November 2013 wellzine

Page 25

For the second face wash for oily skin there are also only two main ingredients. You may find this odd but they are both oils. Using oils for oily skin is helpful because oil dissolves oil. While washing your face, the oils will feel silky smooth while they nourish your skin. Ingredients 1-teaspoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1-teaspoon Castor Oil

Left: Yogurt (Larry Jacobsen Flickr page) Botom: Oil(Nicole Sullivan) Opposite Top and Bottom: Oatmeal (Nicole Sullivan)

How to Make Apply the oil mixture to your dry skin all over your face. Soak a washcloth in hot water. Set the hot washcloth on your face for one minute and let the steam clean your skin. Gently remove oil from your face with the washcloth. Tips: Don’t use a moisturizer the first night you try it. If you find that you still need moisturizer, continue with your regular face wash routine.

The final face wash is for people with normal skin. The two ingredients are plain yogurt and lemon juice. The yogurt is used because it is a great natural cleanser. It is rich in protein, lactic acid and fat which all help detoxify the skin. The lemon juice is used just for a more pleasant scent. Ingredients: 1-tablespoon Plain Yogurt 1-teaspoon Lemon Juice How to Make Once mixed apply directly to your skin. Massage your skin to help the mixture have its full cleaning effect. Then wash with warm water. Tips Lemon juice can be drying to the skin, so be wary of the amount of lemon juice you mix in.

! y o j En Health & Wellness Services

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