What Are the Health Benefits of Massage?

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What Are the Health Benefits of Massage? Here are few health benefits that can derive from exercising massage: Back pain. More than one study has shown the effectiveness of massage therapy for back pain. In fact, one 2003 study showed it worked better than acupuncture or spinal modification for persistent low back pain -- reducing the need for painkillers by 36%.

What follows is a list of some of the more popular massage therapy styles.

Swedish massage: It’s the most common type of massage is Swedish massage therapy. It involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping strokes, on topmost layers of muscles. The therapy is relaxing and energizing.

Website: http://www.wellnesia.com/ Email Id: contact@wellnesia.com

What Are the Health Benefits of Massage?

Deep Tissue Massage: It’s best for giving attention to certain painful, stiff "trouble spots" in your body. The therapist uses slow, deliberate strokes that focus pressure on layers of muscles, tendons, or other tissues deep under your skin.

Shiatsu Massage: Shiatsu means "finger pressure". The therapist uses varied, rhythmic pressure on certain precise Shiatsu means "finger pressure". The therapist uses varied, rhythmic pressure on certain precise points of the body (acupressure points); they are important for the flow of the body's vital energy, called chi.

Hot Stone Massage: The therapist places warmed stones on certain areas of the body (acupressure points). The stones may be used as massage tools or be temporarily left in place. Hot stones massage can be quite soothing and relaxing as they transmit heat deep into the body.

Website: http://www.wellnesia.com/ Email Id: contact@wellnesia.com

What Are the Health Benefits of Massage?

Thai Massage: The therapist uses his/her body to move the client into a variety of positions. This massage includes compression of muscles, mobilization of joints, and acupressure.

Reflexology: Reflexology uses hand, thumb, and finger techniques to stimulate certain areas of the feet. These areas are believed to correspond to different parts of the body. The massage promotes health and well-being.

Website: http://www.wellnesia.com/ Email Id: contact@wellnesia.com

What Are the Health Benefits of Massage? Massage, best way to de-stress! Massage is indeed one of the best ways out there to de-stress. Massage is known to increase levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin. Healthy, balanced levels of these can help fight the negative effects of stress. For example, serotonin is known to produce a calm, general sense of well-being. Dopamine assists the human body with mood, attention, learning and sleep while oxytocin produces feelings of calm and contentment. While I can’t promise that massage therapy will give you super hero powers, I am sure that taking some time out of your busy week to de-stress and rejuvenate will definitely make knocking things off your weekly to-do list a little easier.

Headache. Another type of pain -- headache -- also responds to massage therapy, as shown by more than one study. Massage therapy can reduce the number of migraines a person has and also improve sleep.Osteoarthritis. In the first clinical trial looking at the effectiveness of Swedish massage for knee osteoarthritis, participants who received a one-hour massage either one or two times a week had improvements in pain, stiffness, and function. Website: http://www.wellnesia.com/ Email Id: contact@wellnesia.com

What Are the Health Benefits of Massage? The control group had no such change.Cancer. Used as a complement to traditional, Western medicine, massage can promote relaxation and reduce cancer symptoms or side effects of treatment. It may help reduce pain, swelling, fatigue, nausea, or depression, for example, or improve the function of your immune system. Anxiety. A review of more than 12 studies shows that massage helps relieve depression and anxiety. It lowered levels of cortisol by up to 50%. And massage increased levels of neurotransmitters that help reduce depression.

For more details about What Are the Health Benifits of Massage? Visit here http://www.wellnesia.com/

Website: http://www.wellnesia.com/ Email Id: contact@wellnesia.com

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