Are Raisins Good For You Benefits And Nutrition Facts

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Health Benefits and Side effects of Raisins Raisins​ are the dried grapes that are eaten as raw and are also used for cooking, baking, pudding, and brewing purposes. They are produced in many regions of the world such as Ireland, New Zealand, Turkey, China, Iran, and Australia. Active Ingredients of raisins are Îą-Carotene, β-Carotene, Lutein-zeaxanthin, and Polyphenol. Raisins are an excellent source of many nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Because of this, their nutritional content will be similar to that of grapes. They contain no saturated fat or cholesterol.

Health Benefits of Raisins Raisins provide us a number of health and beauty benefits. Following are the health benefits:

Improve Dental health

They contain a phytochemical called oleanolic acid which provides protection against tooth decay, cavities, and teeth brittleness. It inhibits the growth of bacterial Streptococcus which causes cavities and other dental problems. Besides, raisins are rich in calcium which prevents breaking or peeling away from teeth and enamel and makes them stronger. ●

Raisins help in Digestion

Raisins may be a simple way to help keep the digestive system healthy. It contains helpful soluble fibers, which give the body to the stool and help it pass through the intestines easier. This may help improve digestion and promote regularity. ●

Prevents anemia

Dried grapes are quite rich in iron, copper, and vitamins that are essential for making red blood cells and carrying oxygen throughout the body. Therefore, it helps in treating anemia by providing you with the daily recommended intake of the mineral. A healthy intake of raisins with your daily diet can save you from iron deficiencies. ●


Opioid Peptides present in raisins that relax the nervous system is beneficial in treating insomnia as it improves the quality of sleep in an individual. Opioid peptide regulates the serotonin hormone that regulates the sleep cycle and stabilizes our mood.

Prevents Constipation

They are high in fiber and they act as natural laxatives when soaked in water. Along with water, fiber helps give stool the right consistency to pass easily.

Raisins prevent you from Hypertension

Dried grapes contain potassium. It acts as a natural vasodilator that relaxes our blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and provides relief from high blood pressure. A low level of sodium also helps in lowering blood pressure. ●

Prevents Cancer

They are a good source of antioxidant compounds. Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals. Free radical damage may lead to cancer. ●

Good for Eye health

They contain polyphenols, which are antioxidants that may protect the eyes from free radical damage. This may in turn help protect the eyes from eye disorders, such as cataract and glaucoma. ●

Healthy Skin

Flawless skin is something that each and every girl desires. Dried grapes purify the blood and therefore also keep acne and pimples away. Antioxidants may help keep the skin cells young and prevent damage caused by long time sun exposure.

Raisins Prevent you from Diabetes

Raisins reduce the risk of ​diabetes​. Some studies show that regularly eating dried grapes may help lower a person’s blood sugar. Even though raisins contain a more concentrated amount of sugars than fresh fruit. Raisin intake compared to processed snacks decreased hemoglobin a1c, which is a marker of blood sugar management. They are safe to eat but moderation is key to prevent a spike in blood sugar.

Side Effects of Raisins ●

Digestive problems

Dietary fibers present in the raisins can cause gastrointestinal upsets such as gas, cramps, and bloating when consumed in excess. ●


They are a good source of antioxidants and nutrients. However, there are some individuals who might be allergic to this dry fruit. Some common ​allergic​ reactions are sneezing, coughing, abdominal pain, and breathing difficulties. So if you’re allergic to this dried nut, then it is better to avoid this dried nut.

How to make your own raisins? Here are some steps to make your own raisins ● ● ● ● ● ●

Get some grapes. Remove the large stems. Wash them thoroughly in cool water. Place them on a tray, and set the tray outside on a sunny day. In two to three days, you’ll have your raisins. Store uneaten dried grapes in an airtight container.

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