Promotion Image © Gregor Reid Photography Westender Magazine Promotion ADVERTORIAL
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Articles inside

Selling In Sunny Glasgow

pages 66-67

It’s A Family Affair

page 65

Letting Matters The difference between price and value

pages 63-64

The Wee Kitchen Shop

pages 61-62

Paint Your Garden Happy

pages 56-60


pages 52-56

Finance Matters Cover Your Family With LOVE

page 51

Attention self-employed: get ready for a longer tax year

page 50

The Times They Are a-Changing

pages 46-49

Legal Matters Upping The Repairing Standard

pages 45-46

Parkinson’s Disease Muscle and joint stiffness: can anything be done?

pages 43-44


pages 41-42

Inverkip To Lunderston Bay with Pocket Mountains

pages 40-41

In A League Of Their Own

pages 38-39

SPRING Into Action This Summer

pages 37-38

A Merry Websters Christmas?

pages 34-36

Top Things To Do in the West End

page 33

Top Things To Do in the West End

page 32

The Icing On The Cake

pages 30-31


pages 28-29

Marigold Cafe

pages 27-28

Meet The Artist

pages 20-26

RRI by Tara Jack

page 19

Less Well Endowed

pages 18-19


pages 12-15

Writer’s Reveal meets Rosalie Menon

pages 6-12

Editor’s Letter

pages 4-5
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