Business Briefs - October/November 2022

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CONTENTS WINDSOR-ESSEX REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2565 Ouellette Ave. Suite 101 Windsor, ON N8X 1L9 October | November 2022 Volume 64 | Business BriefsOctober | November 2022 2 Message from President & Chair .................................... Policy Resolution Cover Story - We’re Back ................................................. Board Of Directors - New Members ................................. Athena Scholarship ......................................................... Lifetime Achievement - Jennifer Jones ............................ Business Excellence Awards 2022 Members Spotlight ................................................... Chamber Activities 3 4 5 6 8 9 10-11 13-14 19 Rakesh Naidu President & CEO Ext. 222 | Kathleen Westlake Accounting & Finance Administrator, HR & IT Support Ext. 227 | John Newland Sales & Projects Manager Ext. 229 | Wendy Fulton Membership Coordinator Ext. 221 | Jennifer Reaume Event Coordinator Ext. 231 | Connor Lalonde Policy Analyst & Board Liaison Ext. 225 | Gregory Morgan Marketing, Communication & Social Media Coordinator Ext. 228 | STAFF “The mission of the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce is to be the key connector and advocate for the long-term business success of our Members.” WINDSOR-ESSEX REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE – The recognized champion of a thriving business community built on innovaon and partnerships. 519-966-3696 519-966-0603

Greetings Chamber Members and Friends,

So much has happened in the last few months We are excited and optimistic that the worst of Covid 19 is behind us The Chamber is thrilled to finally return to in person events and see faces that we just have not been able to during the pandemic Let's seize the momenttomakenewandstrongerconnectionswithbusinessesacrossourregionandbecomeevenmoreresilient


In May, the Chamber held its 31 Business Excellence Awards. As one of our first events back in-person, it was a great opportunity to celebrate businesses in Windsor-Essex after several years of dealing with pandemic restrictions. Congratulations to all winners andashoutouttoallofthenominees;theChamberrecognizeshowhardyouworktomakeyourbusinessessuccessful.

Recently, the Government of Canada decided to lift border restrictions and end the mandatory use of the ArriveCAN app. The Chamber has long advocated an end to these restrictions and to open up our borders for businesses, investment, and consumers. In August, we joined several other Chambers representing border communities to call for an end to the ArriveCAN app. With the border measures removed, we know that the challenge has only begun to bring back visitors and investment from our friends in the U.S. To that end, we have issued a media release with our counterparts at the Detroit Regional Chamber to spread the news thatArriveCANandotherborderrestrictionshavebeenlifted.Weremainhopefulthattheseeffortswillsoonberealized.

The Chamber was also excited to receive the support of the Chamber Network for our resolution “Support for the Trucking Industry” with 95% voting to adopt the resolution at the 2022 Ontario Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting. At the Annual General Meeting, we were also proud to receive the award for “Outstanding Advocacy Campaign” for our work trying to endthebridgeblockade.

In October, the Chamber attended the Canadian Chamber of Commerce AGM in Ottawa. We know that many of the policy resolutions submitted will be of impact to our members and serve as a great opportunity to connect with the cross-Canada Chambernetwork.

The Chamber remains focused on keeping our workplaces safe from Covid-19 and is still offering the #WEStaySafe program. To date, the program has given out almost 200,000 Covid-19 rapid tests to almost 1,000 businesses. We are mindful as we move towardslivingwithCovid-19thatitisessentialtocontinuetokeepworkplaceshealthytolimitthespread. th

Mark your calendars! Our Enbridge Luncheon is on November 9 and will take place at beautiful Willistead Manor. Enbridge Gas President Michele Harradence with be the keynote speaker discussing the Future of Energy. We will also host our ATHENA th Scholarship Luncheon on November 18 , honouring the 2022 ATHENA Scholarship recipients. Taking place at the St. Clair College CentrefortheArts,theguestspeakerwillbeWindsorRegionalHospitalPresident&CEODavidMusyjdiscussing,“HowtoLeadan Amazing Team During Difficult Times – Embrace It!” Keep your ears tuned for announcements for our upcoming AGM later this yearandAfterBusinesseventsinNovember

Finally,weareexcitedtoannouncethenewmembersonourBoardofDirectors:ShannonDyck–LibroCreditUnion,DuaneAcorn–Windsor Star/Postmedia, Patricia Leblanc-Jaeger – Port Windsor, Tal Czudner – Cavalier Tool & Manufacturing Inc., and Bryce Phillips – Windsor Detroit Bridge Authority. These individuals provide a wealth of experience and knowledge that will ensure the ChambercontinuestorepresentallareasoftheWindsor-Essexeconomy.WeappreciatetheirdedicationtotheChamberandtheir commitmenttotheWindsor-Essexbusinesscommunity.

Yoursinbusiness, Rakesh Naidu - President & CEO Nancy Jammu-Taylor - Board Chair


Nancy Jammu-Taylor McTague Law Firm LLP

Past Chair Mila Lucio Green Shield Canada

Treasurer Heather Pratt University of Windsor



Duane Acorn Post Media Network Inc.

Tal Czudner Cavalier Tool & Manufacturing, Inc.

Shannon Dyck Libro Credit Union

Directors Allison Hawkins Hawkins & Co.

Patrick Leblanc-Jaeger Windsor Port Authority

Directors Gordon Orr

Tourism Windsor-Essex Pelee Island

Bryce Phillips Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority

ATHENA Committee

Lee Anne Doyle

Young Professionals

Christopher Da Silva Next Dimension Inc.

Director Emeritus Dr. Alfie Morgan

Message from the President & CEO and Chair 3
| Business BriefsOctober | November 2022
October|November 2022 Business Briefs

Windsor Essex Chamber of Commerce


Earlier this year, the Chamber attended the Ontario Chamber of Commerce AGM. At the event we successfully submitted a resolution to bolster Ontario's vital trucking industry. This industry is essential in every way to our economy as it transports goodsinallstagesofproductionandemploysthousandsofOntarianswithgoodpayingjobs.Ourpolicyresolutionhasthree recommendationstoaddressthedrivershortageandhighcostofoperatingafleet,thatitaskstheGovernmentofOntarioto consider.

1. Implement and adjust licensing requirements for internationally trained truck drivers so that specific training and safety tests allow new truck drivers to fast-track their careers and consider their previous experience, thereby reducingthetimeandcosttoobtainalicense.

2. Increase immigration and bring internationally trained truck drivers that would amplify the pool of workers available.

3. Implement financial support to smaller fleet companies (owner-operator) so that they can offset high insurance cost,offercompetitivewages,covertraining,andhiremoreworkers.

We are very proud that our policy resolution was adopted with 95% support. The support of the Ontario Chamber network means that we can use our voice to advocate for this issue and push towards getting the provincial government to consider and perhaps implement our recommendations. The Chamber recognizes that as a network across Ontario, and across Canada,wearestrongertogether

We were also honoured to receive the award for “Outstanding Advocacy Campaign” from our colleagues at the OCC for our advocacyeffortsaroundendingthebridgeblockade.OneofthekeyresponsibilitieswehaveasaChamberistoadvocateon behalf of our members on issues that affect them. We take that responsibility seriously as the leading voice of business in Windsor-Essex. For that reason, it is an honour to receive this award and recognition for the hard work that went towards tryingtoendtheblockade.

4 Policy Resolution
| Business BriefsOctober | November 2022
Photo left to right: Caitlyn Hildenbrand, Daniel Levitan, and Rakesh Naidu
2 0 2 2 October|November 2022 Business Briefs

WE'RE BACK... and

Something we've all learned in life is that things never go quite as planned – and the start of 2020 was a prime example. With the COVID-19 pandemic shutting everything down and everyone practicing social distancing, in-person events quickly became a thing of the past. With the adoption of a new, online lifestyle, both businesses and individuals had to rethink how they operated. For a while, thingswerereallyflippedontheirhead!

Two years later,we'reback.Aftera long waitand somevery meticulous planning, the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce (WERCC) has once again resumed its inperson events. And what better way to kick things off than gettingtogethertocelebrateeachother'sachievements?

On May 19, the WERCC hosted the Business Excellence AwardsintheChryslerTheatreatSt.ClairCollegeCentrefor theArts.Notonlycouldthiseventbeattendedinperson,for the first time ever, Cogeco subscribers had the option to watchtheeventbroadcastlivefromhomeonYourTV.

It was a wonderful night of mingling, cheering, and a delicious dinner in the Skyline Ballroom. But that was only the beginning. In June, things got impressive with the ATHENA Scholarship luncheon, the After Business Trade th Show, and the Chamber's 86 Annual Golf Tournament at EssexGolfandCountryClub.

Although things were a little behind schedule because of the pandemic, the Chamber was finally able to celebrate both the 2020 and 2021 ATHENA Scholarship Recipients. Everyone gathered at St. Clair College Centre for the Arts to celebrate these scholars' achievements, including guest speaker Kathleen Thomas, the retired Executive Director of the Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County It was no easy task for the judges to make their selection with all the excellent candidates, but the Chamber would like to congratulate all the students on their wonderful achievements.

Less than a week later, the Chamber had its first in-person networking event since 2020 at the beautiful LFX Supply Center. On top of being able to meet with fellow business professionalsintheWindsor-Essexregion,guestscouldlook forward to delicious appetizers provided by Parkside Grille, as well as many great door prizes from our exhibitors. The entire event was DJed by Mix96.7 and was a great start to thereturnofin-personAfterBusinessevents.

Finally, to round things out for the month, the Chamber th hosted its 86 Annual Golf Tournament at the award winningEssexGolfandCountryClub.Theweathercouldnot have been better as all our participants headed out to tee off.Althoughthereweremanycompetitorsonthecourseat this sold-out event, only one team could take first placeand that was Ryan Bas, Brent DeBruyn, Wesley Ladouceur, and Jonathan Sciacca. Luckily, you didn't need to win first place to still have a chance at all the wonderful raffles and prizes that were available. And for all those that missed out this time around, our next Annual Golf Tournament will be at Kingsville Golf and Country Club on September 18, 2023, somarkyourcalendarsnow!

All the work and planning kept us busy, but our members showed their support and came out in droves to celebrate with each other, network, and have an all-around great time. For just starting out transitioning back to in-person events,theWERCCcouldn'thaveaskedforabetterturnout.

But we don't have plans to stop there – preparations are already underway for next year's Business Excellence Awards, and there are still the Enbridge Luncheon, Annual General Meeting, and Holiday Party to look forward to as well. Be sure to check out our website for all our upcoming events and register early so you don't miss out! The WERCC looksforwardtoseeingyouthere.


Golf Swing - A participant of the 86 Annual Chamber Golf Tournament getting into the “swing” of things.

After Business with Mix96.7 Matt and Tori from Mix96.7 DJ'ing for After Business on June 9, 2022.

5 Cover Story
BEA 22 Committee Red Carpet The 2022 BEA Committee poses for a photo on the Red Carpet.
| Business BriefsOctober | November 2022
October|November 2022 Business Briefs

Nancy Jammu-Taylor has approximately 20 years of experience practicing as a Labour and Employment lawyerwithMcTagueLawFirm,whereshebecamepartnerin2008.ShereceivedherBachelorofLawsdegree from the University of Windsor, where she also received her Honours Bachelorof Arts degreewith a major in Psychology Betweenthetwodegrees,NancycompletedherMastersinChildPsychologyattheUniversityof Detroit Mercy where she met her husband, Dr Andrew Taylor Together, they have a son. Nancy has been actively involved in giving back to the community, having previously served as a Director on the Windsor Family Credit Union Board and the Art Gallery of Windsor Board. She also served on the Windsor-Essex Children's Aid Foundation Board and was a Director with the Canadian Mental Health Association – Windsor EssexBranchBoardofDirectors. PriortojoiningtheChamberBoard,shewasontheSt.ClairCollegeBoardof Governors,servingasChairfortwoyears.

Throughout a nearly 20-year career in Advertising and Marketing, Duane Acorn has helped thousands of businesses achieve their marketing goals and overcome business challenges by understanding their needs andstayingontopoftrends. HavingheldavarietyofroleswithintheWindsorStar,DuaneiscurrentlySenior Manager, Media Strategy at Postmedia, working with Postmedia markets in Southwestern and Northern Ontario. Markets outside of Essex County hear a lot about the incredible things happening in #YQG and working with other cities throughout Ontario provides Duane with the opportunity to share best practices and ideas from other markets with local businesses. Duane acknowledges the local business community has been amazing to work with and has providedhim with lots of opportunities throughout his career that might not be possible elsewhere. He sees joining the Board of Directors as an opportunity to give back and say, “ThankYou”

Tal Czudner was born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, and has always had very strong ties to the community. Tal has two degrees from the University of Windsor, the first being in Psychology and History and the second being in the Faculty of Business Administration. Tal has a strong background in the hospitality industry, starting as a dishwasher at the Dominion Tavern back in 1983. It was there that he learned the value of interpersonal communication and has always been someone who craves and excels at communication. Tal hashadadiverseworkcareerthatincludeslengthyservicetoCasinoWindsor,BeachGroveGolfandCountry Club, Essex Golf & Country Club, and the Landscape EffectsGroup. Talhas joined the manufacturingsector at Cavalier Tool and is eager to put his skill set to helping the Chamber with its goals and to assist the business community wherever possible. Tal has been married to Daniella for 27 years and has two university-aged children,AlexandraandIsaac.TalisahugesportsfananddoesaweeklypodcastwithhissonIsaacwherethey mostlycryaboutthesportsteamsinDetroit.edicaid,Medicare

ShannonDyckgrewupinanentrepreneurialfamily. HergrandparentsstartedWheatleyGrainElevators,which was then managed by her father and uncles. Shannon quickly learned the commitment and dedication it takes tooperateafamily runbusiness.AftergraduatingfromtheBusinessAccountingprogram,Shannonhasworked in the field of business and community economic development for almost 14 years During this time Shannon has held a number of roles relating to small business and entrepreneurship development and has had the privilege of working alongside hundreds of business start ups and dedicated entrepreneurs along the way, helping them to succeed In her latest role as Small Business Specialist at Libro Credit Union, Shannon further supports Windsor Essex small business owners through coaching as well as strategic partnerships within the regional entrepreneurship eco system. When Shannon is not coaching small businesses through financial resiliency,shecanbefoundastheloudestcheerleaderforher3childreninalloftheiractivities.

Patricia Leblanc-Jaeger is currently the Director of Finance and Administration and Board Secretary, at the Windsor Port Authority. Previously, she worked in the education sector for nearly two decades in various business/IT management positions and had a leading role in many strategic initiatives (Accessibility, Job Evaluation, Labour Negotiations, Learning Services, Policy Development, Technology Modernization). She bringstotheChamber'sBoardawealthofexperienceandleadershipfromhermanyyearsasaBoardmember and President of Big Brothers, Big Sisters Chatham Kent Foundation and Agency (2003 to present), Chair, Provincial Payroll Committee (Ontario Association of School Business Officials, 2009-2010), and Chair, Certified General Accountants (Windsor Chapter, 2001-2003). Patricia is a proud CGA, CPA as well as a Certified Port Executive. She was born and raised in Windsor and currently resides in Lakeshore with her husbandThomas.

Bryce Phillips joined Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority as its CEO following an appointment by the Government of Canada in July 2018 and brings more than 35 years of experience as an executive in the infrastructure and energy sectors. Bryce most recently served as Vice President of Kinectrics where he oversaw major infrastructure projects for a broad range of clients in North America and in Europe. Prior to that,heservedasVicePresidentofTechnicalSupportServicesforAMEC,acompanyprovidingnuclearsafety solutions for nuclear power plants worldwide. He also held key leadership positions at the Darlington and PickeringNuclearGeneratingStations,includingOperationsManager,PlantManager,DeputyVicePresident andSeniorVicePresident.Amonghismanyaccomplishments,BryceworkedwiththeBoardofDirectorsand led his team to achieve the Institute of Nuclear Operations Excellence Award for quality and safety, a first in theworldforafour-unitnuclearfacility AnativeofWindsor,Ontario,Bryceholdsanengineeringdegreefrom theUniversityofWindsor

of Directors Members
Patricia Leblanc-Jaeger Bryce Phillips Duane Acorn Nancy Tal Czudner
| Business BriefsOctober | November 2022 October|November 2022 Business Briefs
Shannon Dyck
7 Q3 2022 Highlights | Business BriefsOctober | November 2022 October|November 2022 Business Briefs

Scholarship Recipients 2022 ATHENA

On August 25, the ATHENA Scholarship Recipients met at Bistro At The River for a delicious lunch, and to chat with the ATHENA Scholarship Committee. Each of these scholars did an excellent job in showcasing not onlytheiracademicprowessbutalsotheircommitmenttocontributingto a positive change in the community and their wonderful leadership skills. We know these students will continue to be shining examples for their peersandcongratulatethemontheirachievements.

Congratulations 2022 ATHENAScholarship Recipients!

Aliyah King has completed three years of Behaviour, Cognition, and Neuroscience at the University of Windsor. For Aliyah, skating has been a big part of her life – she skated full-time at Marina Zoueva's Olympic International Skating Academy and represented Canada at the International Children's Games in Austria. Through the Outstanding Scholars Program, she conducted research with the Experimental and Clinical Neuropsychology Lab, the Teaching International Students Research Group, and the Student-Faculty Partnership Project. Her commitment resulted in publishing journal articles, and internationalconferences,andshewasalsonamedMissTeenageMediaCanada2019forheradvocacy work.SheiscurrentlyworkingonhermedicaldoctorateattheUniversityofOttawaFacultyofMedicine.

Hannah Lebedyk is in her final year of Graphic Design at St Clair College and has continued to demonstrate leadership in the community while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. Even from a young age, she was passionate about leadership and volunteerism and strived to promote a younger generation, especially young girls, to succeed. Hannah has volunteered at a variety of organizations, including her local food bank, garden, church, and more recently, with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Windsor Essex. Upon graduation,Hannahhopestofindameaningfulcareerwhereshecanapplyherskillswhilestillmakinga positiveimpactonthecommunity.

Vanessa Montemurri was born and raised in Windsor and is now a fourth-year medical student at the SchulichSchoolofMedicine,WindsorCampus.Afterstartingmedicalschoolin2019,shebegantofocus onlearningaboutsocialbarrierstopediatrichealthcareinWindsorandislookingtopursuepediatricsas a specialty Her passion for health sciences led her to participate in neuroscience research and clinical breast cancer research through WE-SPARK as an undergrad and she earned her BSc in Biology at the UniversityofWindsor.Overthepastseveralyears,Vanessaenjoyedmentoringyoungerstudentswitha focus on women in STEM programs. In her free time, she loves being with family, friends, and her dachshund,Winston.

Monica Romero is in her final year at the University of Windsor Faculty of Law in the Master of Social Work/Juris Doctor Program. During her time here, Monica served clients through her role as a Senior CaseworkeratCommunityLegalAidandtheFamilyLawProjectatProBonoStudentCanada,andinher first year, founded a chapter of Amnesty International at Windsor Law. Monica enjoyed participating in multiple executive teams for student organizations and, prior to this, she received a Bachelor of Social Work from York University and a Bachelor of Commerce with a minor in Philosophy from the University ofWindsor.

8 Athena Scholarship 2022
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Lifetime Achievement Award 2022

Award Recipient Jennifer Jones

Achievement is not something that is easily obtained. To achieve something, one must put in a great deal of effort, skill,andevencourage So,howwouldonemeasurealifetime ofachievement?

Back in 1999, the Lifetime Achievement Award was conceived by the Windsor Essex Regional Chamber of Commerceasaspecialaward,presentedtoanindividualwho has shown vision, commitment, dedication, spirit, and leadership. Through their efforts, they have contributed an extraordinary amount to the quality of life and the overall goodoftheWindsor Essexcommunity

This year, we would like to recognize an individual who has notonlydemonstratedtheirachievementsinthecommunity but on a global scale as well. This individual continues to reach out and challenge those around them to make their dreams come true, making the lives of everyone they touch just that much brighter The 2022 Lifetime Achievement AwardrecipientisnoneotherthanJenniferJones.

Even from a young age, Jennifer was no stranger to serving the community – from running lemonade stands for charity, toorganizingacarnivalinherfamily'syardtobenefitchildren withmusculardystrophy,Jenniferwasalwayslookingfornew waystogiveback.Herhonestandcaringnatureisreflectedin everythingshedoesandisjustoneofthemanyreasonssheis abletoconnectwithotherssoeasily.

Although Jennifer has lived in Windsor for most of her life, that hasn't stopped her from traveling and experiencing other cultures first hand No matter where she might go, Jenniferhasalwaysbeenabletofitrightin,whetherspeaking at a rotary meeting in another city or helping in a different country She has served as an international volunteer in the BrazilianAmazon,Peru,Haiti,Venezuela,andTanzania Itwas also while working in the Caribbean that she happened to meet the love of her life, Nick Krayacich, who was also from Windsor and happened to be on vacation at the time Both she and her husband have a thirst for adventure and have evenreachedthesummitofMountKilimanjaroin2009.

Now, Jennifer Jones continues to add to her list of achievements.SheisnotonlythecurrentPresidentofRotary International, but she is the first woman to hold this position intheorganization's117 yearhistory

Jennifer's introduction to Rotary began with her working as a young radio reporter for CKLW. Jennifer could recall attending their meetings at a hotel on Riverside Drive and remembers all the incredible people in the community that were there. Despite her interest in the organization, it was notuntil1997thatshewasaskedtojoin,onlytenyearsafter a Supreme Court ruling that allowed women to become members.

From there, Jennifer continued to play a key role in Rotary; she is a proud member of the Rotary Club of Windsor Roseland,aswellasapastDistrictGovernorofDistrict6400 (Michigan/Ontario) She was also the North American Coordinator of the Rotary Public Image Coordinators, Vice Chair of the Rotary International Communication Committee, and sat on the Advisory Board for Rotary Canada and the Promotions Committee for the 2013 RI ConventioninLisbon,Portugal.

In addition to her prestigious title as the first female president of Rotary International, Jennifer Jones is also the founder and President of Media Street Productions, a 27year-old media company in Windsor, as well as a former Chair of the Board for the Windsor-Essex RegionalChamber of Commerce from 2010 – 2012. She also held the position of Chair of the Board of Governors for the University of Windsor and has been recognized for her service with the YMCA Peace Medallion, the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal, and the first Canadian to receive Wayne State University'sPeacemakeroftheYearAward.

Jennifer Jones is truly the embodiment of “achievement,” and her efforts to continually improve both the community and the world around her is what makes her a treasure for all those who have been able to interact with her Both as the Rotary International President and as an individual, Jennifer is always looking forward and thinking of what can be done for a better, brighter future for everyone. We could not think of a better recipient for the 2022 Lifetime AchievementAwards.

9 Article
Jennifer Jones addressing the audience Chamber Lifetime Gala by Mychailo Photographer
Congratulations Jennifer! | Business BriefsOctober | November 2022 October|November 2022 Business Briefs
Jennifer receiving award from Nancy Jammu-Taylor photo by Rakesh Naidu

at the 2022 Business Excellence Awards A LOOK BACK

On Thursday, May 19, the annual Business Excellence Awards presented by Windsor Star were back in full swing Not only was the in person event hosted at St. Clair College's Chrysler Theater, but for the first time, Cogeco subscribers had the opportunity to watchalivebroadcastoftheawardsfromhomeonYourTV.

Thisyear,wewereabletogatherandcelebratetheachievements ofmanylocalbusinessesthat,despitedealingwiththedifficulties of the pandemic, were able to adapt and even grow. The st Windsor Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce's 31 BEA was a true showcase of the determination, strength, and innovation of our local businesses, organizations, and individuals and their abilitytoovercomeanysituation

The night kicked off with our host and BEA Committee Chair, Jason Toner, looking back on the year and all the challenges that theWindsor Essexcommunityhadtoovercome,aswellasallthe support that went into making the BEA a rousing success The tireless work of the volunteer BEA Committee and Judging Panel, aswellasthesupportofourmanysponsors,enabledeveryoneto haveawonderfulnightcelebratingour2022BEAAwardWinners.

With over 150 nominees to go through, our volunteer Judging Panel did an excellent job narrowing down the finalists for the ten awards that were presented by our various sponsors, as well as the award recipients for the ATHENA Leadership Award andBelieveWindsor-EssexAward.Inaddition,wewereableto get an inside look at the businesses of each of our finalists and how they embodied “excellence” thanks to the wonderful workdonebyMediaStreetProductions.

Although only one winner could be selected from each category,the2022BEAmanagedtoshowhowdiversesomeof thelocalbusinessesare.Amongstourfinalists,wewereableto see pediatric services, a distillery, food services, a spa, production facilities, pest control, funeral services, and more. Eachofthesebusinesses,aswellasallournominees,wereable to excel, making their mark on the Windsor-Essex region and wecouldnotbehappierwiththeircontributionandsuccess.

2022 Business Excellence Awards

10 Business Excellence Awards 2022
Entrepreneur of the Year sponsored by Grant Thornton Winner: Goran Todorovic, Broker/Owner Team Goran, Re/Max Care Realty New Company of the Year sponsored by Enbridge Winner: SPARK Pediatric Services Professional of the Year sponsored by TD Commercial Banking Winner: Fiona Coughlin, Executive Director & CEO Habitat for Humanity Windsor-Essex Tourism & Hospitality Award sponsored by Caesars Windsor & OLG Winner: Wolfhead Distillery Green Innovation Award sponsored by University of Windsor & University of Windsor Alumni Association Winner: Green Heart Kitchen Pillars Of Our Community sponsored by Motor City Community Credit Union Winner: Fight Like Mason Foundation
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pg 11

2022 Business Excellence Awards Congratulations!

Small Company of the Year sponsored by Families First Winner: Absolute Comfort Control Services

Mid-Size Company of the Year sponsored by RBC Winner: Windsor Chapel Funeral & Cremation

Large Company of the Year sponsored by St. Clair College Winner: Red Sun Farms

Young Professional of the Year sponsored by Libro Credit Union Winner: Sawyer Telegdy

continued from pg 10

ATHENA Leadership Award sponsored by Bell Winner: Ms. Federica Nazzani

Believe Windsor-Essex Award sponsored by WFCU Credit Union Winner: Mr. Van Niforos

After the presentation of the awards and many heartfelt acceptance speeches, it was off to the St. Clair's Skyline Ballroom upstairs for a wonderful dinner. Whether getting the mouthwatering grilled tenderloin steak or the fresh pear and goat cheese salad with a red wine vinaigrette, everyone was able to enjoy a delectable meal, followed by a signature chocolate mousse glace for dessert. And we can't forget the Pelee Island wine on the side – the option of a Chardonnay or Merlotateachtable.

It was wonderful being able to see everyone in person once againandcelebratetheirhard-earnedachievements.Whether big, small, old, or new, our award recipients, as well as our finalists, have done an excellent job in contributing to the Windsor-Essexcommunity.

There would be no BEA without the hard work and contribution of all the local businesses, as well as our sponsors and volunteers, and we would like to thank everyone for makingthisnightsuchahugesuccess.

For more information and to keep up-to-date with all the WERCC news, including the BEA and future events, be sure to followusonFacebook,Twitter,andInstagram,aswellchecking

Celebrateexcellenceinbusiness, TheWindsor-EssexRegionalChamberofCommerce

Business Excellence Awards 2022 - continued
| Business BriefsOctober | November 2022 October|November 2022 Business Briefs
12 | Business BriefsOctober | November 2022 For more information, visit or call (519) 966-3696 ext. 231


CaesarsWindsoristheonlycasinoinCanadawiththeiconicCaesarsbrandandworld renownedreputation.Witha gaming area over two floors, guests feel the thrill of gaming action with each roll of the dice or spin of the wheel CaesarsWindsoroffersthelargestvarietyofthelatestslotsandawidevarietyoftablegamesincludingWorldSeries ofPoker,craps,blackjack,androulette.

With everything all under one roof, the AAA Four Diamond world class hotel offers the essence of indulgence, comfort, and luxury CulinaryadventuresbeginwithuniquerestaurantoptionsfromLegendsSportsBar,Café377,andtheaward winningNerosSteakhouse Perfect for a celebratory dinner or romantic date night, Neros delivers affordable luxury, impeccable service, and an unforgettable experience. The 5,000 seat Colosseum theatre showcases excitement and legendary entertainment. As the premier venue in Windsor, TheColosseumhostsworld classentertainersfromallgenresofmusic,dance,comedy,andmore


Founded in 1957 to provide affordable access to prescription drugs, Green Shield Canada (GSC) is one of the country's largest health and dental benefits providers. GSC is evolving to become a digital health organization, integratinghealthcareinsurance,administration,andhealthcareservicesfornearlyfivemillionCanadians.GSC is the first company in Canada to be a payer; offering insurance coverage, administering benefits, and paying claims, and a provider; offering medical services, mental health, and pharmacy services. This provides more access, more convenience, more servicesthattalktoeachother,andbetterhealthoutcomesforCanadians.

As a not for-profit social enterprise, giving back is more than what they do, it's who they are. Their earnings get reinvested to deliver healthcare programs to local communities and underserved Canadians. GSC is one of Canada's Most Admired Corporate CulturesandiscommittedtoadvancingDiversity,EquityandInclusioninitsworkforceandcommunities.


Invest WindsorEssex (IWE) is the lead economic development agency for Windsor Essex, facilitating economic growthandjobcreationacrossallkeyindustrysectors

IWE is led by a board of distinguished community leaders and has a team of professional staff who are ready to assist with investment decisions by working one-on-one with entrepreneurs and companies to facilitate the process of starting, growing or locatingabusinessinWindsor-Essex,Ontario.

IWE delivers several programs and services that assist with the growth and success of entrepreneurs and firms including small businesstrainingandadvisement,mentorship,foreignbusinessandinvestmentattraction,localbusinessretentionandexpansion intargetedsectorsandpromotionoftheregion'sdiversifiedeconomy,strategiclocationandhighqualityoflife. Connectwithustodaytoseehowwecanhelpyou.

13 Gold Circle Member Spotlights
| Business BriefsOctober | November 2022 October|November 2022 Business Briefs

St. Clair College launched its 2022 23 academic year in early September with more space for its still burgeoning enrolment After entering the campus through the new Dr Patti France Community Promenade gateway on Cabana Road, many students will now be accommodated in the recently completed Academic Tower of the Zekelman Schools of Business and Information Technology. In addition to new classrooms, faculty offices and study space, that facility features the Nexus esportsarenaandbroadcastcentre–astate of the artfacilityforCanada

St.Clair'scampusesinSouthWindsor,downtownWindsorandChatham,coupledwithits“sisterschool”relationshipwiththeAce Acumen Academy in the Greater Toronto Area, are expected to feature an enrolment of approximately 14,000 full-time students thisyear.CitizensinWindsorandEssexCountyshouldlookforSt.Clair'slogoatahostoflocalvenuesduringthecomingyear,asthe Collegesponsorsdozensofcommunityevents. Theschoolisalwayspreparedtopartnerwithorganizationsoneventsandprojects tobenefitthecommunity becausethatiswhatSaintsdo.


Stellantis in Canada has approximately 440 dealers and sells Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep®, Ram, FIAT and Alfa Romeo brands, as well as the SRT performance designation. The company also distributes Mopar and Alfa Romeo parts and accessories. In addition to its Canadianassemblyfacilities,whichproducetheChryslerPacifica,ChryslerPacificaHybridandChryslerGrandCaravan(Windsor), Chrysler 300, Dodge Charger and Dodge Challenger (Brampton), Stellantis operates an aluminum casting plant in Etobicoke, a researchanddevelopmentcentreinWindsor,andhassalesofficesandpartsdistributioncentresthroughoutthecountry

Windsor-EssexCountywillbehometoStellantis'recentlyannounced$5billionjointventurewithLGEStoformthefirstlarge-scale lithium-ion battery production plant in Canada. In addition, the Company announced a $3.6 billion investment that includes new electrified product for the Windsor Assembly Plant and an addition to the Automotive Research and Development Centre (ARDC) for a battery testing lab. This also supports the company's Dare Forward 2030 plan and its long-term electrification strategy to invest$45billionthrough2025inelectrificationandsoftwareglobally.

· Founded as the Chrysler Corporation in 1925, Stellantis in Canada is based in Windsor, Ontario

· Celebrates its 97th anniversary in 2022

· Stellantis North America is based in Auburn Hills, Michigan and a member of the Stellantis global family.

Pillar Member Spotlight


Oneoftheoldesttool&dieshopsinWindsor-EssexisCavalierTool&Manufacturing.Foundedbythreepartnersin1975,Cavalier has grown exponentially in the last decade under the leadership of Brian Bendig, the son of one of the original partners. Since takingoverthecompany,BendigwhocallshimselftheHeadCoach,hasoverseenthetenfoldgrowthinrevenue.Nowrankedinthe top twenty moldmakers in North America, Cavalier's industry leadership in technology development and process improvement, hasgarneredthemareputationforspeedandqualityaroundtheglobe.

With three manufacturing operations in Windsor-Essex and three design and support offices in India, Cavalier has cemented its reputation as a premium supplier of plastic injection tooling across North America. Monthly fundraisers for various local charities are run by the team with the company matching all contributions. Support for MFG DAY, Bring-Your-Kids-to-Work Day, and opendoorpolicyforschooltoursareonlypartofCavalier'scorporateconscience.#CavalierArmy

Gold Circle Member Spotlights
| Business BriefsOctober | November 2022 October|November 2022 Business Briefs
15 | Business BriefsOctober | November 2022

Experience a Better Way to

offers market-leading products,
banking, and
Amherstburg l Kingsville l LaSalle l Leamington l Tecumseh l Windsor l Chatham Coming Soon!
WFCU Credit Union
convenient access to
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financial goals. Proudly serving residents, community organizations, small
commercial entities and public institutions for over 80 years, we’re one of Ontario’s largest credit unions and a Great Place to Work.®

Absolute Comfort Control Services

Heang & Cooling Contractors (519) 252-2699

AIM Recycling Manufacturing (437) 324-2648

Bella Vista Travel Travel Services (519) 962-9220

Belle River Imaging Services Health Care (519) 727-3993

Blimeys Brish Store & Gi Shop Gi Shops (226) 787-1244

Campbellsville University Educaon (800) 264-6014

Chick fil-A Devonshire Restaurants (519) 286-2748 30005@chick chick

City Of Windsor Government - Municpal (519) 255-6315

Community Support Centre of Essex County Social Service Organizaons (519) 728-1435

Dosanjh, CPA Professional Corporaon Accountants (519) 962-9090

Enable Physiotherapy Health Care (519) 250-5775

Ergonow Incorporated Office Furniture (519) 990-2568

Essex Topcrop Sales Limited Manufacturing (519) 776-6411

John Cooper English Tutor Consultants (519) 551-6003

Kalculated Decisions Soware Development TrainingLeadership (780) 318-1860

Kiwanis Club of Windsor Associaons & Organizaons (519) 999-4071

Lambert Smart Energy Energy Services (416) 689-9900

Loaring Physiotherapy & Health Centre Health Care (519) 739-2700

Lola's Round Table (226) 346-5652

The Heart's Celebraons Event Planners (226) 606-8354

Machine Doctors Inc. Machinery Manufacture & Retool (519) 944-7249

Magic by Eric Bedard Entertainment (778) 700-3742

Melo LLP Accountants (519) 250-8663

Melt Body Health Inc. Health & Wellness (519) 996-3081

New Earth Wellness Centre Ltd. Health & Wellness (226) 347-2344

Noble Corporaon Plumbing & Heang (519) 969-1152

Pelee Island Winery Wineries (519) 733-6551

Property Hunters Inc. Property Management (519) 944-7368


Real Estate Agent/Brokers (519) 979-9949

Renaissance Valuaons Limited Real Estate Appraisers Commercial Appraisers (519) 817-4474

17 New Members
| Business BriefsOctober | November 2022 October|November 2022 Business Briefs

Signal Out of Home Adversing (416) 660-3402

Simard and Associates Financial Services (519) 982-4750

Spirol Industries Ltd. Manufacturing (519) 974-3334

Supreme Basement Soluons Waterproofing (519) 946-0363

TD Wealth Financial Services (519) 566-3603

The Job Shoppe Staffing & Recruitment (519) 979-4400

TMC Travel & Occupaonal Health Health & Wellness (519) 979-5260



Smoke Devonshire Mall

(519) 967-8836

Tutor Doctor Windsor Essex Tutoring (519) 329-1541

Via Italia/Erie Street BIA Business Improvement Associaon (519) 818-6696

Walkerville Candles Gi Shops (519) 965-9591

Windsor Local Inc. Business Services (519) 800-7831

Windsor Parade Corporaon Non-Profit (519) 254-2880

Zuleeats Specialty Foods (519) 980-6024

18 New Members
| Business BriefsOctober | November 2022 October|November 2022 Business Briefs


AttheWindsorEssexRegionalChamberofCommerce,there'salotofwork that goes on behind the scenes. We do our best to ensure that our members, as well as the community, have access to many opportunities to helplearnandgrow,makingtheregionprosperousforeveryone.

In the last few months, the Chamber has done a lot for the Municipal Elections. host the Windsor Mayoral Debate at the Serbian Aside from ing Centre, we also the Chamber's first-ever live stream of the broadcasted County Debates, right from our office. In addition to providing everyone withaccesstothese ,wealsocontacted123candidates variousmunicipalities threedebates in acrossthecityandcountyfor mayor,deputymayor,andcouncillorpositions,andrequestedtheirplatformstatementstopublishonourwebsite.Thework wedidfortheMunicipalElectionswaswellreceivedandweweregladtoprovidesuchavaluableservicetothecommunity

The Chamber was also able to host a “Meet Your MPP” event with Andrew Dowie and Anthony Leardi. This was a great opportunity for local businesses to come and have their questions and concerns answered, and we were pleased with how many people cameouttoparticipate.

Finally, to kick off Small Business Week, the Windsor Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce and BBB Serving Western Ontario were excited to announce a unique partnership between our two organizations. With a unified goal of creating a stronger, cohesive, and ethical business community, our two unique yet complementary organizations coordinated to offer substantial cost savings to current and potential members.ThispartnershipallowsforBBBAccreditedbusinessesintheWindsor-Essex area who are not currently members of the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commercetojoin theCONNECTORTierwitha50%discount,and conversely,allowfor all Chamber Members to apply for BBB Accreditation and, once approved, receive a 50%discountappliedtotheirscaleddues.

The Chamber is proud to continue serving the community and we look forward to providing future servicesthatwillcontributetothegrowthandsuccessoftheWindsorEssexRegion.

2 Year Anniversary

Logic Executive Search Celebrates 2 Year Anniversary with New Office

Logic Executive Search and Workplace Solutions Inc. is excited to celebrate its two-year anniversary this September with the grand opening of its new office space located at 310 Croft Drive, Unit 200 in Tecumseh,Ontario.

Logic Executive Search provides professional and executive recruitment expertise and human resources solutions to organizationsacrossOntarioandtheUnitedStates.Weunderstandthatfindinggreatcandidatescanbeachallenge,whichis whyatLogicExecutiveSearch,weprideourselvesonourproventrackrecordofhelpingourclientsfindthetalentneededto helptheirorganizationprosper.Withourcommunity focusedapproachandnationalcandidatereach,westrivetobecomea strategic business partner that takes the time to understand your organization and develop a customized recruitment strategy that will fit your unique needs. We believe in quality over quantity and build on the values of honesty, trust, and empathyasthecoreofourinteractionswithourcandidatesandclients.

For more information on how Logic Executive Search can support with your recruitment and human resources needs, visit ourwebsiteatwww.logicexecutivesearch.comorcontactPresident,JenniferCharrondirectlyat(226)683-0033

October|November 2022 Business Briefs 19
| Business BriefsOctober | November 2022
MPP Meetup – Businesses meet with MPPs, Andrew Dowie and Anthony Leardi Windsor Mayoral Debate at the Serbian Centre Partnership between the Windsor Essex Chamber and Better Business Bureau Serving Western Ontario

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