weSPARKLE mag April 2014 issue 7

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Why Women Ablaze We are Changing Lives!

Co EDITOR In CHIEF/weShine Terry Briggs

09. Because He Lives Linda Terry


Bianca’s Corner


The Dogwood Tree


Denise Ingram

ART & LAY OUT April~Bianca Thomas

The Doll


By Theresa Gee

COVER DESIGN James Ramseur APRIL CONTRIBUTORS Theresa Gee Yvelisse Steinmetz Linda Terry Samantha Meade Denise Ingram The James House Ericka Ellis

Who is


Yvelisse Steinmetz


God’s Masterpiece Ericka Ellis

Sited RESOURCES USED Proof of Promise

http://onepassiononedevotion. wordpress.com/2011/06/28/proofof-the-promise/ BLOG wesparklemag.wordpress.com facebook.com/wesparklemag E-MAIL info@wesparklemagazine.com bianca@womenablazeim.org

08. Do You Know Jesus Samantha Meade


No.07 | APRIL 2014

14. Following Him Yvelisse Steinmetz

Who are you following? 10.

19. Praise Report

21. Warning signs and Symptoms Of Sexual Abuse In Children

25. He Is Not Dead Proof of Promise

No.07 | APRIL 2014




an I be honest?


For the last two months I have really questioned my purpose on this earth, am is really doing what God desires me to do or is it just me? Some days I mentally try to see what else I could do, can I really escape what I started and maybe just drop out of sight? Yes, periodically, I have those overwhelming feelings. But God is so loving and faithful that He allows us to question our calling or him and despite what others may think, it’s ok to question God. But deep down I know there is nothing else I would rather do than help others find joy, hope and peace in their lives through what ever way God has chosen for me. It is my greatest desire to be empty when I leave this earth.

within me, to be and do what every He commands, before the assigment was given, I said Yes Lord, YES TO SERVANTHOOD Yes, I will follow where ever YOU lead, So I guess that means some of you are still stuck with seeing or reading weSparkle magazine for a little bit longer!:) God has called us ALL to live a life of greatness and our greatness can only be measured by the differences we make in others lives for the KINGDOM and can Only be developed by the wonderful word called SERVANTHOOD! SO MY QUESTION TO YOU TODAY IS, WHO ARE YOU FOLLOWING? Who are you influencing in your life and how are you influencing them to live?

Someone told me a long time ago that we are Empty of all the love I had to give, empty of all mentors and influencers. every encouraging word, empty of every hug Whether we admit it or not, WE ARE or smile that I could give, completely empty of influencing someone, to either live right for anything I could give that would make God or to live contrary to His word. someone’s life better than when I first met I grew up hearing, “Do as I say, not as I do” them. I use to say that I’m not perfect, but which is totally opposite to the things of God. YES I AM, because God wonderfully and Paul said follow me as I follow Christ . perfectly created me according to His purpose and plan in my Heavenly Father’s eyes, I am o again, WHO ARE YOU perfect for the assignment that He has given FOLLOWING AND WHO ARE YOU me and perfect for those He has sent me to to LEADING? reveal is love to. My prayer is, if you realized that you are NOT Through all of this I have realized when I start doing what God has asked you to do, that you questioning what I’m doing, it is would reconsider and think about the lives because I HAVE become empty, not because that are affected because you are fufilling your my task on earth is completed but because I’ve assignment, REPENT and start obeying Him! not taken the time to sit at the WELL of LIFE to be refilled and my spiritual tank is on E Ask God to forgive you and to help you empty! hunger and thirst more for his word that He may transform your life to be a better MEANING, I have gotten my eyes off the influencer and leader for others to follow. originator of the purpose of my passion, I have stopped FOLLOWING the Author and I pray you Enjoy this issue. Finisher of my faith and have become dragged down with the cares and longings of the flesh, MATTHEW 25-26 to be a selfish church attender like some Jesus called them together and said, “You SAVED SAINTS, after church go back home, know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, enjoy my week doing me and not think about and their high officials exercise authority over them. noone else but me and my family! But, I made Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to a vow to serve God with everything that’s become GREAT among you must be your servant,



No.07 | APRIL 2014

Bianca Thomas


It Takes Team Work to Make The Dream Work No.07 | APRIL 2014



Why Women Ablaze ?

Bianca is a Life Coach, Speaker, the visionary and founder of, B-Beautiful You , Love Encounter Intensive Workshops as well as a mother to 4 sons, Abuela to 3 grandsons and the proud wife of her knight, Grover Thomas.

Women Ablaze International Ministries

Changing Lives, Restoring Hope and Healing


he needs women face today are great. Many struggle with relationships, overwhelmed with the demands of life, health and weight issues, singleness, child rearing or abuse. Others are simply tired of hurting from past situations. Women walk into our churches looking for hope and many walk out with needs still unmet.

We believe women can serve and minister to one another, revealing God’s unconditional love. Women understand one another; the compassion offered in a relationship is a catalyst for healing and restoration.

We Believe every woman need to know and understand that they are lavishly loved by God, they are beautiful, they are powerful, God has destined them for greatness and as Christian women God has placed within us a blazing fire that is able to consume the darkness in the lives of others. Personal fulfillment and purpose is discovered as we mentor and ministering to one another, extending Gods presence, taking time for conversation and revealing God’s love by example. As a network of Women serving Women, Women Ablaze International Ministry is committed to create a Network of Sisterhood, by networking globally with businesses, non-profit organizations and local leaders to provide effective resources to

equip every woman to positively influence others 6

No.07 | APRIL 2014

in her life.

Through social network and our magazine, we share inspirational stories, video interviews, products and teaching materials to assist women in living a healthy and successful life.

We will recommend to those that inquire, local churches, workshops and resources that will continually assist them to live a successful, Spiritual, Physical, Emotional and Financial productive family life.

We will help local churches understand the needs of women and provide strategies for establishing meaningful ministry to women. There is strength in numbers, therefore, We believe as a strong network of women, we can encourage, support and build up the self esteem of others as we give hope and healing to the hearts of many. Our goal is to change lives and destinies by providing friendship and a listening ear to the hurting hearts and the unheard voices.

We believe God has given us a great opportunity to Expose women to the Love and the Greatness of God through our life worship and service. We pray that you sense the call to network and partner with us, empowering women to effectively minister to others, creating healthier relationships, families, churches, and communities. For updates, events, sponsorship, volunteer or to join this ministry, Please Visit, womenablazeim.org ~ facebook.com/womenablazeim



Revealing the list of our secret enemies that try to destroy our lives!


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No.07 | APRIL 2014


INSPIRATIONAL WRITINGS Samantha is a Christian author, poet and native of Virginia. She enjoys studying the word of God and translating it into poetry for the purpose of encouraging and edifying the body of Christ. **”Pressing Toward the Mark, a poetic journey with Jesus Christ” ISBN# 1-59781-286-2


Samantha P. Meade Author



e grew up before the Father as a fragile, young plant and like a root out of the ground that is dry He had no form or royalty to cause one to admire Him nor did He possess any beauty that would catch one’s eye He was despised and rejected by many that He met for the great deal of grief and pain He carried Some hid their faces, while others turned away from Him; no one knew what to make of Him, so their reactions varied To be strickened with such grief, sorrow and disfigurements He must have done something totally against God’s will No one realized that the transgressions He carried belonged to us and that the beatings He endured were so we would be healed He was misjudged and taken away without any consideration; did anyone care why His punishment was so strong? They continued by slaying Him beside criminals until His death even though they knew He had done nothing wrong In spite of being subjected to such a horrific ordeal


No.07 | APRIL 2014

He humbly submitted to the Father’s will so He would be pleased He made His soul an offering for sin, and prolonged His days; God’s plan will prosper through Him and He shall see His seed He shall see the fruit of the torment of His soul and be grateful that He was obedient to God’s plan Because of the unimaginable experience of this Righteous Servant many will spend eternity as He lived; as a righteous man God will reward Him with the highest honor and the very best for in the presence of death His heart remained zealous He allowed Himself to be accused of a crime He had not committed by bearing the sins of many making intercession for the rebellious He was manifested into flesh for the purpose of being sacrificed; taking no thought for His own life, He only wanted to save us Who would love so unselfishly; asking only to be accepted? The only One who remains perfect; our Lord and Risen Savior Jesus! ©2013 Samantha P. Meade

INSPIRATIONAL WRITINGS Linda Terry is a retired educator who has enjoyed working with children for more than forty years. As an army wife she moved often and thus experienced teaching in school districts as diverse as Prince George, Virginia, and Fairbanks, Alaska. She is also the author of “ I Never Was A Butterfly” available at her church and Amazon.com (kindle) Mrs. Terry has also served as a member of the board ofdirectors of Retreat to His Presence Ministries, a family retreat and conference ministry, for many years. She currently enjoys serving with the Uncommon Youth Ministry of Good Shepherd Baptist Church in Petersburg, Virginia.

ISBN: 978-1-55452-954-4

Because He Lives By Linda Terry


t is about 10:00 A.M. on a beautiful, sunny, spring morning. As I settle down in my recliner, beside me a tray holds crackers, juice, and the familiar school folder with its papers waiting to be graded. On the surface, this morning seems like so many days spent during the many years that I have enjoyed as an elementary teacher.

was not an average morning for me. In a video, you might have noticed that the recliner, though now so familiar to me, was not one by a sunny window in my bedroom. Instead, it was one of a long line of chairs in a room, equally familiar, to a number of other women. Some women you might have seen using this time to read, write, or knit.

However if I could have, as is the common practice today, sent you a “selfie” at that moment you would have noticed something very different about that morning. For starters, you would have noticed some very ominous looking tubes attached to my body.

No, this was certainly not an ordinary day. It was a very special day. It was my last day of chemotherapy at Massey Cancer Center. It was also, Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, 1999. As I finished my treatment, the words came as clearly to me as if the song were

Had I made a video, you might have noticed me silently lay my hand on the tubes and say a quick prayer as someone connected a small bag above my head. Yes, this would have been a solid clue that this

playing on the radio, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.” At that moment, I knew that never again would I sing this song in quite the same way.

“He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” Matthew 28:6 Because He Lives

Words and music by William J. Gaither © 1971

God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus; He came to love, heal and forgive; He lived and died to buy my pardon, An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives! Chorus Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living, Just because He lives! No.07 | APRIL 2014




No.07 | APRIL 2014



By Tobiah Steinmetz


ne day I was in prayer and suddenly envisioned a man dragging a crucifix across America. Right then, I knew in my heart that God was calling me to carry a cross across the country. I said, “Lord, that’s crazy, I don’t know if I can do that.” But I continued to pray. The next night, after an evening service, everyone was given a cross that said, “Mark 8:34 Take up your cross and follow Jesus.” I told God, “Okay, Lord, I’ll do it. But what about my bills?” Then I received my tax return and it was exactly enough to pay my bills for the summer. So I bought a one-way ticket from South Carolina to California and left the day school ended. I arrived in Los Angeles without any money, food, map, or GPS; but I knew that the sun rose in the East and set in the West. A church called the Dream Center gave me the cross but as I began walking, I started to question myself, “Will this even make a difference? Do people just think I’m crazy?” Right then,

a woman pulled over and ran to me with tears streaming down her face. She said, “These past couple days have been so hard on me. I was just driving and asked God, ‘If you’re real, please just give me a sign.’” She continued, “Right after I said that, I saw you – dressed in a robe – carrying this cross, and I had to pull over.” The woman and I spoke briefly and prayed. When she left, God’s love rushed over me and I felt an amazing peace and comfort knowing that I was in His will. Every thirty minutes or so, someone would stop and ask questions about the Bible or ask for prayer. Then, around lunchtime my stomach began to grumble. I said, “Well, Lord, I’m pretty hungry,” and moments later, someone handed me a bag of Arby’s. That evening, as I began to scout possible areas by the tree-line where I could camp out, two young men approached me. They asked if they could record an interview to take to their youth church that night. Then they asked if I would like to just come to the youth service with them. When I consented, we put the cross in their truck and left for the church. No.07 | APRIL 2014



Continued from page 11


hen we arrived, they introduced me to their pastor, and after sharing what God had put on my heart he asked if I would like to speak at the service. We had an awesome time, God gave me a great message, and afterwards they invited me out for dinner. While we ate dinner the parents of one of the youth asked if they could bless me with a hotel room for the night. As I laid in bed in my hotel room that night, I began to reflect on my day. I thought that I’d be cold and hungry,


sleeping out side; but instead, I had the most amazing day! I said to myself, “If I don’t talk to anyone else on this trip, the whole way back to South Carolina, it would all be worth it, just because of today.” But every day was like that. Every day was awesome; amazing ministry and God provided everything! The trip took 87 days and I didn’t miss a single meal the whole time. Most nights I slept in hotel rooms or families took me into their homes. In 2,500 miles I went through eight pairs of shoes, and each pair has it’s own testimony behind it. Please Visit http://www.crosswalkministry.org/Blog.html

Luke 9:23 “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” No.07 | APRIL 2014



HO IS .........Tobiah Steinmetz?

Tobiah Steinmetz was born in 1984, in Pottstown, Pennsylvania where he lived and grew up for the first 18 years of his life. He has three brothers and two sisters; Melissa, Israel, Benjamin, Joel, and Rebekah, and he’s the baby of the family. After high school, Tobiah joined the Marine Corps and traveled to Japan, Thailand, Korea, and Kuwait before a tour in Fallujah, Iraq. After returning from Iraq, he became an embassy security officer and served in Brussels, Belgium; Lagos, Nigeria; and Bogota, Colombia. Tobiah completed his contract with an honorable discharge in 2008. Then, on March 28, 2009 he had a “Paul on the road to Damascus” experience and was baptized by the Holy Spirit. Tobiah was water baptized the next day and has enjoyed seeing a move of God throughout his family. Tobiah had in in mind to open an ice-cream shop but God led him to South Carolina School of Leadership where he met his wife, Yvelisse. In 2010, Tobiah Steinmetz heard the calling of the Lord to walk across America carrying a 8-foot cross. The journey took him 87 days and 8 pairs of shoes. In 2011, Tobiah married his best friend, Evie, and in 2012 they had their first child, Yvonne. Then, in 2013, Tobiah took up his cross again, and began doing ministry with his family. They’re following Jesus’ leading and believe that will involve speaking at churches, providing disaster relief, healing the broken and freeing the oppressed. Lord willing, they will continue carrying the cross as a fulltime ministry! He is also the Author of a children’s book called “TOBIAH AND THE CROSS” A true story about one man’s journey aCross America.

Order your copy at: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2AHBSJ59DAWYU


Join Tobiah as he pennilessly travels across the country with a cross upon his back. He must survive difficult conditions as he wears through eight pairs of shoes! But he meets several new friends along the way and teaches them about the love of God. Will the help of these new friends be enough to help him make it home? No.07 | APRIL 2014



Following him as he follows Christ


revious to my visit to Petersburg, VA, I couldn’t help the feeling of exhaustion and loneliness. Don’t get me wrong, I have come to truly love and embrace my husband’s way of ministering to the world; but on this particular trip, it seemed as if the weight of the world were on my shoulders. And by the time we got to VA, I was burned out. It didn’t help that I didn’t ask God for Grace during this time either. But I guess I got so preoccupied with everything that needed to be done (like changing dirty diapers, dishes, laundry, breakfast, lunch, and dinner) that I made God an afterthought and could barely keep up with myself, let alone everyone else. What’s worse, I became somewhat bitter towards my husband. With distance between me and all of my friends and family, isolation started to feel Oh too familiar. And after l ong days of being in an RV with no one except my 11 month old baby to talk to; my only desire would be to spend some time with my husband when he got home. But that to turned into disappointment as he would be to tired to do anything more than eat and sleep when he arrived. It started to seem like ministry was more important than our marriage and after disappointment settled in, came the frustration. It gets better though! Side note: Most of this would make sense if you knew that my husband walked across the country carrying a cross from CA to SC in the summer of 2010. God directed him to take a leap of faith and take nothing with him on the journey except the clothes on his back and a jug of water! In 87 days he didn’t miss a meal and most nights he was blessed


No.07 | APRIL 2014

enough to sleep in a hotel room. As a family, we’ve decided to do ministry together which means that I and our children follow him in a camper as he continues to carry his cross. Back to this particular trip though; it was Friday afternoon when Tobiah had come home from speaking to some students about the CrossWalk at West End Christian School. We left our RV and made our way to the Osborne’s house where we were invited for dinner that night. And thank God we went, because God used this couple (Bill and Kim) to minister to us in a very special way. As they graciously open up their home to us, they blessed us with so much more than just dinner... They prayed over us... And as they prayed, God spoke through them in a way that I’ve never encountered before. Everything within my heart and soul was laid bare before God. He didn’t miss a beat! It seemed as if every detail of my life had caught Gods attention as He specifically spoke to all of my loneliness, my hopes and dreams, and yes, even my weariness. He knows me! I went home that night feeling like the woman who encountered Jesus at the well; she went back to the people of her hometown and described Jesus as a Prophet who knew everything she had ever done. I couldn’t sleep as I laid there in bed because I felt so completely vulnerable; so known by God and yet so completely loved at the same time. Thank you Lord, for refreshing and restoring my heart in just a moment of being in your Presence. CONTINUE ON PAGE 18

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No.07 | APRIL 2014



The Pen and the Sword


“The Doll”

he Christmas when I was ten my mother gave me the most perfect gift: a beautiful Ballerina Doll.

She was perfect: graceful and poised. She had a crown on her head, ballerina slippers on her feet and a pale pink ballerina outfit with a tutu.

I opened one case, moved a tattered piece of cloth that used to be a towel and gasped. There was Donna! All these years later and she was as beautiful as ever.

I named her Donna.

The moment I saw her I forgot the reason I was cleaning out old boxes in the first place and suddenly I was a little girl again. I sat cross-legged in the floor and began playing with my doll.

I could turn a knob inside the crown to make her dance and pirouette. Her body could spin around. Her head and legs moved. Her arms could extend forward or reach above her head. All the little girls in my neighborhood wanted to play with her but I wouldn’t let them. I wanted to protect her and keep her safe. I didn’t want anyone to tear her up.


Over the years I lost track of the doll until one day when I was going through old dusty boxes in the attic.

No.07 | APRIL 2014

Upon closer inspection I noticed her face was a little dusty. Her hair was matted. Batteries long forgotten had rusted inside the storage compartment in her back. Her pale pink costume was faded with age. The most devastating thing of all, one leg was missing. Missing!


Theresa Gee, is one of our Celebrity Inspirational Writers. She is also a speaker, minister and actress. She can be contacted for bookings at, mssg823@aol.com



he Saturday project to clean the attic became a “Rescue Donna” mission. I began by gently cleaning her face: tenderly removing dust particles that had settled there. I called around and found out there was a doll restorer in the area. I took Donna there to see what could be done about the missing leg. The doll maker promised she could fix Donna up as good as new. I went to Wal-mart to buy Donna a new dress. I had to look in the little girls section of the children’s department. I found the perfect pretty pink dress with just the right amount of flounce. I bought it, took it home, starched and pressed it. I wanted her outfit to be ready when I picked Donna up from the restorer. When I picked up the doll, I was amazed. The restorer had re-created Donna’s leg entirely. She was perfect once again. When I got her home I got busy styling her hair with hair oil and a curling iron. Hair fixed, face washed, leg permanently put

in place, I dressed her and put her on the doll stand I had just purchased, and sat back in awe. Donna was now more than just a warm-andfuzzy memory from my childhood, she was now a stunning monument to God’s grace. When we were yet sinners, the Lord found us, picked us up and cleaned us off. “Wash me with hyssop,” the Bible says, “and I will be whiter than snow.” Donna’s missing and possibly broken leg reminds me of Paul and the Disciples that had been shipwrecked. They made it to shore on broken pieces. God can take the brokenness in our lives, put us back together and make something spectacular. I didn’t try to remove the old rusty batteries stuck inside the battery compartment. I left them there as a gentle reminder that we all have afflictions to get over or just junk we need removed. Paul called them “thorns in the flesh” All of these lessons are golden nuggets experienced while playing with a little girl’s doll.

But he told me: “My kindness is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak.” So I will brag even more about my weaknesses in order that Christ’s power will live in me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 No.07 | APRIL 2014




HO IS .........Yvelisse Steinmetz?


velisse Steinmetz was born in 1991 in West Palm Beach, Florida where she lived and grew up for the first 18 years of her life. She has two brothers, Sergio and Dante who are younger than her, and an older brother who she dearly loves named Kenny. Her house was always full and because of that they never had a dull moment. If fact, they had the chance to foster 7 other children (plus some). Growing up, she loved being adventurous! She enjoyed climbing trees, riding bikes, catching insects and animals, fishing, and playing basketball. She was involved in chorus all throughout grade school, and gave her life to Christ when she was thirteen years old. She had her grandmother to thank for that. She was a big influence in Evie’s life. After graduating high school, Evie had it in mind to become a missionary in Mozambique, Africa. But God had other plans. He lead her to South Carolina School of Leadership which is where she met her husband Tobiah. Evie never thought that she’d be a wife and mother at the age of 21, but couldn’t be happier and she knows that God is the one who directs our paths. She enjoys kayaking, cooking, ministering to women, playing violin, and spending time with her husband Tobiah. As of right now, Evie works from home so that she can be with Yvonne, her one year old daughter.

Following him as he follows Christ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14


inisters wives everywhere are human beings just like everyone else who experience moments of doubt and weakness; we are not perfect, but God is and that’s all that matters. When we focus on Him, we become like Him. But when we set our eyes on earthly things like our trivial little problems or even on ourselves and our poor/imperfect performances... we become stale in our relationship with Jesus. The greatest thing I’ve learned as a mother and minister’s wife is: ~I can not minister to others if I’m not allowing myself to be ministered to. I need to be poured into by God and those in the Body of Christ. ~I’m learning to be a Mary and not a Martha. No matter how much you accomplish in a day, there will always be more for you to do (in your home, ministry, and the even in the world); sometimes you’ve gotta set yourself before the Lord and just be still.

~Be Still And Know That I Am God~ Psalm 46:10


No.07 | APRIL 2014


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No.07 | APRIL 2014



6 Signs And Symptoms Of Sexual Abuse In Children By - Divya Saxena



exual abuse of children is a problem that has existed since time immemorial. Most people think that this is a social problem of modern times, but this is not true. Also, this serious issue transcends all boundaries of race, color, nationality and sex. It is incorrect to think that only girls are victims of sexual abuse. Boys are equally in danger of being victimized. Child sexual abuse is a very wide ranging term. It does not only mean inappropriate touching or sexual behavior. It also includes any non-touching activity of a sexual nature that affects a child like looking at child pornography films/photographs, indecent exposure in front of a child or purposely showing a child things related to sexual activities. The scariest part about child sexual abuse is that in most cases it is a trusted member of the family or friend circle who victimizes the child. It is easier for such people to get access and enough time to carry out such disgusting activities than strangers. Therefore, it is very important for all parents to educate their children properly about what constitutes inappropriate behavior. They should also be told that they must inform the parents immediately if a person behaves with them in this manner. You, as a parent should always be alert to any possible signs of such abuse in your children. Here is a list of commonly seen signs and symptoms of sexual abuse in children. Sleep Problems Children who are being sexually abused usually suffer from sleep issues. These can include problems like insomnia, recurrent waking, erratic sleep schedules, nightmares etc. Bed Wetting If your child is potty trained and too old to be wetting his/ her bed, you should be concerned if this problem arises. If your child starts soiling or wetting his/her nightclothes suddenly (for no apparent reason), he/she may be having some problems that you should look into.


No.07 | APRIL 2014

Scared Of One Particular Person Children who are being abused usually hate or are scared of the person who is the perpetrator of the crime. They may not want to be left alone with this person. Parents may also notice that the child does not make any eye or verbal contact with the victimizer. Mood Swings The child may start suffering on a psychological level as well because of sexual abuse. This may cause severe mood swings. He/she may throw tantrums, show extreme anger and violence at the smallest issues. Such children are also prone to becoming quiet and withdrawn suddenly for no reason. Visible Physical Signs Do not ignore any sudden bruises, injuries, sores, welts and cuts on your child’s body. Ask your child specifically about the cause of any such new and sudden injury. If you suspect that your child is being abused, you should not hesitate in checking his/her private parts for similar injuries as well. Insecurity Issues Such kids also start becoming very insecure about everything. He/she may become extra clingy to the parents and seek constant assurances and attention. He/she may also be scared of being left alone anywhere. The child becomes paranoid about not being within a secure family environment. If you suspect or know a child is being abused, please call your local athorities. For Teen and youth services in the Tri-Cities Petersburg, Hopewell, Prince George Va. area, visit http://www.thejameshouse.org/children.html Hopewell 804-458-2704 Petersburg 804-732-1711 Hotline 804-458-2840 National Sexual Assault Hotline - 1.800.656.HOPE


3 Warning Signs Of Sexual Abuse In Boys By - rachna



exual abuse in children is an inappropriate sexual act committed mostly by adults. Such wrong acts can involve inappropriate touching, sexual ogling or exposing self to child. Most often, sexual abuse is not a one-time act and involves a pattern of such sexually inappropriate behaviors that can cause a lot of physical, emotional and behavioral disturbances in the child. These are most often, what is referred to as warning signs. It is important as parents or well-wishers of the child to notice these signs and take appropriate actions immediately. Boys and girls are subjected to sexual abuse in some form or the other. Warning signs may differ basically because of the difference in nature and personalities of the two genders. Symptoms Of Sexual Abuse In Boys Physical Symptoms Physical signs may show on the body in extreme cases. These are the most common signs that are the most visible and may not miss your observation. A boy who has been a victim to sexual abuse is most likely to have retained damages to his genital area by way of bruising, bleeding, pain or redness. He may be unable to sit or walk properly. Genital contact can result in infections that are sexually transmitted or discharge from the anal area or even consistent and repeated sore throats due to forced oral sex. Behavioral Symptoms Often, cases of sexual abuse are most likely to be subjected to behavioral changes. A little difficult to comprehend but with meticulous observation certain changes are extremely visible.

Abstinence from presenting himself in social situations, getting anxious when one or more specific individuals are around, hurting himself such as cutting or hitting, fear of using bathrooms or afraid of being lonely are some of the common behavioral changes. Few other common signs include not wanting to remove clothing when alone or even in the presence of parent(s), unusual clinging to parent(s), wetting pants in case of toilet trained boys or an unexplainable fear of something. Emotional Symptoms Emotional signs that emerge due to sexual abuse are usually the most difficult to comprehend or even identify in the first place. Any violent or aggressive act to do a routine chore all of a sudden may want you to understand the cause. Not all such cases may be a result of sexual abuse but there are good chances of such occurrences and hence be cautious and careful. Boys at a very young age do not have the rational or mental power to either dissuade the situation or react in a way that is comprehendible by people he trusts the most. As a result, they become distant, depressed or even cause damage to self. If the abuser is someone very close to the family and a person he needs to deal with on an everyday basis, the symptoms grow stronger with time. Low self esteem becomes an empowering attribute in such boys. Difficulty in concentrating in school and extreme mood swings are other typical characteristics of a sexually abused boy. Be educated on warning signs of sexual abuse in boys or more so in children and do your every bit to help the child grow up in a safe and healthy environment. No.07 | APRIL 2014





Celebrating 25 years of exemplary service, The James House provides support, advocacy and education for people affected by sexual violence, domestic violence and stalking, to empower them to become healthy, safe, and self-sufficient. The only nonprofit agency in the Tri-Cities area accredited by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance, all James House services are cost-free and confidential. To learn more, call 458-2704, visit www.thejameshouse.org; or email helpline@thejameshouse.org. Our new online video series, The 26th Story, commissioned for our 25th anniversary, will tell 25 stories from survivors that we have helped and community members who have helped us to make a difference. We will release a new video on YouTube every 2 weeks throughout 2014. What will the 26th story be? Stay tuned to The James House YouTube Channel, www.youtube.com/thejameshousehelps and Facebook page to find out.

y earliest memories are of when I was about 8 years old. My mom’s brother, my uncle – I can’t say his name – moved in with us. He’d lost his job and I guess my mom felt sorry for him. My mom worked nights and my uncle would stay home with us kids and babysit. My dad was never part of my life and mom would tell us my uncle loved us more than our dad. When mom was around, it seemed like maybe he did, but when mom was at work he turned into a monster. I remember him sitting me on his lap and I could feel him press against me. I didn’t really understand what was going on. I didn’t know what to do. Maybe he thought I liked it because I didn’t say anything. Then he started touching me and he’d say things like “This feels good doesn’t it?” and I remember just sitting there as still as I could trying to pretend it wasn’t happening. Waiting for it to end and it seemed like it never would. I don’t know how long this went on but then one day he called me into his room and when I went in, he was sitting on the edge of his bed with his pants unzipped and he made me he made me give him oral sex. I knew it was wrong but I was too afraid not to do what he said. He told me if I told my mom, she’d hate me. She’d think I was a faggot and kick me out of the house. I believed him. I thought maybe I was gay. That something was wrong with me. I asked myself every day why he would do those things to me. I guess my darkest moment would have to be when I finally got the courage to tell my mom and she didn’t believe me. She started yelling at me and calling me a liar. She said my uncle would never do those nasty things and that I was a dirty little shit for saying he did. Later that day she told my uncle what I had said. I don’t know what he said to her, but she never talked to me about it again and he just kept right on doing what he was

doing to me.

My uncle was killed in a car accident when I was about 12. I remember my mom crying and crying and all I could think about was how happy I was. I hated him so much. I was glad he was dead. I didn’t cry and I remember my mom being mad at me. I buried what happened to me for a long time. I thought I was OK. But as I got older I started to have flashbacks and anxiety attacks. I became very depressed and started to drink pretty heavily. I started seeing a therapist and she’s the one who suggested I contact The James House, the local sexual and domestic violence agency near where we lived, to see about being part of a support group. I remember being really who ran the group was so open and she allowed us the space to tell our stories in our own way. We weren’t forced to share anything but after a couple of sessions, most of us really opened up. I think if it hadn’t been for The James House I might be dead. Sharing my story and hearing the other guys tell their stories was the best thing that could have happened to me. We did some work out of a book called “The Courage to Heal” and it helped me so much. I’m in the process of writing my whole story down. I don’t want to hide it or bury it any longer. I need to tell so I can really be free. I don’t know what I’d tell a boy who was in the same situation I was in. I think too many adults still don’t believe children. I would tell a man who is dealing with past sexual abuse to reach out for help. Call an agency like The James House in your area. The people there will really understand, they’ll care and they won’t judge you. They can help you realize that the abuse doesn’t have to define you. That you can work though it and that even though you don’t ever really forget what happened to you, you can heal.

Department of Defense (DoD) Safe Helpline services Sexual assault survivors in the military 877-995-5247

Your information will remain confidential. RAINN will not share your name or any other personally identifying information with SAPRO or your chain of command. https://www.safehelpline.org/about-rainn


The Dogwood Trees By: Denise P. Ingram


here are beautiful Dogwood trees everywhere, of pink and white. They give us comfort and peace when we see them. The Dogwood trees represent new beginnings and new life. The base of the tree, it was the cross that Jesus carried to Calvary. Jesus is the true vine and his father is the gardener. We are the branches; we the sheep will bear much fruit, if we remain in Him. The white dogwoods, if you look closely to the white flowers, the shape is like that of the cross. The white represents purity and radiates Jesus Christ. On the four edges of the flower it looks like drops of blood, It reminds us of the nails in His hands and feet. The inside of the flower looks like a crown of thorns that they put on Jesus’ head. The pink reminds me of the promises He


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gives us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. The pink also reminds us of one of the colors in the rainbow to let us know that his promises are true. The Dogwood tree represents new life. It tells us that we have Jesus’ DNA; we have Christ Jesus’ blood in our body. He is our heavenly Father. He died on the cross to forgive us of our sins, so that we might live in heaven one day with Him. He’s alive. Every time you see a Dogwood tree think of new life. There is hope in Jesus. Take time to look closely to it, and let God’s whispers speak to your heart. To God be the Glory, He does great things. Don’t take God’s beauty and life for granted. Hallelujah!


He is not Dead Proof of promise


s we celebrate easter Sunday today I thought it would be great to open the bible and see what it has to say about the resurrection and how that is relevant for us today. We’re going to be reading from Matthew 28 if you want to turn there and stick in a finger in it until we get to it…. I know some of you have been blest to be Christians for a long time and I know also that some of you here are newbies to the Christian thing – but it doesn’t matter if you’ve being a Christian for 50 years or 5 minutes – or even if you’re just asking questions at this stage – this is what we build our life on – who jesus is and what jesus did – we can never tire of hearing about what Jesus did for us upon the cross and it is good to remind ourselves of the power of His promises and the reality of His work in our lives. My goal today is to anchor us firmly to the reality of the resurrection and refresh our hearts to what that means for us right here today and that we would leave here today inspired and challenged – that we would grasp more of the reality of how BIG God is and that He has the power to fulfil all His promises… The resurrection is the proof of the power for the promises of God. So let’s jump right into what happened: On Friday we remembered how Jesus bled and died for us – how He suffered and bore the punishment – pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities – note the small word there FOR – it was FOR us that Jesus died. Not for His own wrongdoing but for

OUR wrongdoing. Now even the disciples didn’t see it pan out this way – this was not their plan A. Plan A for the disciples was for Jesus to go PACHING HERE IS MY GLORY (you might have had to see that bit to get the paching!) The last thing they expected was that jesus would be executed as a common criminal on the cross. His death ended their hope. They expected him to declare himself rightful king and messiah and to kick the romans out and enter in an age of glory for Israel. Death on the cross wasn’t part of the plan. Their hero was dead. Their friend was dead. Their leader was dead. Their Saturday sucked. On Saturday all hope was lost. But on Sunday we know that nothing is impossible! We have the joy of knowing the end of the story but they were broken and grieving and shocked.


heir Saturday sucked. On Saturday all hope was lost. But on Sunday we know that nothing is impossible! We have the joy of knowing the end of the story but they were broken and grieving and shocked. Let’s jump right into Matthew 28 to find out what happens next: After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. 2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. No.07 | APRIL 2014


DEVOTION continued from page 25

4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. 5 The angel said to the women, Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you. 8 So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. 9 Suddenly Jesus met them. Greetings, he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshipped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me. Matthew 28:1-10 That is worth a Woohooo! Jesus appeared not only to the women near the tomb but to all the disciples, including Thomas who when he heard that jesus had risen from the dead did a tui “yeah right” and jesus got Thomas to touch him and feel the wounds. Jesus also appeared to various other “disciples” including a group of 500 at a time. Some say that jesus rose just as a spirit, or that Jesus was just unconscious and not really dead dead dead on good Friday. But as I said, Jesus could be touched, and he ate, though he also had supernatural abilities such as appearing in a locked room etc. His body bore some of the scars from his crucifixion but a majority of the wounds were healed. And I mean healed without 6 months in intensive care… The disciple Peter sums it up this way: This man was handed over to you by God’s set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him. Acts 2:23-24

The promises of the Word and the purchases of the cross are shown to be TRUE and REAL by the power of the resurrection! The cross purchased our salvation. The cross purchased our forgiveness. The cross purchased our access to draw near to God. The cross purchased our family status – before we were rejected guilty strangers and now because of the cross, because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we are now beloved children of God, we’re part of the whanau now. But as awesome as the cross is and all that jesus did there upon it – I always think its more AWESOMER that he didn’t stay dead, that He rose from death, defeated death, and is alive. Right now ALIVE! The Resurrection assures us of God’s ability to save us. It assures us of God’s forgiveness. The Resurrection assures us that we can be changed and forgiven and born again. It assures us of God’s power and of God’s ultimate triumph. It declares loudly and beyond shadow of a doubt that YES God has the power to remove the guilt and stain of sin from us – that we can be born again and rescued and draw near to God, whereas before we were guilty and sinful – it’s an inside change, an inside transformation that before you experience it you wonder if this can really be too good to be true…. It shows us that God has the power to do the things He promises. Healing. Deliverance. Forgiveness. Provision. Direction.

But the facts are: Jesus died. And Jesus rose. And is alive now. Seated in heaven ruling and reigning beside His Father, preparing to come again.

Strength to overcome temptation.

“Jesus lived the life we could not live and died the death we should have died and given the gift we can never earn.” Mark Driscoll



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Empowerment to serve Him.


DEVOTION The resurrection is the guarantee that God can perform the promises of the Word and the work of the cross in our lives. Look to the cross and the resurrection for the POWER demonstrated there. But the Holy Spirit proved that Jesus is the powerful Son of God, because he was raised from death. Romans 1:4 CEV The resurrection is the PROOF that we need that God CAN DO THOSE THINGS THAT HE PROMISES. But what if you’re like most people… that you need some proof that the proof of the promise happened… what about proof of the resurrection… is there evidence that it happened? I’m glad you asked me that… Dr. Frank Morrison (a rationalistic lawyer) decided to take three years off from his law practice in order to try to disprove the resurrection of Jesus Christ. After three years of intense study, he found that the sheer weight of the evidence compelled him to conclude that Jesus Christ actually did rise from the dead. As a consequence he wrote the famous book entitled “Who Moved the Stone?”

Evidence Factoid #1 The first witnesses are WOMEN (shock!)

The fact that the resurrection accounts in the gospels include women make them more reliable because no one trying to sell a cover up in those days would have relied on the testimony of women. A woman’s testimony in a court of law was not considered valid except in very rare cases.

Evidence Factoid #2 CONSPIRACY THEORY

Matthew 28:11-15 has a fascinating insight into some of the cover ups and conspiracies by the religious leaders aka Jesus’ enemies… 11 While the women were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests everything that had happened. 12 When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money,

13 telling them, You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ 14 If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble. 15 So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day. Don’t you love a good conspiracy theory! But let’s think rationally. Do you think the guards would have been “rewarded” for really losing a body? To fall asleep on the job would have been punishment and perhaps death for the guards. One way a guard was put to death was by being stripped of his clothes and then burned alive in a fire started with his garments. If it was not apparent which soldier had failed in his duty, then lots were drawn to see which one would be punished with death for the guard unit’s failure. Certainly the entire unit would not have fallen asleep with that kind of threat over their heads. The guards had witnessed the earthquake and the angel rolling away the massive stone and perhaps even peeked in to see the empty tomb… they went back to the chief priests and told them everything that had happened EVERYTHING… and the priests made the call to cover it up rather than punish the guards for losing a body… interesting…

Evidence Factoid #3 The Disciples Died for Jesus

As we said earlier, if any enemies of the Christians or of Jesus had stolen the body, they would have produced it to stop the disciples preaching and people becoming christians. They would have put it on the news and tweeted their hearts out… They would have been out there saying: “Wait! We moved the body, see, He didn’t rise from the grave”? They would have paraded the body around as proof that Jesus was a fraud. But let’s play along and suggest what if the DISCIPLES of Jesus stole the body? First off, they had no reason to do this because by starting a religion in opposition to the Jewish customs was not the cool thing to do.

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ut more importantly, all but one of the disciples lived their lives for Jesus and His church and out of the main 12, 11 of them suffered martyrs’ deaths and not one of them said “stop we made it all up. It was all peters idea!” None of the disciples recanted their belief that Jesus had risen from the dead. The 12th disciple, who was not martyred was john and they did TRY to kill him by boiling him a huge pot of oil, but couldn’t kill him. He was then was exiled to Patmos where he wrote the book of revelation. But it wasn’t just the 12 disciples who faced death because of their faith – ordinary Christians were persecuted and locked up and thrown to lions and stoned to death and killed because of Jesus. Every effort was made to stop the disciples and early believers but they kept on believing and talking about it. And the church kept on growing. nother point to note is that right after Jesus’ death the disciples locked themselves away in the upper room, but after His resurrection they were bold, fearless and out there on the streets working miracles and preaching the gospel. In other words, if they had created a lie, they would certainly not have lived for it or died for it. They lived and died because the resurrection is REAL. Dr. Simon Greenleaf (a very famous Harvard University professor of Law) proclaimed: “According to the laws of legal evidence used in courts of law, there is more evidence for the historical fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ than for just about any other event in history.” The only possible reason why early Christianity began and took the shape it did is that the tomb really was empty and that people really did meet Jesus, alive again. This is what we believe in. There IS proof of the resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of the Christian faith. Without it, there is no gospel message, no saviour, no supernatural power. There is no hope of us going to heaven when we die, and no hope of drawing near to God, no forgiveness of sins. This is absolutely essential to Christian belief. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:14 and 17, “If Christ has not been


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raised, then our preaching is useless and your faith is in vain…And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” Black and white. If Jesus didn’t rise from death then this is all useless and we’re all still guilty and separated from God. If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead then He’s not who He says He is and its all for nothing. But the good news is He HAS been raised! The resurrection is REAL! Jesus opened a door through His death for us to come near to God again. God himself was pleased to live fully in his Son. And God was pleased for him to make peace by sacrificing his blood on the cross, so that all beings in heaven and on earth would be brought back to God. You used to be far from God. Your thoughts made you his enemies, and you did evil things. But his Son became a human and died. So God made peace with you, and now he lets you stand in his presence as people who are holy and faultless and innocent. Colossians 1:19-22 CEV Because of Him we can be free from sin and guilt, we can be friends with God and be confident and assured of where we’ll spend eternity. Don’t you love how sometimes it seems that paul gets so excited that he forgets to breathe and include full stops… here is another one: He prays that we would know “what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.” The CEV puts it this way: I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us followers. It is the same wonderful power he used 20when he raised Christ from death and let him sit at his right side in heaven. 21There Christ rules over all forces, authorities, powers, and rulers. He rules over all beings in this world and will rule in the future world as well.



od is at work in our lives – with great and mighty power – demonstrating that same power He used to raise Jesus from the grave. God is at work in us to heal us, set us free, transform us, guide us, give us His peace and to empower us to show the world that He is real. Through unbelief and disbelief we can sometimes live far below what the cross and resurrection has won for us. Let’s raise our expectations and our outliving to the level of the power demonstrated in the resurrection! The resurrection is the proof of the power for every promise of God. Any answer and any need you have CAN be answered in Jesus. He HAS the power! Now to Him Who, by His power that is at work within us, is able to carry out His purpose and do superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams— Ephesians 3:20 Paul goes on to say in Romans 10:9: That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Jesus lived the life we could never live and died the death we deserved and gives us the gift we can never earn.

Will you accept that gift today?

How do we respond to what Jesus has done on the cross? How do we live responding to His great love poured out on the cross? Will you put your faith in the one who undeniably rose from the dead? Let’s raise our level of expectation in the promises

of God. Let’s have greater confidence in God to move and work in our lives. Today… what impossibility do you need God to touch? 2000 years ago He declared the reality of the power in His promises. Do you need healing? He is our healer. Do you need provision? He is the God who provides. Do you need hope and comfort? He is the one who calls us to come and find strength and hope in His love. Do you need salvation? He is our Saviour. Do you need a new start and forgiveness? Nothing is impossible for God. He is alive today and forever more! We pray that you will ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to come into your life as Savior TODAY!


AY, Dear God, thank you for loving me and sending your son Jesus to die for my sins , I ask you now to forgive me of all my sins, JESUS come into my life, change my heart and become my Savior and Lord, Help me to find a church family that I may grow closer to you, serve you and discover my purpose on this earth, in Jesus Name I pray AMEN! Read Romans 10:9-10 Now if you’ve said this prayer, tell someone of your commitment to God and please let us at weSPARKLE magazine know, so we can celebrate with you. info@wesparklemagazine.com

Luke 24:3 When they went in, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were puzzled about this, two men in clothes that were as bright as lightning suddenly stood beside them. 5 The women were terrified and bowed to the ground. The men asked the women, “Why are you looking among the dead for the living one? 6 He’s not here. He has been brought back to life!




used to be a piece of work. Not a piece of work that could be classified as a brilliant piece of art that people would want to stop and take in its beauty. I was more like that forbidden graffiti you would see on office buildings or local parks. The graffiti you would shake your head with annoyance because the thought of how something that was once attractive could be ruined or defaced has now lost its charm and appeal. I was THAT kind of graffiti. I was the form of graffiti that rebelled against authority. God would say to do one thing, I did the opposite. I went one way when I should’ve gone the other. My life was a living contradictory to what God wanted. Most graffiti has a negative connotation because of its disdain for boundaries. For years, I lived outside the boundaries or Will of God. I roamed so many different roads and highways, taking me in the opposite direction of my destiny. But God loved me so much, that He took His time with me. He didn’t rush the finished product because He wanted every stroke to have a purpose, every hue to reflect His love, and every curve to point right back to Him. All of that was for His glory. There was nothing I did to deserve it, it was only because He loved me. Some people I meet now can’t believe some of the stories they’ve heard about my past or the people in my past cant believe the stories they hear about me now. It’s because He has turned my blemishes into beauty.

dumbfound the wise and I’ll be the first to admit that I was a fool for many years of my life. I thought everywhere I went or everything I did was right. “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes.” Proverbs 12:15 I recently took an art class and I learned of a technique called ‘graffito’ which is another name for graffiti. This technique was primarily used by artists to scratch through a layer of pigment to reveal another beneath it. This stands so true to what the Lord did for me. He dug into my most inner parts to reveal the real me. The exterior wasn’t important, it was those things that were within me that God wanted to draw out and showcase to the world. I had no balance, no light, no message. Since He is the Master Artist, He created a light in me that I had never had. He gave me balance in a life that lacked stability and He gave me a message in all of my mess. He went beyond just making something pretty, He created something with meaning and purpose.

Most people wouldn’t classify me as a ‘Masterpiece’ but since I am a work of a Genius, I know I’m meant to inspire galleries, big and small. If art is supposed to open eyes and minds alike, I think my Creator will agree that the process of making me has aligned in His Will and purpose, to inspire His people and encourage them to reflect over their own lives. I am not proclaiming that Ive been perfected because every season He adds another intangible to the canvas of my life, but since I have surrendered to His hand, it makes my work of art that much more grand. There is Who really ever understands what goes on in no sin or deed that can interfere with what the mind of an artist? We can look at things God wants to create in us or through us. He and think its not even worthy to be has a special design for all of us and if we considered art. That’s the great thing about would just cooperate with the work of His God, He loves to use the foolish to hands,over their own lives,


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weINSPIRE Continued from page 30

we all could be the Picasso’s at our jobs, the Michael Angelo’s in our homes, or The Rembrandt’s in our community. In the great scheme of things, every pain, failure, act of disobedience, loss, and even tear has added substance to the work of art God is creating in us. It’s the unique qualities of art that makes it so special and I don’t regret not one stroke that life has added to the beauty of art that is me. “…..we all are the work of Thy hand.” Isaiah 64:8

by Ericka Ellis Who is Ericka Ellis?.............


ricka is the Visionary and Founder of Think.

Love.Smart™. Marked by her own experience as a foster child due to her mother’s former drug addiction, she understands the heart of those often dispirited girls. Through this connection, she is hopeful that she will help them discover that their own gift is in forgiving, while combating the reckless thinking pattern many often adopt. Her mission is to “Move Foster Girls Forward” by preparing them to transition into the “real world,” equipped with the life skills they will need to be productive citizens. She believes that when we reach out to our foster girls and help them succeed, we strengthen the very communities they originate from. Girls have an uncanny ability to share what they know with others so the circle of giving continues on and on. Ericka aspires to motivate our foster youth who have been

neglected and abused by promoting a healthier outlook on life and developing a stronger sense of self worth to become productive citizens in society. TLS will bridge the gap and assist in equipping our foster youth with the right tools to transition into quality productive, responsible, confident, and determined young adults, ready for positive participation in society. Ericka is committed to mentor, engage and equip our youth with the essentials of life by providing Mentoring, Life Skills, and Support Services to assist them in both acquiring skills, and achieving goals that will aid in the development of a successful career and life. Think.Love.Smart™ is an organization dedicated to empowering our youth to expand their vision and realize their dreams through mentorship. Learn more about Ericka at www.erickaellis.com


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No.07 | APRIL 2014


Special Thanks to, The James House and all of our monthly contributors!



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