Global Socialism

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Global Socialism


1. Supreme authority: the State in absolute control 2. Supreme law: Luciferian, masonic “rule of law” Morals and Dogma by A. Pike, 1°, “jus et norma,” Unrighteous rule of law is supported and practiced. 3. Movement Objective: Creation of a totalitarian, socialist New Global Order of government (i.e. “the World State” - H. G. Wells) under the guise of “Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).” This deceptive, Devil-inspired, Communist planned New World Order includes at least seven elements: 1) Global planned economy and development via Sustainable Development (for world citizens). 2) UN global “control” over all human activity See UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. (totalitarianism) 3) Creation of a global classless society free of all “inequalities.” Universal values, beliefs, attitudes. 4) Creation of a global cashless society (i.e. “control” of all financial transactions) 5) Government redistribution of wealth (i.e. theft) 6) Global education in amorality (i.e. no morality) 7) Global “population control” (i.e. NeoMalthusianism – human population reduction.) It is a Global Coalition of Evil (GCE). Socialist and/or Globalist organizations advancing this leftist, global agenda include: the United Nations, Open Society Foundation, Socialist International, Democratic Socialists of America, Sierra Club, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation, Our Revolution, Club of Rome, The World Government Summit, Bilderberger Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Fabian Society, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Gates Foundation, Obama Foundation, Organizing for Action, Southern Poverty Law Center, World Council of Churches and other captives of the black arts, etc. 4. Movement is rooted in the ideology of Marxism. Socialism is one step in development of Marxism. 5. Movement is anti-Christ, anti-Bible, anti-God’s authority (i.e. spirit of antichrist). 6. Movement is in active rebellion against the LORD’s absolute moral commands found in the Holy Bible (i.e. Luciferianism) 7. Movement proposes nations with open borders. National law is subject to global law. 8. Movement disregards the private property rights of individuals and families. 9. Movement advocates a scientifically planned society controlled by a technocratic elite. 10. Movement aims for government control of all health care. Sustainable medicine, rationing, “Duty to Die.” All human bodies belong to the State. 11. Aims for government control of all education of children (i.e. indoctrination in Progressivism). 12. Movement supports social[ist] justice, international laws, World Court, etc. 13. Movement affirms normalization of LGBTQ and all other forms of sexual perversion. 14. Movement aims to vilify and criminalize Biblical Christianity, Bible believers and Christian morality.

Biblical Christianity 1. Supreme authority: King Jesus (1 Tim. 6:15) 2. Supreme law: God’s eternal, moral laws revealed in the Holy Bible (such as the Ten Commandments) Righteous rule of law is supported and practiced. 3. Faith objective: Great commission of Christ Biblical Christianity teaches the establishment of the global reign of King Jesus Christ on earth from Jerusalem at His literal, visible, personal second coming (Dan. 2:44, Mic. 5:2, Zech. 14:9-17, Rev. 19:1-21, 20:1-10). The Holy Bible advocates: 1) Freedom of each nation-state to determine its economy, foreign trade, etc. (1 Kin. 5:1-18) 2) Private ownership and control of property and the means of production (1 Kin. 21:1-7, Josh. 13-21, Mt. 6:21; 7:24-27; 20:1-8, Lk. 13:6-7, Acts 5:3-4). 3) Freedom to work and prosper in nation-states. Teaches biblical values, beliefs, attitudes. 4) Freedom in banking and financial transactions. Rejection of Antichrist’s global rule (Rev. 13-15) 5) Freedom to give or not to give (Acts 5:3-4) 6) Practice of Christian morality (Jn. 14:15-23) 7) Affirms the sanctity and value of all human life including unborn children and the elderly. Jehovah commands, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:…” (Gen. 1:28) (i.e. Have children.) This is the opposite of the false doctrine of “sustainable development.” Our LORD commands Christians to separate from satanic/luciferian, antichrist doctrines, rituals and organizations (i.e. secret societies, etc.) See Mt. 24:4-5, Acts 15:20, 2 Co. 6:14-18, Eph. 5:11, 1 Jn. 4:1-6 and Rev. 18:1-6. Paul warns, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” (Col. 2:8) 4. Beliefs are rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ and His apostles (“the faith” – Jude 3). 5. Authentic Christianity is pro-Christ, pro-Bible and affirms submission to God’s authority. 6. Real Christians obey Christ Jesus and His righteous rule as revealed in His absolute moral commands of the Holy Bible (Mt. 28:20, Jn. 14:15). 7. The nation-state is recognized as a valid human government with boundaries (Acts 17:26). 8. True Christianity defends private property rights of individuals and families (Jos. 13, Mt. 20:8, Ac. 5). 9. It validates private control of the means of production (1 Kin. 21:1-7, Mt. 20:1-8, Acts 5:4) 10. Defends health care freedom. Natural products and medicines recommended. Our bodies belong to our LORD, not to the State (1 Co. 3:16; 6:13-20). 11. It teaches parental control of all education of children (Deut. 6-7, Prov. 1-7, 2 Tim. 3:14-17). 12. It supports God’s righteous justice advanced in the courts of nation-states (Is. 10:1-3, Rev. 16:7). 13. God commands all people to repent of these sins of fornication (Acts 17:30-31, 1 Thes. 4:1-7). 14. True Christians choose to obey God and His biblical moral laws (Acts 4:18-20, Jn. 14:15-23)

© 2019 Nolan McFadden Copies permitted.

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