Some Reasons Why You Should Drink Black Tea Everyday

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Some Reasons Why You Should Drink Black Tea Everyday The many benefits of black tea will influence you to choose it over any other tea. The phytonutrients in this tea can help flush out toxins from your body and help heal your body. Additionally, the caffeine level is lower than coffee. What is black tea? Black tea is made by oxidizing the leaves of a plant called Camellia sinensis. The name 'Black Tea' is attributed to the color of the tea. Therefore, the Chinese call it red tea. The production method of black tea makes it different from other varieties of tea such as green tea and oolong tea. Health Benefits of Black Tea Black tea can promote heart health, treat diarrhea and other digestive problems, control blood pressure, and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. To enjoy all its benefits you should consume it without any additives like milk or sugar. Can boost heart health Scientists have confirmed that drinking three or more cups of black tea daily can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Additionally, black tea is also associated with a reduced risk of myocardial infarction, ischemia, and cardiovascular mortality. May reduce the risk of ovarian cancer A study conducted by researchers at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA, found a 30% reduction in the risk of ovarian cancer in patients who drank more than two cups of black tea per day. May reduce the risk of diabetes Scientists have found that drinking tea can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Black tea contains catechins and theaflavins. The drink can help make the body more insulin sensitive and also prevent beta cell dysfunction. Can boost immunity Black tea is rich in antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals. These free radicals cause changes in DNA and disrupt normal cell function. Black tea helps scavenge oxygen radicals. Can lower blood pressure levels Consuming black tea can help lower blood pressure. Scientists from the Netherlands, Germany, the UK and Italy conducted an experiment in which groups of people were given black tea for a week and their systolic and diastolic pressure readings were examined. At the end of the experiment, participants who drank black tea were found to have lower blood pressure levels compared to the control group. May improve mental alertness Researchers in the Netherlands found that study participants who drank black tea had the strongest attention and better auditory and visual attention. Generally, tea contains L-theanine which improves brain functions and human attention process. The caffeine in black tea can also increase alertness.

May improve bone health Drinking black tea can also reduce the risk of fractures that are mostly caused by osteoporosis in the elderly. Rats that were given black tea extract were found to have better bone density. So, if you are in your 30s, make black tea a part of your diet to maintain bone density and prevent the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Drinking tea in general was also found to reduce the risk of hip fracture. Asthma symptoms can be relieved Asthma is caused by inflammation and swelling of the bronchi or bronchial tubes. This makes breathing in and out difficult. Anecdotal evidence suggests that drinking black tea or green tea may relieve asthma symptoms. Some studies have also proven that the caffeine in tea can help lung function. The flavonoids in tea also benefit asthma patients. Black tea, a favorite drink for many, is known for its rich aromatic flavor and mental alertness properties. Processed differently than oolong and green tea, the benefits of black tea lie in its rich phytonutrient content. Black tea not only promotes good cardiac and digestive health but also helps control your weight and blood sugar levels. With half the caffeine content of coffee, black tea is the beverage of choice for many people around the world.

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