WE-SPARK Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Environmental Scan - Recommendations Report May 2021

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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan Recommendations Report – May 2021

CONTRIBUTORS: Prepared by: Aleksandra Redko, MA Student, Applied Social Psychology (EDI Intern) Prepared for: WE-SPARK Health Institute Practicum Supervisor: Ingrid Qemo, PhD Faculty Supervisor: Kathryn Lafreniere, PhD WE-SPARK Reviewer: Karen Metcalfe, MA


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3 Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................... 3 Land Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................ 3 Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... 4 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Findings, Next Steps and Recommendations............................................................................ 4 Purpose........................................................................................................................................... 5 Methodology .................................................................................................................................. 6 Key Findings ................................................................................................................................... 7 Current EDI Related Materials at WE-SPARK Partners............................................................... 7 Best Practices .............................................................................................................................. 7 Sample: Action Plan and Logic Model ......................................................................................... 13 Metrics for Measuring Change .................................................................................................. 14 Recommended Priority Action Items ....................................................................................... 15 Final Note .................................................................................................................................. 18 Appendix A .................................................................................................................................... 19 Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 19 Appendix B: Partner Organizations EDI Materials....................................................................... 21 References .................................................................................................................................... 22


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Introduction Critical to all research programs, policies and practice is Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). Under the supervision of Dr. Ingrid Qemo and the direction of WE-SPARK’s Research Development Committee, an EDI environmental scan was completed as part of an internship by Aleksandra Redko, MA Student, Applied Social Psychology, University of Windsor. This report contains: •

A brief discussion of partner institutions’ (University of Windsor, St. Clair College, Windsor Regional Hospital, and Hôtel Dieu Grace Healthcare) publicly available content, policies, and practices regarding EDI. A review of comparable institutions including universities, colleges, research hospitals and health research institutes (i.e., SickKids, University Health Network (UHN), etc.), and racial advocacy organizations. An examination of EDI actions, best practices in research, and initiatives to identify where EDI barriers may exist and how current practices can be improved. A proposed framework to guide the implementation of an EDI action plan

Acknowledgement Thank you to the individuals and organizations credited in the references that provided learning resources, suggestions, and opinion pieces, and for sharing these with the greater community to help guide EDI efforts of other organizations. Work must continue to understand experiences of individuals from underrepresented communities to improve research experiences and increase representation within the research and health community.

Land Acknowledgement “WE-SPARK acknowledges that we are on land and surrounded by water, originally inhabited by Indigenous Peoples who have travelled this area for time immemorial. This territory is within the lands honoured by the Wampum Treaties; agreements between the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, Lenni Lenape and allied Nations to peacefully share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. Specifically, we acknowledge the presence of the Three Fires Confederacy (Ojibwe, Odawa, Potawatomi and Huron/Wendat) Peoples. Health research and care can benefit from gaining a deep appreciation of the past and present healing practises among the Indigenous Peoples. We recognize the urgency for health research, care and training to meet the needs of the Indigenous communities in Canada.” WE-SPARK Health Institute


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Executive Summary Purpose Critical to building a successful Health Institute is embedding meaningful equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) practices into our organization, and supporting our partner institutions (University of Windsor, St. Clair College, Windsor Regional Hospital, and Hôtel Dieu Grace Healthcare) build research policies that include EDI. Data demonstrate the importance and critical need for EDI considerations in health research, from inclusive and equitable research methodology (i.e., Brown Speights et al., 2017), to recognizing the importance of the social determinants of health and the impact of these on underrepresented groups and healthcare outcomes (Abdillahi & Shaw, 2020; Piggot & Cariaga-Lo, 2019). EDI considerations help add diverse expertise in research, solve problems, and aid in expanding traditional research to consider social implications that affect health (i.e., Swartz et al., 2019). As a main funder of health research, it is important to consider the policies and goals of the Tri-Agency when developing action plans that will best support our research community, which states that “achieving a more equitable, diverse and inclusive Canadian research enterprise is essential to creating the excellent, innovative and impactful research necessary to advance knowledge and understanding, and to respond to local, national and global challenges.”

Findings, Next Steps and Recommendations Two environmental scans were conducted, the first involved the four WE-SPARK partners’ publicly available documents and websites. The second constituted reviewing similar health institutions to identify EDI best practices. This report provides recommendations regarding proposed EDI implementation strategies, resources, and tools that WE-SPARK can adopt to support an equitable, diverse and inclusive health research ecosystem. The immediate next step is for the Research Development Committee to review this report, circulate to stakeholders, formalize a plan and create a timeline for action. A template and logic model have been developed that will help identify which indicators of change and key metrics will be used to determine if EDI goals have been achieved. Key recommendations and next steps include: •

Develop an EDI working group to lead this initiative, ensuring that it is connected to and builds on current work being done by partner institutions • Focus on best practices in the following areas: grants program, membership, training and support, accessibility and communication • Begin with a few simple action items that can have a big impact, e.g., implement staff training, create an EDI specific email, and focus on creating content that is accessible


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Purpose Fostering equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in all aspects of research is vital to our commitment to health research excellence. We recognize that EDI impacts how members conduct research and our interactions with the Windsor-Essex community. Data demonstrate a need for EDI considerations at all stages of health research, including the study design and clinical trials (i.e., Brown Speights et al., 2017), as this has implications for the health outcomes of members from underrepresented communities (Abdillahi & Shaw, 2020; Piggot & CariagaLo, 2019). Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) are words that are frequently becoming used in the research landscape, in healthcare, and all organizations. They are more than just words; they are important factors in improving health research, supporting individuals from underrepresented groups, and influencing health and life outcomes. There are many reasons why we should embed EDI into our research landscape. These include: • •

• •

• •

Better representation of members from underrepresented groups in our research teams (i.e., related to sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity and race, disability, etc.) Better representation of members from underrepresented groups in our studies to ensure that our work accounts for the unique health experiences individuals may have (Saltzman et al., 2021). Ensuring that our innovations and research findings can be better generalized to others, including members from underrepresented groups (Saltzman et al., 2021). Improving our education and healthcare programs, keeping them up to date and taking into account all social factors impacting individuals’ health, allowing for more inclusive practice (i.e., Blondeel et al., 2016; Daley et al., 2020). Improves our ability to solve problems, including different viewpoints and expertise within a research team and on our research projects (Swartz et al., 2019). Required by funding agencies


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Methodology Our four WE-SPARK partners’ publicly available EDI-research and other related material was reviewed, using search terms including EDI, equity, diversity, inclusion, research on their websites. Materials of interest included policies, procedures, statements, grant materials, events, and initiatives. Similar institutions publicly available EDI-related materials and resources were reviewed using the same search terms outlined above. Sources include the following post-secondary institutions, research hospitals, government websites, racial advocacy websites, and peer reviewed and other scholarly material: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Centre for Addition and Mental Health (CAMH) Government of Canada Lawson Health Research Institute Mental Health Commission of Canada Mount Sinai Hospital Ontario Tech University Sick Kids Research Institute Sinai Health | Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute St. Michaels Hospital Toronto Academic Health Science Network Toronto Public Health University of Guelph University of Michigan University of Toronto Urban Institute Western University York University

Note: EDI is a rapidly evolving area that will require an on-going review of best practices. Best Practices have been broken down into the following areas: • • • • •

Grants Program Membership Training and support, Accessibility Communication

Best Practices that WE-SPARK can support researchers and partners with include: Writing letters of reference, Grant writing and research design and other considerations.


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Key Findings Current EDI Related Materials at WE-SPARK Partners Generally, partner websites did not show EDI-research content, however this does not account for work that may be ongoing and is not yet publicly available. Examples of EDI related materials including those specific to research are summarized in Appendix B.

Best Practices There are five major best practice themes for consideration:

Grants Program 1. Provide EDI training to all members involved in grant decision-making (CRCC, 2020b). 2. Make grant criteria guidelines more equitable. • Provide details about each step of the application process for clarity, and make information accessible (CRCC, 2020a). 3. Create a policy to prevent against discrimination during the decision-making for applicants with family or caregiving obligations, or with gaps in careers (CRCC, 2017a). 4. Include an EDI statement as a requirement for all grant competitions 5. Consider implementing an EDI enhancement fund (i.e., University of Guelph, 2020) Box 1: Examples of training provided by Tri-Agency (CRCC, 2020b) • • • • •

Unconscious Bias training (this should be required) Indigenous Ways of Knowing Sex & Gender in research proposals How systemic bias occurs during assessment of research quality Bias in Peer Review

Box 2: Example of Policy for Grants with a focus on Supporting underrepresented groups (Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Research & Innovation, 2018) • • • • • •

Develop procedure for the event that not enough submissions are received by members of underrepresented groups Identify who makes the final decision regarding the award of grants Develop mandate to have explanations for not meeting goal of applicants, and determine protocol to re-run opportunity Communicate grant criteria clearly with all potential applicants Prioritize applicants from underrepresented groups Identify where to improve during future grant opportunities


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Membership Recruitment of Teams & New Members: 1. Seek out diverse populations for posting jobs or opportunities (i.e., Akpapuna et al., 2020). 2. Create and Produce Equitable Postings (CRCC, 2020b) • Language – i.e., non-gendered, bias free • Provide an equity statement on behalf of the organization • During the interview process, include a question about EDI and how they engage/will engage in EDI in the role 3. Ensure hiring/decision making committees are diverse 4. Provide feedback to candidates not given offers on how to improve (CRC, 2017). 5. Recruit members from underrepresented groups (CRCC, 2020b). • Use social media hashtags, reach out to Black Scientist networks, local community organizations, student groups, nominate or encourage others to join

Mentorship: 1. Provide mentorship programs, internships, and career shadowing • Focus on high school students, undergraduates, graduate students that are from underrepresented groups (i.e., SickKids Research Institute, 2019; Temerty Faculty of Medicine – University of Toronto, 2020) 2. Provide mentorship programming for new and senior research members (CRCC, 2020b) • Allows for members from early career underrepresented groups to see representation in senior levels • Supports career development (i.e., Akpapuna et al., 2020)

General: 1. Ask questions and review best-practice examples to implement change (CRCC, 2020b). • “Are there members of underrepresented groups acting as mentors?” • “Are there members of underrepresented groups in leadership and research roles?” 2. Provide in-kind or other compensation for committee/advisory members from underrepresented groups (CRCC, 2020b) This is due to the fact that researchers from underrepresented groups often become mentors to others and take on extra work (i.e., Jeste et al., 2008) 3. Develop policies that everyone knows and understands, including work-life balance and family care-giving (Villemure & Webb, 2017). 4. Develop an understanding of who is in your organization by conducting surveys to get a snapshot of the membership barriers, opinions, needs, and ideas (i.e., SickKids, 2019; Faculty of Science, n.d.)


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan •

This is one way to know who the members are, where there are gaps, and what you can focus on and use as indicators of change (i.e., ORIS, 2019) Should be done in a way that is confidential, but allows information to be used to make meaningful decisions and empower members Meet people where they are Share resources available for mental health support as conversations about discrimination, historical mistreatment can be mentally and emotionally taxing (Zambrana et al., 2021)

Box 3 Summary of Reflections for Considering Including Indigenous Peoples in Your Organization (Jimmy & Andreotti, 2019, “Towards Braiding”) (Note: This is not the complete document,

see original document for full context) • • • •

Integrity: “What do you expect the Indigenous perspective to do for you?” Commitment: “What kind of learning are you willing to do?” Resilience: “Are you committed to addressing the individual and group conflicts and anxieties that will probably arise?” Ethical Hosting: “Are you organizing the logistical dimensions of your Indigenous engagements with considerations of different sensibilities?” Complexities: “Is your organization cognizant of the heterogeneity within Indigenous communities and capable of engaging divergent perspectives?”

Training & Support: 1. Provide resources and training for EDI implementation in research plans and applications (CRCC, 2020b); provide funding for EDI training, and cover potential costs related to EDI learning, if necessary 2. Educate about microaggressions (CRCC, 2020b) 3. Provide learning opportunities via webinars, research conferences, workshops, speaker series (CRCC, 2020b). • Connect with community organizations that offer learning sessions in their areas of expertise (i.e., Trans Wellness Ontario [TWO], n.d.) • Be open to continuous learning and active participation against the perpetuation of stereotypes, discrimination, and racism (Willis et al., 2020)


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Accessibility 1. Make documents accessible for those that may have colourblindness or low visions by using contrasting colours (CNIB, n.d.) 2. Provide alternative text, and ensure that the order of the content is set up appropriately to be easily read by a screen reader (i.e., Web Accessibility in Mind [WebAIM], n.d.) 3. Provide closed captioning on pre-recorded videos, or have live-captioning available (Office of Human Rights, Equity & Accessibility [OHREA], 2018) 4. Provide language translation, where possible

Box 4 Considerations for Accessible Events (Lassonde School of Engineering York University, 2013; OHREA, 2014) • • • • • •

Budget for ASL (American Sign Language ) Interpreter, real time captioning service, alternative format materials Dietary needs i.e. food allergies, religious accommodations, Location and room set-up, including support persons & service animals Training of Volunteers Communication & Presentations that are accessible Evaluation - opportunity to not identify oneself

Communication 1. 2. 3. 4.

Find ways to embed EDI in social media posts, campaigns, workshops, Think Tanks, etc. Add pronouns to email signatures Create communication checklist that outlines EDI considerations Ensure accessible content across all modes of communication (i.e. WebAIM, n.d.). • Use an accessible content media viewer for Quarterly Reports, or provide accessible alternative when original content cannot be made accessible altogether • Find a combination of aesthetic and accessibility

Box 5 Example: Partner Social Media Campaign University of Windsor: • •

Social media campaign featuring women in STEM (Faculty of Science, n.d.); Social media campaign February, 2021 for Black-History month – providing self-learning about Anti-Black Racism resources (Lancer Recreation, n.d.).


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Best Practices - Supporting WE-SPARK researchers and partners:

Writing letters of reference 1. Take the Avoiding Unconscious Bias training (CRCC, 2021) 2. Limit unconscious bias (CRCC, 2017) by means of: • Avoid adjectives that stereotype people regarding their character and abilities, “compassionate”, “warm”, “kind” • Use adjectives that are not gendered, e.g., “superb”, “confident”, “knowledgeable” • Acknowledge formal titles

Grant writing & research design 1. Sex & gender (CIHR, n.d., CRCC, 2020b) • Understand/know/have a resource about appropriate gender identity, sexual orientation terminology Has sex (biological) or gender (sociocultural) been considered in all parts of the research process? And how? Consider design, methods, analysis, interpretation, dissemination Are demographic questions appropriate, and is there an opportunity for respondents to indicate options not already offered i.e. gender, ethnicity • Race & ethnicity (i.e. Brown et al., 2019) Don’t use race as a “dummy variable”. Race and ethnicity are meaningful social factors, and can make a difference in healthcare and health outcomes (Abdillahi & Shaw, 2020) Don’t make assumptions based on responses to other demographic information, e.g., income, location • Indigenous Research (CRCC, 2020a) Foster relationships with the community Collaborate with Indigenous communities to develop research design and methodology that would fit within their needs and navigate ethics too Give back to the community by taking the research you found and helping the community in return i.e., if research has identified a huge inequality, help the community to remove that inequality • Consider the social determinants of health and the inequalities of health (i.e., Abdillahi & Shaw, 2020) Use tools like the Pan-Canadian Health Inequalities Data Tool, 2017 edition created by Public Health Agency of Canada [PHAC], Public Health Network, Statistics Canada, & Canadian Institute of Health Information (2021).


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Other 1. Create accessible research spaces (OHREA, 2014) • Space & reach • Labs are accessible, e.g. location, pathways, flooring, equipment layout • Office spaces 2. Create & foster supportive, equitable, and inclusive research teams (CRCC, 2020b) 3. Engage in active learning about Anti-racism, underrepresented groups (CRCC, 2020b) • Create opportunities to embed EDI in all tasks • It is important for individuals not from underrepresented groups to engage in learning first rather than asking underrepresented groups to educate them (Roberts, 2020) 4. Engage in mentorship within research projects (CRCC, 2020b) • Mentor research members from underrepresented groups that may not have had other mentors or other opportunities to excel in their careers (i.e., Akpapuna et al., 2020) 5. Foster relationships with community organizations that serve, support and include underrepresented groups (i.e., Bourassa et al., 2020). • Offer resources for how to work with underrepresented populations that may mistrust researchers and the medical system due to experience of historical perpetuation of discrimination (i.e., Jaiswal, 2019; Jaiswal & Halkitis, 2019)) • Involves knowledge users as collaborators, allowing expertise to be shared, and helps with trust, as well as bringing research back into the community. Examples of ways to involve community members include (i.e., with African American women - Brown Speights et al., 2017): - Developing research questions - Developing research methods - Applying research to policy implementation to improve healthcare - Liaison with community groups 6. Embed EDI within regular administrative tasks

A sample action plan, logic model and possible metrics to measure change are provided in the next section.

Sample: Action Plan and Logic Model


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Metrics for Measuring Change Building on the outcomes identified in the sample logic model, a number of metrics or approaches to gathering data have been provided for consideration. Based on the literature review, it is important to note that metrics are to be used over time, to measure planned outcomes and impacts. Metrics are linked to the intended outcome. Long-term metrics can be measured using post-tests, or follow up surveys at future time points (i.e., 1-year, 5-years, 10year post-implementation). These metrics include many of the best practices previously discussed; for additional reading about metrics, please see Akpapuna et al. (2020).

Short Term Outcome: Resources Available for Learning 1. 2. 3. 4.

Number of webpage link hits Number of downloads How often are resources used at meetings, added as agenda items, discussed etc. Surveys about competency, knowledge, willingness to use, actual use (i.e., pre-post, or focus groups)

Short Term Outcome: Increased Number of Members from Underrepresented Groups in Organization 1. Self-identification survey of individuals that are currently part of the organization (recommend that this be an initial step to help understand current state) 2. Identify the current population make-up of students, community members, and research members from all partner organizations eligible to be part of WE-SPARK and to be on committees. This would require finding out current general self-identifications of each of the partners using currently available data of the organization, or self-identification survey if data is not available. 3. Use Pre-Post surveys i.e., Before implementation of EDI, during consultation period, and after implementation occurs. This can also be measured well into the future i.e., 5 -10year interval, and it is important to note what changes have been made in relation to the times that opinions are collected 4. Identifying current opportunities for members of underrepresented groups to lead 5. The number of calls for members of underrepresented groups to join committees, 6. The number of applications for committees by applicants that self-identify as part of underrepresented groups

Short Term Outcome: Increased Number of Learning Opportunities 1. The number of events related to EDI • Workshops, speakers, think tanks, webinars, and other small EDI learning groups 2. The amount of funding available to support people to attend conferences or special presentations about EDI for learning, and to help further implement change in WE-SPARK and partners


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Short Term Outcome: EDI Included in all Resources 1. Number of people trained in EDI in research • Levels of competency i.e., do they feel competent, can they apply it? 2. The usage & relevancy of content of training 3. The adoption of EDI considerations in grant applications • In what ways is the content learned being applied? 4. The number of grant applications that apply and consider EDI appropriately

Recommended Priority Action Items All items here are suggested as initial actions to be taken. Certain tasks may take longer to complete than others and are therefore not in any particular order. Where appropriate, a lead committee has been identified to move items forward. Item 1. Build on current EDI efforts at partner organizations 2. Collaborate with partner research offices on all action items to develop streamlined systems for collecting metrics 3. Identify current EDI training education protocols or training that members have received • Internal Human Resources (HR) training or other • Assess current opinions about EDI, implicit bias, unconscious bias, readiness – could hire devoted consultant that specializes in EDI for all partners 4. Provide training about alternative research methods that foster trust within underrepresented groups • Rationale: Some members within WE-SPARK have received EDI training, but the details and tracking of this information is not available. Having a consistent and across-the-organization membership training would ensure EDI consideration is being demonstrated to all members. 5. Develop memorandum of understanding regarding the sharing of EDIrelated data, resources, and initiatives within partner organizations where-in it falls under the jurisdiction of WE-SPARK 6. Develop concrete and organization/partner wide terminology related to EDI • Definitions, appropriate & accurate terminology, and education about historical connotations

Committee All All Knowledge Translation

Knowledge Translation




Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan 7. Develop and implement social media tips and requirements 8. Create resource pages on the WE-SPARK website to assist researchers with EDI • Seek and receive permission to post resources on website, and to share resources • Rationale: This would allow more specific and practical steps for members to engage with their research participant communities, and be able to involve the community more in the research which would then go back and help the community at large. There has been historical mistreatment of underrepresented groups in research and in medicine, and it is important to provide researchers whom may not be familiar with social psychological methods of research, training on how to use methods like Community-Based Participatory Research, which has been used countless times to equitably involve underrepresented communities and earn trust (i.e. Brown Speights, 2019). • Provide a central hub for researchers to serve as a starting point for members to begin or continue their journey into EDI learning. It is important that members that are not from underrepresented groups begin learning on their own, rather than relying on one person within the organization to represent the views of an underrepresented group, which can be an act of tokenism (i.e., Roberts, 2020). • EDI is a continuously growing area and this resource hub should flexible, allowing for new additions, updates and changes as more research becomes available. When completing the environmental scan there were some links to resources that no longer worked, or led site visitors to incorrect links. 9. Set up EDI specific email contact for questions, concerns, and suggestions • Rationale: Most organizations reviewed had a separate email address to ensure accountability. It is a simple task and must be handled with respect. A point person needs to be assigned who is responsible for checking the account, and who has the knowledge and ability to respond to suggestions of new material, questions about certain practices, or issues that have come up. Confidentiality must also be maintained.

Community Engagement Knowledge Translation

Community Engagement


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan •

Designate individual responsible for answering emails in designated EDI account • Maintain confidentiality 10. Conduct an audit of accessibility within all media content to identify current issues • Rationale: It is important to ensure that all content is accessible for members, and for the public. Providing additional language translation may also be an area for WE-SPARK to consider, as the local community is made up of a diverse group of citizens. • Ensure all documents on the WE-SPARK website, are accessible with an assistive device. Be mindful of platforms being used for document reading such as that used for Impact Reports. 11. Work with members of underrepresented groups to understand personal experiences, and to make change through various means, starting with identifying the make-up of the organization, and current experiences • Rationale: Before being able to make concrete plans of what changes need to be made, it is recommended that a confidential, self-identification survey , be conducted, or some other form of data gathering to: - Know the make-up of the organization and its members, - Know which groups are currently being left out of the organization, - Identify barriers experienced by underrepresented groups currently in the organization, and - Help decide directions as to what EDI measures need to be implemented, and what is defined as successful to the organization and to members that are part of underrepresented populations. 12. Develop a working-group committee specific to EDI • Put out a call for committee members • Review case studies of how other organizations engaged in organization reform i.e. Racial Equity Tools, and other resources • Decide applicants based on their knowledge, expertise, research, and more. Avoid tokenism, and having these individuals explain everything or tell team what has to be done. Show that all members have done their own work towards the initiative. • Have an equity statement about EDI in the call for members

Community Engagement


Research Development


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan •

Individuals can work in groups or individually on tasks to be more meaningful, and for accountability 13. Include EDI on the Committee Chairs meetings and complete an EDI review at that time. Check in on action item progress and continuously re-focus EDI efforts

Committee Chairs

Final Note There are limitations to this report, and there are critical next steps needed for change. This report is a first step and does not take into consideration the current situational factors, behind-the-scenes work being done by each of the partners, and the experiences of current members, especially those that are from underrepresented groups. Decisions cannot be made without consultation and input from these groups. To know whom to speak to and whom to involve, it must be identified who is a part of our WE-SPARK membership. This is a guide to getting started, and the first step of putting work and effort into meaningful change towards embracing and implementing EDI practices within WE-SPARK and embeding these practices in the health research landscape in Windsor-Essex. It takes the commitment of the WE-SPARK community to embed EDI in our organization, and work towards more equitable, diverse, and inclusive health research, and practices.


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Appendix A Definitions For contextual purposes, and for understanding content pertaining to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), the following definitions are of that used in many of the resources that make up this environmental scan. Equity: “Equity is defined as the removal of systemic barriers and biases enabling all individuals to have equal opportunity to access and benefit from the program.” (CRCC, 2021b) “…systemic barriers faced by individuals from underrepresented groups (e.g., women, persons with disabilities, Indigenous Peoples, racialized minorities, individuals from the LGBTQ2+ community) …” (CRCC, 2021b)

Diversity: “Diversity is defined as differences in race, colour, place of origin, religion, immigrant and newcomer status, ethnic origin, ability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and age.” (CRCC, 2021b)

Inclusion: “Inclusion is defined as the practice of ensuring that all individuals are valued and respected for their contributions and are equally supported” (CRCC, 2021b)

Microaggression: “…include implying a member of an underrepresented group is an “equity hire”; asking where someone is “really from”; downplaying the effects of race, gender, ability, etc. on lived experiences; implying that someone’s reaction is due to sensitivity, not the nature of the situation they are in; etc.” (CRCC, 2021b)


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Tokenism: “the practice of doing something (such as hiring a person who belongs to a minority group) only to prevent criticism and give the appearance people are being treated fairly.” (CRCC, 2021b) Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR): “Community-based research in public health is a collaborative approach to research that equitably involves, for example, community members, organizational representatives, and researchers in all aspects of the research process.” (Israel et al. 1998, p. 177) CBPR uses the following principles: “1. Recognizes community as a unit of identity… 2. Builds on strengths and resources within the community…3. Facilitates collaborative partnerships in all phases of the research…4. Integrates knowledge and action for mutual benefit of all partners…5. Promotes a co-learning and empowering process that attends to social inequalities …6. Involves a cyclical and iterative process…7. Addresses health from both positive and ecological perspectives…8. Disseminates findings and knowledge gained to all partners.” (Israel et al., 1998, p. 178-180)


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

Appendix B: Partner Organizations EDI Materials Table 1: University of Windsor • • •

Types of Materials EDI-Research & other resources Groups & organizations Initiatives, policies, & action plan [1], [2]

• • • •

Examples: Videos for EDI grant writing [3], [4] Women in Chemistry [5] Anti-Black Racism resources [6] Accessibility Resources [7], [8]

Note: References include: [1] University of Windsor, 2020; [2] Office of Research & Innovation Services [ORIS] (2019); [3] ORIS (2020a); [4] ORIS (2020b); [5] Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (n.d.); [6] Office of Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility [OHREA] (n.d.); [7] OHREA (2014); [8] OHREA (2018).

Table 2: Windsor Regional Hospital • • •

Types of Materials Groups & organizations Policy Statement News Releases

• • •

Examples: Windsor Cancer Research Group (WCRG) Conference - EDI discussions [1] "... We honour diversity and inclusivity." (Strategic Plan) [2] Indigenous Practice Protocol and Partnership with Cancer Care Ontario & Bkejwanong First Nation [3], [4] Ethics Protocol [5]

Note: References include: [1] Windsor Regional Hospital [WRH] (2020); [2] WRH (FIND DATE); [3] WRH (2019a); [4] WRH (2019b); [5] WRH (n.d.).

Table 3: St. Clair College •

Types of Materials Policy Statements o Specific to student accessibility services [1] o Tri-Council Policy

Examples: Tri-Council - Respect for Persons [2]

Note: References include: [1] St. Clair College (2016a); [2] St. Clair College (2021).

Table 4: Hôtel Dieu Grace Healthcare EDI Material •

Types of Materials Policy Statements

Examples: "The Board is committed to diversity and inclusivity that through the recruitment and appointment process, every effort is made to ensure that the Board and committees reflect the entire population of Windsor-Essex." [1]

Note: Reference includes: [1] Hôtel Dieu Grace Healthcare [HDGH] (n.d., p. 5).


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Environmental Scan

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